POSTAL PATRON U.S. POSTAGE PAID MAILED FROM RUIDOSO, NM 88345 PERMIT NO. 9 PRESORT STANDARD Community Education classes are on-going 50 cents For more photos and the latest stories updated daily, visit Call 257-3012 www.ruidosofreepress.com A property of www.ruidoso.enmu.edu TueSdAY, AuGuST 30, 2011 • www.RuidosofReePRess.CoM • VOL. 3, NO. 35 What’s happening This All American is for Johnny By Ty Wyant ing at Ochoa’s a member of the September 2-5 For the Ruidoso Free Press co-owner John- Ruidoso Downs Ruidoso Downs Racetrack Trainer Sleepy Gilbreath is a ny T.L. Jones Racehorse Hall The season’s ultimate racing two-time All American Futurity Jr. “He’s been a of Fame and week with the All American winner and would certainly love friend of mine Jones joined him Gold Cup and the All Ameri- to add a third win in the world’s for a long, long when he was in- can derby on Sunday and richest quarter horse race on La- time.” ducted in June. the $2.4-million All American bor Day at Ruidoso Downs. G i l b r e a t h Jones start- Futurity on Monday. be sure Gilbreath has two horses in and Jones have ed as a young to arrive early and wear red, the All American Futurity, Ochoa been around the man in quarter white & blue to honor some and Mr Ease 123, with Ochoa racing game for horse racing – of the richest quarter horse sporting a good opportunity to more decades he trained Wal- races in the world! Post time: earn the favorite’s role. than they’d like ter Merrick’s Jet noon. Free. 575-378-4431. When it comes to Ochoa, Gil- to admit, and the Smooth to win September 2 breath quickly put the gelding’s bond between Dwayne ‘Sleepy’ Gilbreath Johnny T.L. Jones Jr. the Kansas Fu- the two Texans turity at Ruidoso Sawyer Brown All American goal in perspective runs deep. alone and also sends out prob- Downs back in 1967 – and then 8 p.m. Real country with after he won his All American Their success runs deep, too. able favorite Cold Cash 123 in went to the Kentucky Bluegrass real people. With 20 studio Futurity trial. Gilbreath has won more than 20 the $1.3 million All American and became a major player in in- albums, three of which went “This one’s for that man right Grade 1 stakes at Ruidoso Downs Derby (see story in Sports). He is see ALL AMeRiCAN, pg. 5 gold, and more than 50 there,” Gilbreath said while point- singles on u.S. billboard hot Country Songs charts, includ- ing three No. 1 singles, this is Fairgrounds master plan ready for review a concert you can’t miss. inn By Patrick Jason Rodriguez Courtesy graphic of the Mountain Gods, 1-800- The proposed master 545-9011. Reporter [email protected] plan concept for the Lin- coln County Fairgrounds September 3 Following a PowerPoint was presented to county Bernie Jessome as Roy presentation by David Forkner commissioners by David Orbison at the Spencer of Populous, an architectural Forkner of Populous, an A tribute concert featuring fi rm hired to upgrade the Lin- architectural fi rm hired a performer that does Roy coln County Fairgrounds, county to upgrade the Lincoln Orbison the way Roy Orbison commissioners asked that traffi c County Fairgrounds. did: with a powerful baritone fl ow into the park take priority in County commissioners three-or-four octave impas- further developing a master plan. asked that traffi c fl ow sioned voice capable of As part of a preliminary mas- into the park take prior- taking on Orbison’s complex ter plan, Forkner showed commis- ity in further developing musical arrangements that sioners various images, including a master plan. some critics refer to as almost those of an installation of a bridge operatic. buff et dinner at 6 over a gully and possibly a second bridge to on Monday evening, Forkner said members County Manager Tom Stewart told com- p.m. $20, concert at 8 p.m. create another access into the fairgrounds. of the County Fair Board, which operates the missioners if they decided to cover the ex- $66/$69. For tickets, call He also showed them images of super- fairgrounds, preferred a covered arena with isting arena, the structure would be unavail- 1-888-818-7872. fi cial changes that could be made to facili- seating for at least 3,000 people. This new able for up to six months, and he would be ties, including an addition to a barn to pro- arena, according to Forkner, would have worried about adding on to an older facility September 3-4 vide a washing area for show animals and a to be built on land recently annexed by the for structural integrity. He said that county All-American Gun & new arena, which could be used for staging county to accommodate the size. employees would be needed for the job, Western Collectible Show events for the fair and used by local schools Forkner also said that further expansion because he didn’t think a volunteer group 180 tables of anything and for athletic events, as well as music concerts. of a new arena could bring the capacity clos- could handle those tasks. everything related with During a presentation at the fairgrounds er to 3,800, depending on the architect. see fAiRGRouNds, pg. 5 guns, hunting equipment, knives, cowboy gear, saddles, blankets, spurs, western rel- Valle del Sol Golf Course swings back into action ics, indian artifacts, jewelry, By Patrick Jason Rodriguez court by Golf Enviro Sytems Inc., coins and much, much more. which has owned the course since cial obligations. Ruidoso Convention Center, Reporter 2007, in March. “Basically,” said Ivie, “they claiming they are owed money for 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Admission: $5 [email protected] According to Ivie, representa- left (the course) in terrible shape.” seeding the course. adults, 12 and under free. For The owners of the Valle del tives from Quality Golf Manage- Dan Garner, president and The town of Carrizozo, New more information, 257-6171. Sol commercial and residen- ment, which in April 2010 agreed owner of Quality Golf Manage- Mexico Ranch Sales and Zack tial development are hopeful the to operate the course, failed to ment, Alina Acebo, Zack Adam- Adamson, according to court re- September 3-5 golf course that sits across High- maintain equipment and make son, town of Carrizozo and New cords, were dismissed from the Mercado Del Artisan way 380 will once again attract a payments to contractors and for Mexico Ranch Sales were listed suit. Garner and Acebo, though, Outdoor Fair at River booming clientele. utilities, and ultimately skipped as co-defendants in a civil suit were ordered by Judge Martha Rendezvous Leon Ivie, sales manager for town without fulfi lling their fi nan- fi led last November in magistrate see GoLf CouRse, pg. 5 enjoy live music and incred- New Mexico Ranch Sales, own- ible art including, gourd art, ers of the development, includ- pottery, mosaics, jewelry, ing the adjacent golf course, said metal art, photography. the greens are not quite where Charging to a win 524 Sudderth. 10 a.m. – 6:30 he wants them to be, but they’ve p.m. Free. 258-3409. come along away since the public golf course reopened earlier this September 5 month. Carrizozo Labor Day New Mexico Ranch Sales has Street Fair and Cowboy taken over the lease of the golf Days Celebration course on a temporary basis. Cowboy roundup starts at “It’s going to take some time dawn at Spencer Ranch fol- before the golf course gets back to lowed by a home-cooked normal,” said Ivie. “There’s still biscuits and gravy breakfast. some work to do.” Parade at 10 a.m. on 12th Ivie said that business has Street. Festivities begin been slow, mostly attracting golf- immediately after with live ers from Alto and Ruidoso, but music, vendors, great food expects it to pick up once renova- and family fun. Live rodeo at tions to the club house are fi nished 3 p.m. at hemphill Arena. For and the grass becomes greener. info, call Carrizozo Chamber The price for a round of golf at of Commerce 575-648-2265. the nine-hole course is currently about $9, he said. The course, which sits on land owned by the town of Carrizozo, Todd Fuqua/Ruidoso Free Press had been left unattended since the Members of the Ruidoso Warrior football team race onto the fi eld for the season opening previous operators, Quality Golf game against Cobre Friday at W.D. Horton Stadium. Ruidoso dominated Cobre in a 54-0 Management, conceded opera- victory. See sports for a full story and statistics. tions to New Mexico Ranch Sales, Your Home Could Be Here! List with Us Today! FEATURED PROPERTY COMMERCIAL 1.66 ACRES HIGH VISABILITY, HIGH TRAFIIC COMMERCIAL NEAR MID-TOWN! This premiere property has approx. 497 frontage feet on Sudderth, great parking, and a super multi-use, 11,283 sq. ft. building. This commercial property has unlimited potential, and REAL ESTATE TEAM all its attributes will contribute to your next successful commercial enterprise. Outstanding in every way. (575) 257-5111 ext. 117 SDC, REALTORS® 307 Mechem Dr, Ruidoso, NM Currently McGary Studio. $1,499,000. #109298 (575) 258-5008 Find Ruidoso’s #1 REAL ESTATE TEAM at: www.ruidosorealestate.com 2 Ruidoso Free Press August 30, 2011 Community Calendar Altrusa low-cost mammograms rent needs at the mission are non-perishable food, blankets, Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Tuesday evenings Appointments for Altrusa Mammograms will begin jackets, backpacks and toys.
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