D&D 4e DM Kit and Mordenkainen’s Emporium Random Loot Tables Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 1!Weapon of Surrounding 1!Way-Leader Weapon 1!Weapon of Defense 1!Seeker Weapon 2!Shock Weapon 2!Weapon of Surrounding 2!Way-Leader Weapon 2!Weapon of Defense 3!Warning Weapon 3!Warning Weapon 3!Luckblade 3!Giantslayer Weapon 4!Luckblade 4!Seeker Weapon 4!Weapon of Accuracy 4!Weapon of Submission 5!Way-Leader Weapon 5!Weapon of Submission 5!Shock Weapon 5!Weapon of Accuracy 6!Ebon Armor 6!Ebon Armor 6!Armor of the Charging Wind 6!Wintersnap Armor 7!Delver's Armor 7!Delver's Armor 7!Armor of Dogged Grit 7!Armor of Dogged Grit 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Delver's Armor 8!Ebon Armor 9!Doppelganger Armor 9!Doppelganger Armor 9!Dwarven Armor 9!Armor of the Charging Wind 10!Wintersnap Armor 10!Dwarven Armor 10!Doppelganger Armor 10!Delver's Armor 11!Bag of Holding 11!Nolzur's Inkwell 11!Acrobat Boots 11!Chime of Opening 12!Vial of Darkness 12!Elixir of Clairvoyance 12!Bracers of Defense 12!Ironskin Belt 13!Bashing Shield 13!Elixir of Protection from Evil 13!Bashing Shield 13!Elixir of Levitation 14!Elixir of Treasure Finding 14!Ranging Defender Shield 14!Wand of Fear 14!Decanter of Endless Water 15!Symbol of Battle 15!Mountebank's Deck 15!Chime of Opening 15!Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 16!Rod of Revenge 16!Orb of Inevitable Continuance 16!Guardian's Whistle 16!Lightning Wand 17!Orb of Relentless Sympathy 17!Horned Helm 17!Staff of Storms 17!Bracers of Defense 18!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 18!Symbol of Battle 18!Elixir of Invisibility 18!Orb of Relentless Sympathy 19!Totem of Thorns 19!Elixir of Invisibility 19!Bottled Smoke 19!Dust of Disappearance 20!Helm of Seven Deaths 20!Rod of Absorption 20!Eyes of Charming 20!Helm of Seven Deaths Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 1!Lifedrinker Weapon 1!Weapon of Surrounding 1!Lifestealer Weapon 1!Weapon of Accuracy 2!Warning Weapon 2!Dragonslayer Weapon 2!Giantslayer Weapon 2!Weapon of Storms 3!Weapon of Defense 3!Weapon of Submission 3!Seeker Weapon 3!Warning Weapon 4!Giantslayer Weapon 4!Flaming Weapon 4!Lifedrinker Weapon 4!Giantslayer Weapon 5!Way-Leader Weapon 5!Seeker Weapon 5!Warning Weapon 5!Dragonslayer Weapon 6!Doppelganger Armor 6!Dwarven Armor 6!Doppelganger Armor 6!Shallow Grave Armor 7!Shallow Grave Armor 7!Ebon Armor 7!Armor of the Charging Wind 7!Armor of Dogged Grit 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Doppelganger Armor 8!Elven Battle Armor 8!Elven Battle Armor 9!Blending Armor 9!Elven Battle Armor 9!Delver's Armor 9!Blending Armor 10!Delver's Armor 10!Armor of the Charging Wind 10!Armor of Scintillating Colors 10!Delver's Armor 11!Bashing Shield 11!Amulet of False Life 11!Cloak of Displacement 11!Bag of Holding 12!Potion of Clarity 12!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 12!Elixir of Protection from Evil 12!Twilight Shield 13!Shadowshaft Ammunition 13!Elixir of Clairvoyance 13!Pearl of Power 13!Healer's Sash 14!Scroll of Protection 14!Potion of Regeneration 14!Elixir of Treasure Finding 14!Chime of Opening 15!Dust of Disappearance 15!Orb of Relentless Sympathy 15!Scroll of Protection 15!Mountebank's Deck 16!Orb of Sanguinary Repercussions 16!Elixir of Protection from Evil 16!Potion of Clarity 16!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 17!Chime of Opening 17!Reaving Ammunition 17!Rod of Death 17!Elixir of Clairvoyance 18!Body of Fire Ki Focus 18!Staff of Withering 18!Mountebank's Deck 18!Belt of Sacrifice 19!Staff of Winter 19!Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 19!Precise Wand of Shock Sphere 19!Cloak of Displacement 20!Map of Unseen Lands 20!Totem of the Woodlands 20!Helm of Seven Deaths 20!Necklace of Prayer Beads Visit http://slyflourish.com for more 4th Edition D&D DM Tips D&D 4e DM Kit and Mordenkainen’s Emporium Random Loot Tables Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 1!Lifestealer Weapon 1!Luckblade 1!Weapon of Submission 1!Luckblade 2!Weapon of Defense 2!Weapon of Surrounding 2!Flaming Weapon 2!Shock Weapon 3!Shock Weapon 3!Flaming Weapon 3!Weapon of Surrounding 3!Stinging Weapon 4!Flaming Weapon 4!Weapon of Accuracy 4!Seeker Weapon 4!Weapon of Submission 5!Weapon of Surrounding 5!Warning Weapon 5!Dragonslayer Weapon 5!Lifestealer Weapon 6!Dwarven Armor 6!Delver's Armor 6!Dwarven Armor 6!Armor of Dogged Grit 7!Hide of Worms 7!Hide of Worms 7!Armor of Scintillating Colors 7!Delver's Armor 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Doppelganger Armor 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Hide of Worms 9!Ebon Armor 9!Dwarven Armor 9!Blending Armor 9!Armor of the Charging Wind 10!Delver's Armor 10!Ebon Armor 10!Shallow Grave Armor 10!Armor of Scintillating Colors 11!Eyes of the Eagle 11!Cloak of the Stalking Shadow 11!Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 11!Amulet of Aranea 12!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 12!Guardian's Whistle 12!Elixir of Treasure Finding 12!Bottled Smoke 13!Vial of Darkness 13!Diamond Cincture 13!Potion of Lesser Haste 13!Greater Talisman of Repulsion 14!Amulet of False Life 14!Gauntlets of Remote Action 14!Unfettered Thieves' Tools 14!Belt of Sacrifice 15!Elixir of Chameleon Power 15!Chime of Opening 15!Healer's Sash 15!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 16!Diamond Cincture 16!Twilight Shield 16!Dust of Disappearance 16!Ironskin Belt 17!Twilight Shield 17!Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 17!Eyes of the Eagle 17!Elixir of Chameleon Power 18!Quaal's Feather Sail 18!Staff of the Viper 18!Elixir of Defense 18!Gloves of Storing 19!Bashing Shield 19!Potion of Cure Light Wounds 19!Gloves of Storing 19!Twilight Shield 20!Boots of Leaping 20!Belt of Dwarvenkind 20!Flame Tongue Weapon 20!Greater Luckblade Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 1!Weapon of Submission 1!Luckblade 1!Lifedrinker Weapon 1!Flaming Weapon 2!Luckblade 2!Giantslayer Weapon 2!Flaming Weapon 2!Lifedrinker Weapon 3!Warning Weapon 3!Seeker Weapon 3!Dragonslayer Weapon 3!Seeker Weapon 4!Weapon of Storms 4!Lifedrinker Weapon 4!Warning Weapon 4!Weapon of Accuracy 5!Dragonslayer Weapon 5!Weapon of Storms 5!Luckblade 5!Giantslayer Weapon 6!Blending Armor 6!Wintersnap Armor 6!Hide of Worms 6!Blending Armor 7!Delver's Armor 7!Elven Battle Armor 7!Ebon Armor 7!Dwarven Armor 8!Armor of Dogged Grit 8!Doppelganger Armor 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Doppelganger Armor 9!Dwarven Armor 9!Plate Mail of Etherealness 9!Armor of Scintillating Colors 9!Armor of Dogged Grit 10!Plate Mail of Etherealness 10!Dwarven Armor 10!Blending Armor 10!Plate Mail of Etherealness 11!Cloak of the Stalking Shadow 11!Amulet of Aranea 11!Scarab of Insanity 11!Elven Chain Shirt 12!Ranging Defender Shield 12!Healer's Sash 12!Potion of Shadow's Essence 12!Gem of Seeing 13!Elixir of Phasing 13!Cloak of the Shadowthief 13!Dust of Disappearance 13!Elixir of Clairvoyance 14!Elixir of Protection from Evil 14!Elixir of Giant Strength 14!Guardian's Whistle 14!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 15!Guardian's Whistle 15!Elixir of Flying 15!Pearl of Power 15!Armor-Sapping Ammunition 16!Cloak of Displacement 16!Shadowshaft Ammunition 16!Boots of the Shadowed Path 16!Gleaming Diamond Bracers 17!Amulet of False Life 17!Elven Chain Shirt 17!Shiver-Strike Ammunition 17!Elixir of Protection from Evil 18!Elixir of Clairvoyance 18!Gloves of Missile Snaring 18!Elixir of Defense 18!Amulet of False Life 19!Greater Talisman of Repulsion 19!Potion of Lesser Haste 19!Potion of Clarity 19!Cloak of the Shadowthief 20!Wind Weapon 20!Wand of Conjuring 20!Wand of Lightning 20!Wand of Wonder Visit http://slyflourish.com for more 4th Edition D&D DM Tips D&D 4e DM Kit and Mordenkainen’s Emporium Random Loot Tables Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20 1!Weapon of Storms 1!Shock Weapon 1!Warning Weapon 1!Weapon of Submission 2!Warning Weapon 2!Weapon of Defense 2!Shock Weapon 2!Warning Weapon 3!Luckblade 3!Lifestealer Weapon 3!Weapon of Accuracy 3!Luckblade 4!Lifestealer Weapon 4!Flaming Weapon 4!Way-Leader Weapon 4!Weapon of Storms 5!Way-Leader Weapon 5!Seeker Weapon 5!Seeker Weapon 5!Weapon of Accuracy 6!Hide of Worms 6!Armor of the Charging Wind 6!Dwarven Armor 6!Armor of Dogged Grit 7!Shallow Grave Armor 7!Doppelganger Armor 7!Shallow Grave Armor 7!Ebon Armor 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 8!Ebon Armor 8!Plate Mail of Etherealness 8!Armor of the Charging Wind 9!Doppelganger Armor 9!Dwarven Armor 9!Delver's Armor 9!Delver's Armor 10!Elven Battle Armor 10!Hide of Worms 10!Blending Armor 10!Elven Battle Armor 11!Gloves of Missile Snaring 11!Cloak of the Stalking Shadow 11!True Portable Hole 11!Sneak's Cloak 12!Foe-Seeker Ammunition 12!Amulet of Aranea 12!Potion of Heroism 12!Iron Bands of Bilarro 13!Chime of Opening 13!Elven Chain Shirt 13!Bead of Force 13!Broom of Flying 14!Vial of Darkness 14!Nolzur's Inkwell 14!Elixir of Levitation 14!Bottled Smoke 15!Eyes of the Eagle 15!Pearl of Power 15!Elixir of Chameleon Power 15!Elixir of Defense 16!Dust of Disappearance 16!Ring of Resourceful Wizardry 16!Handy Haversack 16!Diamond Cincture 17!Potion of Shadow's Essence 17!Ironskin Belt 17!Guardian's Whistle 17!Elixir of Invisibility 18!Ironskin Belt 18!Potion of Heroism 18!Cloak of the Phoenix 18!Potion of Clarity 19!Elixir of Giant Strength 19!Bracers of Defense 19!Quaal's Feather Pigeon 19!Guardian's Whistle 20!Phylactery of Faithfulness 20!Wind Weapone 20!Helm of Teleportation 20!Crystal Ball Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 1!Weapon of Storms 1!Way-Leader Weapon 1!Way-Leader Weapon 1!Weapon of Accuracy 2!Weapon of Defense 2!Shock Weapon 2!Weapon of Storms 2!Flaming Weapon 3!Way-Leader Weapon 3!Weapon of Storms 3!Flaming Weapon 3!Way-Leader Weapon 4!Stinging Weapon 4!Lifedrinker Weapon 4!Stinging Weapon 4!Weapon of Defense 5!Luckblade 5!Stinging Weapon 5!Weapon of Defense 5!Luckblade 6!Armor of Dogged Grit 6!Blending Armor 6!Delver's Armor
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