Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-17-1975 The iH lltop 10-17-1975 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-17-1975" (1975). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 145. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/145 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • ' • '• • I •• 1111 - '-· • Photos by Calvin Reid official symbol of H.omecoming, and Pheobe Redmond , 2nd runner-up.in Miss Howard cortcst Photo by Gordon Barnaby • • IHBhop Hi-ltes • Like a sword l I ' •I The Hilhop is a weapon Unclassified .................... ... P.2 ' for freedom, • Eye 01 Afrika ...... ........ .... :P.3 and trvth is the • Qien letter to Alumni ..... P.5 • ··cOi\.1~1UNI C 1\TE • TO - • ' D El>UCATETO • S.turday Night ~· ·· .P.6 foundation of LIUE~ ATE" ' Bison Dela"""V .............. P.8 our efforts. • News From Plack S::h:rls .. P10 • I Vol. No. 58, I ss ue No. 7 · ' ' WHUR Farrakhan on Nation: • I Strikes for • • Unionization By Eileen Benjamin Hil ltop Staff Writer ' 8)' Vcl1n .1 1 · 1 1t1n 1 ,J ~ Outl ining the growth of the leader the wisest man in the Natibn f-lill!up 51 .11 f \Vritcr Nat ion Farra'khan said thaf of lslarn, and ''an increase of hjs ''Every change is for tt)e better no WHUR e111 ployees went on strifce everything can drug yoµ if you hold father." matter how it seems to the ' Wedr1esday after a breakdown in ' • on to it beyond the value of time; fo ~ The minister d escr ibed the onlooker,'' said Minister Abdul negotia tions. charging the University ''living is motion, and the Ho norabl e development of the Nation as a i Ha lee m Farrakhan. International · w i th ''L1n f ai r labor practices," ' master Elijah Muhammad ... taughl metamor p hosi ~ . H e traced its Spokesman for the Nation· of Islam, acco1d ir1g to Kojo Nnamdi, News us· that the first law of the universe is development from sperm. to embryo, · _r\ 1~c· 1 ·it;.;~1 F 1 ~cl (· rati <J 11 ~ as he explained the evolution ·of the Editor arid shop steward. motion; and anything that is 1ri to fe tus and the·n. to child. · group to a capacity crowd at The cli arge ~of unfair practi~s motiorr is . subject to the laws of light, continued Fa'rrakhan; he had to. Cramton Auditorium last Frid.ay resulted fro n1 a statement made lbv TVjand Radio Artists motion; and "everything that is 1n ''We were chil:dren y\ sterday,''._he ''wield l(them) out of d rkness mixed evening. tl1e L1r1ivcrsity's representative Dr. motion must cl,ange ~ '' saicJ but the Honorable E1 11ah with li?ht, degree v deg e." -· • Stven mor.tlls . agr 1 • the Chir;:~ . ' O\v e11 Nic:l1olJs, vice iJ ff~s ider 1t for ' A nl id applaL1se brOught 0 11 by l\i1uham1nad was groom ir'1g the Nation The former alle 1:1 ''racist Minister of the Nation of Islam, the ..idrn i111st1 at ion . T hat statement said his vivid dramatizations, analogies all the time to the tru~ teach ings of posture'' of th ''Bl · l\o'!uslims'' tl1at J)t;rsons w t10 participated in ' ' t Honorable Wallace D. Muhammad, the Holy 'Koran, the gUide for all 1 \ tre ON STRIKE • and illustrations, he explained th ~ caused • conflict between them and 0 announced a new policy whi ch ' • strike w oL1ld lJe fi red . - relationship between the teachings of Musi ims. However, tllie deceased the Orthodo x Musl ims, but he added, :; allowed whites into the organization. St ated N ic h o las, '' Persons the Nation's founder .and those of leader could not bring the Natio n of "Elijah Muhammad had a missioi1, ~• All peoples of the world are emplo yed by 1-lo\...,_a rd Un iversity who the present leader, Wal!ace D. Islam out of total dark1ess in to total Cont.'d q n piigc 3 abando11 ed their posi tion wilt be WHUR·F M ~ rejecting racism, Farrakhan said. He Muhammad, wh ich are causing I . • ·~ termi 11ated ." Hu «!RD Ul l V f~SllY 1! DIO ~ emphasiz•!d that the Nation wi ll controversy. / Prior to t he filir19 of the ~ continue to be ''the hope of dark The Honorable Elijah knew what • com pla1nl. negotiat ior1s on a unio11 people alt over the world.'' he Was doing, Farrakhan said . ''He AFL CIO -&. However, Minister Farrakhan told security clause ar1d severa11ce pay fo r prepared the r:Jation of Islam for the ueen Fe s • Kojo Nrwndi the thousands of Stacks in the ern ployees r11et with opposition from change thaf must come about; but being 'blackballed' (by AFTRA) is audience, ·we are not going out to ' 111e Un i'1ersity. now it is for his .son, th'e Hor1orable not imminent." integrate. We are going after you! • 1 he unior1 secu ri ty cla use states Wallace D. ·Muhammad to continue Accordi11g to Sandra Radley, You are our first cause. but like the tl1at all persons working at the the task." Begins Reign assistant stewa rd , p ickets are book says. 'whosoever will. let him s1at ior1 as annour1cers or newsperso(ls Wal lace D. M1,1harnmad 1n seven scheduled to co11tinue from .6 :00 come.' Just remember we offered it ,,, ... ~. be union members . Accordi ip g months, has shaken th~ world, he • a.m. to 12:00 p.n1 . • to Ni,c t1olas. that clause violates the to you first." Con.'d on page 3 continued. Farrakhan called the By Denise \Vill iarns 1 Ou ~s tions formulated by the ri ghts of intlividuals. Stated Nicholas, Hilltop Staff Writer judge ~ I reportedl°y weighed heavily in ''the Univ ersi ty w ilt not force any • ' choosing the winner. AS:ked ' what employee 10 joir1 a unio11 against ~ is Dale Fells, of the \ School . of Howa 1r ~ meant to lier, Fells wil l." Board Replaces Sizem.ore ~~,s,bool Education, Was named .rv-liss Howar9 answered, ''to me, Howard Students working at tl1e statibn !;ii ltOJ) S1;1ff Wr iter 1975-76 Jast Frida'y · night at University1 means Black utopia '. in the i.S sued a {ormal statement sa\r ing that D.E. School Superintendent Crampton• 1 Auditorium. before an Black community.'' they would not ''go oii tl1e ai r until " Barbara ~ iz e mo re w as fired last estitr1ated 2,000 persons. we are assured that the threat lof Thursday, (Oct. 9), by a vote of 7 to taken, several persons in the audfence Ttiose voting aga inst the dismissal • Firlt and second runners-up were began shouting in disapproval. Three were, Barbara Lett Simmons, '3ettie Win 11 i ng over eight other LeSter, ; Pheobe Aedn:rond: 4, by th~ D.C. School Board, and • Cynt~a Editor Pledges replaced by Vincent Reid. arrests resulted. Benjamin, Thur(1lan Evans, and John competitors, Fell S was aWarded a fu ll respec ively. Jean _MacP,hearson was The cost of the hearings were Virginia Morris. President of the Warren. scholarship. name ' ''Miss Congenii.lity, '' while ' ·Prompt 1976 estimated at over $70,000. B·oard ; Jul ius Hobson Jr., Four of the 1nembers of the board Angel ~ Burr:iett was given the ''Best Vice-President; Betty Anne Kane; who voted for Sizemore's dismissal, l.n the talent segment, Fells sang,C­ Essay' award. The tinal vote came only one day ' 'Good Morning Hea rtache'' bV the after the hearing officer, Herbert Raymond Kemp; Bill Treanor; Carol are up for 're-election next month. Yearbook late Billie Holiday, whibh won her Wa pda · Wh iteside . made <\ final Reid (Howard U niversity Law _Schwartz; and Hilda Mason ; voted They are Virgihia Morris, of ward 7 ; By Vcr1 c.>IJ Rolle the ''Best Talent'' award.j walk jdown the runway as Miss Pro_fessor), t old school board ftJr d!smissa!. Cont.'d on page 3 Hi iitop Sta.If \·Vri tct Howar'f 1974-75 and received a . Ol u Ak ir1molayan, editor-i n-chief· members that 13 of the 17 specifi c standing ovation. Before giving up - of , th is year 's Biso r1 yearbook, Said allegations were supported. In a Despite Student's Concern her crown; she told the audience, ''ail that . the yea rbook should be out 74Lpage report, Reid said the board that I give to you is what you have • be1ore nex1 June's cornmencemFt ,,vJs legally justified in firing her for given o me.'' so that ,g raduating stude11ts will h e inefficiency. By Mike AJexande­ them be fore tf1 e•t leave c<impus. : Herman Ber1n , an administrative Hilltop Staff Writer s ·hl was escorted· by Willie law judge, who conducted the first Mrs. Ruth Thone, 55, one of tlie ' . • ''All my energy and strer1gth will • Hampton, Mr. Howard 19 ~4-75. go' into this year's edition," ~i d hearings in ea rly August, ruled after many pov~y .sticken people in the • A~inmo!ayan. ''We plar1 to produce seven days that the hearings were vicinity of Carver Hall, died early last • vo·calist Jerry Butler took · over one oJ the best in Howard's history," called illegall y.
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