NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1961 MARKIST REVIEW VOL. XVIII (182) TORONTO, CANADA 25 CENTS EVERYTHING FOR THE GOOD OF MAN - Leslie Morris. 3 THE BERLIN CRISIS AND DIEFENBAKER - Nelson Clarke 11 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF AUTOMATION 16 AUTOMATION AND CANADIAN WORKERS - T. D. 20 THE CUBAN WORKERS AND THE REVOLUTION - Blas Roca ... 22 AFRICA'S ANCIENT CULTURES - I. Potekhin 26 THE SLANDER OF DR. BETHUNE - Stanley Linkovich .. 30 REVIEWS. 36 LETTER 43 GREETINGS TO WORLD MARXIST REVIEW. 47 THE BERLIN CRISIS AND DIEFENBAKER Page 11 Announcing the New Marxist Quarterly In order to make possible the publication of more extensive studi'es of Canadtan and world real'ity, the publishers of MAR."XIST REVIEW have come to the conclusion that our present journal should be replaced by a Quarterly. Starting in the Spring (March), 1\962, publication will com­ mence of the new magazine. THE MARXIST QUARTERLY Of larger format, the new journal wil'l carry creatJive articles on themes of importance in the fields of pol,itical science and economics, social conditions and history, culture and philo'sophy. We are confident that it will carry forward and enlarge on the contribution made by MARXIST REVIEW, in the battle for progressive thought ~n Canada.' It is planned that the MARXIST QUARTERLY be priced at 50 cents: a copy, $2.00 per year. Subscribers td MARXIST REVIEW will be asked to continue as subscribers to the QUARTERLY, and to agree, where there are subscrtption payments extending beyond the present final issue of MR, to have these apply toward a subscription to the Quarterly. The Editorial Board, MARXIST REVIEW -------------r------------- SUBSCRIPTION BLAN'K I RENEWAL BLANK Enelosed please find $2.00 for a year's I Enclosed please find $2.00 to renew my subscription to MARXIST QUARTERLY. I .ub.criptioft to MARXIST QUARTERLY. Name of Sub.crlber _ . J Name of Subscrlber _ I Address . I Address , . I I ----------------------------I MARXIST REVIEW i. published a. a non·profit·making party lournal by the National Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, 24 Cecil St., Toronto 2B, Onto Send subscriptions and payment to Marxist Review, 24 Cecil St., Toronto 2B, Ontario, Canada. Editorial Board: Tim Buck, Stanley B. Ryerson, Leslie Morris. Editor: Leslie Morris. Successor to National Affairs Monthly. Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Annual $1.50. Single copies: 25¢ 2 Everything 'for the Good of Man By LESLIE' MORRIS' IN HIS BEAUTIFUL and sensitive book work" fot the common good becomes about pre-war flying, W~nd, Sand and the general phenomenon." !' ,' Stars, Antoine de Saint Exupery wrote: 'A year later, in reporting, to the 8th "Happiness! It is useless to seek it Congress 'Qf" Soviets, he said: ' elsewhere than in the warmth of human ,"Communism is the Soviet power relations." And: "To be a man is, plus the electrification' of the whole precisely, to ,be responsible. It is to country;" ', ::,' feel shame at the sight of what seems, For Lenin,' trutjl 'was always' con. to be unmerited misery. It is to take crete. In' ,the "new,Program of the pride in a victory won by one's com· c.P.s.U,:''the'aimis set of the ,com­ rades. It is to feel, when setting one's pletionof\ the electrification' of the stone, that, one is contributing to the U.S.S:R. '" building of the world.", ** *, The Program of the Communist Party MEN,HAVE DREAMED of a classless of the Soviet Union sets down the society in which the harsh, 'struggle: purpose of Soviet society as being for bread ,would be ended andabund­ "everything for the benefit of man". ance would ::be ;each man's ,sharl:\, be­ The broad humanism of the French cause of> the, production of: a surplus, airline pilot-author, which 'saturates over men's, daily needs, a surplus the work of all of the great dreamers, available to everybody., It. was<Marx is brought to life, to reality, in, the who ;brought the dream from': the cloudland()f hope and infused it. with achievements of the Soviet Union yes­ a~d, terdayand today, and in its plari for scientific historical substarjce. tomorrow. Genuine humanism, civilized In 1875,ctiticizing' the, Gotha Pro­ human relations, is no longer a dream.' gtamof the German Social DeIll()cratic The Program concludes with the' Party,' :he wrote': . ' words: "The party solemnly proclaims: "In a higher; p1iase'of'comrriunist the present generation of Soviet people society dft~r'the ens'laving subordin­ shall live under communism." ation 'of individuals 'under division of letbOr~: arid therewith also', the :anti~ * ** thesis' between 'mental', and physical WHAT IS COMMUNISM? Lenin gave labor, has vanished;aftei: labor' has it two famous definitions. In 1919 in become not merely a means "to live writing about the free-labor Saturdays, but has 'become itself the primary ne­ the Subbotniks, when Soviet citizens cessityof ,life; after the productive worked without pay, he wrote: forces have alsQ increased, with the "Communism . .. is the name we all-rowul development of the indivi­ apply to a system under which people dual, and, all: the swings of cooper-" become accustomed to the performance ative wealth .flow,'more, abundantly,­ of public duties, without any specific only then can the 'narr~ 'horizon, of machinery of compulsion, when unpaid bourgeois: right, b.~, fully left '~hind' ~ovember~ecembe~ 1961 ~, / and society inscr~be upon its banners, not only in Europe, but through Asia from each according to his ability, to and Africa and has now crossed the each according to his needs." ocean to the 'Western Hemishpere, to Cuba. * * * 'The Program of the C.P.S.U. is the THE PROGRAH opens, like a sym­ supreme triumph of Marxism at work, phony Qf human pride ,and ronfidence, Marxism of the era of proletarian revo­ with the coda: lution and the victory of socialism. It "The supreme goal of the party is is Marxism-Leninism-the applied sd­ to build a communist society on whose ence of working-class emancipation. banner will be inscribed, 'From each according to his ability, to each accord­ * * ing to his needs'. The party's motto, IS IT BECAUSE it senses this that the 'Everything for the benefit of man' will Toronto Globe and Mail published the be put into effect in full ... Commun­ Program in full in its issue of August ism accomplishes the historic mission 5? Is it because this fact penetrates of delivering all man from social ine­ even his thick mental hide that Prime quality, from every form of oppression Minister Diefenbaker essays to tilt his and explOitation, from the horrors of polemical lance at the C.P.S.U. Pro­ war', and proclaims peace, labor, free­ gram, and, true Tory that he is, blinds dom, equality and happiness for all his eyes with misquotations and mis­ peoples of the earth." representations before throwing down The line ,from Marx and Engels, the gage to Nikita Khrushchov in a through Lenin" to the present Program, farcical joust? is .uirect and ascending. Those who, Be that as it may, the Program Qf like the opportunists in Germany in the C.P.S.U., ,adopted by the 22nd 1875 and others like them who have Congress after a thorough discussion, deserted the path of scientific social­ is the greatest challenge yet faced by ism, have degenerated into the 'Willi capitalism, and the most eloquent her­ Brandtsand Gaitskells of 1961, lackeys ald of the future of the working class of the imperialists. Those who, with since The Communist M.anifesto of 1848. the C.P.S.U. in the vanguard, have A word about the scope of the dis­ remained true to their scientific con­ cussion in the C.P.S.U. will be helpful victions, are growing and flourishing. in understanding the power of socialist rrhe world communist movement, and democracy. the Communist party in each rou'ntry, In the Ukraine 'alone, eight million be it large or small, whether the party people attended discussions of the Draft is in leadership of the nation or in Program, ,and over half a million spoke illegality, 'a mass party or still trying on it in meetings. More than fifteen to break out of isolation and to gain thousand letters suggesting improve­ the leadership of the working class, ments in the party's constitution were is in possession of the effective leader­ sent in by the members of the party ship of mankind. in the Ukraine. This was repeated righf Communism the world over is no through the U.S.S.R., in all the re­ longer' a movement whose success or publics. failure is in doubt. It is now only a ** * matter of time before its leadership THE FIRST PART of the Program becomes universal. The die has been describes the development and com· cast. The Spectre that haunted Europe plete victory of socialism in the in 1848 is now corporeal, and walks U.S.S.R., when the social order was 4 Marxist Review based on the principle: "From each revolutions, revolutions are quite feasi­ according to his abilities, to each ac­ ble without war. The great Objectives cording to his work." This is the social­ of the working class can be realized ist system of payment from the social without world war. .. ," fund. It marked a revolutionary depar­ Such a statement in the program of ture from capitalist society. the Communist parties was vitally ne· The decline of capitalism and the cessary precisely because the concrete threats to peace which a dying imper­ experience of two world wars:seemed ialism gives rise to; ,and the antithesis to indicate an opposite conclusion.
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