A Bibliography of Publications about the AT&T Plan 9 Distributed Operating System Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 23 March 2021 Version 1.47 Title word cross-reference PPT+92, PPT+93, PPD+95, P+96a, P+96b, Pik00c, Pik00d, Pik00a, Pik02, Pre88, Pre90, PPTT91b, PPTT92, Pre93a, Pre93b, PW93, PPTT94, Ray94, Sko98, Sta12, Tho00b, 81=2 [Pik91, Pik00a]. α [PT00]. Wel93, Wel94, WJV+84]. '93 [ABB93]. '96 [PT00, PT00]. η [PT00]. κ [PT00]. λ [PT00]. [Ano96a]. 9p [MM06]. 9p-based [MM06]. µ [PT00]. ρ [PT00]. σ [PT00]. Acid [Win00a, Win94, Win00b]. Acme 11th [USE02]. 18th [IEE04]. 19th [ABB93]. [Pik94]. Adding [Fla02]. aggregate [VFMM08]. algorithm [Tho68]. 5 [Ano96a]. Algorithms [KP99b]. Analytical [JCSM96, JCMS97]. Annual [USE00]. 9 [Ano90, Ano95a, Ano95b, Ano95c, Ano96a, ANSI [Tri00]. ANSI/POSIX [Tri00]. Ano96b, Ano96d, Ano96c, Anoxxa, Anoxxb, APE [Tri00]. Application [Fla02, Lau00]. Anoxxc, Anoxxd, Ano00a, Bai96b, Bai96a, Applications [BGSL05]. Approach + BGSL05, Cox00, CGP 02, DPP92, Duf90a, [Cox09, MS04, QD02]. April Duf90b, Duf00, Fen96, Fil96, Fla00, Fla02, [IEE04, USE92]. Architecture [Fla02]. Gan08, Goo90, GS93, HF00, Kor96, Kot94, Architectures [USE92, Wel93, Wel94]. + Kue97, Lug81, MKM 14, MS04, PPTT90a, archival [QD02]. assembler [Pik00e]. PPTT90b, PPTT91a, PPT91, Pik91, 1 2 AT&T [Ano95a, Ano96b, Bai96b, Bai96a]. Earlier [Sta12]. Edge [Ano96a]. Editor August [ABB93, USE02]. authentication [Pik87, Pik00h, Ritxx, DL67]. efficient [Gan08]. Automata [MY60, Lau00, RS59]. [Cox10b]. England [USE88]. Enumerating [McI04]. Environment Bad [Fen96]. Bangs [MKM+14]. based [Pik02, Tri00, VFMM08]. Errata [Anoxxd]. [Ier09, MM06, Win94]. bases [ABB93]. Be EurOpen [Eur91]. EUUG [USE88]. [Cox07]. Beautiful [OW07]. Becomes Everywhere [Ano96a]. expect [PPT91]. [BGSL05]. Bell [BGSL05, PPTT90a, Expression [Cox07, Cox09, Cox10a, Cox12, PPTT90b, PPD+95, Pre88, Ray94, Trb16]. Ier09, Cox10b, Ker07, Tho68]. Expressions Beyond [Ano90, Ano96a]. Big [MKM+14]. [KP99b, MY60, Lau00]. Brace [Ano96a]. Built [Win00a]. Fast [Cox07]. Fe [IEE04]. Feature [Fil96]. C [Pik00b, Tho00a]. CA [USE00, USE02]. Feature-Rich [Fil96]. Fi [Goo90]. File Cached [Qui91]. California [Pik00c, Pik00d, Qui91, Tho00b, Wel93, [USE93, USE94]. Came [Trb16]. Can Wel94]. Files [HF00, ZMSD93]. Film [BGSL05, Cox07]. Case [BGSL05]. [Fil96]. Finite [RS59]. First [Ano96a]. Changes [Pik02]. clusters [MM06]. code Fourth [Pik02]. Francisco [USE94, USE02]. [OW07, Cox12]. comment [JCMS97]. Future [Goo90]. Communications [IEE05]. comparison [Wel93, Wel94]. Compiler [Pik00b]. Generation [Kue97]. gets [GS93]. Getting Compilers [Tho00a]. Compressed [Cox00, Pik00c, Pik00d]. GNU [ZMSD93]. computer [PPT91]. [Ano95b, Ano95c, Rob95a, Rob95b]. Go Computing [Ano96a]. Good [Fen96]. Google [Cox12]. [Ano96b, IEE05, MKM+14, MS04]. Grammars [Ier09]. Graphs [MY60]. Grid Conference [ABB93, Eur91, IEE05, USE88, [MS04]. grids [MM06]. Guide USE93, USE94, USE00]. contrary [PPT91]. [Gli00, Kot94, GS93]. controls [Ano95a]. conversion [Lau00]. Costs [Ano96a]. Cutting [Ano96a]. Hawaii [IEE05]. Hello [PT93, PT00]. Hierarchies [JCSM96, JCMS97]. Hike data [ABB93]. Databases [Ano96a]. Dead [Ano96a]. history [Ritxx]. hold [Ano95a]. [MI07]. Debugger [Win94, Win00a]. Holistic [VFMM08]. decision [RS59]. Designing [JCSM96, PPTT91a, PPT91, JCMS97]. IEEE [IEE05]. II [Rob95b]. incomplete Desktop [Ano96a]. deterministic [Lau00]. [Ritxx]. Index [Cox12]. Inferno [Ano96a]. Diego [USE93, USE00]. Distributed installation [GS93]. Installing [Ano96b, BJ94, Eur91, IEE04, MKM+14, [Anoxxa, Ano00a]. integrated [MS04]. PPTT94, PPT91, PPTT91b, PPTT92, Interface [Pik94]. International Ray94, Wel93, Wel94]. Distribution [ABB93, IEE04, IEE05]. Inverted [Anoxxa, Anoxxc, Anoxxd, Ano00a]. DMI [ZMSD93]. Ireland [ABB93]. Irrelevant [Ano96a]. Documents [P+96b]. Dot [Pik00g]. ISDN [Ano96a]. Island [IEE05]. [Pik00c, Pik00d]. Dot-Dot [Pik00c, Pik00d]. Downsizing [Ano96a]. Draft [Kot94]. January [USE93, USE94]. Java [Ano96a]. Dublin [ABB93]. June [USE00]. 3 Kauai [IEE05]. Kernel Open [Eur91, BJ94]. Operating [Ano96c, Kor96, USE92]. Kernels [USE92]. [Fen96, Ano95a, Ray94]. organization Konzepte [B+99]. [PW93]. OSes [MI07]. Other [Pik00f, USE92]. Outer Laboratories [Ray94]. Labs [Ano96c, Kor96, Lug81, WJV+84]. [BGSL05, PPTT90a, PPTT90b, PPD+95, Pre88, Trb16]. Language Parallel [IEE04]. Parsing [Ier09]. Part [Luc97, Win94, Win00a]. Languages [Rob95a, Rob95b, Ano95b, Ano95c]. [KP99b, McI04]. Large [ZMSD93, ABB93]. Partially [ZMSD93]. pattern [Ier09]. Lexical [Pik00c, Pik00d]. Lexicons pattern-matching [Ier09]. PC [Bai96a]. [ZMSD93]. library [Cox10b]. License PerCom [IEE05]. Perspective [Eur91]. [Sta12]. like [PPT91]. Limbo [Luc97]. line Pervasive [BGSL05, IEE05]. Plan [Ano95a]. Link [Ano96a]. Linux [Ano96b, B+99, Kue97, Pik00e, Sko98, Ano90, [Gan08, Min01]. List [Anoxxd]. London Ano95a, Ano95b, Ano95c, Ano96a, Ano96b, [USE88]. look [PPT91]. lot [PPT91]. lp Ano96d, Ano96c, Anoxxa, Anoxxb, Anoxxc, [Gli00]. Anoxxd, Ano00a, Bai96b, Bai96a, BGSL05, Cox00, CGP+02, DPP92, Duf90a, Duf90b, Machine [Cox09]. maintain [Ano95a]. Duf00, Fen96, Fil96, Fla00, Fla02, Gan08, Maintaining [HF00]. man [GS93]. Goo90, GS93, HF00, Kor96, Kot94, Lug81, management [MM06]. Manual MKM+14, MS04, PPTT90a, PPTT90b, [OK00, P+96a, P+96b, Pik00e, Win00b]. PPTT91a, PPT91, Pik91, PPT+92, Manuals [P+96a]. March [IEE05]. PPT+93, PPD+95, P+96a, P+96b, Pik00b, matcher [Ker07]. Matching Pik00c, Pik00d, Pik00a, Pik02, Pre88, Pre90, [Cox07, Cox09, Cox10a, Cox12, Ier09]. PPTT91b, PPTT92, Pre93a, Pre93b, PW93, Matter [MI07]. May [Eur91, PPT91]. PPTT94, Ray94, Rob95a, Rob95b, Sta12, media [Ano96d]. Memory Tho00a, Tho00b, Wel93, Wel94, WJV+84]. [JCSM96, JCMS97, PPTH00]. Mexico plans [Ano95a]. Plumbing [Pik00f]. poor [IEE04]. Micro [USE92]. Micro-Kernels [GS93]. Ports [Ano00b]. POSIX [USE92]. might [PPT91]. Mk [HF00]. [Sko98, Tri00]. Practice [KP99a]. Price Mkfiles [Fla00]. Mobile [Ano96d]. Model [Ano96a]. principled [Cox10b]. Printer [JCSM96, JCMS97]. modifications [Gli00]. Private [Min01]. Problems [Ano95a]. Movie [Fen96]. Multi [Ano96d]. [Sta12, RS59]. Proceedings Multi-media [Ano96d]. Multics [Eur91, USE88, USE92, USE93, USE94, [MKM+14]. Multiprocessor USE02, ABB93, IEE05, IEE04]. Process [PPTH00, Pre90, Pre93a, Pre93b]. [PPTH00, MM06]. Processing [IEE04]. Professionals [Ano96a]. Programmer naechste [Kue97]. Name [P+96a, P+96b]. Programmers [Pik94]. [PPT+92, PPT+93]. Names Programmierung [B+99]. Programming [Pik00c, Pik00d]. Namespaces [Min01]. [KP99a, Luc97, Pik02, Tho68]. protocol Network [Pre88]. networks [PW93]. [PW00]. Netzbetriebssystem [B+99]. News [Kor96]. NFAs [Lau00]. Norway [Eur91]. QED [Ritxx]. o [PT00]. Object [Ano96a]. online [DL67]. RAID [Ano96a]. RAID-5 [Ano96a]. Rc REFERENCES 4 [Duf90a, Duf90b, Duf00]. re2 [Cox10b]. [Eur91]. Reduce [Ano96a]. Regular [Cox07, Cox09, Cox10a, Cox12, KP99b, Ubiquitous [BGSL05]. ugly [GS93]. MY60, Cox10b, Ker07, Lau00, McI04, Tho68]. Universe [MKM+14]. UNIX Relational [Ano96a]. Release [Pik02]. [Bai96a, Eur91, Goo90, Sko98, Ano90, Research [Pik00g]. resource [VFMM08]. Duf90a, Duf90b]. USA Rich [Fil96]. Right [Pik00c, Pik00d]. [USE92, USE93, USE94, USE00]. Use [Ano96a, PPT+92, PPT+93, Pik00b]. User sam [Pik87, Pik00h]. San [OK00, Pik94]. Using [Hol00, ZMSD93]. [USE93, USE94, USE00, USE02]. Santa Utilities [Pik00f]. [IEE04]. Scalable [Ano96b]. School [Ano96a]. Sci [Goo90]. Sci-Fi [Goo90]. Various [Ano00b]. Venti [QD02]. Very Search [Cox12, Tho68]. Searching [ABB93]. Virtual [Cox09]. VLDB [ABB93]. [ZMSD93]. Seattle [USE92]. Security Vnode [Wel93, Wel94]. Volume [CGP+02, USE02, Ray94]. Server [Tho00b]. [P+96a, P+96b]. Service [Ano96a]. Setup [Kot94]. Shared [PPTH00]. Shared-memory [PPTH00]. WA [USE92]. Wakeup [PPTH00]. Well Shell [Duf00, Duf90a, Duf90b]. Simple [BGSL05]. Wild [Cox10a]. window [Cox07]. Sleep [PPTH00]. Slows [Ano96a]. [Pik91, Pik00a]. Winter [USE93, USE94]. Software [KP99b, Pik00g]. Some [MI07]. Work [BGSL05]. worked [Cox12]. Space [Ano96c, Kor96, Lug81, WJV+84]. Workshop [USE92]. Workshops [IEE05]. Spaces [PPT+92, PPT+93]. Specified World [PT93, PT00]. WORM [Qui91]. [ZMSD93]. SPIN [Hol00]. Spooler [Gli00]. Spring [Eur91, USE88]. Sprite XCPU [MM06]. [Wel93, Wel94]. Started [Cox00]. State [MY60]. Still [MI07]. storage [QD02]. Yourself [Ano96a]. Streams [Pre90, Pre93b, Pre93a]. strings [McI04]. Study [BGSL05]. Summer [Ano96a]. Support [Ano96a, Fla02]. References Symposium [IEE04, USE02]. System Agrawal:1993:VLD [Fen96, Kot94, MKM+14, Pik00g, PPTT94, Qui91, Ray94, Ano95a, MM06, Pik91, [ABB93] Rakesh Agrawal, Sean Baker, and Pik00a, PPTT91b, PPTT92, Wel93, Wel94]. David Bell, editors. Very large Systems [BGSL05, Eur91, BJ94, Duf90a, data bases, VLDB '93: pro- Duf90b, PPT91]. ceedings of the 19th Interna- tional Conference on Very Large tagged [Lau00]. Technical [USE00]. Data Bases, August 24{27, 1993, Techniques [Tho68]. Terms [ZMSD93]. Dublin, Ireland. Morgan Kauf- Text [Pik87, Pik00h, Ritxx, Ier09]. their mann Publishers, Los Altos, CA [Lau00, RS59]. there [GS93]. Third 94022, USA, 1993. ISBN 1-55860- [IEE05]. three [Wel93, Wel94]. tight 152-X. LCCN QA76.9.D3 I61 [Ano95a]. tomorrow [PPT91]. tool [Ier09]. 1993. Co-sponsored by VLDB Traditional [BGSL05]. transitions [Lau00]. Endowment and Irish Computer Trigram [Cox12]. Troff [OK00]. Tromsø Society; in co-operation with the REFERENCES 5 IEEE Technical Committee
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