Stolen from the Archive of Dr. Antonio R. de la Cova ~-I lí Yf:rS"1p; C. 73/~7/pl; ,3 http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/cuba-books.htm ~ COMMUNIST THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES THROUGH THE CARIBBEAN HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITIEE TO INVESTIGATE THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY ACT AND OTHER INTERNAL SECURITY LAWS OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE lk!UDICIARY UNITED STATES ~ENATE EIGHTY-SEVENTH ~NGRESS PART 13 \1 MARca 29, APRIL 26, JUNE 1, AND JULY 27, 1961 r Printed lar the use ol the Committee on the Judiciary ..,..., o f u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 21-092 O WASHINGTON: 1962 Stolen from the Archive of Dr. Antonio R. de la Cova • http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/cuba-books.htm RESOLUTION Resolmed by the InternalSecurity Subcommittee 01 theSenate Oom­ mittee on the Judiciary, Thn.t the following testimony taken in execu­ tive session be released from the injW1ction of secrecy, declassified where necessary, and with such expurgation as may be required for security 01' objectionn.ble for other good cause be authorized to be printed and made public: William A. Wieland, January 9, 1961; Wil1in.m A. Wieland, Feb­ rllary 8, 1961; Samllel Shaffer, Februal'Y 15, 1961; Col. Benoid E. Gla'"e, March 15, 1961; Andres Perez-Chaumont, March 29, 1961; COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Scott McLeod, April 4, 1961; Col. Osear Doerftinger, April 26, 1961; JAMES O. EASTLAND, Mississippl, Chairman Haymoncl Leddy, J une 1, 1961 ; Jorge Garcia-Tunon, J une 1, 1961: ESTES KEFAUVER, Tennessee ALEXANDER WILEY, Wlsconsin Ricardo Artigas-Ravelo, June 1, 1961; Whiting Willauer, July 27, OLIN D. JOHNSTON, Soutb Carolina EVERETT McKINLEY DIRKSEN, Illinois 1961; Elmer TI. Hipsley, Nonmber 16,1961; Otto F. Otepka, Novem­ JOHN L. McCLELLAN, Arkansas ROMAN L. HRUSKA, Nebraska bu 16, }fl61; Harris Ruston, November 16, 1961; Salvatore A. Bon­ SAM J. ERVIN, JR., Nortb Carolino. KENNETH B. KEATING, New York JOHN A. CARROLL, Colorado HIRAM L. FONG, Hawali tempo, .Tanllal'y 9, 1962; 'Villiam A. "\Vielancl, Februa1'Y 2, 1962; THOMAS J. DODD, Connectlcut HUGH SCOTT, Pennsylvanla Rogel' .Tones, March 8, 19G2; Abram Chayes, .Tannary 15, 1962; "\Vil­ l'HILIP A. HART, Mlchlgan liam O. Bos"eIl, Ual'ch 8, 1962; Frank Becerra, J1'., Ma1'ch 12, 1962: EDWARD V. LONG, Mlssourl Elnwr TI. Ripsley, March 1;'), 1962; Capt. Charles R. Cla1'k, J1'., April 12,1962; Otto Otepka, ~\.pril 12,1962; Frances Knight, May 16, 1962; SUBCOMMITTEE To INVESTIGATE TBE ADMINISTRATION OF TBE INTERNAL Hobert D . .Johnson, May 16, 1962; Abrnm Chayt s, J une 7,1962: Roger SECURITY ACT AND OTBER INTERNAL SECURITY LAWS 'V. .Tones, ,Tune 7,1962; .Tolm Lenhy, Jlllle 12, 1962 ; Ancl1'eas Lo\Yen­ JAMES O. EASTLAND, Mlsslsslppl, Chairman fielcl, June 7,1962; Andreas F. Lowenfielcl, ,Tune 12, 1962; Abram THO?tIAS J . DODD. Connectlcut, Vioe Chairman C!layes, J une 19,1962. OLIN D. JOHNSTON, Soutb Carolina ROMAN L. HRUSKA, Nebrnska JAMES O. EASTLAND, JOHN L. McCLELLAN, Arkansas EVERETT McKINLEY DIRKSEN. Illlnols SAM J . ERVIN, JR., Nortb Carolina KENNETH B. KEATING, New York Ohairman. HUGH SCOTT, Pennsylvania THOj)L\S J. DODD. J . G. SOURWINE, Counsel V íce OhniT11W71. BENJAMIN MANUEL, Direotor o/ Rcsearch OLIN D . •TOIINSTON. II .TOHN L. UCCLELLAN. S,Uf J . EnnN. JI'. RmL\x IIRCSI¿.\. EVEHETT M. DIRKSEN. K. B. lCEATING. HUGI-I SCOTT. Daterl October 4, 1962. m .., Stolen from the Archive of Dr. Antonio R. de la Cova http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/cuba-books.htm ;'1 CONTENTS Testirnony of- Pare ArUgas Ravelo, Rieardo__ __ ___ ____ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __________ _ __ ____ 852 Doerflinger, Col. Osear Maynard_ _______________________________ 839 Garcia-Tunon, Jorge_ __ _ __ ____ ______ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___________ _ ___ 851 Leddy, Rayrnond_ __ _ _ __ ____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ 843 Perez-Chaurnont, Andres_ __ ____ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ 831 Willauer, Whiting_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 861 V Stolen from the Archive of Dr. Antonio R. de la Cova http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/cuba-books.htm co~nlUNIST THREAT TO THE UNITED S'rATE8 THROUGH THE CARInnEAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1961 UNITED STATES SE:\'.\'1'E, SUBCO;\IMITTEE 1'0 INVESTIGATE 'fIlE ~\D;\nNISTH¡\'n():\' OF TIlE IKTEn:\',\L SECUHITY ACT AND OTlu:n IXTEHN ,\L SECURlTY LAWS OF THE CO::\fMITTEE ON 'l'la; .JuDlCL\nY, Washington, D.G. The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10 :40 a.m., in room 2300, New Senate Office Building, Senator .James O. Enstland (chairman) presiding. Present: Sem:tors Eastland and Roman L. Hl'llSka. AIso present: J. G. Sourwine, chief counseJ; Benjamin Mandel, research director; Frank Schroeder, chief investigator. 1'he ClIAIR)L\N If you will hold up yom> hand and be s\yorn. Do you solemnl,v swear the testimony yon are about to give wiU be the tl'uth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Gocl? MI'. CHAUlIfONT. 1 do. TESTIMONY OF ANDRES PEREZ-CHAUMONT MI'. SounwIKE. 'Vould you give the reporter your name, please, and your acldress ? MI'. Cn-'l.U)IONT. My name is Andrrs P erez-Chaumont. My ad­ clress-my home adc1ress-is 374-4 Abel'llcen 'Vay, Houston, Tex. MI'. SOURWINE. 'Vhat is your business 01' profession ? MI'. CHAUMONT. 1 am export manager for the .\.mel'ican Glass Tint­ Íllg Corp., and tlmt is a Du Pont cOl'poration which distribute~ throughout the \\'ol'ld. That 1s a glass tinting product, ancl 1 am in charge of the distribu torship to 111 foreign eountries. MI'. SOURWINE. y ou a,re a Cuban national, are you, MI'. Chaumont? MI'. CHA UMONT. Yes, sir. MI'. SOUnWIKE. Now, when c1id you leave Cuba? Mr. CHAUl\1ONT. 'Vell, 1 left Cuba in 1857, at the beginning of 1957, when 1 was aPi)ointed military attaché to tlle Cuban Embassy in Mexico, and to the Embassy in Central Amcrica. 1 only went back once, that "'as in N ovember 1958, for 2 days, 3 days. Mr. SOURWU\E. y ou ",ere then an Anny man ~ MI'. CllA"(.:::\IONT. Yes, sir. MI'. SOURWINE. 'Vhat \\"as yOUl' rank? Mr. CUAU.:\IONT. A licutcnant coJollel. Mr. SOURWINE. In what bl'anch of the servicc? 831 Stolen from the Archive of Dr. Antonio R. de la Cova http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/cuba-books.htm 832 COMMUNIST THREAT TO U.S. THROUGH THE CARIBBEAN COMMUNIST THREAT TO U.S. THROUGH THE CARIBBEAN 833 Mr. CHAU:M:ONT. Well, 1 had started as infantry, but then 1 had a the Czech commercial attaché, with the Russians--they would receive specializing command in general staff, and 1 had gone all the way to these reports. 1 mean, those reports were very concisa, 1 would give be subdirector of the school of commanding general staffing in Cuba. very definite action, and yet when 1 would inquire about the reaction Mr. SOURWINE. Did you serve in intelligence work at a1l1 they would say, well, nothing has been done about it, and 1 would Mr. CHAUMONT. Yes; 1 \Vas in charge of aU the intelligence see that they were still not considered as Communists somehow or throughout Mexico and Central America. other. Mr. SOURWINE. During what period were you in charge of this 1 even turned in records, 1 remember. For instance, once thera were about 80 of them that went to make a demonstration in front of the intelligence ~ Mr. CHAUMONT. 1957 and 1958. British Embassy when they decided to sell arms to the Cuban Gov­ Mr. SOURWlNE. Do you, or did you, know one William Arthur ernment, when the United States decided not too Then about 80 01' 90-89 exactly-­ Wieland ~ Mr. CHAUMONT. If 1 knew him personally, no. 1 have known him MI'. SOURWINE. Of whom ~ by references. MI'. CUAUMONT. OÍ the Cuban exiles in Mexico, made a demonstra­ Mr. SOURWINE. What do you mean, you have known him by ref­ tion in Íront oí the British Embassy. 1 told them all about it, to erences ? prove that they were Communists. And they would start singing all Mr. CHAUMONT. 1 believe he "as a Cuban that had another name, the time the Communist international song. Montenegro. Then the police carne and put them in cars. They kept singing Mr. SOURWINE. ,Vas that Arturo GuilleI1no Montenegro? aH the time, and when they got to the police station, all 89 of them Mr. CUAUMONT. 1 \Vould not remember, sir. 1 have heard also that kept singing. Even in the prison they had there they kept singing because 1 turned in very many beautiÍul reports on all Communist the Communist song and all that. They even made records of the activities throughout the time 1 was there to the U.S. Embassy in song and everything, and the names oí everyone was taken. 1 turned Mexico, and usually 1 did not see action concerning all the inÍormation all that ovar to the Embassy so they could see that that was a definite 1 had given. And somehow 01' other 1 was told that there was a Communist-oriented movement. gentleman named ,Vieland that had been a Cuban named M-ontenegro, And, well, like that, hundreds of times 1 turned things like that in. that \Vas the one that sort of had been an obstacle for those reports Names exactly, the 89 names, what they sang-you could hear them to have been properly evaIuated.
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