North carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXIV, Number 32 Friday, November 12, 1932 Raleigh. North Carolina, Phone 737-2411,-2412 Accidental death spurs reaction frOm P. E. Department members by Lucy lnman Staff Writer Coroner Although the physical education department takes several precautions to prevent health hazards in classes. incidents like the death Tuesday of determines _ , Dane Allan Cox in PE 100 are difficult for instructors to foresee or prevent. {4 Cox's instructor said. cause of death “I don't know how anyone could have predicted what happened Tues— by Jeffrey Bender day." Joel Brothers. a physical educa- tion instructor at State for 12 years.‘ Assistant News Editor . said. State. freshman Dane Allan Cox. “Not being medical people We (in— rwho collapsed during the last lap of structors) can only speculate as to the the mile run in a PE 100 class. died causes" of student health problems in from cardiac death due to :hyper- PE classes. he said. trophic cardiomyopathy. Dr. Joan State does not require that each stu— Milner. pathologist and medical ex- dent complete a physical examination ’ aminer at Rex Hospital. said. before being admitted to the Universi- Cox. a nuclear engineering major ty. but each student must complete a from Salisbury. was pronounced form that asks for his medical history. dead at 11:41 am. at Rex Hospital. Dr. Lee Sanders. a staff physician in ”For those individuals who die Student Health Services. said. from sudden death during exercise. The form also includes the question: this is one of the most common “Is there any reason why you should Dane Allan Cox causes for his age group." Milner limit your participation in physical ac- said. tivities?" Sanders said. When asked if male students feel Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is Every student. unless exempted for more peer pressure than female a condition that involves an medical reasons by the University. students to perform well in PE 100, enlargement of the heart. The wall must complete PE 100. a course in Brothers said. “I would think that the separating the ventricles is enlarg- health and fitness. before he can male students are somewhat more ed. causing an obstruction of the graduate. motivated. especially in groups one blood flow from the heart. Most students take PE 100 when and two." The obstruction causes the heart they are freshmen. The course. Cox was placed in group two, the to work harder to pump the blood designed to be an introduction to all “average" or second most physically- and also increases the amount of physical education classes. begins fit group classified by the preliminary oxygen needed for the heart to Stuff it! with tests that indicate students‘ ex- tests in PE 100. function. pected physical performance levels. The physical requirements of PE “It is possible that if he (Cox) had \li/(lwnl (.H\"(‘I'I)Il)t‘lil ( .u t 1.117) pm kx \Imlvnlx 1/) rpm/.1 The tests include sit-up and pull-up 100 are not unnecessarily strenuous. never done any physical activity. muscular physical education department head he might have continued living. but tests. designed to measure Richard Lauffer said. “Appendages were everywhere. Mchuley. a junior in business strength and endurance. and a step basis of our program — scien- how many people go without by Lois Britt Alpha 3’5. test (students step up and down bet- “The physical activity?" Milner said. Staff Writer and these was no way to move or to management and a member of n ween the floor and a wooden tific exercise physiology principles There's no telling how many peo turn your head." Mike Worthington. a Psi Kappa. said. platform). designed to measure heart is scientifically sound." he said. ple are walking around with this Farmhouse Fraternity crammed 32 freshman in Agriculture and Life “i never had done anything like that rate or cardiorespiratory capacity. 'Lauffer said the PE 100 textbook condition that have not strained ‘ people in a Pordeountry Squireutar Sciences and also a member of Far- before. it was crowded. but it was Students‘ body fat (as a percentage written by his department also serves their heart yet. Milner said. win first prise in the Car Cram held on mhouse. said. great." Vicky Grisson. a junior LEA oftotal body weight) is also measured. as a safety precaution because it ex- Accordingto Dr. Larry Sanders. the brickde on Wednesday for the The prises for the Car Cram. which majorand a member of Alpha Psi Kap Instructors also ask students for plains-to students the physiological staff physician at State Student State Child Care Center. Jeff Baker. was sponsored by the Student Govern- pa. said. health information that tests might factors that influence their physical Health Services. this condition oc- student senate president. said. ment. were: first place $50 and two State's Trained Emergency Medical not reveal. Brothers said. performance. and it emphasizes the curs "about three times a year" in Alpha Psi Kappa Fraternity won se- kegs of beer donated by Cary Personnel was at the Car Cram to “We are advised and reminded to importance of safety.. the United States. cond place with 27 people in the car. Wholesale Co. and second place - one assist in case of emergencies. "We ask in the first day of each class for No one has ever died in PE 100 According to Milner. such a con- “It was really tight in there. It was keg of beer. were here just in case anybody got in- any students that have any medical before. Lauffer said. dition might be detected by an elec~ very hot just like being in a dark jured." Wayne Hamilton. a senior ar- problems or chronic disorders or Cox's death will not directly cause trocardiogram. and more positively steam bath. but you were closed in and There was a 825 entry fee per chitecture major. said. changes in the PE 100 program. but a by an echocardiogram. A heart Mike group. anything that might limit their perfor- committee that regularly' evaluates there was no way to get out." crowded and stuffy and a lit- "The main thing was just the mance. Brothers said. “If I don't studying the inci- X-ray might show the enlarged Strickland. a sophomore in business “It was do ask that question the first day of class the program "will be heart. management and a member of Far- tle smelly. We couldn't have our shoes fellowship of getting together and dent very carefully." Lauffer said. It is also possible that a doctor mhouse Fraternity. said. on. other than that it was fun." Jeff ing it as a group." Mchuley said. there's definitely something wrong “We are constantly reviewing and doing a routine examination of a pa- with me." reevaluating all our courses. not just tient might detect it. but it is Brothers said he and other instruc- PE 100." because of continually chang- unlikely. Milner said. tors also advise students about the ing findings in physiological research. “I would think that it would be Traffic Records mpg preregistration danger of over-exerting their bodies Larry Brown. the director of PE 100. impractical to check everybody for when jogging. said. this condition with the necessary Preregistration for parking permits which are not limited in permit 2. Commuting students living “They’re. encouraged to stop and One problem physical education in- tests." Sanders said. for the 1988 spring semester will be availability. outside of a one-mile radius of campus walk if they need to." Brothers said. structors face is that some students “A person should be alerted if held Nov. 15-19 at the Traffic Records To preregister a student must pre may apply for “C" or “F" only. ”Normal 18-year~old college who have health problems do not they have a sense of fainting or if Office in Reynolds Coliseum from sent a valid student registration card. 3. Residents of King Village and students. if they are active at all. reveal them when asked. and these they experience palpitation of the a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A limited number of Permit preregistration is accepted for Fraternity Court may apply for “0" should be able to run a mile without problems may not be indicated by the heart. If this happens. they should the following permits will be available vehicles owned by the student. his.or permits only. any physical problem." Brothers said. preliminary. tests. Brown said. have their heart checked." Milner for the spring semester: “R" (Resi- her spouse. parent or legal guardian. Permits will be awarded according Cox. who died when attempting to The physical education depart- said. dent). “J” (North Hall). “C" (Com- Only one member of a carpool should to the following criteria: jog a mile in 6.5 minutes. had jogged ment may consider requiring all PE A memorial service for Cox will muter) and “F" (Fringe). preregister (carpool participants‘ 1. Student classification seniori- further distances (two miles last 100 instructors to complete car- be held in the South Gallery of the PREREGISTRATION DOES NOT vehicles will be added when permits ty. Thursday) in three previous class diopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Student Center at 10 am. today. GUARANTEE A PERMIT. However. are distributed). 2. Date and time preregistrstion periods. Brothers said. training in the future. Dauffer said. The Cooperative Campus a permit will not be awarded unless a The following policies and card is accepted in the Traffic Records Eleven of Cox's classmates were at- The only possible safety improve- Ministry will conduct the services. preregistration application is com- guidelines constitute eligibility for Of ice.
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