Index The general order of species follows the International Ornithological Congress’ World Bird List. A number of differences occur with regard to the treatment of subspecies within the genus Larus where some are treated as full species and others are included with different species. Version Version 2.0 (5 April 2011). Cover With thanks to Chris Batty for the cover images. Species Page No. American Herring Gull [Larus smithsonianus] 41 Andean Gull [Chroicocephalus serranus] 10 Armenian Gull [Larus armenicus] 49 Audouin's Gull [Ichthyaetus audouinii] 20 Belcher's Gull [Larus belcheri] 24 Black-billed Gull [Chroicocephalus bulleri] 10 Black-headed Gull [Chroicocephalus ridibundus] 11 Black-legged Kittiwake [Rissa tridactyla] 4 Black-tailed Gull [Larus crassirostris] 24 Bonaparte's Gull [Chroicocephalus philadelphia] 9 Brown-headed Gull [Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus] 10 Brown-hooded Gull [Chroicocephalus maculipennis] 11 California Gull [Larus californicus] 29 Caspian Gull [Larus cachinnans] 43 Common Gull [Larus canus] 25 Dolphin Gull [Leucophaeus scoresbii] 16 Franklin's Gull [Leucophaeus pipixcan] 18 Glaucous Gull [Larus hyperboreus] 34 Glaucous-winged Gull [Larus glaucescens] 32 Great Black-backed Gull [Larus marinus] 29 Great Black-headed Gull [Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus] 23 Grey Gull [Leucophaeus modestus] 19 Grey-headed Gull [Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus] 13 Hartlaub's Gull [Chroicocephalus hartlaubii] 13 Heermann's Gull [Larus heermanni] 25 Herring Gull [Larus argentatus] 38 Heuglin's Gull [Larus heuglini] 54 Iceland Gull [Larus glaucoides] 35 Ivory Gull [Pagophila eburnea] 6 Kelp Gull [Larus dominicanus] 30 1 Laughing Gull [Leucophaeus atricilla] 17 Lava Gull [Leucophaeus fuliginosus] 17 Lesser Black-backed Gull [Larus fuscus] 50 Little Gull [Hydrocoloeus minutus] 14 Mediterranean Gull [Ichthyaetus melanocephalus] 21 Olrog's Gull [Larus atlanticus] 24 Pacific Gull [Larus pacificus] 24 Red-billed Gull [Chroicocephalus scopulinus] 9 Red-legged Kittiwake [Rissa brevirostris] 6 Relict Gull [Ichthyaetus relictus] 19 Ring-billed Gull [Larus delawarensis] 28 Ross's Gull [Rhodostethia rosea] 15 Sabine's Gull [Xema sabini] 7 Saunder's Gull [Saundersilarus saundersi] 14 Short-billed Gull [Larus brachyrhynchus] 27 Silver Gull [Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae] 10 Slaty-backed Gull [Larus schistisagus] 49 Slender-billed Gull [Chroicocephalus genei] 8 Sooty Gull [Ichthyaetus hemprichii] 23 Swallow-tailed Gull [Creagrus furcatus] 4 Thayer's Gull [Larus thayeri] 36 Vega Gull [Larus vegae] 43 Western Gull [Larus occidentalis] 33 White-eyed Gull [Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus] 23 Yellow-footed Gull [Larus livens] 33 Yellow-legged Gull [Larus michahellis] 46 2 General Baker, K. 1993. 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