International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Minutes of the Council Meeting Conference Centre, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt Sunday, 4th October 2009 PRESENT: Professor Pedro Sêco e Pinto - ISSMGE President Professor Mounir Bouassida - ISSMGE Vice President Africa Professor Madhira Madhav - ISSMGE Vice President Asia Professor John Carter - ISSMGE Vice President Australasia Professor Roger Frank - ISSMGE Vice President Europe Dr. Dennis Becker - ISSMGE Vice President North America Professor Waldemar Hachich - ISSMGE Vice President South America Professor William Van Impe - ISSMGE Immediate Past President Professor R N Taylor - ISSMGE Secretary General Ms P Peers - ISSMGE Secretariat Professor Robert Holtz - ISSMGE Board Member Professor Osamu Kusakabe - ISSMGE Board Member Dr Michael Lisyuk - ISSMGE Board Member Professor Michele Jamiolkowski - Past President ISSMGE Professor David Toll - Chair JTC2 Professor Harry Poulos - Chair JTC4 Professor António Gomes Correia - Chair TC3 Professor Fusao Oka - Chair TC34 Professor Gabriel Auvinet - Chair TC36 Professor Fumio Tatsuoka - President International Geosynthetics Society Professor Miguel P. Romo - Vice President Elect North America Dr. Jorge Bonifazi - Vice President Elect South America MEMBER SOCIETY VOTING MEMBER NON-VOTING MEMBER Albania Professor Luljeta Bozo Ing. Geol. Skender Allkhja Argentina Eng. Pablo L Torres Eng. Alejo O. Sfriso Australia Dr Mark Jaksa Austria Professor Heinz Brandl Azerbaijan --- Bangladesh --- Belgium Mr Flor de Cock Bolivia Professor Waldemar Hachich* Brazil Professor Arsenio Negro, Jr Professor Alberto Sayão Bulgaria Dr Andrey Totsev Canada Professor Doug Stead Professor Tim Newson Chile Professor Claudio Foncea Professor Ramon Verdugo China Professor Zuyu Chen Professor Maosong Huang Colombia Dr. Jorge A. Rodriguez Costa Rica Eng. Marlon Jiménez Jiménez Eng. Ana Lorena Monge Sandí Croatia Professor Antun Szavits Nossan CTGA Mr Etienne Marcelin Kana Cuba --- Czech & Slovak Republics Professor Ivan Vaniek Dr Daniel Jirasko Denmark Dr. Jørgen S. Steenfelt Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 3657 M. Hamza et al. (Eds.) © 2011 IOS Press doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-031-5-3657 3658 ISSMGE – Minutes of the Council Meeting, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt – 2009 MEMBER SOCIETY VOTING MEMBER NON-VOTING MEMBER Dominican Republic Eng. Luis Carpio Ecuador Professor Luis Marin Nieto El Salvador Professor Waldemar Hachich* Egypt Dr. M.K. El Ghamrawy Dr. Y. El Mossallamy Estonia Eng. Mait Mets Finland Dr. Tim Lansivaara France Dr. Alain Guilloux Professor Pierre Delage Georgia --- Germany Prof. Manfred Nussbaumer Professor George Heerten Ghana Dr S.I. Kofi Ampadu Greece Professor Christos Tsatsanifos Hong Kong Professor Albert Ho Professor George Tham Hungary Professor Gábor Telekes Iceland Dr. Jørgen S. Steenfelt* India Er Mahavir Bidasaria Dr Nitin Som Indonesia Dr Masyhur Irsyam Dr S.P.R. Wardani Iran Professor Behrouz Gatmiri Iraq Dr Omar al-Farouk Salem al-Damluji Ireland Dr Trevor Orr Israel Professor Edward Kavazanjian* Italy Professor Stefano Aversa Professor Michele Maugeri Japan Professor Akira Asaoka Professor Junichi Koseki Kazakhstan Professor Askar Zhusupbekov Dr Adil Zhakulin Kenya --- Korea R Professor Kim Hong Taek Professor Kim Dong Soo Kyrgyzstan Professor Askar Zhussupbekov* Latvia Mr. Valters Celmiš Lithuania Eng. Liudas Furmonaviius Mexico Eng. Walter Paniagua Professor Guillermo Springall Morocco Prof. Ramdane Khalid Mozambique Dr Carlos Quadros Eng. Saturnino Chembeze Nepal --- Netherlands Ms Mandy Korff Professor Frans Barends New Zealand Professor Michael C.R. Davies Nigeria Engr. Dr. Samuel U. Ejezie Sir. Bennet Ezekiel-Hart Norway Dr. D.V. Huynh Khoa Pakistan Professor Madhira Madhav* Paraguay Professor Arsenio Negro, Jr* Peru --- Poland Professor Zbigniew Lechowicz Professor Kazimiert Gwizdala Portugal Dr. Laura Caldeira Dr. António Gomes Coelho Romania Professor Iacint Manoliu Dr Nicoleta Radulescu Russia Professor V.A. Ilyichev Dr. Igor Kolybin Singapore Professor C.F. Leung Professor J. Chu Serbia Professor Milan Maksimovi Slovenia Dr Ana Petkovšek South Africa Dr S.W. Jacobsz Dr. T.E.B. Vorster S E Asia Dr Chung-Tien Chin Professor Dennes T. Bergado Spain Professor Cesar Sagaseta Professor Enrique Dapena Sri Lanka --- Sudan Dr Ahmed Mohamed Elsharief Dr Hussein Elarabi Sweden Mr Stefan Aronsson Switzerland Dr. Jan Laue Syria --- Tajikistan Professor Askar Zhusupbekov* Thailand Dr Watcharin Gasaluck TfYR Macedonia Dr Josif Josifovski Tunisia Eng. Kamel Zaghouani Turkey Professor Ergun Togrol Ukraine Mr Petro Kryvosheiev Mr Yuriy Slyusarenko U K Dr Sarah Stallebrass U S A Professor Edward Kavazanjian Professor Jean-Louis Briaud Uzbekistan Professor Roger Frank* Venezuela Eng. Francisco Centeno Vietnam --- Zimbabwe --- * Denotes Proxy vote ISSMGE – Minutes of the Council Meeting, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt – 2009 3659 APOLOGIES: Dr Suzanne Lacasse Delegate - Norway Professor Ahmet Saglamer Delegate - Turkey on a minimum number of 30 individual members per Member Society so as to encourage the smaller member societies to re- OPENING REMARKS BY PRESIDENT cruit new additional members. Otherwise, individual member- ship numbers were relatively stable; there had been some fluc- 1. The President opened the meeting by welcoming all tuations reported by Member Societies, but these figures were delegates. He was pleased to acknowledge the presence of Pro- not extraordinary. Regarding Membership lists, he reported that fessor Michele Jamiolkowski, a past President of ISSMGE, Pro- the information received by the Secretariat was not necessarily fessor Ergun Togrol, who has attended all ISSMGE Confer- uniform in format, and that some Member Societies were pre- ences since 1965 and Professor Heinz Brandl who has been vented from providing detailed lists because of national privacy attending since 1969. laws. A new updated ISSMGE Membership CD had recently been distributed by mail to Member Societies. LIST OF DELEGATES AND OTHER PERSONS PRESENT 7. The current list of corporate sponsors is included in Ap- pendix 1. The Secretary General pointed out that the corporate 2. The Secretary General presented a list of delegates who sponsors’ logos are featured on the ISSMGE website, as well as had indicated their intention to attend the Council Meeting. All on the back page of the Bulletin, as an acknowledgment of their the voting delegates present were noted and as were the Mem- involvement with the society. ber Societies who had transferred their voting rights by proxy. 8. The President then called on Professor Christos Tsat- QUORUM sanifos to present a proposal from the Hellenic Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering related to the issue of 3. A roll call was established. The complete list of dele- membership lists. Professor Tsatsanifos stated that the Hellenic gates is given at the beginning of these minutes. The Secretary society would like to see a procedure by which those members General confirmed that there were 77 Member Societies entitled who agreed to it could have all or partial personal contact de- to vote and since the voting delegates (including proxies) ex- tails made available via a Membership list, and that the resulting ceeded two thirds of this number, the meeting was declared list should be made freely available to all. A transcript of the quorate to deal with all matters. letter from the Hellenic Society outlining this proposal is given in Appendix 1a. MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING IN BRISBANE, 9. It was noted that the Hellenic Society’s proposal had OCTOBER 2007 two components; the first related to the actual creation of a list of contact details, the second related to the distribution of such a 4. The Minutes of the Council Meeting in Brisbane had list. In discussion, it was agreed that the procedure currently in been redistributed with the Council Meeting papers. The Presi- existence was in fact much as the one proposed by the Hellenic dent asked if there were any comments or corrections to the Society, but that the Member Societies could provide as much Minutes. detail as they wished or, in fact, were able to. Professor Zuyu Chen commented that ISSMGE could impose an additional sub- 5. Professor Barends (The Netherlands) referred to the scription fee for Member Societies that opted for not disclosing Minutes of the Brisbane Council Meeting, and asked for further full contact details of its members. The Secretary General con- clarification on the matter of the International Year of Planet sidered that this would be difficult to enforce. Earth (IYPE). The Secretary General explained that the Sister Societies (ISSMGE, IAEG and ISRM) had agreed jointly to be 10. The issue of whether or not to provide free and full ac- a founder member, and also to provide financial support of Euro cess to individual member contact details was put to the Coun- 15000 over three years (i.e. each Sister Society would take it in cil, and a show of hands indicated that there was strong opposi- turns to contribute EUR 5000 a year, for three years). The Sec- tion to the proposal. retary General confirmed that over time it became clear that the IYPE was not obviously interested in geo-engineering and ap- peared uninfluenced by the repeated suggestions and comments from the Sister Societies. It was felt that since the financial LINKING OF MEMBERSHIP, SOCIETY ACTIVITY AND contribution had been promised then payments
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