SUPPLEMENT TO THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT ETTE No. 8,112 —FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1935. BOOK LIST. Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon, and Registered under Ordinance No. 1 of 1885, during the Quarter ended December 31,1934. CONTRACTIONS : 1 = The Language in which tlie Boole is written; 2 = The Name of the Author, Translator, or Editor of the Book, or any Part thereof; 3 = Subject Matter; 4 = Where Printed; 5 = Where Published; 6 = Printers; 7 = Publishers; 8 = Date of Issue; 9 = Number of Pages; 10 = Size; 11 = Number of Edition; 12 = The Number of Copies of which the Edition consists; 13 — Price; 14 =» The Name and Residence of the Proprietor of the Copyright, or of any Portion of Copyright. AGRICULTURAL. 29218 ASTROLOGY AS A SCIENCE. 1 English, 2 K. Ramachandra, 3 Astrology, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Ceylon 29035 THE TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST, SEPTEMBER, Stationers, Ltd., 7 E. Ramachandra, S December 5, 1934, 9 36 pp., 10 Demy 1934, VOL. 83, No. 3. 8vo., 111st Ed., 12 1,000,13 25c, H K. Ramachandra, Nugegoda. / English, 2 Dr. W. Youngman, 3 Tropical Agriculture, 4 Colombo. S Pera­ deniya, 6 H. W. Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, 8 October 6, 1934, 29238 YUWABSHA VAKIA PANCHANGAM 1935^36. .9 72 pp., 10 Crown 4to„ 11 1st Ed., 12 1,400, 13 Re. 1,14 Dr. W. Yonngman, Peradeniya. 1 Tamil, 2 S. Y. Sastrigal, 3 Almanac, 4 Point Pedro, 5 Point Pedro, 6 Kalanidi Press, 7 S. V. Sastrigal, 8 December 1, 1934, 9 88 pp!, 10 Demy 8vo., I / 1st Ed., 12 12,000,13 25 c, 14 S. V. Sastrigal, Kalanidi Press, Point Pedro. 29125 THE TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST, OCTOBER, 1934, VOL. 83, No. 4. 1 English, 2 Dr. W. Youngman, 3 Tropical Agriculture, 4 Colombo, .5 Pera­ EDUCATIONAL. * deniya, « H. W. Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, * November 7,1934, 9 94 pp., 10 Crown 4to., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,400, 13 Re. 1,14 Dr. W. Youngman, Peradeniya. 28966 WELILIHINNI SANDESAYA. 1 Sinhalese, 2 O. T. de Silva, 3 Educational, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 4 Sri 29219 THE TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST, NOVEMBER, Bharati Press, 7 Dr. H. K. T. de Silva, * September 20,1934,9 99 pp., 10 Demy 1934, VOL. 83, No. 5. 8vo., 111st Ed., 12 1,500, 13 50 c, 14 Dr. H. K. T. de Silva, Kurunegala. 1 English, 2 Dr. W. Youngman, 3 Tropical Agriculture, 4 Colombo, .5 Pera­ deniya, 6 H, W. Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, 8 December 7, 1934, 28986 NAWINA KP.AMANUKULA KIYAWTMA FOR 4TH 9 96 pp., 10 Crown 4to„ 11 1st Ed., 12 1,400, 13 Re. 1, 14 Dr. W. Youngman, STANDARD. Peradeniya. 1 Sinhalese, 2 V. D. dc Lanerolle, 3 Reader, I Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Victor 29017 THE TEA QUARTERLY, SEPTEMBER, 1934, & Co., 7 Victor & Co., S September 23,1934, 9 SO pp., 10 7 in. X 5i in., 11 1st Ed., 12 2,000, 13 40 c, 14 V. D. de Lanerolle, 47 Dam street, Colombo. VOL. 7, PART 3. 1 English-, 2 Dr. R. V. Norris, 3 Tan, 4 Colombo, 5 Kandy, 6 H. W. Cave & 28991 JUNIOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (ENGLISH) EXAM­ Co., 7 Tea Research Institute of Ceylon, 8 October 9, 1934, 9 64 pp., 10 Crown 4to„ 11 1st Ed., 12 1,700, 13 Rs. 2-50, 14 Dr. R. V. Norris, St. Coombs, INATION PAPERS JULY, 1934, AND EXAMINERS Talawakele. REPORTS EXAMINATION BULLETIN A 12. 29130 NOTES ON TEA MANUFACTURE. 1 English, 2 Director of Education, 3 Examination Papers and Reports, 1 English, 2 E. G. B. Morbray, 3 Summaries of Methods of Manufacture, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Education Department Press, 7 Director of Education, 4 Colombo, S Colombo, 6 Times of Ceylon Co., Ltd.. 7 Times of Cevlon Co., Ltd., 8 October 8, 1934, 9 36 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 700, 13 15 c, 14 8 October 22, 1934, 9 78 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 500, 13 Rs. 6, Director of Education, Colombo. 14 Times of Ceylon Co., Ltd., Colombo. 28998 PICTURES FROM CEYLON HISTORY FOR 4TH 29257 THE RUBBER RESEARCH SCHEME (CEYLON) STANDARD. COMBINED 3RD AND 4TH QUARTERLY CIRCULARS, / English, 2 Ceylon Government, 3 Pictures from Ceylon History, 4 Colombo, VOL. 2, PARTS 3 AND 4. 5 Colombo, 6 Government Printer, 7 Government Printer, 8 October 8, 1934, 1 English, 2 T. E. H. O'Brien, 3 Rubber, 4 Colombo, 5 Neboda, 6 H. W. Cave 9 42 pp., 10 F'cap 4to., 111st Ed., 12 2,005,13 35 c, 14 Ceylon Government. & Co 7 Rubber Research Scheme (Ceylon), 8 December 10, 1934, 9 36 pp., 10 Crown 4to., // 1st Ed., 12 650, 13 Free, 14 T. E. H. O'Brien, Neboda. 29005 THIRUNELVENJL PUBANAM. 1 Tamil, 2 S. Nagalingapillay, 3 History, 4 Karaveddy North. S karaveddy North, 6 Gnanasiddhi Printing Press, 7 S. Nagalingapillay, 8 October 12,1934, ASTROLOGICAL. 9 86 pp., 10 Crown 8vo.. 11 1st Ed., 12 250, 13 50 c, 14 S. Nagalingapillay, Karaveddy North. 29038 ANNUAL CEYLON ASTROLOGICAL SOCIETY, • VOL. 1. 29014 CULLTNGS FROM MANY GARDENS. 1 English, 2 4. W. Nadarajah, 3 Astrological, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 1 English, 2 Dr. C. Brito Babapulle, 3 Educational, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, Caxton Printing Works, 7 A. \V. Nadarajah, 8 September 29, 1934, .9 111 pp., 6 Associated Newspapers of Ceylon, Ltd., 7 Dr. C. Brito Babapulle, 8 October 10 Demy 4to., 111st Ed., 12 225,13 Rs. 2,14 A. W. Nadarajah, 142, Hnlftsdorp, 2, 1934, 9 140 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,000, 13 Re. 1, li Dr. C. Colombo. Brito Babapulle, Colpetty. JfcJT. 45379 (3/35) t 2 ) 29021 PlNTURA HODTYA. 29235 NUMBER EXERCISES FOR LITTLE POLK. 1 Sinhalese, 2 C. Abeyasekera, 3 Header, 4 Matara, 5 Matara, 6 Broadway 1 English, 2 P. F. C. Roche, 3 Number Exercises, 4 Dehiwala, 5 Colombo, Stores and Press, 7 Broadway Stores and Press, S August 20, 1934, 9 36 pp., 6 Express Printing Works, 7 P. F. C. Roche, 8 December 8, 1934, 9 44 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 2nd Ed., 12 15,000,13 15c., 14 S. Abeyasekera, Matara. 10 F'cap 4to., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,000, 13 35c, 14 P. F. C. Roche, 103, Darley road, Colombo. 29022 SINHALA BALANSA KAW POTHA. 29250 KAWMALDAMA, PART T. 1 Sinhalese, 2 C. Abeyasekera, 3 Header, 4 Matara, ,5 Matara, S Broadway 1 Sinhalese, 2 M. C. Perera, 3 Poems, 4 Gampola, 5 Gampola, 6 Central Stores and Press, 7 Broadway Stores and Press, 8 October 11, 1934, 9 26 pp., Printing Works, 7 M. C. Perera, 8 September 14,1934, 9 16 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 2,000, 13 10c, 14 S. Abeyasekera, Matara. 111st Ed., 121,500,13 10c, 14 M. C. Perera, Central Printing Works, Gampola. 29034 SINHALESE TEACHEB'S CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION 29261 KINDERGARTEN METHODS. PAPERS, 1934, EXAMINATION BULLETIN F 4. 1 Sinhalese, 2 D. H. Maduwawala, 3 Methods of Teaching, 4 Colombo, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Director of Education, 3 Examination Papers, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Victor & Co., Ltd., 7 Victor & Co., Ltd., 8 December 10, 1934, 5 Colombo, 6 Education Office Press, 7 Director of Education, 8 October 19, 9 104 pp., 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 2,000,13 80c, 14 D. H. Maduwawala. 1934, 9 20 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 500, 13 15c, 14 The Director oi' KongodamuIIa, Katana. Education, Colombo. 29262 NEW METHOD READER FOR UPPER 29067 THARUNANGANA SANDESAYA. KINDERGARTEN. 1 Sinhalese, 2 H. K. B. D. Amarasinghe, 3 Educational, 4 Kurunegala, 1 Sinhalese, 2 V. D. de Lanerolle, 3 Reader, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Victor •5 Kurunegala, 6 Riviresa Printing Works, 7 Riviresa Printing Works, 8 6 Co., Ltd., 7 Victor & Co., Ltd., 8 December 10,1934, 9 40 pp., 10 5 in. X 7 in., October 29, 1934, 9 15 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,000, 13 25c, 14 H. 11 2nd Ed., 12 5,000,13 15c, 14 V. D. de Lanerolle, Temple road, Colombo. K. B. D. Amarasinghe, Welagedara, Buluwela, Mawatagama. FICTION. 29070 MAHA RUPA SIDDHI SANDEHA VIGATHANI SANNAYA. PART 4. 28976 YANTAMGELAUNNA. 1 Pali and Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Baddegama Keerthisri Dhammaratana, 3 1 Sinhalese, 2 P. Sirisena, 3 Novel, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Parakkrama Grammar, 4 Weligama, 5 Weligama, 6' Sathmina Press. 7 M. M. Somapala, Press, 7 Parakkrama Press, 8 October 1, 1934, 9 56 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st 8 November 1, 1934, 9 80 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,500, 13 60c, Ed., 12 4,000, 13 25c, 14 P. Sirisena, 119, 1st Division, Maradana. 14 Rev. Baddegama Keerthisri Dhammaratna, Agrabodhi Vihara, Wcligama. 29074 GEMUNCJ HODIYA. 29023 MALAVUN ATARA JEEVITHAYA. 1 Sinhalese, 2 T. S. Dharmabandu, 3 Educational, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, i Sinhalese, 2 H. Munidasa, 3 Novel, 4 Matara, S Matara, 6 Broadway Stores and Press, 7 P. A. Somapala, 8 August 11, 1934, 9 116 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 6 M. D. Gunasena & Co., 7 W. M. A. Wahid & Bros., 8 November 1, 1934, 111st Ed., 12 2,200,13 50c, 14 H. Munidasa, Maligakanda, Colombo. 9 32 pp., 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 5,000, 13 20c, 14 W. M. A. Wahid & Bros., 233, Main street, Colombo. 29112 SETHANGE SELALLHINIYA. 29075 GRAMEEYA VIDYA SARAYA. 1 Sinhalese, 2 M. G. K. J. Perera, 3 Novel, 4 Attanagalla, 5 Urapola, 6 1 Sinhalese, 2 A. P. de Silva, 3 Rural Science, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, Sangabo Printing Works, 7 D.
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