RESTRICTED 0M GENERAL AGREEMENT ON °9 '2£ft& TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution Oonaitteg II - Expansion of Trade DOCUMENTATION FOR FUTURE WORK OF COMMITTEE II Addendum Attached for the information of the Committee is the revised summary schedule of non-tariff devices affecting vegetable oils. COM.ll/85/Add.4 VEGETABLE OILS Page 2/3 Income and Price Support Aids, to Exports (3) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (1) (2) Consumer (4) (5) (6) Surplus Quantitative State Mixing Other Non-tariff GATT Tariff Production Other Forms of Income and Subsidy Subsidy Financing Indirect Disposal Restrictions Trading Regulations Devices and Remarks Bindings Subsidy Price Support of Losses Aids United States Seo column (2) Cottonseed ( non-mandatory) Export of cottons.ied, See column See column (4) Foes on flaxseed and linseed The United States Purchase programme for Olive oil, kapok C0M.II/2(J)/Rev.l Loans on farm-stored cotton­ tung oil and flaxseed (4) oil of 502 ad valorem under takes the position edible grados of pea-r seed oil, C0tUI/2(j)/Rev.l/ seed purchases. by CCC at less than Section 22. that the activities nuts of less than top cottonseed oil, Add.l Soyabeans and flaxseed domestic market Section 22 quotas for peanuts of the CCC do not quality for crushing palm kernel oil, COM. 11/37 (non-mandatory) prices. (global). constitute State into oil. Soil bank sesame oil, COM. 11/59 Loans to producers. Imports peanut oil and/or trading within the (conservation reserve coconut oil, L/1048 Purchase Agreement. withdrawal from warehouses meaning of programme). rapeseed oil L/1163 Peanuts (mandatory) for consumption - in excess Article XVII. (not denatured), L/1131 Through grower co­ of 80 million pounds during castor oil, operatives. quota year subject to ad poppyseed oil, Farm storage loans. valorem fee of 2% in palm oil, Purchase Agreement. addition to import duty. rapeseed oil Tung nuts (mandatory) Tung oil imports limited to (denatured), Loans. 25 million pounds per year corn or maize oil. Purchase aqreements. includinq the oil equivalent of tung nuts. Federal Republic With aid of funds of See column (9) In respect of \dmixture Reduction of diesel Olive oil, pulghera of Germany margarine industry and treated vegetable of rape- fuel cost for agri­ and castor oil, C0«.ll/2(1)/Rev.l Federal funds, domestic oils import licences seed oil culture. linseod oil, ground­ COM. 11/57 rape at the wholesale are granted in to marga- nut oil, illipe shea COM. 11/57/Add.l stage is brought down accordanco with rino (karite), coconut, COM. 11/67/Re v.l to the level of world the markoting prescribed, maize, palm, palm market prices. order. kernel, colza, rapeseed, sunflower, sesamua, soyabean and sunflower oils, certain oils coti- taining 50$ or more by weight of free fatty acids, olive oil containing free fatty acids in any proportion, ground­ nut, colza and rapeseod oil containing loss than 50i& by weight of free fatty acids. COM.H/15/A d(5.4 VEGETABLE OILS (cont. Page 4 Income and Price Support A ds to Exports (3) (7) (8)' (9) (10) -(11) (12) [ïf W- Consumer (4) (5) (6) Surplus .Quantitative "State Mixing Other Non-tar1ff Devices and GATT Tariff Production Other Forms of Income Subsidy Subsidy Financing Indirect Disposal Restrictions Trading Regulations Remarks Bindings Subsidy and Price Support of Losses Aids Sweden 1. No price guarantee "• — See column Ho quantitative restrictions — Legal provisions for 1. Regulation fees imposed on Castor o>l. C0lUI/2(o) by the Government. (9). when Imported from all imposition of a compulsory Imported as well as domestically C0M.I|/2(o)/A<ki.l 2. Redemption prices sources oxcept certain nixing obligation. Has not produced oils and fats as a support COM. 11/56 for all crops con- ' Eastern countries. been invoked. Margarine to butter production. COM.II/56/Add.l tracted fixed by Oil­ industry and growers have 2. Redemption prices fixed each seed Producers agreed that the former year before crop by the Oilseed Association. should buy domestic oil­ Producers Association which takes See column (11). seed up to a quantity over whole crop and sells main corresponding to almost 35? part to oil manufacturing of its total need for raw industry and exports rest, if material. The Industry may any. COM.11/56. use product or export It and Instead import other oils. - Denmark Rapeseed; Voluntary '•'1th the following exceptions, flood oil, COM. 11/2(h) agreement was con­ vegetable oils are subject to castor oil. COM. 11/53 cluded between the licensing: linseed oil, C0M.I|/53/Corr.l agricultural sector, oiticica, olive oil, castor ' L/1176 oil mills and margarine oil, wood oil and vegetable factories. Margarine oils, boiled, oxidized, factories engaged to" dehvdrated, sulphurized, blown buy quantity of rapeseed or polymerized by heat or or rapeseed oil equal to 10? otherwise modified. of their total con­ sumption of oil. -Li r; Japan' ••*''' Agricultural Products Soyabeans restricted from Soyabean, Ç0M.t1/2(p)/Rev.l Price Stabilization Law dollar sources. Quota copra, cotton­ COM. 11/45 of 1953; price support system 1n force for: soya­ seed, kapok L/1172 measures for soyabean beans from dollar areas, seed, sesame and rapeseed. Voluntary rapeseed, peanuts, soyabean seed, linseed, marketing control by " oil, rapeseed oil, mustard cottonseed oil, Growers Organizations - oil, coconut oil, ol ive oil. Government give pre­ cottonseed oil, safflower ference to the purchase oil, palm kernel oil, kapok of products supplied by oil, 1inseed oil, castor such organization. seed oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil, peanut oil. VEGETABLE OILS (cont.) C0M.ll/!5/Add,4 Page 5 », , Income and Price Support Aids to Exports (3) (») (8) (9) (10) (11). (12) (1) (2) Consumer (4) ' (5) (6) Surplus Quantitative State Trading Mixing Other Non-tariff GATT Tariff Production Other Forms of Income Subsidy Subsidy Financing Indirect Disposal Restrictions Regulations Devicfts end bindings Subsidy and Price Support of Losses Aids Remarks Federation of See column (9) Groundnuts and groundnut oil, tung Groundnuts. In Southern and Union of South Afri ca - Rhodesia and oil, and vegetable oils other than Northern Rhodesia the Grain free - under permit. Hyasaland almond, castor, coconut, linseed, Marketing Board is the sole Vegetable oils, namely COM.I l/2(c) olive, palm and palm kernel, are buyer, seller, Importer and cottonseed, maize germ, COM. 11/21 subject to restriction. exporter. In flyasaland the sunflower seed and L/1073 Shut-out permit controls aoply in Agricultural Produce Board groundnut oils, including respect of cottonseed oil, soya­ purchases all groundnuts blends thereof with or bean oil, sunflower oil and maizo produced by Africans but without other vegetable oil, these bans being in return has no special privileges oils. for undertakings given by local as regards imports. The oil exoressors to absorb the Grain Marketing Board entire Federal groundnut crop. would not import groundnuts until it had disposed of local crops. The Federation nor­ mally has s-ufficient production of groundnut oil to meet its requirements. Norway Individual licanslnn. Olive oil, Chinese COM.I I/2(c) wood oil, siccative COtfl.ll/39 Malaya COM.I l/Z(v)/Rev.l COM. 11/27 L/1126 Luxemburg See Belgium COM. 11/2(b) COM. 11/52 L/1186 Je I mum Castor oil. Crude castor oil Tung oil, soya, COM.I 1/2(1). subject to a Benelux quota of sunflower and maize COM. 11/48 200 tons per annum available oils, cottonseed oil, C0M.ll/48/Add.1 to speci fie countries. groundnut oil, olive L/1173 oil, castor oil, palm oil, pali kernel and coconut oil, and ill ic karittt, makore, touloucouna, babassu and oiticlca. COM.II/85/A fa.)' VEGETABLE OILS (cont.) Page 6 Income and Price Support Aids to Exports (3) (7) (8) (9). (10) (il.) (12) ~Tïl T~~ïïj Consumer (4) • (5) (6) Surplus Quantitative State Mixing Other ilon-tariff Devices GATT Tariff Production ' Othor Forms of Subsidy Subsidy Financing Indirect Disposal Restrictions Trading Regulations' and Remarks Bindings Subsidy Income and of Losses Aids Price Support Austria See column 1. Oilseeds and flour thereof Rapeseed Soyabeans 3nd mustard- COM. 11/2(a) (11) and vegetable oils are subject 1. There exists a voluntary seeds, whole or broken. COM. 11/41 to import control under the agreement between the Rape Fixed vegetable oils, L/1144 provisions of the External Growers Association and the fluid or solid, crude, COHUHAUO(m) Trade Law. oil processing industry refined or purified, 2. Imoorts aro liberalized from regarding the marketing of the following: soya oil OEEC countries, United States indigenous rapesoed at fixed and cottonseed oil; and Canada viith the exception prices. peanut oil, coconut oil, of poppysoed, soya flour and 2. Special subsidies and credits palm oil and palm vegetable oils, other than olive aro granted to encourage the use kernel oil, refined; oil, fit for direct human con­ of fertilizers and the purchase pure ol ive oil. sumption. Licences granted of modern agricultural equipment. liberally for oilseeds and "oils unf't for direct human con­ sumption and olive oil. Licences on other oils aro granted either for goods not produced In Austria or to the extent necessary to fulfil obligations under trade agree­ ments (under a bilateral guota Austria is committed to grant Import licences up to the amount of the quota). 3. There arc no global quotas. (COtl.lllAUO(m)) ilow Zealand Subject to licensing (COM.11/38) Linseed oil Sunflower seed oil, COM. 1/40(7) The price 0f linseed oil to peanut oil, coconut oil 1/38 the grower is determined by (and other kinds of L/1152 private contract. vegetable oil n.e.i.), turpentine, turpentino substitutes composed of volatile mineral oil in combination with turpen­ tine or.
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