Otology & Neurotology 2017 Journal Citation Report® (Clarivate, 2018) 2017 Journal Citation Reports® -- Key Metrics 2016 2017 Impact Factor 2.024 2.182 5-Year Impact Factor 2.163 2.264 Immediacy Index 0.326 0.194 Citable Items 279 309 Total Cites 6,695 7,427 Cited Half-life 6.3 6.7 Citing Half-life 9.2 9.1 Eigenfactor™ Score .01216 .01161 Article Influence™ Score .595 .584 Category Ranking Clinical Neurology 121/194 121/197 Otorhinolaryngology 13/42 13/41 2017 Impact Factor calculation Cites in 2017 to items published in: 2016 = 505 Number of items published in: 2016 = 279 2015 = 763 2015 = 302 Sum: 1268 Sum: 581 Calculation: Cites to recent items 1268 = 2.182 Number of recent items 581 2017 5-year Impact Factor calculation Cites in 2017 to items published in: 2016 = 505 Number of items published in: 2016 = 279 2015 = 763 2015 = 302 2014 = 758 2014 = 330 2013 = 629 2013 = 266 2012 = 609 2012 = 265 Sum: 3264 Sum: 1442 Calculation: Cites to recent items 3264 = 2.264 Number of recent items 1442 2017 Immediacy Index calculation Cites in 2017 to items published in 2017 = 60 Number of items published in 2017 = 309 Calculation: Cites to current items 60 = 0.194 Number of current items 309 Impact Factor: 2013- 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Citations 834 949 1164 1279 1268 Articles 522 531 596 632 581 Impact Factor 1.598 1.787 1.953 2.024 2.182 Citations Articles Impact Factor 1400 2.5 2.182 1200 1.953 2.024 1.787 2 1000 1.598 Factor Impact 800 1.5 600 1 400 0.5 200 0 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Category Ranking: 2013-2017 Category 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Clinical Neurology 135/194 122/192 115/193 121/194 121/197 Otorhinolaryngology 15/44 17/44 13/43 13/42 13/41 Journal Self Cites Self Cites 1141(15.363% of 7427) Self Cites to Years Used in Impact Factor Calculation 246(19.401% of 1268) Impact Factor without Self Cites 1.759 Top Cited Papers in 2017 Published in 2015-2016 Cites Pub In Total Rank Title Authors Year Vol Iss 2017 Cites Epidemiology of Balance Symptoms and Disorders in the Community: A Murdin, Louisa; Schilder, Anne G. 1 Systematic Review M. 2015 36 3 15 25 A Novel Temporal Bone Simulation Mowry, Sarah E.; Jammal, Hachem; Model Using 3D Printing Myer, Charles; Solares, Clementino 2 Techniques Arturo; Weinberger, Paul 2015 36 9 15 21 Mantokoudis, Georgios; Tehrani, Ali S. Saber; Wozniak, Amy; VOR Gain by Head Impulse Video- Eibenberger, Karin; Kattah, Jorge C.; Oculography Differentiates Acute Guede, Cynthia I.; Zee, David S.; 3 Vestibular Neuritis from Stroke Newman-Toker, David E. 2015 36 3 13 30 Scalar Localization by Cone-Beam Computed Tomography of Cochlear Implant Carriers: A Comparative Boyer, Eric; Karkas, Alexandre; Study Between Straight and Attye, Arnaud; Lefournier, Virginie; Periomodiolar Precurved Electrode Escude, Bernard; Schmerber, 4 Arrays Sebastien 2015 36 3 13 29 Comparison of Middle Ear Visualization With Endoscopy and Bennett, Marc L.; Zhang, Dongqing; 5 Microscopy Labadie, Robert F.; Noble, Jack H. 2016 37 4 13 21 Transcutaneous Bone-anchored Iseri, Mete; Orhan, Kadir Serkan; Hearing Aids Versus Percutaneous Tuncer, Ulku; Kara, Ahmet; Durgut, Ones: Multicenter Comparative Merve; Guldiken, Yahya; 6 Clinical Study Surmelioglu, Ozgur 2015 36 5 12 23 Van Abel, Kathryn M.; Dunn, Camille C.; Sladen, Douglas P.; Hearing Preservation Among Oleson, Jacob J.; Beatty, Charles W.; Patients Undergoing Cochlear Neff, Brian A.; Hansen, Marlan; 7 Implantation Gantz, Bruce J.; Driscoll, Colin L. W. 2015 36 3 12 22 Cochlear Response Telemetry: Campbell, Luke; Kaicer, Arielle; Intracochlear Electrocochleography 8 Briggs, Robert; O'Leary, Stephen 2015 36 3 12 18 via Cochlear Implant Neural Cites Pub In Total Rank Title Authors Year Vol Iss 2017 Cites Response Telemetry Pilot Study Results Normative Data on Angular Matino-Soler, Eusebi; Esteller-More, Vestibulo-Ocular Responses in the Eduard; Martin-Sanchez, Juan- Yaw Axis Measured Using the Video Carlos; Martinez-Sanchez, Jose-M.; 9 Head Impulse Test Perez-Fernandez, Nicolas 2015 36 3 11 33 Cochlear Implantation for Patients With Single-Sided Deafness or van Zon, Alice; Peters, Jeroen P. M.; Asymmetrical Hearing Loss: A Stegeman, Inge; Smit, Adriana L.; 10 Systematic Review of the Evidence Grolman, Wilko 2015 36 2 11 29 Clinical Performance of a New Briggs, Robert; Van Hasselt, Magnetic Bone Conduction Hearing Andrew; Luntz, Michal; Goycoolea, Implant System: Results From a Marcos; Wigren, Stina; Weber, Prospective, Multicenter, Clinical Peter; Smeds, Henrik; Flynn, Mark; 11 Investigation Cowan, Robert 2015 36 5 11 20 Sound Source Localization and Speech Understanding in Complex Listening Environments by Single- Zeitler, Daniel M.; Dorman, Michael sided Deaf Listeners After Cochlear F.; Natale, Sarah J.; Loiselle, Louise; 12 Implantation Yost, William A.; Gifford, Rene H. 2015 36 9 11 18 Bone-anchored Hearing Implant Surgery: Randomized Trial of Dermatome Versus Linear Incision Without Soft Tissue Reduction- Hogsbro, Morten; Agger, Andreas; 13 Clinical Measures Johansen, Lars Vendelbo 2015 36 5 11 18 The Socioeconomic Impact of Emmett, Susan D.; Francis, Howard 14 Hearing Loss in US Adults W. 2015 36 3 10 29 Impact of Intrascalar Electrode Location, Electrode Type, and Wanna, George B.; Noble, Jack H.; Angular Insertion Depth on Gifford, Rene H.; Dietrich, Mary S.; Residual Hearing in Cochlear Sweeney, Alex D.; Zhang, Dongqing; Implant Patients: Preliminary Dawant, Benoit M.; Rivas, 15 Results Alejandro; Labadie, Robert F. 2015 36 8 10 19 Cites Pub In Total Rank Title Authors Year Vol Iss 2017 Cites Intraoperative Real-time Cochlear Response Telemetry Predicts Campbell, Luke; Kaicer, Arielle; Sly, Hearing Preservation in Cochlear David; Iseli, Claire; Wei, Benjamin; 16 Implantation Briggs, Robert; O'Leary, Stephen 2016 37 4 10 13 The Impact of Cochlear Implantation on Speech Understanding, Subjective Hearing Performance, and Tinnitus Perception in Patients with Tavora-Vieira, Dayse; Marino, Unilateral Severe to Profound Roberta; Acharya, Aanand; Rajan, 17 Hearing Loss Gunesh P. 2015 36 3 9 25 Carlson, Matthew L.; White, James R., Jr.; Espahbodi, Mana; Haynes, David S.; Driscoll, Colin L. W.; Cranial Base Manifestations of Aksamit, Allen J.; Pawate, Neurosarcoidosis: A Review of 305 Siddharama; Lane, John I.; Link, 18 Patients Michael J. 2015 36 1 9 17 Todt, Ingo; Rademacher, Grit; MRI Artifacts and Cochlear Implant Mittmann, Philipp; Wagner, Jan; 19 Positioning at 3 T In Vivo Mutze, Sven; Ernst, Arne 2015 36 6 9 16 Hunter, Jacob B.; Gifford, Rene H.; Hearing Preservation Outcomes Wanna, George B.; Labadie, Robert With a Mid-Scala Electrode in F.; Bennett, Marc L.; Haynes, David 20 Cochlear Implantation S.; Rivas, Alejandro 2016 37 3 9 12 * Note: The number of citations in these tables reflects the number of times the article has been cited in other journals indexed in the Web of Science® and is not comprehensive across all journals in the field. Cited Journal The following table shows the number of times articles published (in journal below) cited articles published in Otology & Neurotology. Results from the top citing journals are shown. Cited Year* 2017 Impact Factor Cited Journal All Years 2017 2016 2015 2.182 OTOL NEUROTOL 1141 23 115 131 EUR ARCH OTO- 1.546 RHINO-L 432 4 13 54 OTOLARYNG HEAD 2.444 NECK 253 0 15 34 2.442 LARYNGOSCOPE 246 0 14 24 2.824 HEARING RES 219 1 30 30 0.893 HNO 213 0 7 35 3.120 EAR HEARING 209 0 13 27 1.161 ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL 202 0 16 23 3.508 FRONT NEUROL 166 5 19 21 1.305 INT J PEDIATR OTORHI 155 2 6 14 0.758 J INT ADV OTOL 144 0 3 2 2.696 CLIN OTOLARYNGOL 141 1 7 21 FRONT NEUROSCI- 3.877 SWITZ 106 0 20 12 0.967 J LARYNGOL OTOL 106 0 3 8 1.759 INT J AUDIOL 97 0 12 9 2.766 PLOS ONE 92 0 8 12 1.046 AM J OTOLARYNG 87 0 0 4 2.078 AUDIOL NEURO-OTOL 82 1 9 12 1.387 AURIS NASUS LARYNX 82 0 1 1 1.924 WORLD NEUROSURG 82 0 2 7 *Publication year of articled published in Otology & Neurotology cited in Citing Journal Citing Journal The following table shows the number of times articles published in journals below (in the years below) were cited in Otology & Neurotology. Results from the top cited journals are shown. Cited Year* 2017 Impact Factor Cited Journal All Years 2017 2016 2015 2.182 OTOL NEUROTOL 1141 23 115 131 2.442 LARYNGOSCOPE 580 14 34 47 ACTA OTO- 1.161 LARYNGOL 365 3 16 14 OTOLARYNG HEAD 2.444 NECK 352 3 21 27 2.824 HEARING RES 239 0 21 25 ANN OTO RHINOL 1.513 LARYN 230 0 9 4 3.120 EAR HEARING 203 6 8 13 AM J OTOL 174 0 0 0 EUR ARCH OTO- 1.546 RHINO-L 170 1 28 28 AUDIOL NEURO- 2.078 OTOL 163 0 7 17 ARCH OTOLARYNGOL 154 0 0 0 0.967 J LARYNGOL OTOL 153 1 4 15 INT J PEDIATR 1.305 OTORHI 120 3 10 21 1.605 J ACOUST SOC AM 120 0 0 0 4.318 J NEUROSURG 93 2 5 6 1.759 INT J AUDIOL 88 1 4 9 AM J 3.653 NEURORADIOL 80 0 0 4 COCHLEAR IMPLANTS IN 74 1 5 7 OTOLARYNG CLIN 1.514 N AM 65 0 0 14 CLIN 2.696 OTOLARYNGOL 63 1 5 8 *Publication year of articled published in the Cited Journal cited in Otology & Neurotology in 2017 Clinical Neurology Journals by 2017 Impact Factor Ranking 2017 5-Year Rank Journal Title 2017 Impact Factor Impact Factor 1 LANCET NEUROLOGY 27.138 28.048 2 Nature Reviews Neurology 19.819 20.888 3 ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 15.872 13.548 4 Alzheimers & Dementia 12.740 12.044 5 JAMA Neurology 11.460 10.415 6 BRAIN 10.840 11.199 7 SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 10.602 10.342 8 ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY 10.244 10.744 9 NEURO-ONCOLOGY 9.384 8.655 10 Epilepsy Currents 9.333 5.411 11 MOVEMENT DISORDERS 8.324 7.523 12 Translational Stroke Research 8.266 5.411 13 NEUROLOGY 7.609 8.515 14 NEUROSCIENTIST 7.461 7.873 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND 15
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