INSTITUTE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF CUKUROVA PhD THESIS Ilham˙ NASIROGLU˘ FAST TIMING PHOTO POLARIMETRY WITH OPTIMA − DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ADANA, 2012 C¸UKUROVA UN¨ IVERS˙ ITES˙ I˙ FEN BIL˙ IMLER˙ I˙ ENSTIT˙ US¨ U¨ OPTIMA ILE˙ HIZLI FOTOMETRI˙ VE POLARIMETR˙ I˙ Ilham˙ NASIROGLU˘ DOKTORA TEZI˙ FIZ˙ IK˙ ANABIL˙ IM˙ DALI Bu Tez 02 / 07 / 2010 Tarihinde As¸agıdaki˘ Juri¨ Uyeleri¨ Tarafından Oybirligi/Oyc¸oklu˘ gu˘ ile Kabul Edilmis¸tir. ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ Dr. Gottfried KANBACH Prof. Dr. M. Emin OZEL¨ DANIS¸MAN UYE¨ UYE¨ ................................................ ...................................................... Prof. Dr. Yuksel¨ UFUKTEPE Doc¸. Dr. Mustafa KANDIRMAZ UYE¨ UYE¨ Bu Tez Enstitum¨ uz¨ Fizik Anabilim Dalında hazırlanmıs¸tır. Kod No: Prof. Dr. M. Rifat ULUSOY Enstitu¨ Mud¨ ur¨ u¨ Bu C¸alıs¸ma C¸.U.¨ Aras¸tırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmis¸tir. Proje No: FEF2010D17 Not: Bu tezde kullanılan ozg¨ un¨ ve bas¸ka kaynaktan yapılan bildiris¸lerin, c¸izelge, ve fotografların˘ kaynak gosterilmeden¨ kullanımı, 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunundaki huk¨ umlere¨ tabidir. Sevgili Aileme, * ***** ABSTRACT PhD THESIS FAST TIMING PHOTO POLARIMETRY WITH OPTIMA − Ilham˙ NASIROGLU˘ C¸UKUROVA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ Year: 2012, Pages: 160 Jury : Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ : Dr. Gottfried KANBACH : Prof. Dr. M. Emin OZEL¨ : Prof. Dr. Yuksel¨ UFUKTEPE : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KANDIRMAZ Cataclysmic variables are interacting close binaries which constitute a general class of binary star systems. These systems radiate in the radio through gamma-ray bandpasses, hence several hundreds of those close to our Sun have been studied ex- tensively with ground-based and space-based telescopes. The cataclysmic variable systems contain an accreting white dwarf and a normal star companion. The entire binary system usually has the size of the Sun with an orbital period in the range of 1-10 hour. In this work, general properties of cataclysmic variables were reviewed, and fast-photometric and X-ray observations of two magnetic cataclysmic variables, HU Aqr (polar) and V2069 Cyg (intermediate polar), were presented. Additionaly, in order to calibrate the polarimeter mode of OPTIMA (OPtical TIming Analyzer) some polarization measurements and polarimetric observations of some standart stars were obtained. The fast photometric and polarimetric observations were performed with OPTIMA instrument at the 1.3 m telescope at Skinakas Observatory (Crete). The X- ray observations were performed with the XMM-Newton and Swift/XRT telescopes. The timing analyse of the optical/X-ray light curves of V2069 Cyg showed double- peaked emission profile at the white dwarf spin period. Here, we discussed the prob- able mechanism which causes double-peaked profile. Furthermore, we presented the X-ray spectra obtained from the XMM-Newton EPIC instruments. Additionally, we investigated the long term orbital period change of the eclipsing binary system HU Aqr. We created O C (observed minus calculated) light curves of the system includ- ing recent observations− together with the existing data in the literature. We discussed probable mechanisms which cause the orbital period change of binary systems. Keywords: Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, V2069 Cygni, HU Aquarii, OPTIMA, Photo-polarimetry. I OZ¨ DOKTORA TEZI˙ OPTIMA ILE˙ HIZLI FOTOMETRI˙ VE POLARIMETR˙ I˙ Ilham˙ NASIROGLU˘ C¸UKUROVA UN¨ IVERS˙ ITES˙ I˙ FEN BIL˙ IMLER˙ I˙ ENSTIT˙ US¨ U¨ FIZ˙ IK˙ ANABIL˙ IM˙ DALI Danıs¸man: Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ Yıl: 2012, Sayfa: 160 Juri¨ : Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ : Dr. Gottfried KANBACH : Prof. Dr. M. Emin OZEL¨ : Prof. Dr. Yuksel¨ UFUKTEPE : Doc¸. Dr. Mustafa KANDIRMAZ Kataklismik degis¸en˘ yıldızlar c¸ift yıldız sistemlerinin genel bir sınıfını olus¸tururlar. Bu sistemler, radyo ıs¸ınımından gama ıs¸ınımına kadar tum¨ dalga boy- larında ıs¸ıma yaparlar, bu yuzden¨ Gunes¸sistemine¨ yakın olan yuzlercesi¨ uzay ve yer tabanlı teleskoplar ile yaygın olarak c¸alıs¸ılmaktadır. Bu sistemler bir beyaz cuce¨ ve ona kutle¨ aktaran normal bir es¸ yıldızdan olus¸ur. Genellikle 1 ila 10 saatlik yor¨ ungesel¨ periyodlara sahip olup sisteminin tamamı yaklas¸ık bir Gunes¸boyutundadır.¨ Bu c¸alıs¸mada kataklismik degis¸en˘ yıldızların genel ozellikleri¨ derlendi ve iki manyetik kataklismik degis¸en˘ yıldızın (polar HU Aqr ve orta kutup V2069 Cyg) X-ıs¸ın ve hızlı- fotometrik gozlemleriden¨ elde edilen sonuc¸lar sunuldu. Ayrıca OPTIMA (Optical Tim- ing Analyzer) gozlemlerinde¨ kullanılan polarimetre modunu kalibre etmek ic¸in polar- izasyon olc¸¨ umleri¨ ve bazı standart yıldızların polarimetrik gozlemleri¨ yapıldı. Hızlı fotometrik ve polarimetrik gozlem¨ verileri Skinakas gozlemevi¨ (Girit)’de bulunan 1.3 m teleskop uzerine¨ takılı OPTIMA ile elde edildi. X-ıs¸ın gozlemleri¨ ise XMM-Newton ve SWIFT/XRT uyduları kullanılarak elde edildi. Is¸ık egrilerinin˘ zamansal analizden V2069 Cyg sistemindeki bas¸yıldızın (beyaz cuce)¨ don¨ us¸frekansı¨ hesaplandı ve her iki dalga boyunda (optik ve X-ıs¸ın) c¸ift tepeli bir yayınım profiline sahip oldugu˘ gozlendi.¨ Burada sistemin c¸ift tepeli bir yayınım profiline neden olan olası mekanizma tartıs¸ıldı. Ayrıca sistemin X-ıs¸ın tayf analizi yapıldı. Bununla birlikte, tutulma gosteren¨ yakın c¸ift yıldız sistem olan HU Aqr’nin yor¨ ungesel¨ periyodunun uzun donemli¨ degis¸imleri˘ incelendi. Bu kaynak ic¸in literaturde¨ bulunan tum¨ tutulma zamanları ile bu c¸alıs¸mada elde edilen yeni tutulma zamanları birles¸tirilerek sistemin O-C (gozlenen¨ eksi hesa- planan) egrileri˘ olus¸turuldu ve donem¨ degis¸imleri˘ analiz edildi. Ayrıca bu degis¸ime˘ neden olabilecek olası mekanizmalar tartıs¸ıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Manyetik Kataklismik Degis¸enler,˘ V2069 Cygni, HU Aquarii, OPTIMA, Foto-polarimetri. II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all I would like to express my thanks and sincere appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ (University of C¸ukurova), Dr. Gottfried KAN- BACH (MPE, Max-Planck-Institut fur¨ extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany, MPE) and Dr. Agnieszka SLOWIKOWSKA (University of Zielona Gora, Poland) for their scientific guidance, encouragement and support throughout my PhD, and their kind assistance in the preparation of this thesis. It is also a pleasure to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Gottfried KAN- BACH, Prof. Dr M. Emin OZEL¨ and Prof. Dr. Aysun AKYUZ¨ for their careful reading portions of an earlier draft of this thesis and helpful feedback. Many thanks to Dr. Frank HABERL who make time for me and taught me a lot about X-ray data (XMM-Newton) analysis and interpretation, and to my office-mate Abdullah YOLDAS¸whenever I need for his advice and help in software problems and for his friendship during my stay at MPE. During my visit to MPE, University of Zielona Gora and Skinakas Observa- tory I have also met collaborations and support staff who help me a lot, therefore I would like to thank especially Fritz SCHREY, Alexander STEFANESCU, Martin MUHLEGGER,¨ Arne RAU, Huseyin¨ CIBOO˙ GLU,˘ Andrzej SZARY, and special thanks to Agnieszka SLOWIKOWSKA, Krzysztof KRZESZOWSKI (Chriss) and all my Polish friends for their help, friendship and spending great time during my stay at Zielona Gora. Thanks also to all the funding projects, most notably ASTRONS (EU FP6 Transfer of Knowledge Project ’Astrophysics of Neutron Stars’, MKTD-CT-2006- 042722) and its team, ERASMUS (European Union project), The Foundation for Pol- ish Science grant FNP HOM/2009/11B, and OPTIMA (MPE) that have paid my trip and stay during my visit to MPE, University of Zielona Gora and Skinakas Observa- tory. III I would like extend special thanks to all my friends, especially Kamuran KARA, Volkan TAYLAN, Semiha ILHAN,˙ Eda SONBAS¸, Ania SKRZYPCZAK, Durmus¸TAKTUK and Emin KAYNARPINAR for their help, moral support, under- standing and friendship during my studies, and director of UZAYMER (Space Sci- ence and Solar Energy Research and Application Center) Assistant Prof Dr. Nuri EM- RAHOGLU˘ and the staff Utkan TEMIZ˙ and Selami OZBAY¨ for their help during my works in UZAYMER. Finally, I will forever be grateful to my parents, sisters and brothers for their love, understanding and supporting me all the time. Therefore, I dedicate this thesis to my family. The works of this dissertation is based on the papers in part or in full ’Nasiroglu et al., 2010, in High Time Resolution Astrophysics (HTRA) IV-48. The orbital ephemeris of HU Aquarii observed with OPTIMA. Are there two giant planets in orbit?; Nasiroglu et al., 2012. Very fast photometric and X-ray observations of the intermediate polar V2069 Cygni (RX J2123.7+4217). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 420, 3350-3359; Gozdziewski and Nasiroglu et al., 2012. On the HU Aquarii planetary system hypothesis. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro- nomical Society. 2012arXiv1205.4164G’. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ABSTRACT ................................... I OZ.........................................¨ II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................ III TABLEOFCONTENTS............................. V LISTOFTABLES ................................ VII LISTOFFIGURES................................ VIII ACRONYMS................................... XI 1. INTRODUCTION .............................. 1 2. PREVIOUS WORK AND ASTROPHYSICAL TARGETS . 5 2.1. CataclysmicVariables........................
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