THB BXaUTSafB VLATWOtiat. AnthjsNewsot Broad Street to the Blvw ^KD BAMK Sowers on Every Btnet ; And Barrotmdlnf Towns A PubUo Comlort St*Uoa XoU Voulewly and Without Bin*. RED BANE REGISTER More Parkin* Spate tutut Weakly, ZuUrtd u S«ond-OIm Uitur »t tit Poit- VOLUME LIII, NO. 28. cBc« »t B#4 Bank. N. J, andai tbt Aet ol March I, HTt. BED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 8. Christmas Party New Appeal for CANDT FOB SCHOOL VVTUS. Invited for Ride; To End Year With" PABTY FOE BADIO CLUB. hristmas Party Recorder .Walnright distributes Shrewsbury Dairy Entertains Chil- Firemen Spread atRiver Plaza ; Seal Purchase Sweets In Shrewsbury. Beaten and Robbed $7,000 Surplus dren on Christmas, at Lincroft Recorder Elmer C. Walnright of A party was given Christmas day Christmas Cheer Shrewsbury distributed over a hun- Letters Urging People to Remit George VanPelt of Holmdel Vic- This Represents Total of Unex- for members of tho Shrewsbury Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Thomp- The Woman's Club Held Iu An- dred boxes of candy among the Dairy Happiness club at tho Ked More Than a Thousand Children for Seali Already Sent Them school children ot Shrewsbury last timized by Two.Men in an Au- pended Amounts of Various son Entertained Two Hun- nual pinner and Dance at the Bank Salvation Army hall by the Attend Independent Engine to be Mailed—12,000 Fail to week. A letter, Signed by the pupils tomobile Last Week—Laid Appropriations in the Rumson "Story Lady." who features the dred Persons at Schoolhouse • Rive* Placa Schoolhouse Last in tho school, thanking ths magis- Company Celebration at Carl- Answer. Up With Injuries. Borough Budget. dairy's happiness hour over WJBI. Sunday Afternoon. .Week. ;'.• :..',-. trate for his gift and for the Christ- Scrap books were given to mem- ton Theater, The River Flax*. /Woman's club The, M.onn>outh county Christmas mas greeting from him which was George VariPelt, who lives with At a meeting of the Rumson«com- bers In hospitals and to other sick More than 200 persons attended seal committee announced today that published In the school paper, was Norman Long near Holmdel, Is laid mlesloncra Friday night, $25,447.60 children. Toys wore brought to the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson's More than a thousand children at- held Its annual Christmas dinner and received tho following day. It reads: dance for Its members and guests at out of the 33,400 letters oetit out to up with a sprained ankle and with was paid to the board of education, party for boys and girls, who were annual Chrismas treB entertainment ended the annual Christmas cele- residents of Monmouth county, over 'We read your Christmas greeting many bruises as the result of an as- a note for $17,100 was paid and a not members of the club. The chil- Sunday afternoon at the Llncroft sratlon held Christmas mornlnir at • tho River Plaza sehoolhbune Satur- to us In our school paper and we the Carlton theater by Independent day night In addition, to being a twelve thousand still remain to be sault which was made upon him last Rumson road bond, of $7,000 with in- dren put on an entertainment and school. Harry H. Reynolds of Red answered by the return of money or also received with pleasure and joy week. He was assailed by two terest amounting to $435, was also games wero played. Candy was dis- Bank, private secretary to .Mr. flro company. A program which In- Christmas function the party was in seals. In order to facilitate the rais- tho delicious candy you gave us to- strangers, who after beating him in- cluded motion pictures, an address one sense a celebration over the re- paid. A tax revenue note for $28,500 tributed. Thompson, was master of ceremon- ing of $8,776.07 needed To make up day. Mow we are sending you this to a state of unconsciousness left was authorized. The borough has Starting New Tears day the "Story ies. Mr. Reynolds In his address of by I*ov. Abbott L. Waite, a rotlwd covery of Edwin H. Branch and a Us budget for 1031 UIB commltteo has form of Christmas greeting—Christ- him on the side of the roa& The $25,171 In cash on hand, of which minister of Little Silver, and tho dis- home corning for Mr». John Morri- 1 Lady" will be heard over tho Colum- velcome explained the significance begun mailing reminders along with mas cheer throughout tho new year." assault took place at qiglft and it $17,171 Is In the Second national bia broadcasting system through Of the entertainment Mr. and Mrs. tribution of gifts by Santa Claus im- son. • ' attractively printed New Year post was due to good fortune)" more than bank and trust company and $8,000 personated this year by Morris Mr. Brasoh had been Very tick WCAP of Asbury Park. Thompson wore unable to attend, cards. to anything else that Mr. VanPelt in the Broad street national bank. but they sent tho season's greetings Holmstead, started nt ten o'clock with pneumonia and at one time hie was not frozen to death while he lay The surplus from tho various budget and continued to noon. death was expected. Ho is one of Judgs Henry Ackerson, who Is a through Mr. Reynolds. member of the county committee, Boarder Is Hero in the road. He Is 51 years of age appropriations this year will amount An entertainment was arranged by John Relnhard, manager of th« the most popular residents of River and he is a nephew of Mrs. John to about $7,000. theater, and his staff were present to P1M& and he' was formerly presi- continues to be optimistic as to the Eastern Star Mrs. Martin J. Kelly with the assist- final result of the sale. "People are at Rumson Fire Long, who lives with her son, Nor- The borough engineer reported ance of Miss Ada Fenton and Miss assist the firemen In every way pos- dent of the Taxpayers league of that man Long. Mr. VanPelt is employed sible. The picture attractions in- place. That he has recovered causes busy this time of tho year,"'he de- that the cost qf covering Ridge road, Dance Recital Harriet Roach. Outstanding on the clared, "and delay making returns on Mr. Long's farm. Buena Vista avenue, Bellevue ave- program was a concert by the Mor- cluded, three comedy reels which general rejoicing at River Plaza. Edwtfd Cosher, Awakened by greatly delighted the children. A Mrs, Brasoh is a member of the until reminded. We are hoping, how- Mr. VanPelt was returning from nue, Bingham avenue, Lakeside ave- ris sisters' orchestra, featuring a cve'r, they will oonslder that wo are Flames, Aroused Five Other the home of his sister, Mrs. William nue and Hartshorn lane with oil for Many Attended Performance of five-year-old girl drummer. Others large Christmas tree adorned tho Woman's dub and principal of the stage of the theater. River Plasa public acliool. Mrs, Mor- naturally in < somewhat greater Occupants of House at Christ- McCormlck of Crawford's Corner, 1931 will be $2,890. Mabel Coleman's Pupils Last who took part were Julia and Wll- stato ot oxponse about tho sale this when he met with his misfortune. A communication from the public lam McCarron, Raymond Kelly, Each boy received a. pencil box, : rison returned loot woek from a stay mas Morning Fire. _• Night at Red Bank Junior while a doll or somo other suitable of three months at her formerTiorrio years. We Bhall nioed every available An automobile stopped alongside of utlities commission stated that a Henry Molzon, Lawrence Mahoney cent to meet increased demand for Herolo work by Edward Cosher him and Mr. VanPelt was invited to public hearing would be held Janu- High School. and William Kelly. Carols were sung toy was presented to each girl. In : • In Scotland. service." ride. He accepted the invitation. addition every child was presented The' schoolhouae at River Plaza saved tho lives of the occupants of ary 14th before that body on an ap- A dance demonstration was given by the boys and girls. Scventy-flvo pounds of pennies, What happened after that is not with a box of candy and an orange. Mrs. Anna Traut'a house at Rumson l> plication from the Depot garage of last night at the Bed Bank Junior Kris Krlnglo in person distributed was recently enlarged and the party clear to Mr. VanPelt, becauBo it oc- Charles Bennett, general chairman murked the first function to be held nickels and dimes were brought to oarly Christmas morning. Cosher, Atlantic Highlands for permission to high school auditorium for the bene- candy, oranges, apples and bananas, the committee 'last week by school who boarded at the Traut home, curred suddenly. He remembers tun a bus line from Atlantlo High- fit of the Red Bank Eastern Star lea cream and cake were enjoyed by of the committee in charge, praised in the building slnco the addition that two men were in the automobile the work done by the members of was made. Tho rooms wore attrac- children from 24 communities In the awoke In bed on the second floor lands to Asbury Park, via RumBon chapter by pupils of Mabel Coleman all who attended. A large decorated county. The schools Included Bt about three o'clock and found the and that they started striking him road. of Rector place.
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