2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 1 Graate Name Book July 1, 2019 to Decemr 31, 2019 2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 2 Memr Governo The Honorable Michael O. Leavitt, Chairman, Emeritus Governor, Utah 1993 –2003 Alaska Guam Montana North Dakota Texas The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Michael J. Dunleavy Lou Leon Guerrero Steve Bullock Doug Burgum Greg Abbott Arizona Hawaii Nebraska Oklahoma Utah The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Doug Ducey David Ige Pete Ricketts Kevin Stitt Gary R. Herbert California Idaho Nevada Oregon Washington The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Gavin Newsom Brad Little Steve Sisolak Kate Brown Jay R. Inslee Colorado Indiana New Mexico South Dakota Wyoming The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Jared Polis Eric Holcomb Michelle Lujan Grisham Kristi Noem Mark Gordon Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Charles Sorenson President and CEO Emeritus, Intermountain Healthcare John W. Bluford III The Honorable Scott D. Pulsipher President Emeritus, Truman Medical Jim Geringer President, Center; President, Bluford Healthcare Director, Policy & Public Sector, ESRI Western Governors University Leadership Institute Governor, State of Wyoming (1995–2003) David Simmons Cole Clark President, Executive Director, Higher Education The Honorable Simmons Media Group Client Relations, Deloitte Services, LP; Eric Holcomb Former Global VP for Education and Governor, State of Indiana Dr. Samuel H. Smith Research, Oracle Corporation President Emeritus, Tammy Johns Washington State University Dr. Therese (Terry) Crane CEO, Strategy & Talent; President, Crane Associates; Former Executive, Manpower Group Jessie Woolley-Wilson Former Executive with Apple and AOL CEO & President, Talia Milgrom-Elcott Dreambox Learning Joseph Fuller Co-Founder and Executive Director, Professor of Management Practice & 100Kin10 Co-Director of the Managing the Future of Work Project, Harvard Business School The Honorable Jared Polis Governor, State of Colorado -2- 2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 3 Meage om e Psident Dear Graduates, On behalf of all of us at WGU, I want to congratulate you on your graduation. We recognize and respect the hard work and sacrifices you have made to complete your degree, and we hope that you find a way to celebrate this important milestone in your life. We share your excitement and pride in this achievement—one that has the potential to make a real difference for you, your family, and even future generations. As you join the ranks of the more than 170,000 WGU graduates, we hope you will stay in touch through our Alumni Relations. Again, congratulations and all the best, Scott D. Pulsipher, President Western Governors University -3- 2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 4 Tae of Contents Graduate deGrees COLLeGe OF BusINess Master Busine Administration Master OF BusINess adMINIstratION . .6–10 HeaLtHCare MaNaGeMeNt . .10 –13 INFOrMatION teCHNOLOGY MaNaGeMeNt . .13 –14 Master Science aCCOuNtING . .14–15 MaNaGeMeNt aNd LeadersHIP . .15–17 COLLeGe OF HeaLtH PrOFessIONs Master Health Leadehip Master OF HeaLtH LeadersHIP . .18 Master Science INteGrated HeaLtHCare MaNaGeMeNt . .18 NursING – eduCatION . .18–20 NursING – LeadersHIP aNd MaNaGeMeNt . .21–24 NursING – NursING INFOrMatICs . .24–25 COLLeGe OF INFOrMatION teCHNOLOGY Master Science CYBerseCurItY aNd INFOrMatION assuraNCe . .26–27 data aNaLYtICs . .27 INFOrMatION seCurItY aNd assuraNCe . .28 INFOrMatION teCHNOLOGY MaNaGeMeNt . .28 teaCHers COLLeGe Master Arts eduCatIONaL studIes . .29 eNGLIsH LaNGuaGe LearNING . .29–30 MatHeMatICs eduCatION . .30 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – MIddLe Grades . .30 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – seCONdarY . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION – BIOLOGY . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION – CHeMIstrY . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION – GeOsCIeNCes . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION – MIddLe Grades . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION – PHYsICs . .31 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY BIOLOGICaL sCIeNCe . .31–32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY CHeMIstrY . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY eartH sCIeNCe . .32 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY PHYsICs . .32 Master Arts in Teaching eLeMeNtarY eduCatION . .32 –33 eNGLIsH eduCatION . .33 eNGLIsH eduCatION – seCONdarY . .33 MatHeMatICs eduCatION . .33 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – seCONdarY . .33 MatHeMatICs eduCatION – MIddLe Grades . .34 sCIeNCe eduCatION . .34 sCIeNCe eduCatION – seCONdarY . .34 sOCIaL sCIeNCe eduCatION . .34 -4- 2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 5 Tae of Contents Cont’d Master Education INstruCtIONaL desIGN . .34–35 LearNING aNd teCHNOLOGY . .35–37 Master Science CurrICuLuM aNd INstruCtION . .37–40 eduCatIONaL LeadersHIP . .40 sPeCIaL eduCatION . .41 eNdOrseMeNt PrOGraMs teaCHers COLLeGe Endorsement Pparation Program eduCatIONaL LeadersHIP . .42 eNGLIsH LaNGuaGe LearNING . .42 -5- 2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 6 Graduate deGrees –– COLLeGe OF BusINess –– Master Busine Administration Master OF BusINess adMINIstratION aLaBaMa Valentina Stackhouse David Huntley Balaji Shanmugham CONNeCtICut Tyrone Benjamin Robert Stone Jeremiah Johnson Craig Silverstein Jennifer Johnson Adam Brink Kimberly Taffar Ashley Jose-Isip Amanpreet Singh Albert Lamptey David Burns Samuel Walker Reema Joshi Zenita Singh Daniel Mullen Gerry Davis Shannon Kennedy Chelsea Skeels Cheryl Wilson Lori Jones austraLIa Charleyne Khamasi- Britton Smith Dustin Wonoski Quenton Knox Danny Singletary Soomalan Danielle Smith Janisha Peters Sharon Kwan Shaun Smith deLaware Leslie Ridley CaLIFOrNIa Brandon Kwong Noel Stalcup Shondra Thorne Heather Sutton Ramon Aranzamendez Jr. Christie Leister Jed Stephenson Danielle White Rebecca Awaa Irene Logoleo Monica Tennant FLOrIda Marlon Gomez Aza Robert Lopez Donna Tingle Rosemarie Amberson aLaska William Back Philip Lukanich Ryan Tinio Jewel Barnett Rachel Chaffee-Kastner Dustlyne Beavers Catharine Lyne Ryan Todd Juliett Bent Jasmine Haynes Kelly Bishop Jeff Julio Madarazo Michael Tronnes Courtney Boydston Jeanne Holifield Stephanie Blundell Michael Malone Laurie Truesdell Kenneth Boyle Lindsey Kruse Jamie Bornmann Richard Mamola Patricia Untalan Robert Burns Rachael Bowman Dominador Mansat Racquel Valenzuela Shelby Carr arIzONa Elizabeth Broyles Allison Marin Blia Vang Tarif Chowdhury Joshua Adams Kenneth Burgess William Marinelli Carol Vomacka Samantha Clay Alana Armas Kristina Byrd Luis Martinez Alexander Ward Stoffer Cochran Belinda Brummett Daniel Cano Tiffany Mattecheck Lori Waring Terrence Cote Jason Burrell Marisol Cardenas Kimberly McBeath Deborah Weiner John Crawford Jason Cross Michael Cardwell Kira Miller Adam Welch Colleen DeCerbo Aaron Darrow Hal Case Matthew Morgan Yeghsapet Zartarian Quamirah Denson Shane Drozdowski Andrea Christman Susan Morris Blake Ellis Michael Eide Emily Compton Tristan Murachanian CaNada Paula Gallagher Eric Figueredo Cassandra Cooper Kimberly Murray Robert Van Someren Rachel Geidel Wendel Fortenberry Maria Carmela David Syd Najeeb Raymond Gideons James Hopson Desiree Davis Oanh Nguyen COLOradO Michael Gollifer Ana Kupko Lori Deen Than Nguyen Willia Crew Christopher Golob Stephanie Lawrence Bianca Diaz David Nichols Victoria Elliott Jessica Greene Preston McGrew Monique Dodson Sandra Nishimura Dylan Fliss Jonathan Hilmo Alana Mills Darryl Eddy Ryan O'Reilly Zachary Grubbs Matthew Juttelstad Patricia Noble Matthew Eschrich Emmanuel Obeng Robert Hernandez Stormy Keeler Alexander Pellerin Joanna Marie Esguerra Patricia Oliver Ian Holland Andrew Krill Stephan Phillips Hauna Essick Nels Olson Shawn Holmes Terry Masch Jason Raymond Nicole Fallon Joseph Owen Jordan Kennedy Noranne Melendres Lindsey Rhein Sheila Ford Luis Yepez Palmero David Kitchel John Michael Michele Ross Michelle Fraser Linda Prezioso Cherlynn Luoma Michael Milano Tommy Rowland Maxx Freismuth David Ramos Brian Masters Walter Mintz Jack Ryan Jessica Gammett Michael Redmond Michael Montez Kenneth Morreale Barry Shapiro Anthony Garcia Heather Reiman Andrea Nord Danielle Morris Emily Steger Buenaventura Garcia Tania Rowe Matthew Nord Cindy Pageler Jacob Stevens Cruz Garcia Donald Rowland Theresa-Ann Pepin Justin Piazza Cody Stinnett Andrew Gibbs Alberto Ruiz April Schneider Sierra Quant Ginger Wiltbank Jennifer Gomez Bryson Rusch Sarah Scott Elizabeth Ramos Germann Grey Amy Russell Christopher Searle Alfredo Rivera arkaNsas Rachel Haney Jeanette Rybeck Hannah Seely Christa Rivera Justin Berry Liberty Harrison Anil Saini Kristin Swanson Jessica Rollins Melissa Grippando Yeng Her Justine Salvador Travis VanKooten Nicholas Rose Tyrese Hewing Jenny Hernandez Kimberly Santsche Cristina Vargas- Nicole Schwalbach Michael Klepacki Nicole Hickman Terrence Sanvictores Hernandez Kerry Shellito Michelle Richard Shane Hicks Jeannine Scott Christopher Wildman Eric Spencer -6- 2019 July-Dec Grad Book.qxp_2019 Fall Grad Book 4/27/20 10:37 AM Page 7 Master OF BusINess adMINIstratION CONt’d FLOrIda CONt’d Ann-Marie Gardner Heather Duncan keNtuCkY Matthew Leonard Breanna Stansell Christopher Goodale Steven Eakins Helen Clere David Luhring Keel Stauffacher Brandon Hayes Nicholas Fischer Michelle Ewers Kimberly Riggle Joseph Swanson Mary Kaziah Hill April Fitterling Meagan Ference Barbara Shimmon Tiffany Wagner Micah Hultgren Deborah Foster Amanda Goble Heidi Unglaub Jennifer Walker Cassandra Lemmons Dustin Geyer Caroline
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