KCASR PART-145 APPROVAL CERTIFICATE Certificate Number: DGCA/AMO/002 A:.rsuant to Law No. 30 for the year 1960 ar,d all subsequent amendmentsjorders/ministerial decisions thereof governi·,~g the Civil Aviation activities in the Siate of Kuwait for the time being in force and subject to thi conditwns specifie d belcr.», the Directora te Geneml of Civil Aviation of the State of Kuwait hereby certifi.es: LUFfHANSA TECHNIK AG, LHT HAM T/TQ-Al, WEG BEIM JAEGER 193, 22335 HAMBURG, GERMANY. as a Kuwait Civil Aviation Safen; Regulations 8 Part-145 Maintenance Organization approved to main tain the products listed in the attached approval schedu.le and issue related certifica tes of release to service using the above Certifi cate Number. CONDITIONS: 1. This Approval is limited to tliat specified in the scope of approval section of the KCASR 8 Part-145 approved Maintenance Organization Exposition, and 2. This Approval requires compliance with the procedures specified in the KCASR 8 Part-145 approved Maintenance Organization Exposition, and 3. This Approval is valid whilst the Approved Maintenance Organization remains in compliance with KCASR 8 Part-145. 4. Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this approval shall remain valid for a period of 24 months from the date of c11rrent issue un less the approval is surrendered, superseded, s11spended or revoked. Date of ExpinJ: 22-11-2022 Date: 15 ~JV PRESIDENT OF CIVIL A VIATION D GCA Fo :111 3 lssu,-2, liev.1, Octobu-2006 State of Kuwait ~I W.JJ ytü.a.11 u I.J,!h.J 1 Civil Aviation ADDENDUM TO APPROVAL SCHEDULE Authorized Maintenance Support Services Certificate Number: DGCA/AMO/002 Organization: LUFTHANSA TECHNIK AG, GERMANY. The Approval Certi ficate holder is authori zed to perform mai ntenance outside from the approved location of operation specified in the associated Approval Schedul e. ENGINEBASE OPERATOR AIRCRAFT TYPE (ENGINE TYPE) Kuwait Airways Company Hamburg (HAM) GE CFM 56-5 & Components J azeera Airways Kuwait Airways Company Frankfurt (FRA) GE CFM 56-5 & Components Jazeera Airways Sofia Jazeera Airways Airbus A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Engine Airbus A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Engine Budapest J azeera Airways A320 Neo fitted with CFM LEAP lA Engine UNE STATION OPERATOR AIRCRAFT TYPE (ENGINE TYPE) Airbus A340 fitted with CFM 56 Engine Airbus A330 fitted with RR Trent 700 Engine Airbus A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Engine Munchen (MUC) Kuwait Airways Company A320 Neo fitted with CFM LEAP lA Engine Boeing B777-200 fitted with GE90-94B Engine Boeine B777-300 fitted with GE 90-115 Emdne Boeing B777-200 fitted with GE90-94B Engine Shannon (SNN) Kuwait Airways Company Boeing B777-300 fitted with GE90-115 Engine Kuwait Airways A330 series fitted with RR Trent 700 Engine Manila (MNL) Company B777 series fitted with GE90 Em!;ine Airbus A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Engine Jazeera Airways Budapest A320 Neo fitted with CFM LEAP lA Engine Conditions: 1. This Addendum to Approval Schedule is limited to those products and activities specified in the scope of approval section contained in Part-145 Approved Maintenance Organization Exposition. 2. The work performed is as per the contractua l agreement between the Approval Certificate Holder and the Operator (Customer), andin accordance with Kuwait Civil Aviation Safety Regulations. 3. This Addendum to Approval Schedule is co-terminus with the validity period of the associated Approval Certificate and is not transferable. 4. ontract the maintenance services authorized above. A viat10 ety Director Engr. Duaij AI-Otaibi Avlation Safety Director P.O. Box 17, Safat 1300 1, State of Kuwait, Tel (965) 24743940, Fax (965) 24765796, Site: www.dgca.gov.kw, Emai l: [email protected] DGCA Form3 Page 6 of6 lssue 02, Rev. 05, Nov 2018 >) State of Kuwait yU.:>..0..11 ulJ-!h.11 Civil Aviation APPROVALSCHEDULE Certificate Number: DGCA/AMO/002 Organization: LUFTHANSA TECHNIK AG, GERMANY Lufthansa Technik AG, HAMT/TQAl- Weg Beim Jaeger 193, 22335 Harnburg, Germany. Tel: 0049-40-5070-66432 Fax: 0049-40-5070-4501 Date of Initial Issue: 23-11-1992 Date of Current Issue: 23-11-2020 Date of Expiry: 22-11-2022 Amendment No.: 2 Date: 22-09-2021 / ' Signature: ----- --------- - ------- Aviation Safety Director Engr. Hussam AI-Rasheed Aviation Safety Director P.O. Box 17, Safat 1300 1, Stare of Kuwa it, Tel (965) 24743940, Fax (965) 24765796, Site: www.dgca.gov.kw, Email : [email protected] lssuc 02, Rcv. 05, Nov 2018 DG CA Form 3 Page I of6 >) State of Kuwait u.......i.J--,S.ll Ü ..9J <fLiio..11 u lP.PJI Civil Aviation APPROVALSCHEDULE Certificate Number: DGCA/AMO /002 O rganization: LUFTHANSA TECHNIK AG, GERMANY. This approval is limited to the following Iocation 1) MUNCHEN (MUC) Lufthansa Technik AG, Wartungsallee 1, 85325 Munchen (MUC), G ermany. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE A340 series fitted with CFM56 Enidne Al A330 series fitted with RR Trent 700 Emnne A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Enidne ✓ AIRCRAFf - Aeroplane above A320 Neo fitted with CFM LEAP lA Engine 5700 Kg B777-200 fitted with GE90-94B Emdne B777-300 fitted with GE90-115 Engine 2) SHANNON Lufthansa Technik Shannon (SNN), Shannon Airpdort, County Clare, Ireland. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE Al B777-200 fitted with GE90-94B Engine ✓ AIRCRAFT Aeroplane above - 5700 Kg B777-300 fitted with GE90-115 Engine 3) MANILA (MNL), Lufthansa Technik Philippines, Macro Asia Special Economic Zone, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City 1309, Philippines. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE Al A330 series fitted with RR Trent 700 Eni?;ine ✓ ✓ Aeroplane above AIRCRAFf ✓ 5700 Kg B777 series fitted with GE90 Engine - CLASS RATING LIMITATION C3 Communication & Navigation CS Electrical power C6 Equipment Components in accordance with Lufthansa aircraft COMPONENTS OTHER C7 Engine & APUs THAN COMPLETE Cl3 Instruments components capability list ENGINES OR APUs Cl4 Landing gear EASA Part 145 certificate ClS Oxvgen No. DE.145.0001. Cl8 Protection - lce / Rain / Fire C20 Structural P.O. Box 17, Safat [300 1, State of Kuwa it, Tel (965) 24743940, Fax (965) 24765796, Site: www.dgca.gov.kw, Emai l: [email protected] DCCA Form 3 Page 2 of6 lssue 02, Rev. 05, Nov 2018 >) State of Kuwait ~IW_;J c,fti io.l I ü IJ,!hll Civil Aviation t)l..)!iW11-~ i.,. .a! Otpvtmc:DI CLASS RATING LIMITATION 1) Liquid Penetrant lnspection (PT) 2) Eddy Current Testing (ET) 3) Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) SPECIALIZED D1 SERVICES 4) Ultrasonic Testing (UT) 5) Radiographie Testing (RT) 6) Thermographie Testing 4) HAMBURG (HAM), Lufthansa Technik A G , Weg Beim Jaeger 193, 22335 Hamburg, G ermany. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE Bl GECFM56-5 ✓ - E GINE Turbine CLASS RATING LIMITATION Cl Air Conditioning & Pressurization C2 Auto flie:ht C3 Communication & Navigation C4 Doors & Hatches CS Electrical power C6 Eauioment Components in aeeordanee C7 Ene:ine & APUs with Lufthansa aircraft COMPO ENTSOTHER CB Flight controls THAN COMPLETE C9 Fuel - Airframe eomponents eapability list ENGINES OR APUs C12 Hvdraulic EASA Part 145 eertifieate C13 Instruments No. DE.145.0001. C14 Landine: e:ear CIS Oxvgen C17 Pneurnatic C18 Protection - Ice / Rain/ Fire C19 Windows C20 Structural CLASS RATING LIMITATION 1) Penetrant Method 2) Eddy Current Testing 3) Magnetie Particle Testing SPECIALIZED D1 SERVICES 4) Ultrasonic Testing 5) Radiographie Testing 6) Thermographie Testing 5) FRANKFURT (FRA), Lufthansa Technik AG, Lufthansa Basis, 60546 Frankfurt/Main, Germany. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE ✓ ENGINE B1 Turbine GECFM56-5 - P.O. Box 17, Safat 1300 l, State of Kuwait, Tel (965) 24743940, Fax (965) 24765796, Site: www.d„ca.gov.bv, Emai l: [email protected] lssuc 02, Rcv. 05, Nov 2018 OG CA Form 3 Page 3 of 6 >) State of Kuwait (jU io..11 u IJ-!-h.11 Civil Avlatlon CLASS RATING LIMITATION Cl Air Conditioning & Pressurization C2 Auto flight C3 Communication & Navigation C4 Doors & Hatches CS Electrical power C6 Eauipment C7 Engine & APUs Components in accordance COMPONENTS OTHER CB Flight controls with Lufthansa aircraft THAN COMPLETE C9 Fuel - Airframe components capability list ENGINES OR APUs C12 Hvdraulic EASA Part 145 certificate C13 Instruments No. DE.145.0001. C14 Landing gear CIS Oxygen C17 Pneumatic C18 Protection - Ice /Rain/ Fire C19 Windows C20 Structural CLASS RATING LIMITATION 1) Penetrant Method 2) Eddy Current Testing 3) Magnetic Particle Testing SPECIALIZED D1 SERVICES 4) Ultrasonic Testing 5) Radiographie Testing 6) Thermographie Testing 6) BUDAPEST Lufthansa Technik Budapest (1TB) Ferenc Liszt International Airport, 1185 Budapest, Hungary. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE Al A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Engine AIRCRAFT Aeroplane above ✓ ✓ 5700 Kg A320 Neo fitted with CFM LEAP lA Engine CLASS RATING LIMITATION C4 Doors & Hatches Components in accordance C6 Equipment with Lufthansa aircraft COMPONENTS OTHER C7 Encine & APUs THAN COMPLETE components capability list Flight controls ENGINES OR APUs CB EASA Part 145 certificate C20 Structural No. DE.145.0001. P.O. Box 17, Safat 1300 1, State of Ku wa it, Tel (965) 24743940, Fax (965) 24765796, Site: www. dgca.gov.kw, Email : [email protected] lssue 02, Rev. 05, Nov 2018 DCCA Form3 Page 4 of6 >) State of Kuwait u ......, f.,._sJI L.1 -..9J <JU~I ulJ,!h.11 ID Civil Aviation CLASS RATING LIMITATION 1) Penetrant Method 2) Eddy Current Testing 3) Magnetic Particle Testing SPECIALIZED D1 SERVICES 4) Ultrasonic Testing 5) Radiographie Testing 6) Thermographie Testing 7) SOFIA Lufthansa Technik Sofia (LTSF) Airport Complex - Terminal 1, Block 3, 1540 Sofia, Bulgaria. CLASS RATING LIMITATION BASE UNE Al AIRCRAFT Aeroplane above A320 series fitted with CFM 56 Engine ✓ - 5700 Kg CLASS RATING LIMITATION Cl Air Conditioning & Pressurization C4 Doors & Hatches Components in accordance Electrical power CS with Lufthansa aircraft COMPONENTS OTHER C6 Equipment components capability list THAN COMPLETE C7 Engine & APUs EASA Part 145 certificate ENGINES OR APUs C15 Oxygen C18 Protection - lce /Rain/ Fire No.
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