September--October ISSS.] tS UCtIE. [4564-4577 11 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Authors and societies are requested to .forward tkeir works to t]e editors as soon as #ublisked. Tke date of ublicaNon, g'iven in 3racke/s [], mars te time at wkica tae work was received, unless an earlier date of ublicalion is known to recorder or editor. nless otaerwise slated eac& record is made directly from lae work tat is noticed. A colon after [nildal designates tae most common ffiven name, as: A: Augustus: B: Ben- [ami,t; C: Carles; D: David; E: Edward; F: Wrederic; G: George; H: Henry; I: Isaac; : on; Karl; L: Louis; M: Mark; : Wicaolas; 0: Otto; P: Peter; R: gicaard; S: Namuel; T: Taomas; W: William. Tae initials at te end of eaca record, or note, are taose of lae recorder. Correclzbns of errors and notices of omissions are soliciled. Anderson, Joseph jr. Entom61ogical col- Chapin, S. F. Scale insects. (Ist rept. lections. (Entomologist, Dec. 1887, v. 20, Board state hortic, comm. Cal., 1882, p. p. 329-33o.) 65-88, i.) Discusses value of entomological collections, and Account of habits of several species of coccidae: especially the of setting specitnens. G: yD. (4564) consideration of various remedies used for scale-in. I3ayford, E.G. The hessian fly previously sects. G: Z). (457o) in Great Britain. (Entomologist, Dec. Cockerell, T. D.A. A code of varietal no- 188 7, v. 20, p. 327 .) menclature. (Entomologist, June 1887, v. Ootes notice of the hessian fly (cecidomyia 20, p. 15o-52.) destructor) by E Newman, dated Feb. 1876. Devises trinomial system for indicating prevalent G: 9. (4565) variations of species. G: Z). (457x) haurgarl, H. Sur le mode de ddveloppe- Cockerel1, T. I). A. Collecting in Colo- ment natureldela cantharide. (Comptes rado. (Entomologist, Sept. 1887, v. 2o, p. rend. Acad. sci. [Paris], 8 June I885, v. 237-238.) oo, p. 472-475 .) Some general notes the insect fauna of Colorado" Engl. tr., entitled, "On the mode of G: f). (57) development of cantharis vesicatoria. Cockerel1, T. D. A. The Colorado beetle. (Ann and mag. nat. hist., July 1885 s. 5, (Entomologist, Feb. 888, v. 2, p. 65.) v. 16, p. 74-76.) The author ailed to find doW_phora deceml/eata in The pseudochrysalids of lylta ves[cator[a and of Colorado during stay there; reeords natkaHs iole schreberi found in sand about nests of colleles, found in Cambridge, Neb. G." ]). (4573) thus proving that they live larvae at the expense of these hymenoptera; Neutwich's assertion that the Co1oracO potato-beetle in Europe. (Amer. vesicating power of cantharis is only developed, after nat., Nov. 887, v. 21, p. to3o. (Psyche, copulation is proved ncorrect by direct expernnent of Apr. 1888, v. 5, 47, cm.) the author, altho cantharidin has its chief locality in P. 4 the gen'erative organs. G: D. (4566) Z)ory2kora decemHneata has appeared in Saxony. G: Z). (4574) W: Bartlett. On collections of Oalvert, Cooke, Mattlew. Rules recommended for lepidoptera. (Entolnologist, Aug. 1887, the protection of fruit and fl'uit trees from v. 2o, p. 196-98. Reply to F. H. P. Coste's "On collections of lepidop- the ravages of insects. (1st rept. Board tera" (Entomologist, Apr. 1887, 2o, p. 93-96) [Rec. state hortic, comm. Cal., 882, p. 12-13. oooo], and discussion of the usefulness of collections of Fifteen rules recommended to prevent the breeding lepidoptera to their owners. G: aD. (4567) and spreading of noxious insects. G: Z). (4575) Carpe moth (The). (Good housekeeping, Cooper, E11wood. Diseases of the olive. 28 Apr. I888, v. 6, p. 328, 2o cm.) Article no. t. (tst rept. Board state hortic. ]gxtract from thiladeljbhia cartset trade; gives mode comm. Cal., 882, p. 35-37.) of treatment employed by various prominent carpet dealers against carpet moths (tinea) and carpet beetles Notes [ecan[mn oleae and its relation to the black (anthrenus scrothulariae). G: J9. (4568) fungus,fumago saNc[na, found o[a. G: Z). (4576) Carrington, J: T. Entomological collec- Cooper, Ellwood. Diseases of the olive. tions. (Entomologist, Jan. 1888, v. 21, p. Remedies..Article no. 2. (strept. Board 6-17.) state hortic, comm. Cal., 1882, p. 38-4o.) Discusses value of entomological collections and ot Various modes of destroying lecaMnm oleae dis- setting insects. G: .D. (4569 cussed. G: Z). (4575) 116 [4578-4596] PS 1"C1t2 SeptemberOctober 888. Delage, Yves. Le taupe commune. (Bull. Olover, Townsend. Report of the entomol- Soc. linn. du nord de la France, Oct. T886, logist, tteteroptera, or plant-bugs. (Rept. v. 8, p. 47-55.) U. S. comm. agric, x875 p. t4-4o, 63 fig.) General account of the mole (tala paea) General account of the heteroptera; notes tains consideralle upon the insectivorous habits of species and their habits figures of species. hat animal. G: 2!). (4578) G: 1). (4588) Dubois Michel. Les mouches consid- I-Ia11, A.E. Entomological collections. 4r4es conme agents de propagation des (Entomologist, Dec. x887, v. o, p. 328 maladies contagieuses, des 6pidmies et 39 .) des parasites. (Bull. Soc. linn. du nord Discusses the educational value of entomology and de la France, Feb. 885, v. 7, P. 5-7 .) entomological collections. G: Z). (4589) Translation, from Irztmboldt, of abstract of pa- Heathcote, F.G. Note on a peculiar sense- per bv Dr. B. Grassi in the Archives ilal. de biologic, organ in sculigera cole@lra[a, one of the 4, fasc. Treats of experiments showing that flies carry eggs of trichocehahts spores of fungi, and myriapoda. Proc. Cambridge philos. are capable of transpcrting eggs of taenia sol[ton. soc., 24 Nov. i884, v. 5, P. 29-2o.) G: D. (4579) Notice, by J. W. Dunning. (Trans. Dwinelle, C H. The fruit interests. (st Entom. soc. Lond., 885; Proc., p. to.) rept. Board state hortic, comm. Cal., 882, Account of organ, believed by the author to be 5-7.) auditory in flmction, the ventral" surface of the head P. of sculigera Discusses of preventing the importation and coleolhtrata. G: D. (4590) spread of noxious insects. G: 29. (458o) Hudson, G. Vernon. Notes on entornologi- Dwinelle, C H. Later notes on the cal classification. (Entomologist, Oct. woolly aphis. (strept. Board state hot- 1887, v. 20, p. z4t-45. tic. comm. Cal., 88z, p. 89. Opposes the extreme generic subdivision of insects" G: 29. Ilecomanends lime and gas lime insecticides of (459 ) special value against the woolly aphis [s'ch'oettra Inehbald, P: The hessian fly in Great lanigera]. G: 29. (458) Britain. (Entomologist, July t887, v. 2o, Dwinlle, C H. Protective measures need- p. 69-7o.) ed. (tstrept. Board state hortic, comm. Brief account of cecidom[a destructor and its ap- Cal., t88, p. 4-t5.) pearance in England. G: 29. (459) Urges necessity of education in economic and gen- Ko.lbe, ftermann J. Zwei merkwiirdige und eral entomology. G: unbekannte nymphen yon psociden. (Jah- Dwinll, C: H. Woolly aphis on apple resber, d. Westfl. provinzial-vereins flit and pear trees. (st rept. Board state wissensch, u. kunstfiir t885, $86, p. 59" hortie, comtn. Cal., 88, p. i8-I9, fig.) 6t, fig. 4-5 of pl. 3.) Notes schizoneura laigera and used Describes the external anatomy of two remarkable against it. G: 39. forms of nymphs ofpsoc/dae: .iv)s brief outline of (4583) the internal of o(the owler, anatomy forms; both have W. W. Migration of insects. remarkable antennae. G: 23. (4593) (Entom. too. mag., Feb. 1888, v. 24, p. IAndeman, K: Die pteromalinen der hes- 204-205. senfliege cec;domyia destructor Say. (Bull. Notices of insects tnigrating at different Brit- Soc. impr, natur. Moscou, t887, no. t, p. ish lighthouses. G: 29. (4584) 78-9. Oille:, Felix. Enemies of the mulberry Account of the pteromalidae parasitic cecidomyia trees. tst rept. Board state hortic. destructor; anal3tic table of the plerotalidae reared by comm. Cal., t882, p2 the author; describes species of pleromalidae z9.) from Russian specimens of cecidom.yia destructor. Notes scale-insects [coccidae] from mulberry [morns.] G: 29. G: 29. (4585) (459) llarshall, T: Ansell. Monograph of Brit- Oille, Felix. Horticultural interests. (st ish braco.idae. Part. rept. Board state hortic, . (Trans. Entom. comm. Cal., 88z, soc. Lond., t885, p. -28o, pl. -6. P" '4. General remarks pterology, external anatomy and General remarks upon insects injurious to fruit trees classification of baco/dae: besides British species and to be used against them notes habits of the author describes, in foot-notes, chelo.us )Ool3caon (new species from the West confertus. G: 29. (4586) nt'tens Indies), and the female of 6ilIet, Felix. Reinh., from the Sierra Nevada; some species Sulpho-carbonate of potas- of lepidoptera mentioned hosts of certain sium as a remedy against the apple root common to Europe and America. G: 29. (4595) louse. (tst rept. Board state hortic, comm. leade, R. H. Cecidomyga destructor, Say. Cal., 882, p. 33-34-) The hessian fly. (Entomologist,July 887, Notes of sulpho-carhonate of potassium v. o, p. [KeSeCS] against the apple root louse schioneura Describes lan'gera], G: D. cecfdomfia destructor, and figures the geni- (4587) tal organs of the male. G: 19. (4596) SeptemberOctober i858. t'SYCttE. 4597-46o7 117 Nataral science association of Staten Island. Osten Sacken, C: Robert. Studies on Proceedings for IO Sept. 1887.] (Amer. t@ulidae. Part 2 Review of the pub- nat., Nov. 1887, v. 21, p. lO45.) lished genera of the t@ulidae brev@albi. Notes by \. T. Davis: sonifaction in calosoma (Berl. entom, zeitschr., 1887, v. 31, p 163- caNdum; oviposition of hy2berchiria io, and habits of 242. its larvae; emergence of p,er[s radae while the pupae Berlin I6 pierced with pin.
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