'f' °..1': ~ .'+ '.". NUMBERMO. DAyoY~AR oJ ~fN/. 1,0 Pt'0" on ""~~~~,t';~~OTHER._'1.'- "DI~:' \¥R~~NUM8! ,~,8: 0 ~,=,,-- . , 0" NEARESTS1.000 nii ." r. i c 1 J 1 21-CIV- 05 06 80 4 320 1 999~+ 3C24 p 80 112l':'CIV- :;.,::, 1 J' -JWK ~ JWK ~' . j. PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS (: :: j' H~T, .Eo HOWARD,JR. I I \l:MARCHETTI, VICTOR L. and I ~: -LIBERTY LOBBY, a D.C. Corp. \ ~ ); \ , ,~£:;'t :;~,.. :," .~. ..or, '" ~ "-,' CAUSE ASSAULT, LIBEL AND SLANDER: .1{ Suit to collect for false and}; malicious statements written by deft. ,:.. 28 U.S.C. 1332 :: 4 -, - ATTORNEYS ELLIS R IN '1'l':'B'J:-;,'1',~~~IG~1 & B~_A~LEY 265 NE 6th Terr. -2n1 ~1~~, N~~1nn~1 R~nk Rl fig. Miami, Fl. 33137 2~ tJ4a~ ~, ~g' 4~ ~~~pet Tel: 576-5600 H~A_~I, mOPIDA 33130 '£e] 371..-1712 OBER, K.Z'LER, GRIM&S & SHRIVER .. By: William A. Snyder, Jr., Es~lire FLEMING LEE ~. Kevin A. Dunne, Esquire 300 INdependence Avenue, SE . 1600 Mc"":-ryland National BanJ< Bldg. Washington,DC 20003 ..' Dal'ciri'Ore, MD 21202 : , ~'el: 301 685-1120 J ,.I t ~ I, "' 0 CHECK FlUNG FEES PAID STATISTICAL CARDS IF CASEHEREWAS E CD. NUMBER CARD DATEMAILED FILEDIN CCA JS-S ~':'Y t~so FORMA DC [. JS.6 PAUPERIS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DOCKE"" OC-1111-.1n81 'C"" , ,.1". i" i - nU-lt~J J. IW... .1S-5 .:.. AT! HR, PROCEEDINGS "\ -Cnrds ' I .='I---;-',.~ . Hay 6 COMPLAINT. ($3,500,000.00+) 1 ~~ . 6 Summonsissued to deft-~~rchetti. Copy to file. 2 6 Summonsissued to deft-Liberty Lobby. Copy to file. ..3 20 Summonsret'd exec. 5/12/80 as to Liberty Lobby. 4 June 2 Letter regarding: Copy of stp. of extension of time. 5 ~ 2 Stipulation allowing the Deft. time to respond to complaint is extended untill 6/11/80. (Liberty Lobby) 6 4 Petition for limited appearance. (Fleming Lee) 7 4 Stipulation allowing deft time to respond to compo 9 ORDER:(both-parties) ~-rant~ng Petition for limited appearance of 8 Fleming Lee. (6/9/80/JWK) 9 11 Motion to dismiss compalint (Deft. Libert Lobby) 10 11 Affidavit of Fleming Lee 11 :', 11 Affidavitof Anne Cronin 12 f~;~:i.'\ 11 Affidavit of Bernard DeRemer 13 ...;.,,-,- 11 Memoof law in support of Deft. Libert Lobby Inc. Motion to ., dismiss. (Deft) 14 JULY 9 Summonsissued to Marchetti retd exec on 6/18/80, 15 15 Motion of Deft Victor Marchetti to Dismiss the Cp1t. 16 15 Affidavit of Victor L. Marchetti. 17 15 Memoof Law in support of Motion of Deft Victor L. Marcheti to dismiss the complaint. -18, IOV 6 ORDER Case is DISMISSED for lack of Jurisdiction. JWK --5 ~,-flv :\ 11/6/80 MC 11/7/80. 19 ~ ~/7 6 ORDER Motion of Fleming to Appear is GRANTED. , 11/6/80 JWK. 20 " 11 Summonsissued to Liberty Lobby. Copy to file. 21 11 Amended Complaint for Libel (Pltf). 22 1981 JAN 7 23 LETTER from atty LEE re receipt of AMENDEDCOMPLAINT FOR LIBEL. JT =, 9 24 S~~10NS issued to Liberty Lobby retd exec by serving Mr. DeRemer Sec of Corp. on 1/2 /80. JT 15 25 ~10TIONfor ext of time in which to respond to amended complaint and incorporated memo of law in support therefore. (DEFTS). JT 21 26 ORDER(JLK) granting ext. of time to respond to amended complaint to 1/30/81. (EOD-l/23/8l-CCAP) rw ,";: 30 27 MOTIONof Victor Marchetti and Liberty Loppy to strike, or in the alternative to Dismiss, the Amended complaint. rw -FES 23 28 M~10 of law in opposition to Defts Motion to strike or dismiss amended comp and Pltfs Motion for default. (pJ.tf). JT MAR 2 29 MEMOof law in Opposition to Pltfs Motion for Default. by Defts. JT Jun 29 30 ORDER(J\-lK) on mot to strike or to dismiss, defts mot to strike is i- denied, and deft's mot to dismisse is granted. The -, amended complaint is dismissed without prejudice as to deft Marchetti. Deft Liberty Lobby has 20 days from date of order in which to file its answer to the amended complt, this cause is set for trial immediately upon the filing of deft's answer. (EOD-7/7/8l-CCAP). cs', ,~:j J:u1 15 31 MOTIONfor stay of proceedings pending disposition of petition for writ "... ~ ::r; of mandamus. by deft's. cs ,...J ~'i\"O"'i ; ; i~,t~:-,,'.-CONTINUED ~~:!!f:;~i~i ... .~S;,...,..\- ~.."~,..., , ";:o.:~:r-. .'.-- .,'U--.-: I . Ii '"d.i... , III ,,"C;,I .. ~ - ..". 1;7S! o~. CIVIL DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET, ' .. PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT 80-ll::>'1-C~-J\~ DOCKET NO. .0_- I . PAGE_OF_PAGE,s DATE NR. PROCEEDINGS '- 1981 . OCT 27 56 MOTIONto shorten time, by pltf. sj 27 57 NOTlCE of taking dep of 1iillis A. Castro, Treasurer Of Liberty Lobby,lnc. on 11/5/81 at 1:00. sj 27 58 NOTlCE of taking dep of James Paul Tucker on 11/5/81 at 3:00. sj 27 59 RE-NOTlCEof taking dep of Barnard DeRemer, Sec of Liberty Lobby, Inc. on 11/6/81 at 9:00. sj 27 60 RE-NOTlCEof taking dep of Fleming Lee, Esq. Gen Counsel of ;~!- 27 61 RE-NOTlCELibertyof takingLobby, dep Inc. of Eictoron 11/6/81 Marchetti at 11:00. on 11/5/81 at 10:00. sjsj ~:'::.:-j',° : 30 62 OBJECTIONSto pltf's mot to shorten time, by deft. sj ~ NOV 03 63 ANSWERSto interrogs propounded by deft, by E. Howard Hunt Jr. sj 03 64 CERlFlCATE of compliance, by pltf. sj 05 65 OBJECTlONto pltf's request for production, by deft Liberty Lobby, Inc. sj 09 66 EMERGENCYverified motion for protective order, by deft Liberty Lobby. f 09 67 RENOTlCEof tkg depo of E. Howard Hunt 11/4/81 @ 1:00 PM, by deft. fw 09 68 ORDER(JWK) both pty's mot to shorten time Denied. Discovery may continue until day of trial. (EOD11/12/81-CCAP) f~ 13 69 DEPOSlTIONof E. Howard Hunt, Jr. sJ 16 70 RESPONSEto pltf's request for production, by deft. sj 30 71 MOTlONto compel def to respond to interrogs, by pltf. pk DEC 04 72 AFFlDAVIT of 'Willis A. Carto. 041 73 AFFlDAVlT of James P. Tucker. 04 74 AFFIDAVIT of Victor L. Marchetti. 04 75 AFFIDAVlT of Bernard R. DeRemer. 04 76 Mot for S/J and mot to declare E. Howard.Hunt a public official or a public figure, by deft Liberty Lobby Inc. 04 77 MEMOin supp of above mot, by E. Howard Hunt, Jr. 04 78 OBJECTlONto pltf's mot to compel, by deft Liberty Lobby, Inc. 04 79 MEMOin opp to pltf's mot to compel, by deft. 02 80 MOTIONto withdraw as counsel is deneid. (EOD-12/7/81-CCAP) sj 07 81 SUPPLEMENTALanswers to interrogs, by p1tf. s 8 82 LETTERfrom Ellis Rubin to Fleming Lee re: agreement between parties to take depos of Willis A. Carto, Bernard DeRemer, & James Paul Tucker on 12/7/81 at 12:00 noon, by p1tf. P 10 83 OBJECTlONto notice of taking dep and memo, by deft Liberty Lobby. s 11 84 LETTER from Ellis S. Rubin to Fleming Lee, Esq re; confirm agreemnet made to depose w/o necessity of a re~notice of taking dep. 14 85 DEPOSlTlON of Willis A. Carto.on 12/7/81. 14 86 DEPOSlTlONof James P. Turner, Jr. on 12/7/81. 14 87 EXPERTSfrom deposition of Willis A. Carto on 12/7/81. 14 88 DEPOSITlONof Bernard R. DeRemer on 12/7/81. 14 9089 DEPOSITIONNOTlCE of takingof Walter dep P.of KuzmukEdwf.rd onDunn 12/7/g1. on 12/11/81 at 10 :00. ,- IS --Jury 'rr'ial Corm1encedand continued. gf 16 --Jury 'rr'ial resumed. gf 17 --Jury Trial resuemj and concluded, Verdict reached, Frank Legow ~w,... ...r-O"1;;person. gf (Cont~ued) . fij,~., ""d"",'" ""'c.~IU ",. .oc.lllA .," ' l~oY. 1:751 ... ~- " ...' CIVIL. DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET 80...ll2l~CIV-JWK .C;-::-;::-LAINTIFF DEFENDANT .1 DOCKET NO. /- 'E. HOWARDHUNT, JR. VICTOR L. MARCHETTI, et al PAGE-- OF PAGES ..,. DATE NR. PROCEEDINGS 1981 32 ORDER (~{K) denying mot for stay of proceedings. (EOD-7/28/8l~CCAP). cs A1JC 7 33 .!:J.~SWER to amended complt, by deft. sj 10 34 ~OTICE OF APPEAL by Deft-Liberty Lobby, Inc. from Order entitled Order Denying Motion for Stay of Proceedings ent. 7/28/81. (Copies to USCA, Ct Rept & all counsel of record) ai ,', 'c/O' 12 35 ORDER (~-1K) setting cause for trial commencing week of 11/16/81. ,~;',:< (EOD-8/17/8l-CCAP) .C", 18 36 LETTER from Brenda Hauck, deputy clerk, Atlanta Georgia, 5th / Circuit ct, to JIBogard, Clerk, re: enclosures of cert copies of court's orders denying writ of mandamus cs 18 37 COpy of writ of Mandamus being denied, by Circuit Judges Hill, Vance and Henderson, from u.s. Court of appeals for the 5th circuit. cs 17 38 ORDER(JWK): Deft is given 20 days from date of this service to answer all above and foregoing interrogs, or to file appropriate objections. (EOD-9/18/81-CCAP) s SEPT 2 39 NOTICE of taking dep of E. Howard Hunt Jr. on 10/28/81 at 10:00. sj 28 40 REQUESTfor production, by deft. sj 28 41 NOTICE of appearance of Talburt, Kubicki & Bradley as counsel. for deft Liberty Lobby. s 28 42 INTERROGATORIESto E. Howard Hunt, by deft Liberty Lobby. s OCT 08 43 ANSWERSto interrogs, by dfet Liberty Lobby. s 08 44 MOTION to shorten time, by deft. t. sj 14 45 REQUESTfor admissions, by pltf. s 14 46 NOTICE of taking dep of James Paul Tucker, managing editor of The Spotlite on 10/28/81 at 5:00.
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