H tet d,ry Fi]ESH<'tlIAN'S PLIGHT —Wanek Stein, son of Wanek Stein, Sr., on campus. The fledgling's first introduction to college life is appears, starting with registration and ending at th'e book store. two weeks introduction to Idaho, our frosh is so worii out that Bo]'"e, who is president of the Idaho Vanda! Boosters, portrays a fraternity rush, depicted in the first picture. Amazing, also,".o Third shot in this Argonaut series shows the frosh in a state of he has unable to even'pursue his main goal he has set out to at- typical fr shman going through the gauntlet of new student days the new recruit is the speed with which that "green stuff" dis- confusion as how to arrive at his first eight o'clock. After a tiring tain —study his way through four years of classes. Morc, Expected S I 3, Science i,886 1.egister; Sul..c'.lng ~c Rccorc 'rccars ..II;i,i:I,I„III I I:rrrollmcnt the soarecl all-time '.I."irst > at University toward an A 1roval high y<-'.ster'chry as 1,886 stu(lents vsent thl'ough the first day Authorization for the University of Idaho to take pre- <>f 1 c„isi.i;iijorl. I'll'st clay registration l;.st year was 1,842. VOLUME 64, NO. 1 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, IDAHO 18y 1959 Registrar D. D. DuSault said liminary steps toward construction of a new addition of indications were that the fall cn- the Student Union Building and a new science building was week. oas'trd iim t ti is y a. w id eh It's given this H Igoltcls Back To $Vork final plans and specit'ications was author- about 4,000. Last fall, with all late Development of tp @/+@its gj+ <hiC In Class Monday ized for the Student Union Building addition by the Board 'ircrst a recent meeting. Mcctm~ It'l be no rest for the weary ~f Regents at <0 six ivelcs, the total wns 3,916. , The SUB project would cost a-C Monday morning, when Univer- o owded in aii our deva tments i h ut hi yop pn hoa d memhe s Of Ir]cw Vcsrr "bulge" sity first semester 1959-60 class- surpassing the years di- I<'O(.QCIFKCCC 0 PI Ofgsfs pointed out. ca begin officially are presently turning down toa The Executive Boar<], in iis first rect]y following the end of World at 8 a.m. University authorities were ttold]d For those of you who many students'equest for servm mrrti»g of the ]959-60 schon] year, Wnr II. might they a utd ppty to th F de at ices for which a SUB should pro- AVrdrrcsclny voted to expand ihc Dean Boyd A. Martin of the want:to look ahead... or may Home Finance agen- lilflIIf Fnts Housing and students." CO-Or<Iinnt.ion Coun il from: 6 Co]]ego of Letters and Science said already bc doing so, final sec- vide its to cy for a loan. This agency has been I 14 Jti.d sa.nhrwter tesh <rf. thj: 1959- m<nlil;<;» ici < r lri Io nio;c;itic- tlint 80 more new students had roviding aid to u e 1" "aiicl Benson the SUB cafe has had to feed the <ionic]y ncqiuiint sciiclrnts witli the r rgistered in that division than 60 school term are scheduled rccerrt]y 4<rok a swipe at colleges]I in carrying outt bui.]ding ctll11pcis ilild "27-June clauses football team, all the freshmen, and its ctcr ivitirs, registered during the same period May 4. in fraterriity constitutions programs. In between, the usual whirl of which hmit membership tp white many special groups. The SUB has The move rvns made in pmt so n yrnr ago. This business of maturing is pretty tough. "Financing is now the major that each Formal a which fit in with the "beat academics and social activities stu ents. campus living Croup registration, which is A couple of days ago car perfectly 'rdlc in achieving the Coal of an can'be contacted morc than held in to a curb at a University living probably will keep everyone 13ut his office in a written c ln QKK QogK once being Memorial Gyminas- generation" pulled creakily up addition to the Student Union," Dr. n month and informed of campus ]urn, will close today. Graduate group and stopped. who wants to be, busy. ion by We]don Schimke Mos{ ow gjt]II'RO~rf attorney D. R. Theophgus, University pres- g cl "vclopmcnts nird,p]ntrs. sii'dents may register Monday A youngish looking fellow stepped out and surveyed the situa- for,the University of Ida ho board of regents turned ident, said yesterday. I'Alt K 6 Interviews for the nerv posts on rvithout payment of a fce for late- tion. He started to smile and then caught it. Instead he looked down a protest Robert "However, everything Possible ]he council svi]] be held Wedncs- ness. skyward, not knowing whether to be happy, sad or afraid, Mostly Coed's by C. Hurt]e1 a]so had to furnish accommoda- Bcath, Jr., a 1959 graduate of the Uni-;vill be done to exPedite the Pro- clay nt 7 p.m. in ithc SUB. Exact Late he was a little afraid. tions for inter-fratern]ty Come] registrations, however, are versity. Posed addition. I feel it is highly location I'or the interviews hasn't After him came an cttder man and an older woman —obviously Pan Hegenic, and independent stu- exp<.'cted to continue <or several rtant, and the bern decided. parents. They were beaming proudly and flanked him as they Injuries Mar Hunt]ey had questioned the le- necessehry and imPo dent parties. wce]cs. ga]ity of renting University cf Ida- Board of Regents is in full sym- In c'.her initial action of the year, strode up a well worn walkway to the door of the living group. The other building project, the Grldders Go Early owned land ta school fraterni Pathy with this feelmg ]h Board: He was not the first... he wouldn't be the last. But the Saunmertimc » proposed science building, would Registering early yesterday were ties which discriminated racially anticipation and wonderment of the freshmen made you kind A death and several injuries More Needed house chemistry and physics de- 1. Voted to c]osc the night of members of the Idaho football as to membership. of stop and think. marred the summer vacation for The President exPlained that al- partments if corrstructed. Oct. 2 for,the annual Spur Nickel team, who will leave this morning It's Schimke said he felt it It's much like that starting out every school year. tro differ- Idaho students and dampened the would:hough the cost of the proposed Th regents authorizedh investi- Hop. for Logan, Utah, and the first be 'nappropriate at the Preseili ' ent with a campus newspaper. spirits of several living groups. add]tion is estimated at $1,200,000, i f h b ild- 2. Vale<] to turn over planning game of the 1959 season against ~ ta The crew changes every Sally Wolf icy, 21, died August 26 the entire Project, including ref]- situation and other problems <if Hi "h School Day tto the Stu- Utah State College tomorrow, strong Position on racial discrim i„g year of course, but the good when the car she was driving went st'henancing of the present loan, would dcr.t R< cruitrncnt Committee. (Thc St<<dents w]th last names begin- ]nation. He added that "somecne to determine whether a grant ship Argonaut has sailed far out of control near Swan Valley, bring the total financing needed to be obtained from the De- first High S ho<i] Day was he]d niner from Ra to Sc arid thl'ough is trying to slay a PaPer dragon m]ght 60 years. It hasn't always Ida., and plunged over an embank- 6]8pp ppp and on campus lani, spring). Dh to Dr registered yesterday. partment of Health, Education been a calm sea and it never ment into the Snake River and Gale Mix, ASUI general manag- 3. EIO rd n rcPort from Elizabeth Regis]rat]on wi]] begin ai 8 a.m. "T]tere are few educational m Welfare to assist in financing. N's will be. shc was drowned. She lrvas return- er, said that he is "in comP]ete inner, AIPhci Gnm, on the Pro- th]s morning with students whose stitut]ans in t]re Utr]ted State, A grant would be on the basis That's because'hings hap. ing to her New Plymouth home Pr'esident Theo- where a student of minority accordance with of research facilities to be included pen around here... all the alone from visiting relatives in any mPhnsis was being Placed on race would encounter less <]]s- Philus'eeling that we exPedite in the bui]ding, which wou]d cost L st scheduled registrants are time. Not everybody likes Wyoming. echo]al shi p. crimination t]rtatt this new ProPosed addition as soon about two mi]]ion accord- those student with names rang- everything that's going on and on the campus dollars, 4. Heard n rrpor t from ASUIS Miss Wolf icy was to have en- of the Univercsity tldaho," as possible." estimates. Ing from Pr to Ra. that's what makes the news. of the ing to Presiclrnt L ircl Noh on his trip tered hcr senior year this fall Schmike He added: "Cross- We'l be around every opinion said.
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