SERVING THE TOWNS OF BARRE, HARDWICK, HUBBARDSTON, NEW BRAINTREE, NORTH BROOKFIELD, OAKHAM, PETERSHAM & RUTLAND SINCE 1834 ServingServing the towns the of towns Barre, of Hardwick, Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, Hubbardston, New Braintree, New Braintree, North Brookfield, North Brookfield, Oakham, Oakham, Petersham Petersham & Rutland & Rutland since 1834 since 1834 Serving the towns of Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Petersham & Rutland since 1834 FEBRUARYBARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE VOL. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 FEBRUARYBARRE20,EBRUARY 2014 GAZETTE F BARRE20, 2014 GAZETTE USPS 044560 VOL. 179, NVOOL. 40. 179, NO. 40 $1.00 $1.00 USPS 044560USPSUSPS 044560 044560 A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.com Singing the night away June 10, 2021 ❙ Vol. 187, No. 8 ❙ $1.00 Senate candidatewww.barregazette.turley.com SingingSinging the night the nightaway away visits selectmen MikeSenate ValanzolaSenateeconomy, candidateeducation and candidatecommu- Hubbardston nity. Of all the candidates for the visiting district towns senate seat, he is the only one that Quabbin High graduates the was a selectmen. He stated that local aid and Chapter 70 money completes By Ellenor Downer visitsvisits wereselectmen a priority. Heselectmen said that now Staff Writer Class theyof were the first areas2021 cut, not the first funded. economy,He mentioned educationeconomy, and education commu- and commu-ATM in OAKHAM- Despite a Mike ValanzolaMike Valanzolathat the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm, Oakham nity. Of all thenity. candidates Of all the for candidates the for the ested in funding new programs, selectmen still held their meeting. but that new programssenate take moneyseat, hesenate is the seat, only he one is the that only one that Republicanvisiting candidate visitingdistrict for state townsdistrict towns two hours away from existing programs. Senate, Mike Valanzola, intro- was a selectmen.was a Heselectmen. stated that He stated that He also said that the duced himself to the two select- local aid andlocal Chapter aid and 70 Chaptermoney 70 money By Ellenor Downer Department of Elementary and men present, EliotBy StarbardEllenor and DownerBy Ellenor Downer Secondary Educationwere (DESE) a priority. was were He a priority.said that He now said that now Staff Writer Matthew Broderick. James Erhard Staff Writera Stafffar too Writer powerful bureaucracy. of Sturbridge is also a running as a they were thethey first were areas the cut, first not areas cut, not DESE adopted common core state Republican for the senate seat. HUBBARDSTON – Ninety- standards initiativethe without first a vote funded.the first He funded.mentioned He mentioned Valanzola saidOAKHAM- he hoped to visitOAKHAM- the Despite aDespite a of the legislature thator input the fromlegislature is more inter- four residents acted on a 24 article selectmen in all 28 towns in the that the legislature is more inter- Tuesday snowstorm,Tuesday schoolsnowstorm, Oakham districts. Oakham Selectman Annual Town Meeting warrant in Senate district. He stated that he ested in fundingested newin funding programs, new programs, Starbard said that he did not agree served selectmentwo terms on still selectmenthe heldWales their still meeting. held their meeting. two hours Tuesday, June 1. with the income basedbut thatnet school new butprograms that new take programs money take money Board ofRepublican Selectmen and isRepublican candidate currently forcandidate state for state spending formula that determines Moderator René Lafayette said chairman of the Tantasqua Regional away from existingaway from programs. existing programs. Senate, MikeSenate, Valanzola, Mikehow much Valanzola,intro- a town must intro- spend on at the beginning of the Annual School Committee, a committee of He also said that the education. Starbard said the town He also said that the 18 membersduced that serveshimself fiveduced towns.to thehimself two select-to the two select- Town Meeting, “What a difference has no way to collectDepartment any of the Department of Elementary of Elementary and and He menexplained present, to themen selectmen Eliot present, Starbard Eliot and Starbard and a year makes. Last year, in my Secondary EducationSecondary (DESE) Education was (DESE) was that his Matthewfocus if elected Broderick.Matthew would be James Broderick.See Erhard SELECTMEN, James Erhard page 7 remarks, in the midst of a pandemic a far too powerfula far too bureaucracy. powerful bureaucracy. Turley Publications Photo by Amber King, an intern from Quabbin Regional High School. of Sturbridgeof is Sturbridgealso a running is also as aa running as a and widespread civil unrest plagu- DESE adoptedDESE common adopted core common state core state The band Crawdad E Creek held their sixth annual bonfire and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 8 at American Legion Post 2. RepublicanRepublican for the senate for seat.the senate seat. ing our Nation, I mentioned ‘..that standards initiativestandards without initiative a vote without a vote Valanzola saidValanzola he hoped said to visithe hoped the to visit the democracy must, that democracy of the legislatureof the orlegislature input from or input from Stateselectmen funds inselectmen all 28 towns in allused in 28 the towns into the will prevail,’ before we embarked school districts.school districts.Selectman Selectman Senate district.Senate He district.stated that He hestated that he on that quintessential New England Starbard saidStarbard that he didsaid not that agree he did not agree QRSD to hold promoteserved two servedterms regional ontwo the terms Wales on the Wales contribution to government, the State approves Pathfinder roof project with the incomewith basedthe income net school based net school Board of SelectmenBoard of and Selectmen is currently and is currently Annual Town Meeting. Today, the public budget about 62 percent of the project cost acceptance of the cost, site, type, spending formulaspending that formula determines that determines Construction chairman of thechairman Tantasqua of the Regional Tantasqua Regional pandemic and the restrictions that or $2,003,781 of $3,273,620, with scope and timeline for the pro- partnerships how much ahow town much must a spendtown muston spendcame on with it are retreating. We, in hearing the remaining $1,269,839 borne by posed project,” wrote John School Committee,School aCommittee, committee aof committee of expected to begin munities that benefit education.from the 37 pro- Starbard said the town Hubbardston continue to take pride Pathfinder’s member towns, based McCarthy, executive director of Technology,18 members health that serves five towns. education. Starbard said the town BARRE - The Quabbin late summer on enrollment. the MSBA in a Jan. 29 letter to Dr. 18 membersjects that slated serves to Turleyreceive five Publicationsfundingtowns. from Photo by Karen Lewis in our public safety personnel who the $4 million Communityhas noInnovation way hasto collectno way any to collectof the any of the Quabbin RegionalRegional School High District School (QRSD) Principal Greg Devine addressesPathfinder’s the member Class towns ofGerald 2021 Paist, at superintendent-direc- the graduationnetworks ceremonyHe advanced explained last Friday,He to explainedthe selectmen June to the3. selectmenMore graduation photos serve as police officers, fire fighters School Committee will meet on By Douglas Farmer include Palmer, tor of the Pathfinder regional dis- that his focusthat if hiselected focusChallenge would if elected (CIC) be grant would program.See be SELECTMEN,See SELECTMEN, page 7 page 7 and story inThursday, enclosed Feb. 27 at special 6:30 p.m. at thesupplement.Staff Writer Blog about it in Ware, Belchertown, trict. “Upon receipt of the certified By Emily Thurlow “The CIC program is a major and EMTs. Thank you for your ser- Quabbin Regional School District our reader forum Staff Writer component of the Patrick Turley PublicationsTurley Photo Publications by AmberGranby, PhotoKing, Hardwick, anby internAmber from King,votes Quabbin an interndemonstrating Regional from Quabbin High School. Regionallocal High School. vice above self.” Educational Support Center, 872 PALMER – After receiving Monson, New approval, the MSBA and the dis- Administration's commitment to pro- South St. At the conclusion of school formal approval for funding of the Braintree, Oakham trict will execute a project funding Through a program that is vide cities and towns with the tools to Select board chair Daniel The band CrawdadThe band E Crawdad Creekcommittee held E Creek theirbusiness, sixthheld a public theirannual budget sixth bonfireproject annual andfrom bonfire foodthe Massachusetts drive and foodon Saturday, drive on Feb.andSaturday, Warren. 8 at American Feb. 8agreement at LegionAmerican which Post will Legion set2. forth thePost 2.intended to support regionalization effectively manage resources and pro- Galante gave his state of town www.gazetteforum. and other cost-saving initiatives that vide services to their residents,” said hearing on the Quabbin Regional School Building Authority wordpress.com “Pursuant to the terms and conditions pursuant to report. He said he believed the bud- SpencerSchool District FY15man budget will be (MSBA), a new roof will be placed terms of the MSBA’s which the district will receive its will change the way local govern- Secretary of Administration and get presented was “level and fair.” held. The public is invited to attend. overVoters the heads of staff and students electAccelerated Repair Munroe
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