Laszlo Nadai Senior Developer / Architect / Project Leader __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11717 Kiowa Ave #307 [email protected] Los Angeles, CA 90049 Tel: 310-207-2324 Sun Certified JAVA Developer since ‘99 OBJECTVE: Looking forward to a challenging opportunity where I can utilize my many years of experience, exceptional innovative, and problem solving skills as a true team player with result-oriented approach. EDUCATION: Masters Degree - Mathematics , University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. (Has Erdos No. 2) PC ENVIRONMENT: • Java, J2EE, Spring (MVC, Security, Batch), Hibernate, Servlets, Struts, 9 • :eb Services, SOAP, :SDL, 5AX-:S, REST, SOAP,I, Dojo,/Json9 • ORION Rhapsody, JavaScript, A5AX, DOJO, JSON, X6L, XSLT, JSP, JSF, 6aven, 5,nit, 9 • Eclipse, 6yEclipse, Net/eans, Java Studio Creator, Tomcat, GlassFish, JRun, I/6 :S, 9 • 6S SAL, 6ySAL, Oracle, SALite, I/6 D/2, 9 • JD/C, JPA, ADO, 7isual FoBPro, 7isual FoBEBpress • 7isual Studio .NET, ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, Iron Speed Designer9 • Tablet PC SDK, :AP, :6L, :6LScript, :ave6aker • 7isual /asic, /asic, Clipper, d/ase, FOC,S, Prolog, ColdFusion, • Access, 6F CO/OL, Assembler, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks • ORION Rhapsody, 1L7, NeBtGate, 1L7Spy,... MAINFRAME ENVIRONMENT: • CICS, DL1, TSO/SPF, ICCF, 7SA6, KSA6, /TRIE7E, DEC/76S • I/6 3D0, 370, 4341, 37BB, 7AX, Siemens 4000, 1oneywell DPS-4 • OS/7S, 67S, DOS/7SE, /S2000, /S3000, GCOS APPLICATIONS: • 1ealth Care, e-Commerce, 6anu.acturing, Accounting, Inventory Control, Order Entry • Real Estate, Financial, /anking, /rokerage, 1ealth Care • FOREX, Stocks E /onds, FiBed Assets, , Auality Control, Procurement • Education, Point o. Sales, Cost Analysis, Payroll, Insurance, Statistics PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: November 2013 – April 2017 ORION Health Senior Implementation Consultant at Orion 1ealth, a global company that develops so.tware to drive e..iciency in health- care. Participated in OrionFs Rhapsody Integration Engine 2.rom version 4.B through D.B4 implementation .or several government and private health-care organizations, among others Scottsdale 1ealth Partners, Inland Empire 1IE, Sutter 1ealth, Idaho Department o. 1ealth, Cali.ornia Department o. Public 1ealth, and more.Designed, implemented and customized entire Rhapsody-based data integration solutions, wrote Java Custom Filters .or the Rhapsody engine including .ull 1L7 message li.e-cycle .rom receiving data up to storing in CDR, and displaying on Patient Portal. Integrated the solutions via Orion 1ealth Plat.orm. Installed, upgraded Rhapsody on clientsF environments, assisted, trained clients with problem resolution both on-site, and remotely. 6entored, supervised teams o. Rhapsody developers, topics included all ORION products, as well, as Oracle, Javascript, Java, Regular EBpressions, X6L, XSL and more on :indows, and LinuB servers. :as the .irst person at Orion 1ealth to obtain the GCerti.ied Rhapsody EBpertH title . Created a uniIue, program to GanonymizeH 1L7 health-care data, that enabled processing large Iuantity o. GrealH data in test, and development environments, while still in strict compliance with Protected 1ealth In.ormation 2P1I4 under ,S law. This solution not only saved thousands o. development/testing hours, it also preserved data integrity over long, repeated test processes, and provided e..icient way to test new modules, troubleshoot eBisting problems. The core java library .or this tool will be released as open source. Designed 2using Rhapsody) as GCheckStyleH utility that J when provided an eBisting Rhapsody con.iguration 2rlc) .ile - analyzes the entire solution .or week points, possible bugs, and checks .or G/est PracticesH. Environment: Rhapsody, Java, NeBtGate, Oracle, 6ySAL, :indows, LinuB, A:S, REST, SOAP, Tomcat, :ave6aker, 1L7 Spy. April 2012 - November 2013 Software Solutions Simplified Designed a web-based application to boost subscribersK business by using AR 2Auick Response4 codes, and S6S noti.ication. The solution was deployed on Amazon :eb Services cloud environment. The application allows subscribers to easily create their own marketing campaign targeting smart phone users. Subscribers can easily 2without any programming4 design / maintain their own Gmobile-.riendl-H pages on the central server. It then generates customized AR codes that subscribers can post anywhere. A wide range o. .eatures are available .or subscribers, such as creating rich teBt pages, including images, videos, social media in.o, S6S .orwarding, keep track o. tra..ic, and a lot more. The main strength o. the application is itKs KISS 2Keep It Simple Sir4 approach, that enables subscribers to .ully control, and maintain their mobile-.riendly sites without any programming knowledge. For end-users, who are not .amiliar 2or com.ortable4 with scanning AR codes, a uniIue approach was added: They can send an S6S to the server, and will immediately get an S6S response back with the link to the subscriberKs web page. Some modules were designed as :eb Service clients 2PayPal REST, Google Geo-coding, LouTube API, etc) while others as service providers 2like Client statistical data4. See working GemulatorsH and plenty o. eBamples on the main web site: http://qrsr.us Environment: Amazon A:S Plat.orm, :ave6aker, J2EE, Spring, 1ibernate, DOJO, JSON, JSP, Servlets, REST, SOAP, 6ySAL, Tomcat.. November 2011 – April 2012 I Keep My Home (a California non-profit organization). Developed a web-based application to help Organizations/Counselors - helping troubled home owners J to increase their productivity. The application allows participants to keep track o. events, search, maintain important data, .ill reIuired pd. .orms .rom the centralized database. 6any more .eatures make this application to provide e..icient assistance to people in need. A non-pro.it organization GI Keep 6y 1omeH is centrally managing the participating users. This service increased J among others J the success rate o. some participantsK application .or Loan 6odi.ication by as much, as D0M. :eb services were provided .or loan modi.ication related calculations, and statistical data retrieval .or the clients. The application was originally designed in Iron Speed Designer on the top o. ASP.NET 4.0, C#, SAL Server 2008, SOAP, REST. It has been converted to J2EE, Spring, 1ibernate . September 2010 – November 2011 Bank of America Leader o. the Java Per.ormance Engineering Team. Established guidelines, and en.orced Gbest practicesH to improve the per.ormance o. mission critical applications written in Java, using Spring, Struts and similar technologies, .rameworks. Established standards .or per.ormance tuning and improvement. Introduced new technologies available to development team members with the goal o. improving the stability and per.ormance o. all Java-related applications. The applied standards greatly helped to pinpoint, analyze, and .iB potential problem areas. Also wrote an ASP.NET application .or internal issue tracking .or the team. Company-wide applications running on a variety o. plat.orms utilized several :eb Service modules. J2EE, Spring, JPA, Struts, D/2, SAL Server, Eclipse, 6aven, Subversion, 56eter, P6D, Find/ugs, ASP.NET, C#, SOAP, REST, IronSpeed Designer ... September 2008 – August 2010 Software Solutions Simplified Designed :E/-based GSearch EngineH application .or attorneys, paralegals, and other clients who need to e..ectively search large amount o. documents. It allows users to upload/download documents to/.rom a central document repository over the internet. A FileSystem:atcher application detects added, deleted, and modi.ied .iles on the server side. New or modi.ied .iles are converted into searchable PDF .iles. The actual teBt is then eBtracted and stored in a 6ySAL database. ,sers can per.orm simple or compleB Iueries on the .ull teBt indeBed document database. 6atching documents can be viewed/downloaded, and authorized users can attach, edit their Gsticky notesH .or their documents. These notes then become part o. the searchable database. Optionally, the notes can be emailed to authorized users working on the same set o. documents. Friendly :E/-based user rights and subscription management modules have been implemented. The application has been success.ully used in several major court cases as well as by commercial real estate brokers and major investment banks . It is currently being re-.actored to Spring/1ibernate .ramework. Environment: J2EE, JSP, JSF, Sun Java Studio Creator, 6ySAL, SOAP, C#.NET September 2009 – 2012 (part-time) Delano Corporation (http://iLifeLink.com) Designed and implemented bulC emailing application .or a leading participant in the dietary supplement industry. Thousands o. subscribers receive automated emails sent by the central system. Sophisticated emails can be created by allowing randomized greetings, merging custom-de.ined .ields and applying .ilters. Several techniIues have been applied to avoid .alse positive GspamH .eedbacks. Email statuses are automatically tracked and updated in the serverKs database. A compleB :E/-based shopping cart application has been customized, maintained. Environment: J2EE, Java6ail, Servlets, JSP, JSF, 6ySAL, P1P August 2007 – September 2008 Designed, implemented, and maintained a :E/-based solution .or CALI 2Cali.ornia Association o. Licensed Investigators4, the worldKs largest PI organization. The application enables subscribers to per.orm instant online search o. D0O 6illion records using simple or compleB /oolean Iueries. Instant Google6ap
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