Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Dissertations 1943 Studies on root necrosis of wheat caused by Pythium graminicola Subr John Edward Grafius Iowa State College Follow this and additional works at: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd Part of the Agricultural Science Commons, Agriculture Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, and the Plant Pathology Commons Recommended Citation Grafius, oJ hn Edward, "Studies on root necrosis of wheat caused by Pythium graminicola Subr " (1943). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 13814. https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/13814 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Dissertations at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Retrospective Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 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Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 SB60e.vv5 G75s S*» wmm m smtm» mmimm mm.'mm Sya^tats Dis^s# 11 Bffeots of JSutrient Lerels and piFT on the ''Jrowth of j^Miaa grggjnioolft, la <kltur« »«•••«*.,«»•»»• 14 Grswm in lafssted ansJ Hoa-'lafested Stesmd Soil«. if Effects of Coiabia&tione of Kutrients <ai Sse^Iitogs Growi In Isofeated and Noa-.iHf»fited Stoaaed Soll»* •tS SPf«#t» of WgAtrtvs^ #a of ^ Immr Hall <» ««# ««* #•»##'# *»•#*# ¥ftrietRl R«sistaJG»« 15 leaetlott «f Ft Gr©BS®® bM FftjpwAs to P» g3Wi^ni«l&« m 41 SSMttB" ###•»**»«»• #••••«»•«•**!##•*•••• »#•»»••• •#*•«»#* '41^' T764S fjtmf Of of %^lum gmainieola in 64 Emm m a«SSiri^^''®KF1&$»*S.tS0e S®il 'Qxpmiimi eA Tmm mt .«% fwo of liiti^@g«a, J^o«|^®jpiK- «ai Ffl(^«i«ai im Q&^&risom with Wm Slmek^ •.***#».»•#•.«•«.• M i* tiseHtti &t in M Hmr# ia Pststfei- iiiiiiWi# Aptr TTn4»r ^•ftic at fhr<e)w i|fpimlfflBts Lewis of pH said Four Le'^ls of !fetrl®»^« If &¥l« t« Iffeot of and fctyt»afeB •.«« tfe# ti^' litigiit ®f A»a,t ^Jeedliugs Oroum om Steams^ @0il ft»& •» St»6)«ed Soil Iaf««t«d 'Wim Wm l^ags Har?«st«»d Mt»f' 'IbPi* of If Sttlsi# 4* Effect of m thm W»tglit ©f Wte»t Seedlings Grown in Steamed fMmee Saady fceatt- S©il with g^mlai0ol<t aad la Isw-lmfde-ttid C<N9.tx^ls» '^SOT9«ted M^r fix. Ve«lQi fvowiybi *!•**•*•••«««••••«••#*««•*«.«»•:»««««««••«>»«*** M 'Is^Is .§* !nii<skms9 %t 'ibv imsr Wall of the Seeticaw ©f SMitel Hoots of Six-^ek-olt mm% Seedling# im Soil fakea «t I..»i • S 'W*# 'S«i f mrn^ Wem. Point of mm'tt-Mm i@ 1 «, Corf^i'latlon CdeffioieBts* for ^0 Atmnngo tM«l» mm* of tk« Inner Wall of tfc« Indodermis anl Aveiuge Dsy Tsoight of Root# of Sixx»eek;*old Wsmfli Bmmm» lifeift f« of aap»i««»elc-old So^liga ©f ti f&f«» of on Stoaraed Soil wi"^ gia»tid<»^ «3Bi m, lo»-iaflMi'<aid Soil t* Length of Root® Tops of Flw Sp^s® Ihoat ¥arietia» and fea Fj Hybrid# ^rma oja St«a«»d Soil Infested with F* graminieola aiid «a lw»- iafested steamed Soil iii. usf m mmms flgtt'iw S*" grmtk P.. ggaa&at®»3ft in culture (tmeh&dM>®ra$fflLPed vfith mifmmg#'' |*r eent dxy weight of vdieat (S9<»dlii3gs grtaim ®b M* fsstftd/Waoinfestad eail for three ireekti Cclidbii|« Th0 pere0nt&g0B of the high and low H, W mA- 1 mtrieats exm |9res«xrbed m en at^ragd* frmi fftblett 1 Zi. i*: girowth of gyaaioieolft t» ia,. oulturo (unshaded) ooapar©d^"witti th« eent djY ijsrelght of vrhoat seediix^s grcim la f98ted/4uin<»ixifest0d soil for th^ve ir»ek« &t three l«v»ls of pH* Data fr<^ Tablei^ I 4^ t'«:« IS S# fop. ?ai0Rt seedlings ^rown on sfesiiuwii »®il» Botta®# S««dliag« grcwtt on steanwd f.#ii infsatsd with P, g3m»iai«eM» l#f% and pteospfeorus t* ?ig«(3r« 4» fttf Sls«MMi«<l vAiMt tmm 8t«m»d aMI wlttt F, to rl^tt fol^Mis&ni* 80 end phosphorus* B#%%0!a« Has.ltJiy seedlings frcaa non»lnf«8^d «te«®®d 8oil. Left to right* Hitr©g®a» potassium, no mtrient and phosi^oruft ••«•*•• Si S» Cross-s«oti€m of seaiml roots of six>«wek'->old i^[m0it saedllfigs taken at S m, tnm the point of mri^Mrn C»ss-8«®tiffia of root fraa s%»WRd #»S.l r»0el7lx^ phosphorus* Bottom,, Crass-ae^feion of root l^twm ft*®#! 8«il rscMsivijag nitrogum m il® Figar® #• Spriisg wheat varieties grosm ta Aoil infostSNi wltt JPythliiHi gramiaaioola (lower rm) mad In nom* # ••«»•*•»* #-« «'»•«# SS' fipEj» f* Spria^ «ai«at -warietias. -gmmm M moil laf®*^i ^yfefai«% gmraAaieoIa (loswr row) aiad ia aon- iiiSee^WsSltapoer'''r5w), l>ft to right i Pilot, Si»tah®r* and T« timo^mvi* ft -p' * «' »S ei 2m o 43 M ^ r-t «l « J t 2 s M **»• 4* H 1 1 I I 1 $ I & I I i i m I 4 m 49 m ! i 11J1 M m I I P4 s M a " s m t « 5 % ^ i I t% tla?®sgfe »» e©rfe« fefe® 'ttps- e#tttwtl. ^liai:«jp# !»#%» «r «(Sl»ta»«# mm ««ttda.et#i m& »t 'tts %m wrieti#* mi -barley f#r Kt»#tef€| th« ««i#t re»iat8««B# fStl'i,. 1*1* ®wi^ .l%«i«l» •% «! |?J «&«« ««rtai.a lytihiast »pis:i» i»«iife <&§ mm» «i * mM "m% itt 'ife# rm^ Mpt*. «*jrf»afc»r s-|»#i»#' #f ®«K5€Hi3.y t*slit*i>< 'S^m *»m» ww® ?> C»i»| fit#* -feis .mm » aifM^r mA a«a» wsb» Mt»r fey C®i y* .Samwi-fe^ftttaws % «t -•! (f) »hmm t!mt pstfe«f«i»' mi -^Miw v«m to fi«l.i8. ®f •@i»» m mil m in fi®M« #f o«« is ^.leh ^r««% r«fc- pr#wft,l«at «ai ttei# ttiw as'^oriify' of 9f^i.vm m Bugm mam Itt 'Its® tf». -aai (M} «©«»•»« ©f i9 ag0jiMFyi^Proil8 H^ViO —¥'r Jt-'Ml'THnii BUt i^ilwl^yrc wl- m ,p^3m®3rw'WMfc -4MIB rt m 'lilVi wmlMw wmr^wwm0kar jntiMitinJih'»MJa (®i)» .tefcjWiMmtsa. ttSj# frmmm #f)» Is •»! ttelhue (M) m& Wtleh (SI) haw report#^ ®f -fyi&to speoltSfl on oats, Welch. (31) has emph«t8i»«Kl l»f@Pte» »f y» w Si#9l'ii1Nrt fwom s@w<ll^Bgs la I«wiu "S^rror# P» wi« •l#-® fewsi ^ %• «a piywifi'fc# 1(1=1®*^®® mi g#; gfwlal»|» i»!«» f*» aai tt®t foussd t© :ef #t «tl (f| ,p9-^:rt»i tiwt £p«: se^syf^ mm- mm^ m miM mEd (30) ««%• fb. aiggt^aroa^g aai »» faat# tet 'WmM •%« S4#®Mt# mm m M^mmm 1m th» mm'^t m ,Sa Wtm mm ®f utosNki# 'tm A varisty ®f -tti# . w&eti on of oats to P« d«bayya3ac»» Iteiielli ($%) fmeM. M9 swmM wmtm^nm^ t® tfels- lla®^ Jlg#3rt«a, S&rly Iftil !»# Hg«ri«ag. ^ftstakam -mM W6m %«: %» tte »6t resistant varieties of SSg ' iie«a^i» of all# «»«*i ^ g» mi>shmM!smm0 wr« i-m (20) ift 1926* Siiseo that tim diseas# tel l»« ffltt'iril' la *l#« «»«* &f *wr *wcl»# f«»ss» -fifc-lilMWi#. ssai ittadriek mjrfl: ildggs (W^) %iAt mmM r«fc m*. •Qi® mmt ailo ta '0f ~lii« ftflNir mmi mea^ plajBlMi-' sliow^i §mvmrm •toifei*®' y9%ltmlng ©f til# Si 'mee'i^ «fs^». m# i3«ily tfc« i^serr, mimm fls-«» wwi a ljri«fe»*®d« Iieadri«k asai Brlgg# (20) resls'feBa* fiants xa 19^ '»^ 'toit mm m^m$0& '^mMm ftwrf M ifS&l&U it Bi« ptrusiMe- pp»««i»» of FfiAilvm gmMisieeltt ©s isl6«*t m« »piir<»4 ,ia IsMia. % fiS) 4a ISiS# &1» 'Mtiiei* 4^«rliNNi «f i&mmm m- «|>l.lar m« fwrnA *!» %# iiiNi» m;# *#f%. @iiil ft'£Mai% ¥iii.«icf«li. la%9 2&« #f i%Mt ttf to tl» first »€»#- M *3^ 'mmm tfc® |s«ytt«ig ^g»maeA vmm temA t.® %# •««*#.• la tfc# ©#• itmt *-al I t i I I m I i I i a I - 11 I 1 I I iS % II I If I I I ! I I J I I S s s ' «»• a i ^ 3 a t « i Is I I ,• I 1 ^ 'S S i I I a I 5 I '%f « a f i! 11 s* Mwi^|p4# 'isi^l -Bwawpi* %# Atitm^m ti» m&4 Bmmvit l«wi%- wmim^mt# mm^ iS-dS. f*r is ^owmm^m: mt «r«« ifoo'ts* S© mri«%- m »te0»»a a ifttgut* •«# »«fc4ii-itew»e-» mmm Siwrtai y» gfje»ini<ielR la ewlttt» •mm Im' tiii# tisiSwi^ a^aWR*^ sipwi®, -ei jmlmM WB»^ pfispywd* lAMmA- Wmm -warn lAWk .#f li^PO^, «i IgS^» Miwm iM 1* sad.
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