HISTORIC TORQUE HISTORIC TORQUE The Official Journal of the Historic Racing Car Club (Queensland) Inc The Official Journal of the Historic Racing Car Club (Queensland) Inc COMING EVENTS: th th ‘HISTORIC QUEENSLAND’ RacesCOMING MorganEVENTS: Park, Warwick 4 & 5 July MAY 2015 ‘HISTORIC QUEENSLAND’See hrcc.org.au Races forMorgan event information Park, Warwick 4th & 5th July MAY 2015 See hrcc.org.au for event information MAY GENERAL MEETING: Monday 18th May 2015, VCCA Clubrooms (1376 Old Cleveland Rd, Carindale) 6.30 BBQ for 7.30 Meeting MAY GENERAL JUNE GENERAL MEETING MEETING:: Monday Monday 18 15th thMay June 2015, 2015 VCCA, SHANNONS Clubrooms Clubrooms, (1376 305 Old Montague Clevelan Rdd Rd,WEST Carindale) END 6.30 6.30 BBQ BBQ for 7.30for 7.30 Meeting Meeting General JUNEMeetings GENERAL for MEETING: March, Monday June 15th an Juned 2015September, SHANNONS will Clubrooms, be held 305 Montagueat Shanno Rd WESTns, END all others 6.30 BBQ at for VCCA, 7.30 Meeting Carindale General Meetings for March, June and September will be held at Shannons, all others at VCCA, Carindale Craig Allan driving a 1972 Torana GTR XU-1 Craigon his Allan way driving to winning a 1972 theTorana inaugural GTR XU-1 Bill onCampbell his way Memorial to winning Race . thePic: Shiftinginaugural Focus Bill Campbell Memorial Race. Pic: Shifting Focus HRCC’s AUTUMN HISTORICHRCC’s WARWICK AUTUMN2-3 HISTORIC May 2015 WARWICK 2-3 May 2015 Sharon Campbell presenting the Bill CampbellSharon Campbell Memorial presenting Trophy to the inaugural Bill winner,Campbell Craig Memorial Allan Trophy to inaugural winner,Pic: Garry Craig Saunderson Allan Pic: Garry Saunderson AUTUMN HISTORIC WARWICK page 3 AUTUMN HISTORIC WARWICK page 3 TROPHY PRESENTATION DINNER page 5 . TROPHY PRESENTATION DINNER page 5 . HRCC EVENT CALENDAR see updates on page 6 HRCC EVENT CALENDAR see updates on page 6 MacLeans Bridge Display page12 MacLeans Bridge Display page12 1 Contributions for upcoming issues of the Club’s monthly Newsletter are encouraged and may be sent to: The Editor, HRCC Newsletter, P.O.Box 353 Red Hill Qld 4059, or email [email protected] ContributionsContributions for for upcomingupcoming issuesissues of the Club’sClub’s monthlymonthly NewsletterNewsletter are are encouraged encouraged and and may may be be sent sent to: to: The MSEditor, Word HRCC documents Newsletter, as attachments P.O.Box 353 and Red separate Hill Qld digital 4059, pics or email attached [email protected] as jpeg files would be most helpful. Deadline:The Editor, Last HRCC day of Newsletter, the month. P.O.Box 353 Red Hill Qld 4059, or email [email protected] ContributionsMSMS Word Word documents documents for upcoming as as attachments attachments issues andof and the separate separate Club’s digital monthlydigital pics pics Newsletter attached attached as asare jpeg jpeg encouraged files files would would and be be mostmay most behelpful. helpful. sent to: The Disclaimer:Deadline: HRCC.Qld Last day accepts of the nomonth. responsibility for the results of contributors’ advice, nor does it necessarily endorse any services/products/goods Editor,offeredDeadline: byHRCC advertisers. Last Newsletter, day It ofis thea requirement P.O.Bo month.x 353that Redall articles Hill Qldpublished 4059, are or accompaniedemail [email protected] by the name of the author. Opinions expressed in the Disclaimer: HRCC.Qld accepts no responsibility for the results of contributors’ advice, nor does it necessarily endorse any services/products/goods MSnewsletterDisclaimer: Word are documents HRCC.Qldnot necessarily asaccepts attachmentsthose ofno this responsibility Club, and its separateOfficers for orthe itsdigital Editor.results pics Comments/opinionsof attached contributors’ as jpeg madeadvice, files by northe would Editordoes be are itmost alsonecessarily nothelpful. necessarily endorse those any of offered by advertisers. It is a requirement that all articles published are accompanied by the name of the author. Opinions expressed in the thetheservices/products/goods ClubClub oror itsits Officers.Officers. ItemsItems offered originatingoriginating by advertisers. fromfrom thethe newslettenewslette It is a requirementr may be reprinted that all but articles acknowledgement published are would accompanied be appreciated. by the name of the author. Deadline:newsletter are Last not daynecessarily of the thosemonth. of this Club, its Officers or its Editor. Comments/opinions made by the Editor are also not necessarily those of Opinions expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily those of this Club, its Officers or its Editor. Comments/opinions made by the Editor are Disclaimer:the Club or HRCC.Qldits Officers. accepts Items originating no responsibility from the for newslette the resultsr may of contributors’be reprinted butadvice, acknowledgement nor does it necessarily would be endorse appreciated. any ser vices/products/goods offeredHHRalsoR Cnot byC necessarilyadvertisers.(Q) IIn thosen It cis aofC requirementthelu Clubb Oor itsthatff Officers.i call earticlesr sItems (published2 originating0144)) :are from accompanied theWWe newslettereb bys ithet maye name: bewwww. reprintedofw thew .author. hbutr acknowledgemc Opinionsc.or gexp.entaressed uwould in bethe newsletterPresidentappreciated. are not necessarily Alanthose Steelof this (Deidre) Club, its Officers ( or2 its01 Editor.4) : Comments/opinions 0421 made 349 by 950 the [email protected] are also not necessarily those of theHR ClubC orC its( Officers.Q) In Itemsc originatingClub fromOf thefi cnewsletteersr may be reprinted but Weacknowledgementbsite: wouldwww. be appreciated.hrcc .org.au PastPresident President PeterAlan Steel Mohr (Deidre) (Jan) not0421 available 349 950 [email protected]@bigpond.com SecretaryPast President CoreyPeter MohrHutson (Jan) 07 39016277 04150412 505564 010706 [email protected][email protected] HTreasurer:RCC (Q) Inc CJohnlu Tupicoffb Of f(Monica)icers ( 2015):07 3372 6941We b s0408ite 197: w 344w w [email protected]@bigpond.comhrcc.org.au PresidentSecretary AlanCorey Steel Hutson (Deidre) 07 39016277 04210415 349505 950010 [email protected]@gmail.com NewsletterTreasurer: / Vice Pres: PeterJohn TupicoffWalsh (Mary) (Monica) 0707 33493372 80006941 04190408 778197 007344 [email protected]@bigpond.com SecretaryMembership AndrewChris Fry Gamblen (Barbara) 07 385588204637 2190 04150450 977741 058107 [email protected]@tpg.com.au Treasurer:HRNewsletterCC (/ ViceQ) Pres: Inc CJohnPeterlu Tupicoff bWalsh O f(Mary) (Monica)fice r s ( 2014)0707: 337269413349 8000We bs04080419ite 197778: www. 344007 [email protected]@bigpond.comhrcc.org.au Committee:Membership RichardChris Fry Harris (Barbara) 07 32694637 20942190 04080450 173741 731107 [email protected]@tpg.com.au NewsletterCommittee:President / Vice Pres: PeterJohannAlan SteelWalsh Koelmeyer (Deidre) (Mary) 07 33498000 041904180421 778144 349 007853 950 [email protected][email protected][email protected]@bigpond.com Committee:PastCommittee: President MiltonRichardPeter MohrBrennan Harris (Jan) 0707 341702493269 2094 040204080412 784173564 808731706 [email protected][email protected]@bigpond.com Committee: MiltonJohann Brennan Koelmeyer 07 3491 9535 04020418 784144 808853 [email protected]@[email protected] Committee:SocialSecretary Co-Ordinator: PeterRussellCorey Gilbert Hutson Beckman 07 39016277 040804580415 742733505 737074010 [email protected][email protected]@gmail.com Committee:Treasurer:Committee: John TorrTupicoff (Monica) 07 3372 6941 04270408 668197 677344 [email protected]@yahoo.com.au Historic Commissioner (Qld) Alan Don (Jill) 07 3366 4358 0401 952448 [email protected]@hotmail.com Committee/StateNewsletter / Vice CouncilPres: FredPeter Sayers Walsh (Del)(Mary) 07 3349 8000 04270419 577778 198007 [email protected]@bigpond.com State Council Delegate Fred Sayers (Del) 0427 577198 MembershipClubMembership MerchandiseRegalia Officer Officer Chris Chris FryFry (Barbara)(Barbara) This could0707 be 463721904637 you??? 2190 0450 0450 741741 107107 [email protected] [email protected] SocialCommittee:Club Regalia Event Co-Ordinator: Officer Russell Richard Beckman Harris This could be you??? 07 3269 2094 0458 0408 733173 074731 [email protected]@bigpond.com Club Photographer: Ian Welsh at Shifting Focus www.shiftingfocus.com.au HistoricCommittee: Commissioner (Qld) Johann Alan Don Koelmeyer (Jill) 07 33664358 04010418 952144 448853 [email protected][email protected] ClubGroupCommittee: Merchandise Registrars: Officer GroupsJohn Torr A & C (Heritage TouringThis could Cars) be you???David Patterson 0427 668 677 [email protected]@yahoo.com.au ClubHistoricGroup Photographers: Registrars: Commissioner (Qld)IanGroups Welsh Alan A &at Don CShifting (Heritage (Jill) Focus Touring Cars) 07 3366 4358David Patterson0401 952448 [email protected]@apclogistics.com.au GroupsGroups FF && VV (Historic(Historic RacingRacing Cars)Cars) ChrisChris FryFry [email protected]@tpg.com.au State Council Delegate PeteFred TrapnellSayers (Del) 0427 577198 www.trapnellcreations.zenfolio.com Groups J, K & L (Historic Sports & Racing) David Bruce 0417770757 GroupsClub Regalia A & C Officer(Heritage TouringGroup Cars) N
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