r» • r -' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER-9, 1970 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O ’Ctock PAGE THIRTY-SIX liHaurbPiatifr lEaruing Unalb The \fFW Auxiliary has been ' The Ladies of St. James will Town Asks Bids Public Records Invited to attend the joint in- have a Harvest Dinner meeting /Irhe Weather John Rogers About Town .stsllntien of officers of the Ma- Monday at 7:30 p.m. at Valle’s Average Daily Net Press R v r To Clean Tanks Thunderatorma with strong Economy in Peril, Trade Name Miss Audrey Smith, daughter line Corps League and its.Auxil- Steak House, Hartford. ’The For The , Week Knded winds Ukeiy tonight; low about D.-inicl A. Guertin. doing busi­ of Mr. and Mrs. Earl, A. Smith iary tonight at 8:30 at the Ma- event will open with a social Aigpast 29,1970 Joins Panel At Sewer Plant 60. Tomorrow partly sunny, ness .'IB b.-in’s Service Station, of 607 Woodbridge St., has re­ line Home, and the American time at 7 p.m. The Rt Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, pas­ windy, cool; high near 70. Sat­ Duffey Tells Rotary 488 Center St. ceived a Scholarship to Adrian Legion and its Auxiliary on Sat­ Bids will be opened Sept, 17, (Mich.) College, where she is urday at 7:30 p.m. at the Legion tor of St. James’ Church, will urday sunny. Federal Tax Lien On Crimes at 11 a.m. in the Municipal 15,367 By SOL R. COHEN U.S. Government against Gid­ a sophomore. Home. speak about “ The Contem­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm (Herald Reporter) eon Raymond Moore, 7 Tyler John E. Rogers Sr., of 1163 porary Scene.” Reservations Building, for cleaning the diges­ close Friday and may be made Circle, $1,188.86. E. Middle Tpke., noted lecturer Sunset Club will hold a picnic Percy Smith Circle of Sou^ ters at the town’s Olcott St. The Democratic candidate for U.S. senator said in with Mrs. John Barry or Mrs. (CkuHlfled Advertbtng on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS Manchester last night that he is for a national policy Marrlivge Licenses in the field of Negro history Friday at 11 a.m. at Wickham United Methodist Church,, will Sewage ’Treatment Plant. The VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 290 ('TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SE(TIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1970 Park. A box lunch and dessert meet tonight at 7 :45 at Susan- Thomas Derby, cleaning will be the first since ,o f free economy, “ an economy in which we must try to John Kevin Lanagan, 303 and culture, will serve as a Woodbrldge St., and Linda Sue panelist at the Thirty-First An- will be served. Members are re- nah Wesley House. the plant was opened, in June rno''*' our needs with a minimum of gx>vernmental Flaherty, 121 Hemlock St., nual New England Conference minded to bring their own bev- ----- First Church ' of Christ, Sci­ 1957. control." Sept. 18, South United Methodi.st on Crime and Delinquency erage. There will be a business Adonlram Council, RS&SM, entist, will have its regular mid­ The project has two purposes, Joseph Duffey of Hartford, it wi’ l prove to be a disastrous Church. which is to be held on Sept. 13, meeting after lunch. h^ve its first meeting of week tesUmony meeting tonight to clean and to make all neces­ speaking to the Manchester Ro­ nroblem for them.” John Richard Mac, East Hart- 14, IS, 1970 at the Banner ----- - the season Friday at 8 p.m. at at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main sary repairs to the existing House Unit To Probe Guerrillas Extend tary Club, said that the coun­ He said he is for an open ford, and Angela Marie Lessard, Lodge, Moodus. Participating '"The little ’TheatVe of Man- the Rockville Masonic Temple St. equipment, and to prepare the try’s free-enterprise system is economy in the constniction 169 Lyness St., Sept. 19, Church will be representatives, from all Chester will meet tonight at 8 on Orchard St. After a short ' — - equipment for tie-in with the in danger of being wiped out by business, for removal of re­ of the Assumption. aspects of correctional rehabili- p.m. at the clubrooms at 22 Oak business meeting, Harold G. The Lullaby Club of Greater new Secondary, Treatment Inflation. strictions and for lowering of IlUllding Permits taUon from the six New En- St. for a business meetingi, , Staiger will demonstrate weav- Hartford will have its first Plant, now under construction Campaign Donations Deadline on Blast “ Inflation,” he said, “ is hurt­ interest rates. Lionel Boucher, alterations to gland States, ----- X ing. Later, there will be a social meeting of the season tonight and expected to be placed in ing the small businessman and “ It’s not a f.air and open dwelling at 64 Union St., $200. Several Manchester people re- hour. ’The weaving demonstra- at 8 at the Polish National operation next June. By JAMES R. POLK By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the salaried worker in the $10,- economy now for the construc­ Harold E. Batch, additions to cently returned home from a I®” is open to members and Home, Governor—St— -Hartfordr ^ When^Manchester’s—$5:7 m il­ " AMoclated P r«B “W ilter ------- -------------------------- ^rab""gueiTillas~’t(5dHy extended-antiP-lO pmn—EDT- 000 to $12,000 annual category. tion industry," he said. “ The dwelling at 16 WaSsworth St., trip to Puerto—Rico—and Tlie^thefr wives. A “ Back to School” fashion lion townwide sewage project WASHINGTON (A P)— ^The chairman of the House T Saturday their deadline for the release of captive Pales­ It’s not hurting the poor, who industry is in a position now $300. Virgin Islands. They are Mr. ^ show will be presented by the is completed, sewage will get Ethics (Committee says illegal campaign contributions tinians in exchange for three hijacked airliners and never had any pioney anyway where it is afraid to expand. It Ernest P. Gagnon, tool shed and Mrs. Kenneth Warrender The American Legion Auxll- Youth Center, two treatments. It will flow first atout 280 hostages held in the Jordanian desert. through the sewage plants now made by two shipping firms for 16 members of Con­ y or who are on welfare, and It has no security. It is an econ­ at 151 Ralph Rd., $200. and their son Richard and iary has been Invited to attend — r- gress will be studied by his panel in its private sessions. TTie guerrillas early today re­ Isn’t hurting the large corpora­ omy of scarcity in which the Shawnee Improvement Co. for daughter Cheryl, of 66 Croft the joint installation of officers A Bible study vdll be conduct­ being operated by the town and leased 21 Arab passengers from the_ 8th Utilities District, and Rep. Melvin Price, D-IU., ------------ ---------------------------------- . k 1 1 Mm ' tions, nor the banks, as yet.” unions have a grefit advantage. Florence Kittredge, alterations or. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Krom- of the Marine Corps League and ed tonight at 7:30 at ’Trinity *n 1 . 0 row a British , plane hijacked "No party has a com er on the An open economy. with the to dwelling at 40 Norman St., then will be further treated in called also for a tightening of check was given, and pegal of 25 Westwood St. and its Auxiliary tonight at 8:30 at Covenant Church by its pastor, ........ u*.,. Wednesday and also freed a X f O O U S causes and solutions of our prob­ creation of a new technology, $1,500. the plant to be opened In June. laws on both lobbying and re* Boggs, the Democratic whip, Met. WF *' Alan Mello of 58 Cooper Hill St. the Marine Home on Parker St. the Rev. Norman E. SwCnsen. porting of contribuUons. at $200. i'"R A O » I ■ ' 1 British girl engaged to one of * lems,” Duffey conceded. “ I rec­ would balance the situation, and Nutmeg Constructing Co. for iti»«*** 4 the Arab passengers. Jordanian J ognize that our problems started would give the industry a better Manchester Lodge of Elks, stor­ His comments came In an in- checks for (Ford, Boggs tervlew ,after the Associated and others were included In for- army buses took those freed to ./m.TI l I€ M A J V € with the Democratic barty, but chance.” age room for clubhouse at 30 the Intercontinental Hotel In Bissell St.. $1,500. Press disclosed a secret Justice „^al charges against American 1 recognize also that they are Duffey said that the labels of Amman. rai ¥ J * • 1 * continuing under the Republican liberal, moderate and conserva- Leonard Sign lor Travel Department list of the Illegal president Lines and Pacific Par contributions by the two firms East Lines when the two firms A guerrilla spokesman said O MM IIC IC K IT IS Party, and that they are getting tive“ don’t me.on too much any­ World, sign at 67 E. Center St.. there would be no further exten- J O $600. which receive $43 mlUIon a year ^e^e fined $50,000 each In Feb- worse, and not better, as claim­ more in politics. We are faciilg slon of the deaxlUne, Beirut Ra- WASHINGTON (AP) — The ed by Washington,” the problems of people—the in federal subsidies. ruary for violating the Corrupt "Unless our national adminis­ youth, the minorities—the prob­ mie largest donations went for practices Act, which forbids dlo reported. .... , Pentagon said today serious The hijackers had tiire^en^ thought la being given to placing tration shows us the way — and lems of housing, and health, Masons To Honor INCOMPARABLE key members of Senate and corporate poUtical contribu- to blow up at l e a s ^ o the ^jards aboard Interna- they haven’t to date — the sta­ and education, .and dissension.
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