THE LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION OF OPAQUE CONTEXTS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Janet Dean Fodor | 384 pages | 26 Nov 2015 | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 9781138989535 | English | London, United Kingdom The Linguistic Description of Opaque Contexts PDF Book This also concerns noun phrases embedded under attitude verbs; consider:. A naturalobjectionto ourproposalis thatthe T-sentencewe give for 'Galileo said that the earthmoves' will not enable someone who grasps it alone to under- stand the sentence for which it gives truthconditions. Peter Trudgill offers examples of non-transparent and transparent compounds: "The English word dentist is not semantically transparent whereas the Norwegian word tannlege , literally 'tooth doctor,' is" A Glossary of Sociolinguistics , This cannot mean as if they had asserted them, so we take it that the idea is basically the same as the one we have in mind. See Lepore and Ludwig for a suggestion for an importantmodificationof Davidson's proposal in the context of a general truth-theoreticaltreatmentof tense and temporaladverbs. The above observation about translationhelps on another front. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. This way of drawing attentionto the appropriaterelation is does not commit us to the existence of propo- sitions; rather,it is a useful heuristicgiven the familiarityof puttingit this way. Perhaps the most popular solution to the problem of providing a compositional semantics for naturallanguages aims to exploit this fact by treat- ing that-clausesas referringto intensional entities-entities at least as as finely individuatedas the meanings of sentences. Reinhart, T. Show related SlideShares at end. Propositions and higher-order attitude attributions. To see this more easily, let us suppress explicit relativization to speakers and times. So, substitution of co-referential expressions into an opaque context does not always preserve truth. Mead, whose work also drew heavily on anthropology—the study of human societies and cultures and their development—explained how communication involves much more than just the words people use: It involves the all-important social signs people make when they communicate. Start on. Burge, T. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Our approachlends itself to a particularlystraightforwardtreatmentof entail- ment sentences: 31 'That Brutus stabbed Caesar entails that someone stabbed Caesar' is trUe[5 t] in English iff 'BrutusstabbedCaesar' understoodrelative to S at t strictly implies 'Someone stabbedCaesar'understoodrelative to S att. Thanks for your attention.. Descriptions as variables. The device by which Davidson makes this advance, however, gives rise to a numberof difficulties. We take as our startingpoint the requirementthatany semanticsfor a natural languagebe compositional, that is, thatit provide an interpretationof each of the infinity of sentences in it on the basis of a finite primitive vocabularyand a finite numberof rules. This suggestion is madeby Wallace Many expressions c. Groenendijk, T. Namespaces Article Talk. Consider again 8. If mixed- case quotationworked as suggested by Elugardo, therewould be no way to reportthatProfessorElugardohad asserted ii using "crea- tures of exalted emotional sensibility"in doing so at least, by invoking the device of mixed-case quotation. A Study of Referential Opacity. Oxford:Oxford University Press. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anaphora and dynamic binding. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Linguistics and Philosophy, 15 2 , — There are some important structuralsimilarities, though importantdifferences as well, and we are unsure how Higginbothamwould respondto some of the objections which motivate our account, since he does not address them directly. The Linguistic Description of Opaque Contexts Writer Lycan, W. Belief and Satisfaction. Dordrecht-Holland: Reidel. Smith, P. See also Davidson c, p. Segal, G. In Inquiries into Truthand Interpretation. An utterance involving a definite works as an instruction to add information to an existing card. In the case of a sentence in which some element is used but not asserted, and whose contributionto the truth conditions consists in a reference to it, we should not expect the T- sentence to provide all the resources needed for understanding. The treatmentof entailmentcan in turnbe used in a treatmentof subjunctiveconditionals. Generalized quantifiers and natural language. New York:Blackwell: Non-declarativesentences also requirea differenttreatment,though an accountcan be given which still gives to a truththeory the centralrole in a compositional meaning theory Ludwig Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Show related SlideShares at end. At least, the intensional paradigm as it stands. Reprints and Permissions. MIT Press. Heasley, Brendan. Start on. Quantifier scope: How labor is divided between QR and choice functions. A theory of truth and semantic representation. There is Quine's famous example, 'Giorgione is so-called because of his size'. It should be noted that the recursive account of the samesaying relation we offer is not a part of the truththeory. No, for a bilingual speaker may assert a sentence which belongs to both his languages but which is interpreteddifferently in each. McDowell, John. McDowell, eds. Sociology — the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society—and anthropology played large roles in the development of pragmatics. Higginbotham's is a development of Burge's suggestion, where the second relatumis a phrase marker. Cancel Save. Kadmon, N. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Show related SlideShares at end. Mind In a literal sense, the daughter is simply saying that eating cookies can make you gain weight. Groenendijk, T. Not all aspectsof meaningcan be capturedby truthconditions. The idea that some expressions in naturallanguage receive a dual use and mention is familiar. The solution to this problemconsists not in modifying the truthconditions for indirect discourse, but ratherin providing a recursive account of the samesays relation that yields intuitively the right truth conditions for iterated indirect discourse sentences. Oxford:OxfordUniversity Press: OpenHPI 5. It might be thoughtthatthis idea could be extendedto cases such as iii , iii Someone said that he lost his luggage. Neale, S. Upcoming SlideShare. Whatis the contentof an utteranceof 'therewas any beer in the refrigerator'? Why not share! This has been one of the principal reasons urged to treat the second argument place in 'x said y' as taking terms which refer to propositions. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Hintikka, The Linguistic Description of Opaque Contexts Reviews Nous The same sense in different languages. Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from December All articles needing additional references. On this basis, Burge suggests that a sententialisttheory of indirectdiscourse could be defended against the translationtest by suggesting that there is an element of self- referencein the complementsentence. Published in: Education , Technology. Barnes - - Philosophical Studies 23 6 - But 'in English' can be regarded as a predicateof a sentence formed from a descriptionof an actual linguistic community, e. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. SlideShare Explore Search You. See, among many, Heim , Neale , and Elbourne Neale, S. On Sinn and Bedeutung. Log In Sign Up. It is not part of the truththeory proper,as we have noted, but rathera term used to explain an expression used in the truththeory. Upcoming SlideShare. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Embed Size px. Analysis Berlin: de Gruyter. I have an argument against Russell's view. Henceforth, this relativizationwill be indicated by subscriptson the semantic predicates, as in 'true[St]', and uni- versal quantifiersbinding these variables will be suppressed. Barwise, J. Like this presentation? Actions Shares. In ii , 'It moves' is treatedas an open sentence, and the samesaying relation is to be understood on one suggestion, which will do for ourpurposes as holding between an utteranceof an open sentence and an utteranceu of Galileo's just in case "u is of an object and what it predicatesof the object is the same in importas" the open sentence p. On saying that. Need an account? We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. This is not clear though. No Downloads. The latter has two uses : the opaque use represented by 7b and the transparent use represented by 8. Cancel Save. Skip to main content. An interpre- tive truththeory thus puts us in a position to provide an interpretationfor every sentence of the object language with no more ontological resources than are re- quiredfor the theory of reference. The basic idea in this case would be that definites and indefinites are indeed quantificational, but have a silent restrictor that a includes a covert variable ranging over individuals and b restricts the domain of quantification to a singleton set. So the comparative understanding of proportional determiners is necessary to capture the meaning of most , more than half , and the like; moreover, there is no way to recover it starting from the non-comparative
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