2 0 0 9 - 1 0 ANNUAL REPORT LEUcAN, AN ExTENdEd fAmiLy wiTh mEmbERs AcROss ThE PROviNcE Of QUébEc • more than 3,200 families benefiting from its services Denis Caouette and Michel Nadeau • nearly 2,000 volunteers A messAge from the executive Director A messAge from the PresiDent In 2009-10, Leucan focussed on strengthening its foundations and of the AssociAtion • over 65 employees thinking about its future. This led to the 2010-14 strategic plan, It is with great pride that I have agreed to ensure the continuity of this which includes an update of the Association’s mission, vision and values. important association and continue the work of the past 32 years. Leucan was established by parents and health professionals seeking to better the Leucan has supported children with cancer and their families for conditions of children with cancer and their families. Leucan pursues this 32 years, providing support from the day of the diagnosis through commitment today with the same enthusiasm as in the beginning. Having every stage of the illness. Leucan wishes to become the main source lived through the reality of a child with cancer myself, I have seen the vital of reference for its members, partners, volunteers and donors. Because role Leucan plays in the lives of those children’s families. at the end of the day, the Association’s success is built on its incredible network of compassionate people. At the most difficult time of our lives, Leucan’s professional team welcomed us with empathy and compassion. At the hospital, back at home, and all In terms of visibility, Leucan has enjoyed a fruitful year. The landmark points in between, Leucan was there to reassure us, letting us know we of 30,000 heads shaved through the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge were not alone. Leucan’s socio-recreational activities allowed us to interact was reached, the Leucan 12-Hour Ski Challenge event was held on with families facing the same challenges. When times got tough, massage six mountains, and The Ball of Leucan was introduced. The key to this therapists were there to soothe the pain. And Leucan offers so much more! success comes, without a doubt, from the support of the corporate Without Leucan, there would not be clinical research protocols which, and artistic worlds, as well as the unwavering support of our fellow among other things, reduce the impact of the illness. Throughout every Quebecers, without whom none of this would be possible. Leucan also battle, the people from Leucan look after the families from the wings, visiON welcomed a new member to the family: Annie Villeneuve, who became reminding them that they have the support of a second family: Leucan’s Leucan’s spokesperson for 2010. An industry leader active in every region of the province, Leucan is the main source of family. In 2009-10, the Association gave more than $880,000 to support reference and help for families of children with cancer, partners, and donors. Over the last year, a new strategic direction has been introduced that clinical research, and increased its presence in pediatric oncology centres. allows Leucan to be more involved with its members. In this regard, the The new fiscal year was marked by the signature of an agreement with missiON Association has updated its mission. As both President of the Association Sainte-Justine UHC, which made the partnership official and ensured and a parent, I can assure you Leucan will proudly live up to its mission: To help cancer-stricken children and their families believe in a brighter future. delivery of Leucan’s services at the hospital. Leucan assists in the well-being and recovery of children with cancer at each phase of the TO HELP CANCER-STRICKEN CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES BELIEVE IN A This year also marked the departure of Mrs. Martine Carré as President BRIGHTER FUTURE. This mission statement represents Leucan’s commitment illness and its many side-effects providing specific and adapted services, of the Association. She will, however, remain a key member of the Board to be a strong and reassuring presence as long as necessary. Family stories as well as emotional and financial support, including financing of clinical research. of Trustees. Leucan would like to take this opportunity to thank her for are what Leucan knows best–they have been woven into its history, one her exemplary commitment to the Association and to welcome the new family at a time, since 1978. And Leucan keeps close all the members of Values President, Mr. Denis Caouette, Commander, Service de police de la ville this great family. de Montréal. Mr. Caouette was previously a member of the Board of Leucan would not have accomplished all of this without the help of Personal and collective commitment Trustees. Respect as part of the support relationship its valued volunteers, employees, donors and partners. I would like to personally thank each one of them for their support over these 30+ years. Excellence in delivery of services Sharing and managing resources with equity Michel Nadeau, Executive Director Denis Caouette, President of the Association 3 LEUcAN LOOks vOLUNTEERs: EssENTiAL mEmbERs Of ThE fAmiLy AfTER iTs fAmiLiEs thanks to the generous contribution of thousands of volunteers, leucan organizes activities throughout servicing families with a cancer-stricken child remains leucan’s top priority. the Association Québec. leucan’s volunteers support children and their is there in every living environment, whether it is the hospital, the home, at school, or as families, help out with administrative tasks, and take part of the family’s social and public lives. over 3,200 families benefit from leucan’s services part in fundraising activities. throughout the province of Québec. in 2009-10, the Association reinforced its position with its members by providing, among close to 2,000 volunteers other things, greater financial assistance, and by introducing new school life services, which facilitate the schooling of the student with cancer and his or her siblings by supporting them Almost 20,000 hours of volunteering and taking part in the development of some intervention plans. Leucan would like to call special attention to the volunteers who work at the childminding services in hospital centres, who give parents time for themselves—to take a shower, eat a hot meal, shop for groceries, attend fAmiLy sERvicEs iN 2009-10 personal meetings and appointments, take care of other children back at home, get some much-needed sleep, go for a walk, etc. This year, these Welcome, emotionAl AssistAnce AnD suPPort services volunteers took part in events sponsored by Groupes Balint. This innovative hosting approach allows for a better understanding of situations encountered (from the beginning of the hospital stay until the child is back at home) as part of their childminding services. This is part of the continuous training 229 children became members of Leucan Leucan’s volunteers undertake, and it presents an opportunity to reinforce the bond they share with the families they work with. The training provided by Groupes Balint also contributes to the adjustment of basic training finAnciAl AssistAnce activities offered at Leucan to better reflect the daily involvement of Families received $700,429 in grants, an increase of nearly 30% versus the amount given in 2008-09 these volunteers, and to provide coaching better suited to their roles. mAssAge therAPy 8,791 massages administered to children, parents and siblings, at the hospital and at home 88 permanent and contract massage therapists, and 37 volunteers AN iNfORmatiON hosting AnD suPPort services in PlAyrooms cENTRE mAdE (at Sainte-Justine UHC, Centre mère-enfant du CHUQ, and CHUS, and as part of different workshops in other fOR yOU! playrooms at Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) Leucan’s Information Centre provides children, families Nearly 19,000 visits by children, and as many by their guests (siblings, parents, etc.) and healthcare workers in the province of Québec with information on all aspects of pediatric cancer. The Centre generated several information requests, socio-recreAtionAl Activities documentary acquisitions, research initiatives, news (regional, interregional and provincial) published on its website and book and DVD rentals, 66 organized activities and 3,844 participations in addition to the distribution of flyers, and the preparation of information sleeves. On top of that, 475 participants in the 2009 Leucan-CSN Summer Camp the Centre now offers book rentals to families during hospital stays. Over the last year, the Centre developed school life several new projects of educational tools. (support and awareness) 3,551 students reached through awareness programs 185 schools supported enD-of-life AnD bereAvement folloW-uP services 77 participations to the six proposed activities Lodging for 30 families at the Fairmont Le Château Montebello 4 5 REgiONAL sERvicEs: PEdiatric ONcOLOgy cENTREs: A fAmiLy portraiT fRiENds Of ThE LEUcAN fAmiLy leucan’s employees are dedicated to providing families over the years, leucan has developed a special partnership with the four pediatric oncology centres with activities and services tailored to their needs. this year, in the province: sainte-Justine UHC, montreal children’s hospital of the MUHC, centre mère-enfant many regional offices have teamed up to organize activities. du CHUQ (Québec city), and CHUS (sherbrooke). this close collaboration is essential as the hospital here are some of the highlights: is a necessary stop for leucan’s families. 95 Abitibi-témiscAmingue Membership: As such, Leucan works in their best interest, year after year, by providing: welcome, emotional assistance and support services; (including James Bay Region) a playroom in three of the four centres; activities; meals; massage therapy; information, etc. In 2009-10 alone, 51 activities were leucan abitibi-Témiscamingue is proud to offer an animal therapy program to its young organized, for 1,173 participations.
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