LINCOLN LOR£. No. 155 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA March 28, 1932 1848-Spring, Mrs. Lincoln in Lex­ Mrs. Lincoln in Springfield to visit the LINCOLN LORE injrton; Lincoln in Washington. Lincoln tamb. May 1 (about), Mrs. 1849-Robert S. Todd died. October, Lincoln rented her West Washington the Lincolns in Lexington in connee­ Street bouse and moved to the Clifton 8VLI.'STUl OP E~DOW'Ktl BT tu.m with lawsuit. House. July, Mrs. Lincoln in Racine, TK a L.nu:our Tua Ln.·cot." Wisconsin. Sept.ember 19, Mrs. Lin­ H liTO& I CAt. ~' 4 Tt0lrf&t. Ltn 1850-February 1, Edward Baker Lincoln died. Spring, the Lincoln• in coln in New York. The proposed auc­ R&tiJ.1lCU l}l: t tl1l AM O I tion episode. October 13, Mrs. Lin­ YOtJ)ID£Tl0lf CoxPJ. XT Lexington. December 21, Wdliam Wallace Lincoln born. coln was boarding with D. Cole, at 460 West Washington Street, Chicago. NO· l)r. L.o11l3 A. Warren PAllor 1853-April 4, Thomas Lincoln born. vembcr, Mrs. Lincoln's brother-in-law, 1857-Summer, Mrs. Lincoln trav­ Dr. William Wallace, died. l\1ARY TODD LINCOLN eled to Niagara ~'alls and New York. 1863-Mrs. Lincoln traveled in New September o-30, second story added to England, Pennsylvania, and else­ CHRONOLOGY Lincoln house. where. In Chicago much of the time, Abraham Lincoln lived with his wile, 1860-M.ay 18, Lincoln nominated at the Clifton House. July to Septem­ Mary Todd Lincoln, over a period of Cor president. November 7, Lincoln b~r. Mrs. Lincoln in Crt!SSOn, Pennsyl­ twenty·thrue years. One may assume elected president. vani>~o September 24, Robert 'J:. Lin­ wi~hout contradiction that during thio 1861-January 10, Mrs. Lincoln in coln marr1ed Mary Harlan. Later in period she inHuenccd him more than New York shopping. January 24, Mrs. the Autumn, .Mrs. Lincoln, with 1'ad, any other person. This fact makes a Lincoln back in Springfield. February went to Europe. study of Mrs. Lincoln's life an im· 11, Lincoln and his family left Spring· 1869-January 25, l\lrs. Lincoln's portant contribution to the under­ lield for Washington. ,l,'ebruary 23, letter written from Frankfort am standing of bez husband. Lincoln arrived in Washington. March Main, Germany, was read to the Sen­ Mr~. ,tbrahao>o Lincoh• by Dr. W. A. ~. Mrs. Lincoln, after stopping in New ate. December 3, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad Evans of Chicago, is an exhaustive York, arrived in Washington. Sum· in London. December 29, Mrs. Lincoln •tudy o! Mary 'l'odd, lx.>ginning with mer, Mrs. Lincoln visited Saratoga, and Tad in Frankiurt am Main; 'fad her ancestcy and concluding with her New York, and Long Branch, New Jer. in school. death in 1882. sey. September 1, Mrs. Lincoln visit. 1870-Fcbruary 12, Mrs. Lincoln in The contents of Dr. Evans' valuable ed Niagara r'alla. November, Mrs. r'lorence, Italy. Mareh 22, Mrs. Lin· addition to Lincolniana can best be Lincoln had returned to the White coin and Tad in Frankfur~ am Main; visualized by the following chronology house from her several trips. Tad in school. May to August• Mn;. which Is made available through the 1862-1-'ebruary 20, William W. Lin­ f,i.ncoln and Tad in Germany; 'rad in kindness of the publisher of the book, coln died. DurJng the summer, Pres· •chool. May 2, l1rs. Lincoln's pension Alfred A. Knopf, New York: ident and Mrs. Lineoln spent most of bill passed the House. May 19, Mrs. 1812-November 26, Robert S. Todd the season in the Anderson cottage, Liucoln visited Tad in school at Ober married Eliza Parker, Lexington, Ken· Soldiers' Home, Washington. Septem· Ursel, near Frankfurt. tucky. ber, Mrs. Lincoln visited New York 1871-Robert Lincoln and family on City at the Metropolitan Hotel. No­ Wabash Avenue in Chicago; Tad's ill· 1826-July 5, Eliza Parker Todd vember 29, Mrs. Lincoln returned from died. ness continued. June, Mrs. Lincoln and a visit to New England. December 21, Tad at the Clifton House; Tad serious­ 182~November 1, Robert S. Todd, 1lrs. Lincoln in Philadelphia, Conti­ ly ill. July 15, Tad died at tbe Clifton Mary's !ather, married Betsy Humph­ nental Hotel. House; funeral from Robert's home on reys, Franklort, Kentucky. Mary Todd 1863-April, President and Mrs. Lin. started school at Ward's, Lexington, Wabash Avenue; burial in Springfield. coin and Tad visited the Army of the 1874- Mrs. Lincoln's name reap. Kentucky. Potomac. July, Mr•. Lincoln thrown 1832-Fcbruary 29, marriage of peared in the Lakeside Directory o! from carriage and her head badly Chicago; address, Grand Central Ho­ Elizabeth Todd, sister of Mary, to hurt. September, Mrs. Lincoln at tel. Summer, lllrs. Lincoln in Wauke­ Ninian W. Edwards. ~1ary Todd en· Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York City. tered :Mentelle's school, Lexington, sha, Wisconsin, drinking lhe waters N0\1Cmbcr, creditors of Mrs. Lincoln !or her health. Winter, Mrs. Lincoln Kentucky. threatened to sue her. l.leeember 3-7, in Florida. 1833-Mrs. Ninian W. Edwarda hhs. Lincoln in New York City, Fifth 187l>-Ar.ril, Mrs. Lincoln at the moved to Springfield, lllinoi•. Avenue Hotel. Grand Pac1ftc Hotel, Chicago. May 19, 1837- Mary Todd visited Sprin~eld 1864--April 28, Mrs. Lincoln in New ~lrs. Lincoln tried !or sani~y. gfay 20- for three months. Autumn, Marr rodd York City, Metropolitan Hotel. June September 10, in Bellevue Place Sana­ again in Ward's School, LeXlngton, 24, Mrs. Lmco)n in Boston. August 31, torium, Bat.avia, Illinois; thereafter Kentucky. Mrs. Lincoln in Manchester, Vermont. with Mrs. N. W. Edwards, Springfield. 1839- ·Autunm, Mary Todd, living with Mrs. Edwards in Springfield, met 1865-Jnnuary 17, Levi 0. Todd died. 187~1n Springfield with Airs. Ed· Abrnhnm Lincoln. Mnrch 22, President and Mrs. Lincoln wards. 1840-Abro.baru Lincoln and Mary visited Ci~y Point. April .J, President 1877-AprH 12, in Pau, France. Todd engaged to marry. and Mn;. Lincoln visit<>d Richmond. Went to Marseilles and Naples. April April 14, President Lincoln assassi­ 22, in Sorrento. 18·11--Janunry, engagement of Mary nated. biny 1, President Lincoln buried Todd Rtld Abraham Lincoln broken. 1878-July 4, in Pnu, France. m Springfield, Illinois. May 221 Mrs. 18·12-Novembcr 4, Abraham Lin· Lincoln and family le!~ Washmgton 1870- December, in Europe, mostly coin and Mary Todd married at the for Chicago; they nrrived May 2~ and in Pau. Injured by full. Edward's home. Went to live at tho 1880-0ctober, reached America. Globe Tavern. went to the Tremont House. May 31, Mrs. Lincoln moved to a Hyde Park ~· 1881-Autumn, went to New York 1843-Augu&t 1, Robert T. Lincoln boarding-house. born. to be treated by Dr. Lewis A. Sayre. 1844-The Lincolns lived on Mon­ 186~Mrs. Lincoln in Chicago. May 1882-Janunry 16, pension increased roe Street. The Lincolns bought the 22, Mrs. Lincoln bought and occupied to $5,000 a year by Congress which al­ "Lincoln home." n house on West Washington Street. so voted her $16,000 in addition. 184~1\larcb 10, Edward Baker Lin­ 1867-Mrs. Lincoln in Chicago. Rob­ March, returned to Springfield. Sum­ coln born. Lincoln elected to Congress. ert Linooln In the ftrm, Scammon and mer, suffered from boils; refused to 1847-0ctober, the Lincolns visited Lincoln: lived with his mother at 376 go to seashore. Jul)• 161 died in Spring­ Lexin~:ton en route to Washington. West Washington Street. April 14, field. Buried in the Lincoln tomb. .
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