Nomadic Peoples Complete Article List 1979-2014 www.nomadicpeoples.info 2014 | Volume 18 | No. 2 Editorial - Author: Dawn Chatty Obituary - In Memory of I. M. Lewis by Jan Monteverde Haakonsen Editorial - Reshaping Tribal Identities in the contemporary Arab World: Politics, (Self-)Representa- tion, and the Construction of Bedouin History by Laila Prager Articles - Te Persistence of Bedouin Identity and Increasing Political Self-Representation in Leban- on and Syria by Dawn Chatty - Producing (Tribal) History: Gendered Representations of Genealogy and Warfare in North- ern Syria by Katharina Lange - Bedouinity on Stage. Te Rise of Te Bedouin Soap Opera (Musalsal Badawi) in Arab Tele- vision by Laila Prager - Changing Performance Traditions and Bedouin Identity in the North Badiya, Jordan by Kathleen Hood and Mohammad Al-Oun - Te New Rise of Tribalism in Saudi Arabia by Sebastian Maisel - Bedouin Place Names in the Eastern Desert of Egypt by Joseph J. Hobbs - Bedouins' politics of place and memory: a case of unrecognised villages in the Negev by Bogumila Hall Book Reviews - Fertile Bonds: Bedouin Class, Kinship, and Gender in the Bekaa Valley, by Suzanne E. Joseph Reviewed by: Dawn Chatty - Pastoralism and Politics in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia, by Günther Schlee and Abdullahi Shongolo Reviewed by: Elliot Fratkin 1 - Pastoralism in Africa: Past, Present, and Future, edited by Michael Bollig, Michael Schnegg and Hans-Peter Wotzka Reviewed by: Mark Moritz 2014 | Volume 18 | No. 1 Editorial - Author: Dawn Chatty Obituary - Obituary of Pierre Bonte (1942-2013) with a Select Bibliography of his Major Works by Bar- bara Casciarri, John G. Galaty Articles - Translocal Practices on the Tibetan Plateau: Motorised Mobility of Pastoralists and Spatial Transformations by Lilian Iselin - Ambiguities of Space and Control: When Refugee Camp and Nomadic Encampment Meet by Alice Wilson - 'Tey Talk to Us but Never Listen to Us': Development-Induced Displacement among Syr- ia's Bedouin by Haian Dukhan - 'Unused' Land and Unfulflled Promises: Justifcations for Displacing Communities in East Africa by Collins Odote - Ethiopia's Pastoralist Policies: Development, Displacement and Resettlement by Elliot Fratkin - Cattle Reduction and Livestock Diversifcation among Borana Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia by Did Boru, Moshe Schwartz, Michael Kam, A. Allan Degen Book Reviews - Pastoralist Landscapes and Social Interaction in Bronze Age Eurasia, by Michael D. Frachetti Reviewed by: Alison Betts - Making a Living in Uncertainty: Agro-Pastoral Livelihoods and Institutional Transforma- tions in Post-Socialist Rural Kyrgyzstan, by B. Steimann Reviewed by: Henri Rueff and Inam Rahim - Change in Democratic Mongolia: Social Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, and Mining, edited by Julian Dierkes Reviewed by: Jeremy Swif 2013 | Volume 17 | No. 2 Award - Professor Jeremy J. Swif: Outstanding Contributor to the Study of Nomadic Pastoral Soci- eties, Past and Present, and Recipient of the IUAES Commission on Nomadic Peoples Life- time Achievement Award by Kathleen A. Galvin 2 Editorial by Saverio Krätli Position Paper - Why States Still Destroy Pastoralism and How Tey Can Learn Tat in Teir Own Interest Tey Should Not by Günther Schlee Articles - Te Collapsing Platform for Pastoralism: Land Sales and Land Loss in Kajiado County, Kenya by John G. Galaty - Nature = Life: Environmental Identity as Resistance in South Sinai by Hilary Gilbert - Territoriality Trough Migration: Cases Among the Tubu Teda Guna (Niger) by Tilman Musch - Te Roles of Overgrazing, Climate Change and Policy As Drivers of Degradation of China's Grasslands by Jianjun Cao, Emily T. Yeh, Nicholas M. Holden, Yanyan Qin, Zhengwei Ren Book Reviews -Les Bergers du Fort Noir: Nomades du Ladakh (Himalaya Occidental), by Pascale Dollfus (2012) Revie- wed by: Elise Cencetti -Economic Spaces of Pastoral Production and Commodity Systems: Markets and Livelihoods, edited by Jörg Gertel and Richard Le Heron (2011) Reviewed by: Emilia Róza Sułek 2013 | Volume 17 | No. 1 Special Issue: Securing the Land and Resource Rights of Pastoral Peoples in East Africa - Guest Editor: Patricia Kameri-Mbote Preface - by Patricia Kameri-Mbote Articles - Mobility, Marginality and Tenure Transformation in Kenya: Explorations of Community Property Rights in Law and Practice by Celestine Nyamu Musembi and Patricia Kameri- Mbote - Tenure in Mystery: Te Status of Land under Wildlife, Forestry and Mining Concessions in Karamoja Region, Uganda by Margaret A. Rugadya and Herbert Kamusiime - Socioeconomic and Ecological Viability of Pastoralism in Loitokitok District, Southern Kenya by Simon K. Ole Seno and Salaton Tome - Te Dawn of Uhuru? Implications of Constitutional Recognition of Communal Land Rights in Pastoral Areas of Kenya by Collins Odote CNP Prize 2012 - A Society in Motion: Te Tuareg from the Pre-Colonial Era to Today by Andrew Alesbury 3 Research Reports - Réfexion sur l'évolution de la mobilité des pasteurs nomades au Tchad: sédentarisation ou transhumance? by Serge Aubague and Patrice Grimaud - Report on Health Provision to Nomads: Improving Medical Staffing at Haima Hospital, Jid- dat-il-Harasiis, Oman by Miranda Mylne, H. Tomas de Burgh and Dawn Chatty Book Reviews -Ours by Right: Law, Politics and Realities of Community Property in Kenya, by P. Kameri-Mbote, C. Odote, C. Musembi and M. Kamande Reviewed by: Robert Kibugi -Pastoralism and Development in Africa: Dynamic Change at the Margins, edited by A. Catley, J. Lind and I. Scoones Reviewed by: Vigdis Broch-Due Policy Review - Te ASAL Policy of Kenya: Releasing the Full Potential of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands – An Analytical Review by Michael Ochieng Odhiambo 2012 | Volume 16 | No. 2 Preface - Editorial by Saverio Krätli - Editorial by Dawn Chatty Articles - La Mobilité Commerciale du Bétail entre le Sahel et les pays Côtiers: L'avenir du Convoyage à Pied by Christian Corniaux, Brigitte Tébaud and Denis Gautier - Mobility, Market Exchange and Livelihood Transition: Fulbe Flexibility in Tanout, Niger by Karen Greenough - Meaningful Learning for Resilience-Building Among Mongolian Pastoralists by Batkhishig Baival, and María E. Fernández-Giménez - Land Rights and Nomadic Peoples: Using International Law at the Local Level by Jérémie Gilbert - Te Whakatane Mechanism: Promoting Justice in Protected Areas by Emmanuel Freuden- thal, Maurizio Farhan, Ferrari, Justin Kenrick, and Adrian Mylne - Dana Declaration +10 Workshop Report 11-13 April 2012, Wadi Dana, Jordan by Dawn Chatty - Resettlement as Development and Progress? Eight Years On: Review of Emerging Social and Development Impacts of an 'Ecological Resettlement' Project in Tibet Autonomous Re- gion, China by Gongbo Tashi, Marc Foggin Book Review - Growing up in a Pastoral Society: Socialisation among Pashtu Nomads in Western Afgh- anistan Reviewed by Caroline Dyer 4 2012 | Volume 16 | No. 1 Obituary - Obituary for Don Bedunah (1952-2012) by Daniel Miller Preface - Preface by Fachun Du Abbreviations and Chinese Terms - Abbreviations and Chinese Terms Articles - A Case of 'Over-Cropping': Causes and Consequences of Qing Dynasty Approval to Plough and Plant the Inner Mongolian Grasslands by Xiaoming Geng, Guorong Gao - Land Tenure Change and Sustainable Management of Alpine Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau: A Case from Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province, China by Jin Li - Swinging Between Nomadism and Sedentarism: A Case Study of Social and Environmental Change in the Nomadic Society of the Altay Steppes, Xinjiang by Yenhu Tsui - Climate Variability, Change of Land Use and Vulnerability in Pastoral Society: A Case from Inner Mongolia by Xiaoyi Wang, Qian Zhang - Te Dilemma of Conserving Rangeland by Means of Development: Exploring Ecological Resettlement in a Pastoral Township of Inner Mongolia by Qian Zhang - Ecological Resettlement of Tibetan Herders in the Sanjiangyuan: A Case Study in Madoi County of Qinghai by Fachun Du - Resettlement as Development and Progress? Eight Years On: Review of Emerging Social and Development Impacts of an 'Ecological Resettlement' Project in Tibet Autonomous Re- gion, China by Gongbo Tashi, Marc Foggin Book Reviews - Restoring Community Connections to the Land: Building Resilience through Community- based Rangeland Management in China and Mongolia Reviewed by Jeremy Swif 2012 | Volume 15 | No. 2 Articles - ‘Tis is not our life, it’s just a copy of other people’s’: Bedu and the Price of ‘Development’ in South Sinai by Hilary Gilbert - Evolution of the ‘Modern’ Transitory Shelter and Unrecognized Settlements of the Negev Bedouin by Isaac A. Meir and Ilan Stavi - Will the 2010 ‘Code Pastoral’ Help Herders in Central Niger? Land Rights and Land Use Strategies in the Grasslands of Abalak and Dakoro Departments by Clare Oxby - Livestock Inheritance and Education: Attitudes and Decision Making among Samburu Pas- toralists by Carolyn Lesorogol, Gina Chowa and David Ansong 5 - Politics of Scale in a High Mountain Border Region: Being Mobile among the Bhotiyas of the Kumaon Himalaya, India by Christoph Bergmann, Martin Gerwin, William S. Sax and Marcus Nüsser Short Reports - Te 2011 Swedish Supreme Court Ruling: A Turning Point for Saami Rights by Anett Sas- vari and Hugh Beach Reviews - Tuareg Society within a Globalized World: Saharan Life in Transition Edited by A. Fischer and I. Kohl, reviewed by Jeremy Swif 2012 | Volume 15 | No. 1 Preface - Preface by Johann Büssow, David Durand-Guédy and Jürgen Paul. Articles - Te Bedouin in History or Bedouin History? by Kurt Franz - Land
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