RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXV, NO. 31. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 29,1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Merchants Offer Bargains To Thrifty During Red Bank Sales Days Plan Dinner Mar. 10 to Honor Residents Flock Garden State Parkway Developers To Public Hearing 3-Day Town-wide Plans for • dinner Mar. 10 at Sea Parkway Booms Shore' On School Budget Girt inn in honor of the men who With the advent of the parkway Sale Starts Today wen inatrumcntal in the develop- great changes are in the making Board Defends Items, ment of the new Garden State park* along the entire Jersey shore. This way were made at a meeting Fri- former "country" section of the Architect Explains day of a committee of the Mon- state Is seeing a boom rarely be- mouth and Ocean County Realtors fore equalled:in the history of New New School's Features and New Jeraey Shore Builder* as- Jersey. Farms are being subdivided Council Holds Up Bev. Anderson, lociation.. LITTLE SILVER - Nearly 200 into development and homes are persons attended Thursday night's Invited guest* and principal being planned and constructed in public hearing of the board of edu- Action on Move speakers will include Gov. Driieoll, unprecedented number*. New shop- cation to hear board members ex- Sale Chairman, Ransford J. Abbott of Red Bank, ping centers are arising. Farsight- plain the '53-54 school budget and •tat? highway commissioner, and ~ei merchant* are planning subur- the proposed $225,000 new school Paul Troait, head of the Turnpike ban outlets. Towns are blueprint- building. To Cut Inlet ing extra grade and high schools. cotnmlulon. The budget and the new school Tells AuchinciOBs Likes Response The parkway celebration dinner While U. S. census figures for 1990 provide two of five features of the committee is headed by Thorns* A. reveal a IS per cent Increase in Feb. 10 election. Another major Information Is Needed Mathls, Ocean county treasurer, New Jersey's population over the issue wfll be' the election of two Fifty-two stores are taking part and E,. Donald turner of Belmar, 1940 period as a whole, the notice- board members. Mrs. A. Edwin Prior to a Decision in Red Bank days—a. town-wide honorary chairmefl. Theodore Smith able rise Is seen when examining 'Burdge and George W. Rysffr seek sales event—to be held this week- of Riviera Beach I* general chair- county breakdowns. .The shore re-election while Mrt. Walter In- RUMSON—Because "we arc in no end—Thursday, Friday and Satur- man. Representing the New Jer- counties of Monmouth and Ocean gram and Karl Jacobi seek election. position to make, an answer," May- day—according to a list released aey Shore Builders association are show a Jump of 40 per cent and BO There will be two other questions or Francis J. Nary Thursday night Monday by the Red Bank Com- William Marktn, Elbcron, president per cent, respectively, comiderably on the ballot. One is an $800 item directed Borough Clerk Albert A. munity Chamber of Commerce. of N.J.S.B.A.; Joseph Fratantonio, greater than that of any other to provide financial assistance to Kerr to advise Rep. James C. This is one of two such sales to bs Spring Lake, past president; Arthur county in the state, and bears eighth grade pupils for their trip Auchincloas that the council here held each year with a concerted ef- C. Turner, Sea Girt, put president; strong evidence that the shore t.i Washington, D. C. The other is could give no Immediate opinion fort by all the local stores to give Raymond Daniels, Point Pleasant, points are rapidly passing from the a $1,500 item which proposes that Bev. Anderson of Anderson's Music shsp, chairman of the retail trad* committee of on a proposal to cut an Inlet exceptional values and to offer vice president; Harry Sunns, Lake- "summer home" classification to a the Tomalno property at the rear through the south beach area at close-outs in their various lines. wood, treasurer, and Robert Skold, locale for permanent residence. of tt)e school on_ North Lovett ave. th* Community Chamber of Commaree; Ray E. Taylor, executive vice presidept of the Cham- Sea Bright. According to Bev Anderson of Sea Girt, and Allan Vautler, Toms be purchased. If approved, the land Anderson's Music shop, 21 Broad River. The surge in population growth ber, and Leo Goldberg of Yanko's, era shown at Yanko's store making plant for the distribu- Mr. Auchlncloss asked the bor- would provide an exit to North ough's advice in reference to ef- St., retail trade chairman, this is In Monmouth and Ocean counties Lovett ave. and relieve congestion tion of display material in connaction with Red Bank Days. Mr. Goldberg is a member of tho first of Red Bank's annual •Board Representatives reflects an influx of people from forts of Sea Bright officials and north and South Jersey, as well now experienced on Markham pi. the Chamber's retail tradt committee, which is sponsoring th* sales promotion. organizations to construct the in- winter sates events, and the com- The Honmouth County Board of mittee is working toward eventu- Realtors Is r6prcsented on the com- as from out of state, particularly •Shell' Proposed let. The congressman wroto that those from the Philadelphia area when he waa mayor here, he op. ally enlisting all 175 Chamber mem- mittee by Ernest L. Martin, Glen- Meeting in the auditorium to ac- her stores Into participation. dola, chairman; Rolston Waterbury, who have moved into Ocean eounty, Total Eclipse of Moon posed such an inlet because he commodate the large attendance, feared the rush of tide water The next sale Is scheduled for Red Bank, secretary; Theodore F. Where daily commuting from this Lester W. Taylor, president, intro- License Inserts Firemen's Ball section to the metropolitan areas Vitible Here Tomorrow through the inlet .would flood Rum July and plans arc already being Appleby. Asbury Park, pact presi- duced W. James Taylor, architect, son properties. Ho said, however, mado for this event. dent; Edward VanNcM, Spring was formerly formidable, the park- who explained the reasons for the way's lack of crosa streets and red A total eclipse of the moon— that he looked favorably upon an "Even those stores which have Lake Heights, past state associa- proposed 12-room "shell*' building. Available Feb. 1 which occurs during a full moon Well Under Way inlet at Spermacctti cove at Sandy already had January clearance sales tion president; Jamea B. McAfee, lights enable the motorist to main- The board contemplates furnishing As a public convenience, motor- tain an average speed of 50 miles when the earth and the moon Tickets for the 28th annual ball Hook. will offer addition savings during Bridle, past president; Kenneth L. six rooms if the proposal is car- ists can obtain their 19SS motor are In a line with the sun, and of the Ked Bank Fire department Red Bank Days," Mr. Anderson Walker, Shrewsbury, put president; per hour, and travel time to work ried, adding other rooms as needed. Councilman Charles B. Harding or Dullness in New York and Jer- vehicle registration insert renewals the earth's shadow fallt on the arc In the hands of the ball com- said. Serving on the retail' trade L. D, Edwards, Sea Girt, and Ray' The architect said the proposal and drivervllcense renewals on and moon to deprive It of some of the mittee and arc being disposed of said Army engineers have never committee with Mr. Anderson are mond VanHorn, Fair Haven. sey'* larger cities Is now a prac- made a complete study of the pro- ticality. was decided upon because it is after Feb. 2, a full month ahead light It received from the sun— rapidly. At this early date the af- Robert de la Reussille of Reus> The Ocean County Board of Real' more economical. He added that of previous years. Miss Edith I. will begin tomorrow (Thursday) fair promises to surpass any pre- posed Inlet. He said ho desired siles' Jewelers: Michael Schneider* (on It headed by the president, Parkway authorities expect the through the medium of alternate Wennlng, license agent at 19 Mon- vious undertaking of the depart- more Information on the commer- afternoon at 3:M when tha moon cial value of th« project and the man of Footcralt Shots; Ralph Al- Robert Haag, Toms River. Serving section from Cranford to Union to bids, adequate construction could mouth St., Red Bank, announced enter* the penumbra, or outer ment of like nature. lan, manager of Stein bsch's; Abe with him are Ernest DeVoe, Point be completed this summer. The en- be obtained with available funds. today. The Inserts can be displayed amount of freight It would bring shadow of the earth. The ball will be held at the to the Shrewsbury river. He added Rosenberg of the Bob and Betty Pleasant; T. C. Hlerlng, Seailde tire route, when finished, will run Looking to the future, he said, It on the vehicle Immediately. Molly Pitcher Saturday night, Feb. shop; Leo Goldberg of Yanko's; Leo Heights; Stuart W. Gurney, Har- from Bloomfleld area to Cape May, will be more eeonomleal to furnish The moon will reach the eunbrs, that an estimate of the cost ob- Heretofore, registrations and driv- en heavy shadow at 4:51 p. m. 21. under' the auspices of the ex- tained about ten years ago was Diamond of Straus company; Ros- vey Cedars; G. Clinton Grlggs, and should make the Jersey shore classroom* as needed because such er licenses were not issued until ecutive council of the Red Bank coe Angle of Albert S.
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