2014 - 2015 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology CIFT Junction, Matsyapuri P.O, Kochi - 682 029 (An ISO 9001: 2008 certified institution) ICAR-CIFT Annual Report 2014-2015 © 2015 ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi, India All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publishers. ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology CIFT Junction, Matsyapuri P.O, Kochi – 682 029 Phone : 91 (0)484 - 2412300 Fax : 91 (0)484 – 26668212 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Website : www.cift.res.in ISSN: 0972- 0667 Annual Report CIFT Published by Dr. Ravishankar C.N. Director, ICAR - CIFT Compilation Dr. A.R.S. Menon Dr. B. Madhusudana Rao S. Remya Editing Dr. Leela Edwin Dr. K.K. Asha Dr. C.O. Mohan Dr. A.R.S. Menon Graphic Design Pradip Kumar Mahato Photo Editing Sibasis Guha/K.D. Santhosh Printers PrintExpress, Ashoka Road, Kochi - 17 June, 2015 Contents... Page From the Director’s desk i Executive Summary v Introduction ix Budget and Staff Position x Organogram xii Research Achievements 1 Fishing Technology 3 Fish Processing 11 Quality Assurance and Management 31 Microbiology, Fermentation and Biotechnology 39 Biochemistry and Nutrition 47 Engineering 53 Extension, Information and Statistics 57 Externally Funded Projects 63 General Information 89 Publications 90 Papers published in refereed journals 90 Contributions in books 93 Popular articles 97 Publications 98 Communicating Research Outcomes 98 Participation in Symposia/Seminars/Workshops etc. 98 Training/awareness imparted 99 Outreach programmes 106 North East Hill (NEH) Region Programmes 108 Tribal Sub Plan programmes 109 Workshops/Short courses/Seminars etc. conducted 110 Representation in Committees 112 Capacity Building 116 Human resource development activities 116 Visits abroad 116 Training acquired 117 Linkages/Partnerships 120 Collaboration with other institutes 120 Consultancies takenup 121 Analytical services 122 Past year in the life of ICAR-CIFT 122 Events 122 Meetings 125 Celebrations 126 Awards and recognitions 129 Post graduate studies 131 Important visitors 131 Invited talks 132 Agricultural Technology Information Centre 133 Administration 133 Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation Cell 133 Official Language implementation 134 Library 135 NABL activities 136 Committees 136 On-going research projects 138 List of Personnel in ICAR-CIFT 146 Results Framework Document 151 ICAR-CIFT Annual Report 2014-2015 From the Director’s desk Dr. Ravishankar C.N. The process of preparation of the Annual Report is a time for introspection, The year that went a time to look at our achievements and to assess shortfalls. It is also a time to by has, as always set ourselves new goals and to take on new challenges. 2014-15, the year that been an amalgam of went by has, as always been an amalgam of accomplishments, recognitions as well as indicators on areas where we need to re-focus in the coming years. “ “ accomplishments, recognitions as well Research being the major mandate, the Institute has several contributions as indicators on to the nation in the past year. The Institute has standardized the design and areas where we need operational parameters of semi-pelagic trawl systems, apart from designing to re-focus and fabricating radial escapement device and juvenile and trash excluder device, in an effort towards greening our fisheries. Alternative boat building material, coconut wood, was used and canoes constructed to benefit artisanal fishermen. In processing technologies, edible coating of chitosan-collagen film has been useful in extending shelf life of fish based products. A bio-ceramic natural hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite cement has been developed and characterized which can be used in dentistry. Fish calcium capsules have been produced at a pilot scale level and it has been test marketed. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware and conscious of the quality and safety of food products. A quality index scheme for pearlspot with limit ofacceptability of 16 days against the storage period of 22 days for 124 quality descriptors has been developed. Also an LCMS MS method for the detection of 225 pesticides was standardized using fish matrix. V. cholera O139 serogroup pathogenic to shrimp from post-larvae of Panaeus monodon has been isolated and reported for the first time in India. This strain has been causing high mortality in farmed shrimp. Isolation of Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus raises serious concerns as pathogens are becoming resistant to drugs. Lysinibacillus fusiformis and Bacillus thuringiensis were identified as high density polyethylene degrading bacteria. Further research on this aspect may lead to a solution for menace of plastic pollution of the environment. i ICAR-CIFT Annual Report 2014-2015 A novel delivery system of thiamine and pyridoxine by microencapsulating the vitamins with an antioxidant chitosan derivative was developed. Further the encapsulation efficiency and oxidative stability of fish oil microencapsulates was enhanced by blending with essential oils. Prototypes of solar chiller and a hand held fish de-scaling machine have been developed. In Social Sciences, indicators for assessing Fishermen Co- operative Societies have been developed and various technology transfer programmes were conducted throughout the country. Communicating research to reach a wider audience is very important for increasing its reach and effectiveness. The Institute organized 126 training and awareness programmes during the year. Several targeted programmes were conducted under the NEH and the Tribal Sub Plan programmes which has benefitted large number of fishermen and women in the North Eastern states and tribal areas of the country. Recognizing our work the Ministry of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India awarded a team of our scientists with the 4th National Awards for Technology Innovation in Petrochemicals and Downstream Plastics Processing Industry (Runner Up) in the field of Polymer Science and Technology. The Institute also was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 Certificate. The Institute has continued building specific purpose infrastructure like the Pilot level wood preservation facility for wood preservation treatments which is also made available to fishermen. The digital repository developed using Dspace open source software is an important step under-taken to provide world wide access to Institute’s research output. Taking a cue from the national movement, the Institute also organized campaigns under the ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’. The Institute has traversed 57 glorious years and the scientists and staff rededicate themselves to carry forward the work that will be useful for the fisheries sector and to the common fishers of this country. 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