Writer Hides , Pasf" Refuses The Weather Partly clowb and COIl­ tlnuecl cool Way. SeN­ &ered Mowen and warm­ To Testify er 8W1clay. IIIda today, WASlIlNGTON (JP)- A writer 47: low, 33. Will Frida,., who has held a sllccession of fed­ 4'7; 1_, 41, eral jobs retuscd Friday to answer questions about Conununists and Eat. 1868 - AP Lecmed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, April 11, 1953 - VoL 97, No. 139 their organizations, telling the ----------------------"-----------------~:_------..;..-----....;;......;.---------------..-.-:-------.....;----....;_~--.....:- 5ClIatc internal security subcom­ mit ee: "I refuse to be a finger man." Girls Advertise Campus Carnival • :I't\e ~itness 'was Henry H. lJns Jr. Ilt Bronxville, N.Y • to be called in what Sen. E. Jenner (R-Ind.), .5U';X;\J'mJnlI~ee Allies~ Reds chairman has described as a Sign Agreement of how the Reds spun "a web inlrlcue" illBlde government de­ partments. ubcommlttee counsel Robert forris said the senators have evi­ (I~ nce that Collins, a U.S. army ':Jptain in World War II, once be­ On Sick .. Woun~ed Prisoners longed to the Communist party. Chambers 1s QIlOW Morri.<> added that Wh Challlbers, .a sell-avowed for'm ..·rl April 21 Sel Red courier, has said in , telltimony tha t Collins was Detectives Sift scion ot a Philadelphia manufac­ As Beginning turing family and that he served as a recruiting agent for the Communists among state de­ partment employes. f ler 01 Exchange But Collins refused to say Tips Clue whether he knew Chambers or MUNSAN (Saturday) (.4")- The whether he ever had enlisted re­ Allies and Communists today crults for any Soviet apparatus. signed a momentous acreement at Panmunjom for exchanging sick ()olJllll Declines and wounded Korean war captives While asscrtibg he is not a Com­ To Killer's Path beginning April 21. It could be the munist now. Collins declined to Investigators were stymied Frl- turning 'poInt In the 21-month- J leU the senators whether he be­ day night in the tedious task 'Jt Friday in trying to pOiliUvely de- lon, search lor an armistice in loJ~ to a C\>mmunist cell in the Korea. 1~30s and ",hether he knew aoy­ lracldng down lhe person who tcrmlne whcthcr Mrs. Ciler or the The next step appeared to be one on a lonalist of persons whose snu!!ed out thc lives of 51-year- young girl met Geath first. Mr~. the setting of a date for resuming Dames werc read to hlm. MorriS old Mrs. JDmes CUer and 7th Ciler's body was found brutally truce talks, boiled down for a said ,the subcommittee believed grade s tudent Beverly Brenneman mlluled in the kitchen of the Ciler year lind 8U&fV'nded since Oct. 8 sOme at the persons were Commu­ in Wednesday night'S double slay- farm home while the body of the r- ing on the outskir~ ot town. YO\,lllg girl was discovered in a on the last big issue of an overall nists but that no ' ~ exchange ot war captives. should be drawn from their men­ Whlle the hurriedly expanding bloody heap at the corner of the ... The disabled eaptive exchange tion at this time. MARY LADD. A', IOWA CITY, PINS A Campus Carnival hunt continues, tense residents 01 barn about 40 tcet from thc back pact, negotilited In only -I've d'aya I C't d th d[ d r th h IN ANTICIPATION OF EXCII~NGE of prisoners, UN personnel .l ~ Collins did testify that when poster on the back oC her fellow-cloWll, Beth Larsen, A4, Water­ owa I y an c surroun ng oor 0 e ouse. and signed on the sixth, may pro- applied [or an army commission in loo. The clrls, who cavorted all around campus FrIda)', represent area kept their eyes and ears open, A story which helped confirm carry out a medJeal aid "dry run" In "Freedom Villare" reeeivinr id h t 1 i th anxiously hoping to be able to latcr suspicions was added Friday st&Uon, 'Munsan, South Korea. World War II he listed Sen. Har­ Mortar Board. The Carnlva. will be tonight a~ 1:30 In the SUI ~ar:eranp::~~'::c To~ S~o:~unis~ ley M. Kilgore (D-W.Va.), Oscar field house. Featurn of the Camlval Include jud&io~ or the "Uri), furnish a tip that would help find afternoon when a neighbor said -_._.-.-... leaders hllve lfald thcy are anxious Chapman and Oscar Cox as Man" cooUs' and a babT race. the kl~;;e Calle Come In ~e ~~dc::~~u:h7e :'~~~~~~s~~ AMA' Off·lc·lal Jestllflles on Use ~~l~:S~~~n~~ full-dress annistlcc Phone calls, although consider- as the young br\,lllette walked , Oftlelala 81m Campus Carnival ably fewer than the !lood that along the blacktop road toward Of K bl ( ( u. S. Rear Adm. John C. Daniel Annual poured into the locai pollce station the Cller h0!"le, 1'irst indications re lozen as ancer ure and North Korean Maj. Gen. Lee Thursday, continually held the at- placed the tIme of the crime at , Sang Cho slBlled the disabled cap- Tonight To Feature tention of oIticials who are seck- about 9 p.m. live exchange pact at 12:08 p.m. kills Meet ing any bit ot information that Police Form Network CHICAGO (JP) -\An oUlcial of (9:08 p.m., CST, Friday). will help piece the bloody pu:r:zle Police late Friday were ex,- the Am rlcan Medical association Cicial eUect in 100 cnncer cases They !,leaded the liaison teams cheduled 26 'Booths, Shows together. :hanging Information with a mul- was quoted . Friday as saying he tested. which nesotlated the lO-polnt . .Tickets for Campus Carnival Some ot the calls yield nothiug, ti-state network of highway pa- probably would recommend Kre- Burreon TesUfles agreement. ' 'fhe third annual work con!cr- Will go on sale at 7 p.m. tonight at some ask the question that is in trolmen and police dispatchers. blozen if his mother had cancer. Most ot the Allied Sick and cnce on w.riting, speaking, lIsten- the SUI !leld house and the c;l:(ni- the mind of everyone "have you All of these points are keeping Dr. John F. Pick, secretary oC Pick, a plastic surgeon, testified wounded will be rushed to their lng, and reading will be at SUI's val will open at 7:30 and con- gOt him yet?" aod others are ~ostant vigil for a hint ot the the Kroblozen Research founda- bc~ore a special committee ot ~he homes immediately after they Osca r S. Cox, who was ""f1'P"" ' center for continuation study tinue until 11:30 p.m. quietly fed into the bank at clues assailant's trail. tlon attributed the remark to Dr Illlnois legislature investlgatmg CI'(ISS the line, ,it they are able to cou~l for the foreign A '1 4 d Th'rt n' e SUI organizations i hl j tJ " . the Krebiozen controversy to de- travel d ,ih! pn 2 an 25. I y- 10 w th w ch nves gatolS are A major unsolved key is the Paul Wermer, £ecretary of the te Ine hether a y legislative . / a mi slra ion in World War Iowa high school teachers and arc sponsoring a total of 26 booths working. (dentlty of the car Crom which AMA council on pharmaoy and rm ls w .11 • Those who are not well enouah S:!ld he knew COllins ~lighUy, administra~rs who attend the and variety shows. Spe cia~ enter- . Who DIed Firs'? four knives, a bucket aod Mrs. chemistry. action nece~ary. ' ~o' travel wlU be take~ to hOilpitals that If he was listed as II conference will hear Clarence talnment during the evenmg will . OI1icials continued theIr work Ciler's pUNle and bank book were ;PIck said Wermer made the The comm ttee IS ~ecklng to m ,tapan. The Americans will go it was without his conscnt. Derrick of the education testing include ~ baby Tace and 8, reason- j thrown lIS it crossed the Evans st. statement to hl in Au st 1951 learn whether t~e UOlverslty of to 'l'oyko \!I1ld ~okoJJama. Just before entering the army service ot Princeton N. J. dilicuss able faCSImile of a women s wrest- bridge in the east side of the 10_ h'l W III h llU • d 'Illinois was iuatified in halting Tlte exchange must I>e complet- as en tain 1b ~ lnili r ' " ling match. R. Y ,, ,w I e ermer was e p i ng r~w Kreblozen research In November ed within 30 days. • men,Pbtanch, Collins 1.8 Y tests as te~ching ~evlces. The winner of the Mos.l. Ugl5' USSli OWS <ft!h"," Woo~JOW:le~ t~t glove up b. crltlca} AMA. revort descnb- or whether research was ,hamwr- I .,;, .... Te Be$uta , , __' . I h,d1lleeh executive s1ecretary fei tre SI,X ,seSSIOns of t~c: con- Man oh Campus contest sportsorM P. v.I~ ,*ollou ..;tjl iW , rldl~ 1111 Hrebloaen u having nC) 1>6ne- et\ by a colnmerctal c'dnB~ir~oy Tl\e . ~omrnuni8111 INj.1Jlrpturn 800 lI !en~te mtlltilfy 'affairs s\l.bcomm fe Le~c ~ .!p~fPofls . .'?! ieaChl~g ~- by Alpha Phi Omega, will b~ pre- H" H'' II ?;~ 0 e of t~ knlve~ ~e:JiI~ : " ~ s~eklrig disttiblJUon rights to ~ ptljiqne~, ' ~c~uding i~.o Amert- .. \ee 'on tecHnololtlcal Iectlve C~~~UIU::~~~:bs ~s I co~e §~ted at 11 p.m. J\~ t.bis time ftiS a'ge ' li p ~ he till,: the CHer 45,000 'Out of Work bloze,n.
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