Environment NGOs Response to the WA Government’s Kimberley SCIENCE SYNTHESIS / SCIENCE AND CONSERVATION STRATEGY JUNE 2009 Presented by: THE THE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 3 Introduction 5 Recommendations 7 References 10 01 / CONSERVATION AND COMPATIBLE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 11 Background 12 Current regional planning processes 13 Government conservation planning 14 Developing a coherent conservastion plan by best available knowledge 15 Recommendations 17 References 18 02 / TRADITIONAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT 19 Background 20 Joint management 21 WA Indigenous Conservation Title Bill 2007 22 Indigenous Protected Areas 22 Other Indigenous land and sea management 23 Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) 23 Indigenous rangers 24 Recommendations 25 References 26 03 / ON GROUND CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT 27 Background 28 Current funding and resources 28 Management of natural carbon resources 29 Pastoral Lands 30 Recommendations 31 References 32 04 / MARINE PROTECTION 33 Background 34 Current proposal 35 Credible science-based marine planning for the Kimberley 37 Recommendations 39 References 40 For more information about the Kimberley, visit: 05 / TERRESTRIAL PROTECTION 41 www.environskimberley.org.au Background 42 www.wilderness.org.au/kimberley Reservation levels in the Kimberley 43 www.conservationwa.asn.au Recommendations 45 wwf.org.au/ourwork/oceans/kimberley/ References 46 www.acfonline.org.au www.wildaustralia.org 06 / RIVER PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT 47 Background 48 Photographic Images The authors gratefully acknowledge The ecological values of the Kimberley rivers 48 the many contributors of photographic Current threats to Kimberley river systems 49 images contained within this report. Future planning and protection for the river systems 49 Josh Coates Recommendations 51 Sue Liddicoat References 52 Tim Nicol Paul Gamblin, WWF 07 / HERITAGE ASSESSMENT 53 Rod Hartvigsen, Murranji Photography Background 54 National Heritage assessment 54 Design: iannellodesign.com.au World Heritage assessment 54 Printed on Cyclus recycled stock. World Heritage listing benefits for the Kimberley 55 Cyclus papers are 100% recycled, made Recommendations 56 entirely from 100% post consumer waste. References 56 1 2 Environmental NGOs Response to the WA Government’s Kimberley Science Synthesis / Science and Conservation Strategy JUNE 2009 01 Introduction and Summary 3 THE BARNETT GOVERNMENT’S KIMBERLEY ELECTION COMMITMENT: A Liberal Government will commit up to $9m to develop an integrated Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy to ensure the region’s natural and cultural values are protected as the region fulfils its economic potential. This strategy will: UÊ `iÌvÞÊ } ÊÛ>ÕiÊVÕÌÕÀ>Ê>`Ê>ÌÕÀ>Ê>Ài>ÃÊvÀÊ«ÀÀÌÞÊ«ÀÌiVÌÆÊ UÊ iÛi«Ê>Ài]ÊV>ÃÌ>Ê>`ÊÌiÀÀiÃÌÀ>ÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ>`Ê>>}iiÌÊ«>ÃÆÊ UÊ ÛiÊ>ÊÛViÊÌÊ>`ÊÜÀÊÜÌ ÊV>Ê`ÕÃÌÀÞÊ}ÀÕ«Ã]Ê«>ÃÌÀ>ÃÌÃÊ>`Ê>`ÜiÀÃÊÊÌ iÊ`iÛi«iÌÊ>`Ê «iiÌ>ÌÊvÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ«>ÃÆÊ UÊ }>}iÊÌ iÊÃViÌwVÊVÕÌÞÊÌÊiÃÕÀiÊÌ iÊÀ}ÕÀÊvÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ«>ÃÆÊ UÊ `iÌvÞÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊÌ Ài>ÌÃÊÌÊÌ iÊiÛÀiÌ]ÊVÕ`}ÊV>iÊÌ>`Ã]Ê>`ÊÀiVi`Ê>VÌÊ«>ÃÆÊ UÊ -ÌÕ`ÞÊÜ >iÊ}À>ÌÀÞÊ>`ÊLÀii`}Ê«>ÌÌiÀÃÊ>`ÊÜÀÊÜÌ Ê/À>`Ì>Ê"ÜiÀÃ]Ê`}iÕÃÊVÕÌiÃ]Ê VÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ}ÀÕ«ÃÊ>`Ê`ÕÃÌÀÞÊÌÊ«ÀÌiVÌÊÜ >iÊ}À>ÌÀÞÊÀÕÌiÃÊ>`ÊLÀii`}Ê>Ài>ÃÊÆÊ UÊ >ÝÃiÊÌ iÊÀi}½ÃÊ>LÌÞÊÌÊ`À>ÜÊÊi`iÀ>ÊvÕ`}ÊvÀÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊÌ>ÌÛiÃ]ÊVÕ`}Ê>ÀiÊ>`ÊV>ÃÌ>Ê «À}À>Ã]Ê`}iÕÃÊ*ÀÌiVÌi`ÊÀi>ÃÊ}À>ÌÃÊ>`ÊÀ>}iÀÊ}ÀÕ«ÃÆÊ UÊ `iÌvÞÊ««ÀÌÕÌiÃÊÌÊÜÀÊÜÌ Ê«ÀÛ>ÌiÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ}ÀÕ«ÃÊÊÌ iÊ>VµÕÃÌÊ>`Ê«ÀÌiVÌÊvÊ>`Ê>Ài>ÃÊvÊ } ÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊÛ>ÕiÆÊ UÊ }>}iÊV>Ê}ÛiÀiÌÊ>ÕÌ ÀÌiÃÊÌÊÀi`ÕViÊ`Õ«V>ÌÊ>`ÊiÃÕÀiÊVÃÃÌiVÞÊvÊ>««À>V Ê>VÀÃÃÊÌ iÊÀi}ÆÊ UÊ }>}iÊ/À>`Ì>Ê"ÜiÀÃÊ>`Ê`}iÕÃÊVÕÌiÃÊÊÌ iÊ«>}Ê«ÀViÃÃÊ>`Ê`iÌvÞÊ««ÀÌÕÌiÃÊÌÊ ÛÛiÊÌ iÊÊ}}ÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊÜÀÆÊ UÊ 7ÀÊÜÌ Ê`ÕÃÌÀÞÊÌÊiÃÕÀiÊÌ >ÌÊiÜÊ`iÛi«iÌÃÊiiÌÊÜÀ`½ÃÊLiÃÌÊ«À>VÌViÊÊÃÕÃÌ>>LiÊ`iÛi«iÌÊ VÃÃÌiÌÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊÀi}½ÃÊ>ÌÕÀ>Ê>`ÊVÕÌÕÀ>ÊÛ>ÕiÃÆÊ UÊ *ÀÌiÊiV}V>ÞÊÀiëÃLiÊ`iÛi«iÌÊÌÊ«ÀÛ`iÊ}Ài>ÌiÀÊi«ÞiÌÊ««ÀÌÕÌiÃÊvÀÊ`}iÕÃÊ and non-indigenous people in eco-tourism, mining, petroleum and agriculture. Source: Liberal Plan for Environmental Sustainability and Water Management, Liberal Party WA Policy Document, September 2008. 4 Environmental NGOs Response to the WA Government’s Kimberley Science Synthesis / Science and Conservation Strategy JUNE 2009 INTRODUCTION: Government to invest now and into the future in sustaining the protection of the Kimberley. The participating organisations in this submission A landscape-scale conservation plan is needed acknowledge and welcome the State Government’s because the Kimberley is facing profound, pervasive election commitment to allocate $9million for the and cumulative threats, due to the combination development of an integrated Kimberley Science of climate change, uncontrolled wildfires, invasive and Conservation Strategy to ensure the region’s weeds, feral animals, unmanaged tourism, natural and cultural values are protected. overgrazing, illegal fishing and overfishing, poor We also welcome the personal commitment given water/river management and pressure for ad hoc by the Premier of Western Australia the Honourable industrialisation and development. This submission Colin Barnett to protect one of the largest and most contends the Science Synthesis, while providing a intact natural areas left in the world. wealth of useful information, underestimates the scope of these threats and the implications for The development of a comprehensive conservation the region. These threats put at risk not only the strategy for the Kimberley is long overdue and environment and Indigenous culture, but the whole necessary to protect this iconic region for future social and economic fabric of the Kimberley and its generations to come. This submission argues that people. without this plan delivering a new, comprehensive, integrated, landscape scale approach to Environmental management in the Kimberley conservation planning, the current cumulative desperately needs a new approach – one that listens and looming future threats which impact upon the to and learns from nature, science and Indigenous region will continue to grow unabated and lead culture. This ‘big picture’ approach will be based on to irreversible and widespread environmental connectivity – between species, habitat, climate and `i}À>`>ÌÊqÊÜÌ Ê>ÊÌ iÊVÃiµÕiÌÊÃV>Ê>`Ê people – and how these change over time. Viewing economic impacts and costs. the region in this way is vital if we are to build a positive future for Western Australia’s environment and people. The Kimberley region is of global importance. The ecological and scientific values of one of the Importantly, the Indigenous people of the Kimberley least impacted and largest naturally functioning must be centrally involved and shape the plan for ecosystems left on the planet are comparable only the Kimberley’s future. A sustainable future for the with areas such as the Great Barrier Reef and the LiÀiÞ½ÃÊiÛÀiÌÊÃÊiÝÌÀV>LÞÊi`ÊÌÊ>Ê Amazon. Its stunning seas, myriad islands, coral sustainable and prosperous future for Traditional reefs, mangroves, rainforests, savanna woodlands Owners and managers of this incredible landscape. and rivers are home to an astonishing variety of The signatories to this submission respect the wildlife including Humpback whales, five species of Indigenous rights of Traditional Owners, including turtles, Dugong, newly discovered Snubfin dolphins, their right to speak for country and their right to free, À>ÀiÊÕ`>ÊwV Ê>`ÊÌ iÊ ÀÌ iÀʵհÊ/ iÊ prior and informed consent in relation to proposals Indigenous cultural values of the Kimberley are affecting their country, as affirmed in the United outstanding, with the Traditional Owners’ ancient Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous connections to their country continuing strongly Peoples (United Nations Department of Economic through to the present day. The State Government’s and Social Affairs, 2007). Most of the Kimberley is Kimberley Science Synthesis (2009) clearly under native title claim, with at least 45% already demonstrates the known world-class values of this `iÌiÀi`ÊÊ/À>`Ì>Ê"ÜiÀýÊv>ÛÕÀ]ÊÀiµÕÀ}Ê ÕµÕiÊ>`ÃV>«i]ÊÜ iÊÀiV}Ã}ÊÌ >ÌÊÌ iÀiÊ>ÀiÊ Government and others to ensure planning does still major knowledge gaps in our understanding of not occur independently of Traditional Owners and the region. that they are a central part of the planning process (National Native Title Tribunal, 2009). These gaps in information, however, must not prevent responsible governments – whether State An omission from the Synthesis is reference to the or Federal – from immediately implementing body of traditional ecological knowledge owned substantive conservation actions in the Kimberley. by Indigenous people across the Kimberley and The State Government’s Science and Conservation continuing to be used to manage and protect strategy for the Kimberley must avoid the temptation country, often alongside western scientific research. to focus largely on further research. This submission Indeed it is crucial that the Indigenous people of the argues that it is both necessary to further invest in Kimberley take a lead role in the implementation of biodiversity research of the region and to pursue new >ÞÊVÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ«>ÊÛ>]ÊvÀÊiÝ>«i]Ê`}iÕÃÊ VÃiÀÛ>ÌÊi>ÃÕÀiÃÊÜ V Ê«ÀÌiVÌÊÌ ÃÊÕµÕiÊ ranger programs, Indigenous owned and managed landscape, within an overarching conservation and/or co-managed conservation areas and the input and compatible development plan. This strategy of traditional knowledge. ÜÊÀiµÕÀiÊ>Ê}iÕiÊVÌiÌÊLÞÊÌ iÊ-Ì>ÌiÊ 5 The signatories to this submission strongly support Recent publications (e.g. The Nature of Northern compatible economic development of the region. ÕÃÌÀ>>ÊÀi«ÀÌ]ÊÓääÇÆÊÊ ÕÌÕÀ>Ê>`Ê ÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ This submission recognises the crucial
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