. .................................... ' P - ■ Dora3n's bid A ^ s; i i n g e r V. :story, ^ ^ | |_ 4 o i ^ Nslo. 1 - B31 h e r g ^ ^ S' ^nQQ^ l i ¥ T ¥ £ l ( 25^ ^ 78th1 y ear. No. 168 Twfin Falls. IdaiJaho FFriday. June 17.1983 s 1 * . * 1 1 * - C? * ^ ^ a » esU-Re^ p a y 4 i current economic clim ate in —By W ESI^VG, PIPPERT.IT--, ____ ^ .TThere h also should be a fombrmal national to cach of the approxlm aldy 00,000.),surviving_ si review or_anyany prot>atlve evidence agal[alnst could paM in the c i ^ United Press latemotloua}al apolctology for the “grave Injustice"Ice" done lo the pcr»ns exdudedc from their homesies on the them , w ere excexcluded, removed and eictaiiained Conpxjss. themem. W cstC oasast." by the UnitedBd iStates during Worid Warr 11."I "W e a re developinoping a ttwught that unless _ — -wasfnNGTON-=-A-f«-federal-commlssion --------“iTlo-not-conslder-it-to-be-gii“ 1- r-guiit-money;^'-— -It-also-ij-said-Congress-should sel•I iaside-$&— thecommlssion —:------somethlng-has-mon'Tioney-altadTed-lo-it^'ony^^^-^^— ^ recom m ended H iursday’ thithe govemmenl pay comimmission Chairman Joan BeBcmstcin told million tolo be used for Aleuts evacuatjn t^ .Iro m luded people suffered cnormtmous action tak en by govegovemmenl or privale indi- . ll.S bUUon In compcnsatloiillon to the surviving repoip orters. "1 consider it to be aI rresponse e in the thc Aleutijtian or Pribilof Islands dui d losses, bolh material and intntan- vldualsisofnouse."!c." I.Amdgren lolti reporters, 60.000 Japanese-A m eriansfis vwho w ere Interned u suual a m anner In our society foror ta w rong that w ar, andI a paym ent of $5,000 lo each ol d. ' H e said w hat thehe governmentt did in Worid hundred, ssurviving /Ucuts. It said after Pearl Harbor. Indue:ludlng payments o( was(IS done." mission reported Wednesdayay a War II was wrong.lg. ""and som ething to apolo- were moved bccause o( Si ta^ The commla $20,000 each. "1 reg ard It a s an appropriatele rrem edy for a A leuts w< irm. ICF Inc.. of Washington.r. Ihad gize fo r" it m ust bbe ed done, but m any A m erican mmont of basic necessity.y. The commission was.estialabllshed I™ r - ‘iJo amount of moaey.cajican fully compensate ~.. serlorlous violation by our govemm ie -Japanese Amertc&ns suffc:fered-- taxpayers today wenwere nol even alive when th e ------------ ress In 1980. nearly four decodcodes alter estimated the-, the 'exduded people foror their losses and fund,n d a m e n ta l rig h ts." said1 ..( com m ission by C o n ^ d income losses of between1 iS2.5 , internm ent occurred,red, "includlngmyself." lission on Wartime memem b er /\rth u r Flemming, form'irm er secretary 120.000 JJapanese-Americans a were putpi In In. sufferings." the Commiss rtri w n r II billion Ond SC.21G.2 billion In 1983 dollars, adjususted ‘>i don’t know how you rdate that to guilt Relocation and Inlemmentn lsaid s . ofhcheallh, education and welfareare and former temmcntit cam ps for most of World W erSo^ lorlnterest^duid inflation. w hen they had nonothing to do with, it." • The commission. Issuingling its final report, chaiiairm a n of the U.S. Commissiilsslon on Civil u n d er pnpresidential Executive Ord "Most ot the major actors also recom m ended puttingng ithe balance of thc Righ^ t s . Jssued byy IFranklin Roosevelt, Rep. Danidd IlAUidgren. R-Calif.. who rep•epre- LUndgren said. "Me left the scene. 1 wonder, nun after indlviduaJ paymcaments inlo a spccial Thirhe commission recommendedded "the appro- "Agraviv e personal Injustice w as donedot to the sents a districtrict In which m any Japanemese- - have long since lef iual reparations would affect education foundation for the Japanese- prialiation of $1.5 billion to provide^Ido a one-tim e A m ericanm citizens and resident a]aliens of A m ericans live,live opposed the comp^isatatory frankly. If Individual ' American community, p er r ccapita compensatory paymeimenC o f $20,000 Jap an esee ariccstry who. without imindividual portion of thee report re because he wasixit surure it futureactlons._”_ City /atuyerirs say I* ^ m m u l t e g .^..1 a lte rs i t e w _ sjsira < • ^ j r ■"ByDAVlDMOFFAT---------- jimes-News writer Officicials cover : TWIN FALLS - As a} «result of a M l ^ in g this week by the W. S u p r^ e Court, some puDlJi ' - i . - ’ - In Idaho could becom e mal<lajor targets “ ■ ' —■ — (or WPPSS-related lawsuits. flshtngtnn public-utjHlles- a > T h a t w as'onebf thc opinloinloifiolferad " obligation to pay their ' > T hu rsd ay by a panel of cityIty allom eys ° leplants’-debts.------ tovolved •in'W PPSS'litrgal i g g L )g also has set off a scram - discussion occurred at th< 5 lawyers Involved In the’ inference of the Associatioi Igation in Idaho, where a Palls through Saturday. .simnar "auu Idaho Supreme Cocrt. They : Wednesday, the WaiV ash lh g to n lg to r^etermine' their Supreme Couri ruled thtlhat Dubllc seeking .^itUUUes Inlthat, state had Q . relation to a number of- latedlawsults. ~atitboltjrto-dgn-&Kalled; iltof the-Washlngton-rullng------ high-water" contracts to fU Investors who purchased construction' of two Wc wld to build the plants.m ay____ SupRbL- tHelr restitution claims lo illeglng securities fraud, plants since h ^ bie^ termininlnaled. lawsulls alle ‘ • The ruling dim e as a surptuprise lo Uie And U i ^ lalaw suits ultim ately could ■Id ah o ' d tlM "ahd utillU6S that Art!— r«ach-llie-w•iocal-publle^fHcials-who < ------ Involved, in :^the,same _WPRPPSS power ved in deciding lo buy Inlo plants aiid much of the'litiga T h C “thelawyers ?? said Thut^ay.—- . nainO'as'becnTnleiprele■elea as . •SeeWWTTSSonPageA2 l Home•constrruction r h 'BRSE S ^ r«N«.ifja5rOOOO€LASHMLnTW - A i s 3 - y e airhigh i ■nrnttN. attains m ------------------ ----------------- - — H a n g i n g Bv DENIS G.GUUNO w as th e casese earller-thls month when- B ^iport a m a n s ^ r o ^ . ......... ’ ' _ Jerald Busa SISTwin F alls ta j» o m of sevenei^ CombioDS shoppingng mall, oir Filer Avemies p ro je c t th a t .wfll help n v iJ— •. the govemmiunrat r a l^ its-federally UiiJt^PressInternadonS^ ________trusses Into posiBitkin dh top of the Camptiipus W est. T he tru ss worlrork Is p a rt of a rem odelingi covered with tllee.- backed ra tee ffo r FHA and VA Mnnn hv — WASHINGTON— Encoacoaragcd:by— r^aifapoinito: to 12 pe rc e n t L : the" economic recoveryI andc good ..The Increcrease in mortgage rales : w eather, hom e builders tuiturned M ay ,„ |g |,i „venn hdph in the short term." 1 ’'in to th e busiest m onth In memore than 3 • S u m lc h ra sfsfs a ld r - P o o p le will jum p i-J ^ a r m e r ! s a t t a c k i c h a n g e2 js t o - r e c ll i a m a t i o nn law - Vi years, with the construcruction pace into the housiusing market" anticipating The proposed regulation:lions would* allow ow ners of . X9.1 p e n ^ t beyond April’sil’s rate, thepossiblefurthrther increases. ByANND.KIRICWOODB should t)e m inim ize." irthslde Canal Company InI less productive land or parcelspar In higher devatkins government said Thursday. Unlled Press Internationa!1/ ■ • ' Ted Diehl ot the Nortt ual rate of housing starts ^ Jerom e said.the forms.reerequired by the rules wouldI to u se fede ral w ater forjr liIrrigating l^ e r p a r^ . -v^The-annual rate of housi highest-since September— ; -breached-1.79i;000-unlts.-7J Ti’es.goy€mlng_8wcoping__ Increase hls'fim i’s operacrating costs by $50,000 ttie! how ever. i.OOO.-thedeparlmentsald:--:—___ B01SE^Z^posed_nii -------AB-*part” ot-the-reguljgulatlons,—b u re a u -o ftid a ls--------- %Blg^ than the rate d yea — first y e a r and S20.000 annuinually thereafter.----------------- Bulldera obtained0 new building changescl In national reclamimation law would set up a -proposetLformiwsjJsobe.be required lo assure Ihelr________ -Jhe Commerce Department i m ound of paperw ork suf{ifflcient to build another "This-w ould pile the pajpaper up in one n eat slack. - permlU at. a rate 5.G percent above n compliance with the RecRedamaUon Act 6y"fUlng ^ “ I’m not worrying aboulIt Uthli year. t|,m Id federal officials Thurs- ough lo create another>rdam." d. Dlehltestifled. :ll. the report also showed, dam,d Idaho irrigators lold ; certification forms annuall:ually. <said ' Michael Sumlchras - one of 13 hdd across the an Indicationion Uie housing, boom has day;-d Thursday’s h iring — t ; “ I t's a lllUe bit foolfoolish to require annual jKonomlst of the NaUonallA Ai a s « a tlon West X was designed toga} gain public comment on ttie nonientum to carry ll into At a Boise hearing hddlid to receive public com- I certification if am operailerator doesn't change his ^ 3>f H om e Builders. "T be yea 1 to enforce the R eclam ation ear. mentn on i^es-'propped Uto Implement last year's . ru les th a l a re designed to , operation from one yearar tto tlw.n^t." Champma'n ^ 'B j :*fcag for us.
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