American Mineralogist, Volume 72, pages 1023-1028, 1987 NEW MINERAL NAMESX Fn-q.NxC. HawrsoRNE, JoHN Jarunon, KnNNnrrr W. Buon, Ennsr A. J. Bunxr, Jonr- D. GnrcnoDoN PHrr-r-rrs,ANonrw C. Rounnrs, Ronnnr A. Scsnur,nn Jltvrns E. Snrcr,nv Cameronite* corresponding to (on the basis of SO3 : l) (Mnoru,Mgoor- CaooorFeo*.f.r)"or77soo'6.39HrOor (on the basis of anhydrous A.C. Roberts, D.C. Harris, A.J. Criddle, W.W. Pinch (1986) O = 4) MnorroMgooorCaooorFeffir)rorrrSroorOo'6.42HrO.The Cameronite,a new copp€r-silvertelluride from the Good Hope ideal formula is (Mn,Mg)SO o'6H2Owith Mn > Mg and Z : 8. mine, Vulcan,Colorado. Can. Mineral., 24,379-384. DrA-rcA analysisshowed major peaksat 105 (HrO), 310 (HrO), Two closelymatching microprobe analysesof cameronite,ide- 987 (SO3),and 1000"C(SO.). Chvaleticeite(as described, magne- ally CurAgTe,o,give an averageof Cu 24.45,Ag 6.34,Te 69.I l, sian chvaleticeite)is the Mn-dominant member of the hexahy- sum 99.90 wt0/0,corresponding to Cu,oAg,orTe,oassuming 10 drite group. Te atoms. Single-crystalX-ray study indicates tetragonal sym- Material suitablefor single-crystalstudy was not found so that metry,a = 3a' : 12.695(2),c :7c' : 42.186(6)A, spacegroups unit-cell parameters were calculated by analogy with hexahy- P4r/mmc, P4rmc, or P4rc, D.",": 7.144 g/cm3 for the ideal drite. The mineral is monoclinic, space group C2/c wth a : formula with Z : 16. The strongest lines (26 given) are 10.05(2), b :7.24 (2),c : 24.3(1) A, B : 98.0(2f. The strongest 3.456(100)(307),2.t18(100X33.14,600), 1.804(60X637), lines of the Guinier powder film (32 given) are 5.45(8Xll2), | .377 (40)(63.2 r, 907), and r.222(40)(93. | 4). 4.9t(r0)(202), 4.47(SXl l 4), 3.98(8Xl I 4), 3.42(7)(206),3.25 - In hand specimen,cameronite resembles tetrahedrite: opaque, (8XI 16), and 2.967(7)(313). gray, metallic, brittle, subconchoidalfracture, no cleavage,cal- Chvaleticeiteforms white, relatively hard, fine-grainedaggre- culatedMohs' hardness37F4, VHNr.' 163 (150-170),VHN2oo gatesas well as pinkish to yellowish-greenloose coatings.Grains (151-172).In reflectedlight, slightlybireflectant and pleochroic do not exceed0.05 mm in longestdimension and are translucent from pale gray to pale brownish gray; anisotropism distinct with with a vitreousluster. H : I .5.D-"", : 1.84,D,",": 1.84.Soluble colors in air from medium gxay to slate gray to brownish gray. in water.Optically, only a' 1: 1.457(2)) and7' (: 1.506(2))could Reflectance spectra in air and in oil for six grains are given in be measuredbecause ofthe fine-grainednature ofthe material. 10-nm steps;average values in air in 50-nm stepsfrom 400 to In thin section the mineral is colorlessand transparent. 700nm for R,, Rj are23.8,28.2;27.8,31.6; 30.6, 33.2;31.9, Chvaleticeiteis a rare constituent ofa sulfate-rich paragenesis 33.5; 32.7, 33.3; 33.1, 32.8; 33.4, 32.3. Bireflectancepositive within the oxidation zone of an upper Proterozoic volcano-sed- from 400 to about 625 nm, negativefrom about 645 to 700 nm. imentary deposit of pyrite-manganeseores at Chvaletice, Bo- Color indices(2856 K) in air for R", Rl.arex .456-.457,.447- hemia, Czechoslovakia.It is associatedwith melanterite, Mg- .452;y .413-.414,.4Il-.412; Xo583-584; 546-580;{0/o 10.G- Mn melanterite (: magnesian,manganoan melanterite), epsom- 10.8;1.9-6.3. ite, Mg-Fe mallardite (: magnesian,ferroan mallardite), Mg- Cameronitemasses up to 2 x 2 mm are associatedwith native jokokuite (: magnesianjokokuite), Mg-ilesite 1: magnesianiles- tellurium, rickardite, vulcanite, arsenopyrite, and pyrite. The ite), rozenite, copiapite, and gypsum. Chvaleticeiteforms by de- name is for E. N. Cameron,who with I. M. Threadgoldoriginally hydration of Mg-mallardite (: magnesianmallardite) and de- identified and partly characterizedthe mineral in 1961 (Am. hydratesto Mg-jokokuite (: magnesianjokokuite). The name is Mineral., 46, 258-268). Type material is in severalrepositories, for the locality. Type material is deposited at the Geological including the National Mineral Collection at the GeologicalSur- Survey in Prague,Czechoslovakia. vey of Canada, Ottawa, the British Museum (Natural History), Discussion.The use of unapproved Mg-, Mn-, and Fe-modi- London, and the Pinch Mineralogical Museum, Rochester,New fied mineral names is deplorable.A.C.R. York. J.L.J. Erlianite* Chvaleticeite* X. Feng, R. Yang (1986) Erlianite, a new vanadium- and iron- J. Pa5ava,K. Breiter, M. Huka, J. Koreckf (1986) Chvaleticeite, bearing silicate mineral. Mineral. Mag., 50, 285-289. (Mn,Mg)SOo.6HrO, a new mineral. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Analysisby colorimetric microanalysisyielded SiO, 38.80,FeO Monatsh., l2l-125. 26.6'7,Fe,O,21.26,Y2Os1.15, MgO 1.00,CaO 0.83, MnO 0.55, Classical chemical analysesgave MnO (by titration) 15.81, P,O50.051, KrO 0.079,NarO 0.09, Al,O3 0.19, TiOr 0.38,H,O* MgO (by EDTA titration) 6.41, CaO 0.04 (by aes), FeO trace, 7.65, HrO- 0.90, sum 99.60 wt0/0.Major-element contents were confirmed by electron-microprobe analysis. K, Na, Ca, P, and Fe,O, (by ees) 0.10, AlrO, trace, fvo OV e,rs) 0.005, NarO (by ees) 0.011, SO, (determinedgravimetrically as BaSOo)31.48, H- are assumed to be minor contaminants or interlayer ele- (Fe?r*ruFel-f"Mg' P,O, trace, HrO* (by modified Penfield method) 0.37, HrO (by ments. The provisional empirical formula is rr- Mno o,) ,r, ,o( Fe?f, Vo u,) oo( Si3473 Ti. 26Alo 2oFeflir ) ooOro- modified Penfieldmethod) 45.22,insoluble 0.36, sum 99.81 wt0/0, "ru (OH,O)08.The mineral is ",,soluble in dilute HCl. The rcA curve * Minerals marked with asterisks were approved before pub- is smooth, and the lack of a distinct exothermic peak showsthat lication by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral the water contained in the mineral escapedslowly. The water Names, International Mineralogical Association content may thereforebe structural.The ore curve exhibits three 0003{04x/87/09 l 0- l 023$02.00 r023 t024 NEW MINERAL NAMES exothermic peaks at 320,720, and 940"C. At 320"C the crystal Collection at the GeologicalSurvey ofCanada (64285and 64288) structure was destroyedand quartz was found; at 720'C no new and at the Royal Ontario Museum (M37547,M37548). R.A.S' phase was produced; and at 940'C the specimenwas converted to quartz and hematite. Data from Mrissbauerand infrared spec- Hydrodelhayelite* lroscopyare also presented. Selected-areaelectron-diffraction patterns gave unit-cell data M.D. Dorfman, M.I. Chiragov (1979) Hydrodelhayelite,a prod- of a:23.2, b : 9.2, c : 13.2A and indicatedthe spacegroup uct of supergenealteration of delhayelite.New Data on Min- to be Pmmn or Pm2rn. No suitable crystals have been found eralsofthe USSR.28, 172-175. for a single-crystal diffraction study. X-ray powder diffraction Chemical analysisgives SiOr 55.53, TiO, 0.01, Al,O, 8'46, data show the mineral to be orthorhombic with unit cell FerO, 0.65, MnO 0.18, Cp.O 12.72, SrO 0.22, MgO 0.21, a : 23.20(+0.0r),b : 9.20(+9.91;,c : 13.18(+0.01)A, Na,O 0.22,K,O 6.18,F 0.00,Cl 0.15,HrO* : 9.62,HrO- : V : 2813 A,, and Z : l. The strongestlines (27 given) are 5.85, sum -- 99.64 wt0/0,corresponding to the idealized formula l r.5(100x200,r01), 3.05(50x223,t30), 2.89(60x603,800,231), KCa.(Si,Al)O,'(OH)r' 6H,O. 2.6 | (60)(523,r 0 5,332,224), 2. s2(s0)(3 24,90 1, I l 5,03 3, 5 3 I and ), Hydrodefhayeliteis orthorhombic,a: 6.648,b :23.846, c : 2. 42(30)(424,803,6| 4,82r). 7.On A, spacegroup Pnm2r, Z : 2. The strongestlines in the Erlianite is found at the Harhada iron mine along the Jining- X-ray powder pattern are 2.923(100),3.069(75), 2.800(55), Erlian railway, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, People's 3.319(43), and 6.79(3 8). Republic of China. The mineral occurs sparingly in a fractured The mineral occurs as an alteration product ofdelhayelite in zone within the upper part of the deposit. Associatedminerals an ijolite-urtite pegmatite of the l(hibina alkaline massif; green- include magnetite,minnesotaite, stilpnomelane,deerite, quartz, ish-gray delhayelite alters to grayish-white hydrodelhayelite in siderite, albite, and other phases.The distribution of erlianite is the supergenezone. Hydrodelhayelite is grayish white urith a closely related to structural features, and it is often developed vitreous luster; H - 4. It has three orthogonal cleavageswith with red-brown stilpnomelane and dark brown minnesotaite along {0 I 0} very perfect, { 100} and {00 I } imperfect; D : 2.168 g/ cm3. shearplanes. It is biaxialwith a : 1.503,r : 1.518. Erlianite occursas opaque fibers, flakes, and lathlike aggregates. The name is for the composition and its relationship to del- Color black, streakbrownish gray,and luster silky. The grain size hayelite.F.C.H. is 1-2 cm. The mineral is not fluorescent;it has two perfect cleavageson {001} and {100}. H: 3.7, D."". : 3.11.In thin section the mineral is brown with moderate relief. Biaxial neg- Kimrobinsonite+ ative, a : 1.667,B : 1.674, 1 : 1.679, 2V : 56-59".The ori- B.W. Robinson (1985) Kimrobinsonite, a new tan- entation rs X : b, Y : c, and Z : a.
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