UPPER-PLATE STRUCTURE AND SEDIllliNTATION OF THE BAKER PEAKS AREA, Yill1A COUNTY, ARIZONA Cynthia L. Pridmore and Christy Craig San Diego State University San Diego, California 92182 ABSTR,<\CT The Baker Peaks of south,,,estern Arizona are gation because of the large section of Tertiary composed of reddish arkosic sandstone and granitic­ strata exposed there. Such an accumulation of sedi­ boulder conglomerate units deposited in an alluvial­ mentary rock should provide at least a partial record fan environment with a provenance located to the of the depositional and deformational history for south. Deposition of these units was coeval with that time. Therefore, the purpose of this investiga­ rotation along northeast-dipping growth faults inter­ tion was to describe the stratigraphy and structure preted to merge into the low-angle detachment fault and their interrelationship, and to propose a tenta­ observed to the south of the range. The Tertiary tive depositional model. The development of this strata (upper plate) lying above the detachment fault model was intimately associated with the structural appear to have been affected by northeast-southwest character of the range because the deposition and extension with transport of the upper plate to the deformation appear to have been coeval. northeast. A regional reconstruction provides a model depicting the interrelationship between The presence of regional Tertiary detachment Tertiary sedimentation and structure for this area. faulting described to the north, northwest, and east Alluvial-fan formation appears to have been initiated of the Baker Peaks (Frost and Mueller, pers. commun., along northeast-dipping growth faults in close asso­ 1981) further suggests that this area should provide ciation with the dmmwarping of the Gila Trough to a record of this regional extensional event. The produce the main catchment basin. ideas put forth in this paper are not a final summa­ tion but are meant to provide a framework for further INTRODUCTION investigation and to provoke further inquiry into the interrelationship of extensional tectonics and basin The Baker Peaks are located within the Hohawk development. Valley of southwestern Arizona, approximately 57 km. east of Yuma. The main access to the range is dirt Previous Hork roads, Avenues 36 and 40, off Interstate Highway 8 (Fig. 2). The Baker Peaks lie within the boundaries Host of the earlier work in this area has been of Luke Air Force Range, an active gunnery range, and included in mineral deposit reports. Hilson (1933) thus entrance into the region is restricted by mili­ provided a good general description of the sandstone tary jurisdiction. and conglomerate from the Baker Peaks. He included descriptions from earlier work, notably work by Bryan The Baker Peaks reach a maximum elevation of done in 1925. Hilson commented briefly on the orien­ 432 meters and encompass approximately 13 sq. km. tation of the bedded units, suggesting that the From Interstate 8 the Baker Peaks can be seen as a changes in strike and dip that he observed indicated set of angular, pyramid-shaped peaks characterized by that the units had been considerably affected by northwest-trending strike ridges with southwest­ faulting. facing dip slopes (Fig. 3). The range is surrounded by a rock-cut pediment surface. To the immediate Keith (1978) also included a description of the east and west of the range, the pediment is overlain Baker Peaks in his report on the mining districts of by wind-blown sands and Recent alluvium. To the Yuma County; however, most of this description cites south, low-lying hills cross the plain to the contact much of the earlier work by \,ilson and Bryan. Eberly between Tertiary conglomerate and Precambrian to and Stanley (1978) divided the Cenozoic stratigraphy Mesozoic crystalline rocks of the Copper 110untains, of southwestern Arizona into two units; they con­ mapped by \,ilson (1933). To the north, the pediment sidered the strata of the Baker Peaks region to extends for at least 1 km; hm"ever due to the proxim­ belong to the older unit which predates late Miocene ity of similar Tertiary units at Antelope Hill, which time. Host recently Lynch and Lundin (1980) provided lies 5 km north of Baker Peaks, the pediment probably a fieldguide description at Baker Tanks, 2 km to the extends much further. south of the Baker Peaks, in which they included a description of the units and a brief discussion on The Baker Peaks are composed of stratified their provenance; however, no structural observations arkosic sandstone and conglomerate that appear to be for this area were noted. derived from a granitic source terrane. The sand­ stone is predominantly coarse grained with cross­ STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BAKER PEAKS bedding and thin-bedded shales occurring locally. The conglomerate is composed of well-rounded cobbles General Setting and boulders. Reddish, arkosic sandstone and granitic boulder Purpose conglomerate units make up the succession of sedi­ mentary rocks in the Baker Peaks range. The dip In light of the growing interest in mid-Tertiary slopes of these tilted beds define the profile of the tectonics in southwestern Arizona, the Baker Peaks Baker Peaks, and are quite prominent when viewed from ,,,ere considered to be a good target area for investi- a distance (Fig. 3) 357 QUATERNARY a TERTIARY I<Q-T)fl FANGLOMERATE ;,J~s;'.;..... TERTIARY SANDSTONE [illj,- ,.-' a CONGLOMERATE ~!iltKmJ TERTIARY VOLCANICS ~ MESOZOIC GFtANITE MESOZOIC a PRE- ~ CAMBRIAN SCHIST JI4 .,. tv s AND GNEISS o 3 6 9 112 15 mi. w (]I ANTELOPE HILL CD G WELLTON III Il:l ~HILLS o \ fJ' Figure 2. Regional geologic map of southern Yuma County, as modified from Wilson (1960). Figure 3. View to south of Arltelope Hill (foreground), Baker Peaks and Copper Mountains (skyline). A dark coating of desert varnish covers a large units in contrast to the darker sandstone. The sup­ percentage of the sandstone effectively obscuring porting matrix varies from a moderately sorted most of the primary sedimentary structures. The only arkosic, silty, coarse-grained sandstone to an outstanding unit easily seen under these conditions unsorted, lithic, micaceous, silty, pebbly, coarse­ is a tabular-shaped, thick, 1.5 to 3 m, granitic­ grained arkose breccia sandstone, which is inversely boulder conglomerate (Fig. 4). 1fuile most of the graded at the base. sloping beds are varnish covered, clean exposures are located along steep canyon walls. Clean exposures A generalized lithologic column is illustrated are also found in the stream beds south of Baker in Figure 6. This figure depicts the lack of mega­ Peaks at Baker Tanks. cycles, and shows a small-scale, cyclic, fining­ upward trend. However, in several exposures these Lithologic Description cycles did not appear to dominate the sedimentary sequence. Instead, the sandstone contained a random The sedimentary succession of Baker Peaks is arrangement of alternating massive, coarse-grained largely composed of reddish to purple-brown and sandstone and crudely bedded, coarse-grained sand­ bro\'ll-gray, planar-bedded units often appearing as stone. massive, poorly sorted, pebbly, coarse-grained sand­ stone. Many times these units alternate with crudely The total thickness for these sandstone and con­ laminated, moderately sorted, pebbly, medium-grained glomerate units in the Baker Peaks is not seen due to sandstone. The base of these units is sometimes faul ting. lIm"ever, canyon exposures display an graded or inversely graded. Locally, thin beds of a uninterrupted thickness of at least 90 m. very fissile, dark-red, silty claystone form promi­ nent blocky shelves in sharp contact with the over­ Faulting interrupts the sedimentary rock lying sandstone. sequences throughout the Baker Peaks. Therefore, any sedimentary megacycles that could be used to recon­ A distinctive repetitive unit within thesarid­ struct the tectonic history of this ancient fan sys­ stone sequence is composed of a light-gray, moder­ tem, are someHhat obscured. ately sorted, granitic-boulder conglomerate. The repetitive nature of these units is sho\'ll in Figure The sedimentary structures include: mudcracks 5, which illustrates the light-gray conglomerate (Fig. 7), small- and large-scale channel cuts (Fig. 8 359 Figure 4. A tabular-shaped, approximately 3 1/2 m thick, granitic, boulder conglomerate exposed along a canyon wall. These units show conspicuous small caverns. These units do not seem to be coated by desert varnish as the sand­ stone above is. For scale notice person in the right-hand side of photo. Figure 5. A distant view, looking northeast, of light-gray boulder con­ glomerate units alternating with the sandstone. The boulder conglomerate beds are dipping up along the ridge. 360 Principal Sandstone Units .6 to 3 meters thiclc: Tabular- to lens-shaped beds described as purple-brOl'1n, mas­ sive, pebbly, coarse- to medium-grained, poorly sorted, silty sandstone. meters 35- .3 to .6 meters thick: Thin, parallel-bedded reddish units composed of alternating pebbly, coarse-grained, well-sorted, coarse- to medium-grained sandstone dis­ playing normal to inverse grading. 1-1/2 to 2 meters thick: Thin-bedded, reddish to brown-gray, well sorted arkosic sandstone. 15 to 30 em thick: Parallel bedded, brown-gray, coarse- to medium-grained, arkosic sandstone containing lens-shaped units normally graded with pebbles and cob­ bles. Imbrication is absent. 10 to 30 em thick: Parallel laminated, small-scale cross bedding "ith reddish units composed of silty, medium- to fine-grained sandstone. Pervasive throughout the sandstone are occasional boulder- and/or cobble-sized clasts (15 em to 2 m in dia.). Conglomerate Unit 1-1/2 to 3 meters thic!,: Tabular, light-gray units described as a moderately well­ sorted, subrounded- to well-rounded granitic conglomerate supported by silty, arkosic, lithic sandstone. Clast sizes range from 15 em to 2 m, with an average diameter of about 60 em. Clasts are randomly oriented with reverse grading above a non-erosive base.
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