APPRAISAL REPORT (2015-16) Annual Work Plan & Budget Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan West Bengal 3TfaT5Trar ^2Tsr ^arsT ciS Project Approval Board Meeting 12* March’ 2015 n respect ofBankura, Bardhaman, Birbhum, Dakshin Dinajpur, DGHC, Howrah, Hooghly, Jalpaiguri, Kochbehar, Kolkata, Malda, Vlurshidabad, Nadia, North 24 Pgns, Paschim Medinipur, Pururba Vledinipur, Purulia, Siliguri, South 24 Pgns, Uttar Dinajpur and State Component Plan Summary Sheet of Appraisal Report - West Bengal State/Uts’ Committed Liabilities as of 2015-16, to include: (Rs. in lakhs) S. No. Components Physical Financial 1 Teachers' Salary of Teachers in place 1.1 PS teachers 24828 1241.52 Upgradation of EGS to PS (SSK to PS) - SSK Teachers . 1.2 37191 25382.23 fSahavika'I Salarv in oosition 1.3 Primarv Teachers (Para)- Existinq In position 24316.00 18747,64 1.4 Additional Teachers - PS (Regular) - In position 14031 34022.93 1.5 UP Teachers (Reqular)-Existinq, in position 52292 131597.94 Upgradation of EGS to UPS (MSK to UPS) - MSK Head Master 1.6 9171 10298.95 (Mukhva Samorasarak') Salarv - Existinq in position Additional Teachers - UPS (Regular) - (Against PTR) (By TET 1.7 10217 33985.83 S S O - Existinq in oosition 1.8 Salary component of BRC and CRC 6055 5631 A Sub-Total 178101 260907.66 2 Civil Works Sanctioned during 2013-14 (Spillover) 2.1 School buildinqs 0.00 12699.06 2.3ACRs 0.00 43956.53 2.5 Toilets 0.00 888.58 2.6 Drinkinq Waters 0.00 114.69 2.7 Ramps 0.00 423.67 Others (Difference of Civil Works sanctioned in previous year, :.85 0.00 0,00 SIEMAT, spillover etc.) .....B..... SuD^Totai 58082.52 3 Civil Works (deffered liablitv) 3.1 BRC /URC (Reconstruction) 0 0.00 3.2 CRC - Normal Zone 0 0.00 Adjustment of spill over outlay on primary schools not taken in 2.3 0 0.00 earlier vears of 2007-08 to 2010-11 3.4 ACR 0 0.00 3.5 Toilets 0 0.00 3.6 Drinkinq Waters 37 Boundary W all 0 0.00 38 Office-cum-store-cum-Head Teacher's room 0 0.00 3.9 Augmentation of training facility in B RC (one time) 0 0.00 3.1 Child friendly Elements 0 0.00 3.11 Handrails in existing ramps 0 0.00 3.12 Fupniture for Govt. UPS (per child) 0 0.00 3.13 Major Repairs for Primary School 0 0.00 C Sub-Total 0 0 4 Civil Works Fresh 4.1 BRC /URC (Reconstruction) 0 0.00 4.2 CRC - Normal Zone 0 0.00 4.3 (a) School buildinqs 0 0.00 4.4 (C) ACR 0 0.00 4.5 (d) Toilets 0 0.00 4.6 (e) Drinkinq Waters 0 472.86 4.7 (q) Ground and Boundary Wall /(Partition wall) 0 0.00 4.8 Electrification (In upper primarv School Onlv) 0 0.00 4.9 Office-cum-store-cum-Head Teacher's room 0 0.00 4.10 (i) Residential Schools/hostels for specific category of children 4.11 Auqmentation of training facility in BRC (one time) 0 0.00 4.12 Ramps 0 0.00 4.13 Furniture for Govt. UPS (per child) 0 0.00 4.14 Ma1or Repairs 681 1218.99 4.15 Refurbishinq unused old buildinqs - 0 0.00 D Sub-Total 681 1691.85 E Total Civil W orks (B+C+D) 681 59774.37 s. No. Components Physical Financial 4 Other Components 0 (L 4.1 Free uniforms 9849731.00 39398.9292 4.2 Free Textbooks includinq braille books 4614743.00 11523.2Q9 4.3 School Grant 82781.00 4450.09)9 Teacher Grant 0.00 o.orao 4.4 Maintenance Grant 82781.00 6114.2525 4.5 Library 0.00 0.0(00 4.6 Recurring cost for residential hostels 10650 486.7575 4.7 Non-recurrinq cost for residential hostels 0 0.0(00 4.8 Recurring cost for KGBVs 90936 2783.ia 9 4.9 Non- Recurring cost for KGBVs 90975 14.6:63 4.10 Recurring cost of existing BRCs & CRCs 9162 1218.9‘94 4.11 Recurring cost of existing BRCs & CRCs - Deffered 0 0.0(00 F Sub-Total 1 14831759 659900 G National Outlav (A+E+F) 15010541 3866772 5 other items not included above 5.1 Transport 0 0.000 5.2 Speacial training 50239 723.444 5.3 TLE 0 0.000; 5.4 Teachers Training 305650 1681.663; 5.5 Teachers & Administrators Training 1150 11.550: 5.6 CAL 8021 107.001 5.7 REMS 248343 316.776 i 5.8 Innovation 84 230.000 5.9 CWSN 173227 4677.113 5.10 SMC Training 0 0.000 5.11 Management Cost (District + State)............................................. ....... 0 10246.114 5.12 School Mapping and Social Mapping 0 0.000 5.13 LEP 15004 60.000; 5.14 Community Mobilisation 4 1009.G003 Other Total 801722.00 19062.6611 Grand Total 15812263.00 405734.770) CONTENTS S.No Topic Page No. (I) Executive Summary X - c w (II) Overview Progress through time series data 1-5 a ii) Issues 6-7 (IV) Comments on States commitments and implementation 8-15 __(V) Introduction & Planning Process 16-20 (VI) Educational indicators and MIS 21-28 _ (VII) Access (IJBtatus of implementation of Section 6 of RTE Act 2009 29-52 (II) Status of Implementation of Section 12(1) (C) of RTE Act 2009 53 (III) Interventions for Universal Enrolment 54-65 (VIII) Enhancing Quality:- Paft-I- State’s Vision of Quality and TextBooks 66-70 Part-II Focused Program for Learning 71-84 Part-Ill- (Over all details) 85-132 ax ) Research Evaluation Monitoring & Supervision 132-137 (X) Equity Bridging and Social Category Gaps 138-150 Innovations- Education of Girls, SC/ST, Minority & UrBan Deprived 151-161 (XI) Children (XII) Special Focus Districts (SFDs) Detail 162-166 (XIII) Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs (IE for CWSN) 167-177 (XIV) Community Participation a. Media Activities 178-186 B. Community Mobilization 187-189 (XV) School Infrastructure: Civil Works 190-229 (XVI) Project Management and Involvement of NGOs 230-240 The major findings of Monitoring Institutes on implementation of the 241-264 (XVII) programme in the State Result Framework Fact Sheet State Costing (Consolidated) EXECUTIVE SUMMARRY WEST BENGAL -2015-16 I. An Executive Summary of key items should be provided in the given format:- I Year 2014-15 Outlay Proposed for 2015-16 Outlay Recommended for20iS-16 Rest of I Defer Rest of > Outlay red Deferred approved LiaBi I Anticipated Achievement up Spill Liability Spill By FAB Savings Fresh Total lity Fresh Total to 31st March 2015 Over Proposal Over j (including Prop for 2015- osal I spillover) 16 s . No for Activity 1 Remarks 2015- 16 1 1 Unit \ F P P Cost P P Phy Phy Phy. Fin. Ph Phy i Unit Phy Fin Fin. Fin h Fin. h Fin. (Prov Fin. Fin. h Fin. h Phy. Fin. Fin. 1 % % y- n Cost y- y- ision y. y- al) \ I ACCESS I SSA i ppening of i 1 ^ew i Schools V New Not 1.01 Primary 26 26 i Recommen School ded (Pg. 38) Upgradation 1,02 of PS to UPS Composite 1.03 Schools , f Residential schools for 1,04 specific I category of children t Year2014-lS Outlay Proposed for 2015-16 Outlay Recommended for 2015-16 Rest of Defer Rest of red Outlay Deferred approved LiaBi Anticipated Achievement up Spill LiaBility Spill by PAB Fresh Total lity Fresh Total to 31st March 2015 Over Proposal Over Prop (including for 2015- osal spillover) 16 S.No fo r: Remarks Activity 2015- 16 Unit Cost Phy Phy Phy. Fin. Ph Phy Phy Unit Phy Fin Fin. Fin. Fin. (Prov Fin. Fin. Fin. Phy. Fin. Fin. % % Cost y. ision al) Not Residential 1.05 Recommea Hostel (50 A ded (Pg. Capacity) 38) Not Residential 1.05 Recon^^en Hostel (100 l i B ded (Pg. Capacity) 38) Integration of Class V 1.06 with primary schools Integration of Class VIII with 1.07 upper primary schools Residential Schools for specific categorj’ of children 50 children Non­ recurring (one time grant) II Year 2014-15 Outlay Proposed for 2015-16 Outlay Recommended for 2015-16 Rest of I Defer Rest of I Outlay red Deferred approved LiaBi V Anticipated Achievement up Spill LiaBility Spill by PAB Savings Fresh Total lity Fresh Total to 31st March 2015 Over Proposal Over (including Prop 1 for 2015- spillover) osal 16 1 S.No for Activity Remarks 2015- 1 16 1. I Unit F I P P Cost P P Phy Phy Phy. Fin. Ph Phy Phy i Unit Phy Fin Fin. Fin h Fin. h Fin. (Prov Fin. Fin. h Fin. h Phy. Fin. Fin.‘ % % y- n Cost y- y- ision y- y- I al) i Furnimre/ ; Equipment 2.01 (including I kitchen) TLM and equipment I 2.02 including 1 liBrar>' Boolcs V Bedding i 2.03 (new) Replacemen t of Bedding 2.04 (once in 3 t years) SuB Total (Non 45 ,45 I Recurring) Recurring (50 children) Maintenanc e@ 2.05 Rs. 1,500/- ' 0.18 per child Per month Stipend @ Rs.lOO/- per 2.06 O.OI child per |nonth m Year 2014-15 Outlay Proposed for 2015-16 Outlay Recommended for 2015-16 Rest of Defer Rest of Outlay red Deferred approved LiaBi Anticipated Achievement up Spill LiaBility Spill ByPAB Saving Fresh Total lity Fresh Total to 31st March 2015 Over Proposal Over (including Prop for 2015- spillover) osal 16 for S.No Remarks Activity 2015- 16 Unit Cost Phy Phy Piiy.
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