Semiannual Social Monitoring Report Loan No- 3592 Project No. 40540-017 December 2018 South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Dhaka-Northwest Corridor Road Project, Phase 2 - Tranche 1 This Semiannual Social Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Social Monitoring Report Third Semi-Annual Report BAN: SASEC Dhaka Northwest Corridor Road Project, Phase- 2 Improvement of Elenga-Hatikamrul-Rangpur Road to a 4 Lane Highway February 2019 Prepared by Ms. Hasina Khatun, Social Development Specialist, Project Implementation Consultant (PIC), SASEC RCP-II on behalf of the Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges for the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 04 February’ 2019) Currency Unit – Bangladesh Taka (BDT) BDT 1.00 = $0.0119164 $1.00 BDT 83.9179 1 BDT = 0.0119164 USD1 USD = 83.9179 BDT. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1ha (Hectare) = 10000sq.m (square meter) Or 2.47 Acre Or 247 Decimal 1 Acre = 100 Decimal 1 km (kilometer) = 1000 m (Meter) 1 Metric Ton = 1000 kg (kilogram) ABBREVIATIONS AB - Acquiring Body ADB - Asian Development Bank APs - Affected Persons ARIPA - Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Act (2017) ARIPO - Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance (1982) CCL - Cash Compensation under Law CPR - Common Property Resources PIC - Construction Supervsion Consultant DC - Deputy Commissioner DLAC - District Land Allocation Committee DoF - Department of Forest EA - Executing Agency EC - Entitlement Card EM - Entitlement Matrix EPs - Entitled Persons FGD - Focus Group Discussion GoB - Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh GRC - Grievance Redress Committee GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism INGO - Implementing Non-Government Organization ILRP - Income and Livelihood Restoration Program IOL - Inventory of Losses JVC - Joint Verification Committee JVS - Joint Verification Survey LAP - Land Acquisition Plan MARV - Maximum Allowable Replacement Value MIS - Management Information System MoRTB - Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges NTH - Non-Title Holder PAVC - Property Assessment and Valuation Committee PCR - Physical and Cultural Resources PDH - Project Displaced Households PIU - Project Implementation Unit R&R - Resettlement & Rehabilitation RAC - Resettlement Advisory Committee RC - Replacement Cost RHD - Roads and Highways Department Page | i RV - Replacement Value RoW - Right-of-Way RP - Resettlement Plan RT - Resettlement Team RU - Resettlement Unit SASEC - South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation SCM - Stakeholder Consultation Meeting SMR - Social Monitoring Report SMVT - Slow Moving Vehicular Traffic SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement TAH - Trans-Asian Highway TH - Title Holder TL - Team Leader EE - Executive Engineer Page | ii GLOSSARY OF TERMS Affected Person (AP): Any person who, as a result of the project, will lose physical assets (land, structures, trees, and crops), income (business income, wage, access to resources (pond, forest, etc), either partially or fully, permanently or temporarily. Awardee: Refers to persons concerned by the acquisition of their private land. Their identification will be confirmed by the respective Deputy Commissioner. The compensation for the acquired assets is provided to ‘awardees’ through the notification under Section 8 of the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Act 2017. Compensation: Payment in cash for an asset to be acquired or affected by the project at replacement cost at current market value. Cut-off Date: Refers to the date after which the eligibility for compensation or resettlement assistance will not be considered is the cut-off date. The start date of carrying out the census/inventory of losses is considered as the cut-off date for eligibility to resettlement benefits of non-titled holders. Decimal: Decimal is the lowest unit of measurement of land and is the equivalent to 435.6 square feet. 247 decimal is equal to one hectare, while 100 decimal is equal to one acre. Entitlements: Include the range of measures comprising cash or kind compensation, relocation cost, income restoration assistance, transfer assistance, income substitution, and business restoration measures, which are included in the Entitlement. Eminent Domain: Refers to the regulatory authority of the Government to obtain land for public purpose/interest under Section 8 of the Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Act 2017. Hectare (Ha): One hectare is equal to 2.47 acre and 247 decimals (one acre = 100 decimal). It is also measured as 1 ha = 10,000 square meters. Household: A household includes all persons living and eating together (sharing the same kitchen and cooking food together as a single-family unit). Inventory of Losses: refers to the inventory of the properties affected by the project and recorded in the census survey. Non-title: Refers to households who have no recognizable rights or claims to the land that they are occupying, and includes people using private or public land without permission, permit or grant. Relocation: means the physical displacement of the affected persons from the affected area to a new area/site. Replacement Cost: Includes (i) fair market value (ii) transaction costs (iii) interest accrued (iv) renovation costs and (v) other applicable payments if applicable. The replacement cost does not take into account the depreciation value. Resettlement: Mitigation of all the impacts associated with land acquisition including relocation and reconstruction of physical assets such as housing and restoration of income and livelihoods in the post-relocation period. Resettlement Assistance: Support, rehabilitation and restoration measures extended in cash and/or kind over and above the compensation for lost assets. Page | iii Significant Impact: Refers to the severity of impact with regard to the loss of housing and productive assets of affected persons/families. Title EPs: Refer to the private landowners (Affected Persons) located with the RoW of the Project and identified by the DC office. Vulnerable Households: Include households that are (i) headed by single women or women with dependents; (ii) headed by elderly man (over 65 years old); (iii) households that fall on or below the poverty line (iv) households of Indigenous population or ethnic minority; (v) persons without title to land; (v) households headed by children(younger than 18 years) and (vi) households of low social group or caste. This Social Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or another status of any territory or area. Page | iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS ......................................................................................................... i WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ......................................................................................................... i ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................... i GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................................ iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 3 I. BACKGROUND OF THE MONITORING REPORT ................................................................ 9 A. Background ......................................................................................................................... 9 II. Reporting Period ................................................................................................................... 11 III. METHODOLOGY FOR PREPARING THE REPORT ........................................................... 11 IV. RP Implementation arrangement .......................................................................................... 13 A. Resettlement Plan Approval and Disclosure ..................................................................... 13 B. Status of Implementation Arrangement/Mobilization ......................................................... 13 C. Prepardness of RHD ...................................................................................................... 13 D. Deployment of INGO ...................................................................................................... 14 E. Construction Supervision Consultant (PIC) ....................................................................... 15 F. Status of Development/Approval of Resettlement Tools ................................................... 15 G. Approval/Operationalization of Key Committees ..........................................................
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