Today's Pamper Features Variety of Christmas Gift Suggestions Ffir AW •«? EDISON J FORDS BEACON Wooahridp, Avcnel. Cloni., Ford.. to^M^*^. ^ —» «-" ""• ^ PRICE TEN "WOOTBRIDGETN^JT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 ^"wiSl X'SaaEm Mau — NO. 40 PuhlUhtd WMM IV On Thuriday Join Construction to Start Interest Voters To Wee on Contemn Klein OK Bond hsuse December 11th On (ionHolidation Plan WOODBRIDGE —.December; U at School 11, Woodbridge has j Just Wonderful! been set as the time and place j „,.,,, , ,„ for u meeting of all members of i LS'M Of Hank UIKl I nmt (,<>., to Award 1 hire of all the library boards in Store on 30-Acre Tract the Township, Committeeman Scholarship* in Honor of Mary (',. Ralph P. Barone and Mayor; impri »unu i- ,. , , ... .•. iWalter Zirpolo announced to- HOFEI.AWN — tnt hrt outstanding services to the -j >T.\ units, ; jobs For ehlldren and to the community throwrh the years. MIHS ,_ , . .. ,lll(i III'llHll- Mary I. »>e, principal of li.prl.wn School, wu In- j ™e meeting » ^"L^h n .i in rdui'fttlon IUl thB ht>1Jt Ulf r WShlP fonwd by the Flr«t Bai.k and Trust Companpy y of Ford. !*(officials said, 'tha' t s me° agree- and Prrth Amboy that the Institution ha* approved four Iment can be reached In order to Jfio jfholurshlps toHf xfym m ir.duntn. of Woodbrldit {organize a municipal systfm of 1500 In of the lli«h School In hrr honor, The scholarship* arc to be the libraries. At prei>ent the libraries \ known a* the "Mary ('. Fee Scholarships, are deadlocked on the question in- — most In » letter to Miss »e. W. Emlrn RoWvelt. bank Nd foi new of consolidation, four to four. president, wrote: I Barron Public Library, Fords, Offing nt a spc- "At the uriliiK of out of my associate*. Cam La/lzza, hiUI Wrd- [Port Reading and Sewftren Pub- who in a devoted forme* pupil nf your*, our Board re- jlic Libraries have voiced op- W(X>UBRIDGE — Plan» kg • cently approved ncholanihips to four graduates of the 1 position to the plan, Avenel, :,i>- Ill tllU the 335,000-square foot S. Klein Woodbrldte High School, to hr made in your honor, as Colonia, Ist'lin and Hopelawn Department Store to be erected iiiilciidentof per attached eopy of letter. have voted for consolidation. Hiivliin said at the Southwest corner <rt "I am very happy to cooperate in the very eom- can finiilly At present, the libraries hi I Route 1 and Gill Lane, have mrndahlr efforts that yoo have made to help worthy and , ii'-ii ndum jthe Township are what is cwn- I been riled with the Building denrrvlni atudenU in the area,/ I hope that this will In imonly known as association li- iInspector's office, Mayor Wal- i hi- puhllc. Mime jmaU measure aid In achieving the goal which you iir Town- : {hi-arips. All but the Barron -li- ter Zirpolo announced yester- h»ve brwi irtrlrin* for. brary were established, gov- day. "With the sincere hope that 1 shall have the oppor- erned and supported by an as- The owner of the site and tunity to meet you in the not too distant future ..." isoclatlon of citizens. Such an as- imoi Ixmri the proposed store builder is To Dr. John t. Lozd, principal of Woodbridge Junior jsociation appoints and elects j when sin- the Keystone Realty Corpora- II jh School, Mr. Romefelt wrote; , its owr board and is responsible j tion, an affiliate of the Chanin (Continued on Pa«<: 2) if or the operation of the library.' Organization of New York, ar- It may receive tax support from chitects, enKineers, builders and the Local governing body. \ owners and managers of real Election "Day Saturday In Woodbridge Township, the! estate. Keystone has leased the ; iilld Com- ;Town Committee Rives a very completed building to the S. iiiiVf flK- small appropriation to each li- Klein interests for a long term >: the new' brary. NEW CHIEF TARES 01 KICK: l'oltce Chief Nrls Lauritzen is shown being sworn into office br Township Clerk B. J. of years. iho iwer- $55,000 Bond Issue Barron Library was estab- Irwln S. Chanin, head of the i I he basis: lished through a wifl of Dr. Dunigan. Le: U, ridit: Conunittcrman .Joseph Nemyo, Mr. Dunigan, Police Commissioner Thomas J. t'ostellr,. Mrs. ,. ilzen and Ni-ls I.aurit/iii, Jr., holding the Bible for his father, ,'• Chanin Organisation, WH The l lax rate John Bamn and operates on Lauritun. (\ • I; impendent-Leader that ito ft Seaman a «h*rt«r, giving the library toj Kft-Ji. store, occupying aboitf To Buy Firehouse the people of Woodbridue Is There a Santa Claus? 30 acres, will be the first phase Township forever. The will pro- in the utilization of the 52- 5.200.000 COl/ONIA — Voter.s m Colo- - vided for the first Board and acre tract. The 22-acre second ma Fire Dl&trtct 12 'Inman from then on Board members 215.000 Avenue section* will to to the stage envisages about 25 addi- elected new members as vacan- tional stores of various types. , . polL> Saturday' to casl Chei( Snow Storms cies occured. Santa to Visit Needy If Donors Two-Story Building iballoU for or against a rflfer- In the fitatp there are 149 ... — endum authorizing a 153,000 The plans call for a two- association libraries and 168 lory and basement structure s4is.0TO'bond leuc in or** te purchase Confab Topic municipal libraries, In order to the present flrehou.s«, from a of brick, steel and glass in WOODBltlDOE — Plans for have a municipal library It must Give to Yule Fund; Total $775 . group of firemen and heirs mnrlern design, The entire snow removal In the Township be established by law after «a building will be air-conditioned. $«i).:)27.934 now known ax Colonla referendum in which the maj- WOODBRIDGE — With will be made next week when Thanksgiving now just a mem- Parking capacity will be about U.i.uilO 6845 print's heads of the Public Works, ority of the voter approve the HOW TO GIVE ,500. Reportedly the store Will c ^d valuu- Polls will be open from establishment of such a system ory, thoughts are turning to- PBA Objects to Creating (Continued on Page 2) ward Christmas. unploy about 1,500 full-time Donations to The Inde- and part-time workers, most of It Is the plan In many Township homes, p t with pendent • Leader Christmas whom will be recruited from de iutments mee ,here will be no Christmas cele- Fund mar be mailed to The the Woodbridge area. wation unless our readers will Police Director's Post Independent • Leader, 1 8 Work on the store will begin 413.7&; |2,50^-for "any emereency re- Cops to Take irovide the food, clothing and WOODBRIDGE—Wondhridge but nine police directors in the mo, S20.55 pairs which may arise". The Mr. Avtiill will set up pre- toys as they have for the past (ireen Street, Woodbrldge, next week. Mr. Chanin Bald the Local, 38, Patrolman's Benevo- entire State, store will be completed and blc* ar#Bo«rd of Fire Commlssloni^ arran«ed routes and methods, 6 years through their generous N. J. Checks should be "I was told during my inves- >pen for business In the early will bein a sutement Issued this we.-k so that when-snow falls, all C. S. Exams donations to The Independent- lent Association has gone on drawn in the name of The tigation," Patrolman Yacovlno all of 1063. iiuartmentnaid: employes concerned in any way Leader Christmas Fund. record as being opposed to the m> - one! "No major alteration* are with snow removal will know WOODBRIDGE — Members Independent - Leader Christ- stated, "that in cases where the Chanin organization li To date 40 families have been appointment 'of a Police Direc- the planned for the next three exactly where be has to goiof the PoUce Department will mas Fund. outsiders were appointed, there one of the largest of Its kind. ! processed to receive assistance tor, Charles Banko, president, and years." and what he has to do. be trooping over to Woodbridge If the donor wishes to re- was always truuble. The morale t is the sponsor of the Green to be two Plans will also be made for and it is expected that there said today. of these police departments Acres Shopping Centex, Valley \.(ii<nv Avenue,: There appears Junior High School, Barron main anonymous, his wishes ci"o'add schooii"of"thought on the ref- the use of equipment of out" Avenue at 9 AM,, December 8, will be at least 100 families to "We are opposed to a police were at their lowest ebb, A Stream, Long Island. Now sub- erendum Some are of the opm- side extractors should their to take examinations. be aided — that is, provided, will be honored. Donations director," Mr. Banko said, "be- present, Newark Police De- stantially completed the shop- the funds are available. %) (Continued on Page 2) ' (Continued on Page 2> The examinations will be may be made in memory of cause we know the chief is partment has the only outside ping center contains about given by the Department of This year, it has been decided some loved one or in honor capable of running the depart- director. Elizabeth just got rid 1,200,000 square feet of busl- ment." of its outside man and ap Civil Service for promotion to that used clothing and toys will of a living person. nes space and parking for no longer be acceptable.
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