I Jt{o*"1. PASSE1{GTR TRAII{S OPERATED ON THE RAITROADS OF THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND MEXICO RAIIWAY INFORMATION SERIES NO. 4 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAITROADS TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, WASHINGTON 6, D. C. C NA1ll E D PASSENGER TRAINS OPERATED ON THE RAITROADS OF THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND TVIEXICO All roilroqd pdssenger troins hdve numbers, bul mony of lhem olso hove nomes. Through these nomes lroins ocquire personolilies ond thus mony of them become fomous throughout lhe lond. Trqins ore nqmed for such things os limes' Ploces, evenls ond people. More lroins ore nqmed for people thon onything else. Historicol figures, outhors, stolegmen, romonlic odventurers-lhese ond olhers come in for honors' Cities, stotes, lerrilories, scenic qreos ond olher geogrophic designotions hove been given recognilion. Troins hqve been nqmed olso for birds, horses, flowers, fruits qnd lrees, Somelimes roilroqds select nqmes for their troins from enlries submitted in conlesls. Possengers frequently volunteer suggeslions. The nqmes chosen usuolly hove some relqtion to the roilroqd's history, the lerrilory il serves' the route il trovels or the nqlure of ils service. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS TRANSPORTATION BUITDING, WASHINGTON 6, D. C. .. ,:a NAMED PASSENGER TRAINS OPERATED BY AMERICAN. RAILROADS (See page 3? for e4)Ianatlon of abbreviations) Roa.d.(s) otL which Behoeen Eq&ibment Pouer* OPeruted. A Chicago-St. Louis Streamline Diesel-Electric -Abraham Lincoln, The. .. GM&O ........ SP New Orleans to Houston Standard Steam Acadian. D-E; Electric Admiral, The. ........ .. PRR Chicago-Washington-New York " Advance Commodore Vanderbilt. ... NYC New York-Chicago " Electric; Steam Advance Empire State . ... NYC New York-Buffalo Express.. Elect: Steam or D-E Advance Glt Edge.. ..... NYNH&H New York-Boston 'i Steam; Electric Advance Knickerbocker. NYC Boston-New York-Buffalo-St' Louis " Diesel-Electric Advance Midnight SPecial GM&O Chicago-St. Louis " ' Steam;Electric Advance Wolverine. NYC Chicago to Detroit, NewYork&Boston " D-E; Stearn Adventureland, The....... CB&Q Kansas City-Lincoln-B illings " Diesel-Electric r:. Afternoon Hiawatha. CMSTP&P Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul- Streamline Minneapolis Standard Afternoon Puget Sounder ' . GN Seattle-Vancouver in cer- +Note: ..Sleam;Elect." and succeeding page6 indicates that rrains so designated are.operated bv steam Dower except The term used on rhis -pttit"a"i-ptti" the Perinsvlvania Railroadr zones, principalty ti;; V;;!;n?_'w?.nlngron lli n"* ,"d Hairisbur" tair etectrified b;i;;; "ni b"t*E"n"ir New Yorkind while Plains wesr of Salisbury ptain. anc tauvion o" tt" r."i i=L"a ir"itro"?, u"ri""uJn' l;;V.;ii-"-;ili;-;; york N1-'"vli'i li il!1o, H;i;;'"; ,;" N; Vo't' t'1""' Havenand"nd Hartlord R-ailroad: between Har- on rhe New c"nt,^r n^irrooiiu'"i*"lrii i Milwaukee, St. ?aul. and towton and Averv. belween Orhelto and Sedttle and berween Black Ri*i'li,".l;.i,-N,i'th"in it" Ct'i*go, 'i'"1#: iln;;;,';,iJ b;il;-'Si.;i..;i'h ;;a' wii'"t-.i""-J" tt'" c'"ut Rcjlroad."'J'il;;;-91' All. Illinois Terminll Railroad trains listed are ff;;ir;].; i;;;;; i'!,-",i"-j'iii ii"r, ,it it'iou"t' o".*nn"r trains at the cleveland' ohio terminal and some easr- ;;;;i.,i;i;&i;lr;. Gi .i ;he I-"t'igt' viltev n"it.oad from Pen nsvhania bo'nd Baluimore a nd ohio nairroai"rraii!-r r'B;rti;;;" trnn"t'"," op"."i"i !ii;;i?;ili. T;;" #J,ili"i"|ii# VJ.i. ci:; ;; ;a;1;1ilL-.i*!ii^i,i ti,"-iJnn;it"'i'ii n"it-"a to Meeker Avenue stat-ion' Newark. PNe OlE r I i l Road,(s) on l Nar z oI Ttuin whhh Bekrcetu Eq ipt tint OPerate.d. Afternoon Twin Cities Zephyrs . cB&o Chicago-St. Paul-Minneapolis Streamline Diesel-Electric Aiken-Augusta Special. PRR; Southern New York-Washington-Aiken-Augusta Standard Electric; D-E Akronite, The. .. ....... PRR New York-Akron Electric; Steam Ak-Sar-Ben . cB&o Chicago-Omaha-Lincoln Diesel-Electric Alamo. SP New Orleans-Houston-San Antonio Steam Alaskan . NP; SP&S St. Paul-Minneapolis-Seattle-Tacoma Albany Mail. NYC Utica (o New York Steam; Electric Alburgh Express . Rutland Ogdensburg to Alburgh Steam Alexandrian.--.-. ... -. - - - GN St. Paul-Minneapolis-Fargo- Diesel-Electric Grand Forks Alouette. B&M; CP Boston-Woodsville-Montreal D-E; Steam Alton Limited, The..... GM&O Chicago-St. Louis Diesel-Electric Ambassador B&M; CV; CN Boston-White River Jct.-Montreal D-E; Steam Ambassador, The. ...... B&O;NYC B altimore-Washington-Detroit American, The.,.,........ PRR New York-Washington-St. Louis Electric; Steam American Royal........... CB&Q Chicago-St. Joseph-Ka nsas City Diesel-Electric Angelo, The. Santa Fe Ft. Worth-San Angelo Steam ' Ann Rutledge . GM&O Chicago-St. Louis Streamline Diesel-Electric Antelope, The. ......... Santa Fe Kansas City-Ft. Worth Standard Steam Argonaut,.,.. SP Los Angeles-New Orleans Arlington, The........... PRR New York-Washington Electric Aroostook Flyer..... ...... BAR Bangor-Van Buien sY' u.'Arrow, The..... CMSTP&P \ Chicago & Milwaukee-Des Moines- Omaha-Sioux City-Sioux Falls Arrowhead Limited...... - C&NW Duluth to Chicago Asa Packer, The. .. .. .... LV New York-Wilkes Barre-Coxton Electric; D-E Asheville Special . PRR ; Southern New York-Washington-Asheville Electric;D-E; Stearn Page Tuo Roo.d(s) on Nome o! Truin which Behoeen Wi.Pnd Powct OPratzd Ashland Limited. C&NW Chicago-Ashland Standard Diesel-Electric Ashland Mail. c&Nw Chicago to Ashland sY- Atlanta Limited. IC Shreveport to Meridian Atlantic Express. Erie . Chicago to New York Diesel-Electric Atlantic Highlands Express. CofNJ New York to Atlantic Highlands Steam Azalean, The . L&N Cincinnati-New Orleans Diesel-Electric B Badger Express, The. ... GN St. Paul-Minneapolis-Superior-Duluth Standard Diesel-Electric Bankers, The. NYNH&H Springfield-New York Steam; Electric Banner Blue. Wabash St. Louis-Chicago Steam Bar Harbor (s)........... PRR ;NYNH&H ; Washington-New York-Bangor- Electric; Diesel- B&M ;MeC Ellsworth Electric Bay Shore Special......... CofNJ Newark to Highlands Steam Bay State, The. .. .. .. .. NYNH&H New York-Boston Electric; D-E - Beachcomber (s). .. .. .. B&M Boston-Portland Diesel-Electric Beach Special (")...... ... B&M Boston-Portland l-6eaver. , SP Portland-San Francisco Steam Berkshire, The....... ..... NYNH&H New York-Pittsfield Electric; Steam Birmingham Special....... PRR;Southern; New York-Roanoke-Chattanooga- Electric;D-E; N&W;Southern Birmingham-Memphis Steam Black Diamond, The. .... LV;Reading NewYork-Philadelphia-Buffalo Streamline Electric; D-E Black Gold . STISF Tulsa-Dallas-Ft. Worth Stand ard Steam .,Elack Hawk, The. ...... .. CB&Q Minneapolis-Chicago I)iesel-Electric s.Blue Bird.... 1........... Wabash Chicago-St. Louis Steam Blue Grasb, The . .. .. .. CI&L Chicago-Louisville Streamline Diesel-Electric ] Blue Ridge Lirhited, The, . B&O Washington to Chicago Standard Steam ] l . Pa.ge'Three I l I '. : , ,..:. .i.l.r .-*.-, i.: i,.1 Road(s\ on Name oJ Train which Bel,ween Equ'ipment . OPerated Bluebonnet, The. STLSF;MKT St. Louis-Kansas City-Dallas-Ft. Worth Standard Steam Border Limited . SP Houston-San Antonio-Brownsville- Corpus Christi Boston Express . NYC Buffalo to Boston Boston-New York Express . NYC;NYNH&H Boslon & Springfield 1o New York Steam; Electric Bostonian, The. ......... NYNH&H New York to Boston Electric; D-E Broadway Limited.... -. .. - PRR New York-Chicago Streamline Buckeye, The.. .. .. .. .. .. PRR Cleveland to Pittsburgh Standard Steam Buffalo Day Express...... PRR Washington & Philadelphia to Bufialo Electric; Steam Buffalo Local. NYC Cincinnati to Buffalo Steam Buflalo-Pittsburgh Express. NYC Buffalo-Pittsburgh Buffalo-Toronto Express . NYC New York-Buff alo-Toronto Electric; Steam Butte Special. UP Salt Lake City to Butte Steam c Cabana (s) . NYNH&H New York-Boston Standard Elect; Stcam or D-E California Limited..... .. Santa Fe Chicago-Denver-Los Angeles Steam California Special. ........ Santa Fe Clovis to Los Angeles California Zephyr. ...... CB&Q;D&RGW; (Announced to be installed in 1948) Streamline Diesel-Electric WP Camellia, The.... .. .... .. - PRR;RF&P New York-Washington-Miami- Standard Electric; Steam; SAL Tampa-Sarasota-Venice Diesel-Electric Canadian, The............ NYC;CP Chicago-Montreal Steam Cannon Ball. N&W Richmond-Norfolk Cannon Ball . B&M Boston-Concord-White River Junction- Diesel-Electric Plymouth Cannon Ball, The. ....... LI New York-Montauk Electric; Steam p6gs Fou.r Road.(s) ott Name o! Ttain which Bel,ueefu EquiPment PoTter OPelated' Capital City Special... .. NYC Cleveland to Columbus Standard Steam Capitol Limited . Ill.Term. Peoria-St. Louis Electric Capitol Limited, The. , . .. B&O;Reading; . Chicago-Washington-New York Streamline Diesel-Electric CofNJ Capitol "400" . C&NW Chicago-M ilwaukee-Madison Cardinal . C&EI Chicago-St. Louis Standard Steam' Carolina Special . NYC; Southern Chicago-Cincinnati-Asheville- Steam; D-E Cherleston-Goldsboro Cascade. SP San Francisco-Portland Steam Cascadian . GN Spokane-Seattle Steam; Electric Cavalier, The. -. .. .. '. N&W Cincinnati-Columbus-Norfolk Steam Cavalier, The............. PRR New York-Cape Charles Electric; Steam Cayuga, The. NYC New York-Rochester-Buffalo Centennial State. ....... Santa Fe Newton, Kans.-Denver Steam Champion (East Coast).. PRR; RF&P; New York-Miami Streamline Electric; Steam; ACL;FEC Diesel-Electric Champion (West Coast).. PRR; RF&P; New York-Tampa-St. Petersburg ACL Cheshire. B&M Boston-White River Junction Diesel-Electric Chicago Arrow, The. -. .. Wabash ; PRR Detroit to Chicago Standard Steam Chicago-Des Moines Rocket CRI&P Chicago to Des Moines Streamline Diesel-Electric Chicago Daylight Express. PRR Louisville & Cincinnati to Chicago Standard Steam Chicago Express . C&NW Omaha to Chicago Chicago Express . CP; NYC Montreal-Chicago Chicago Express . Santa Fe Galveston to Newton, Kans. Chicago Express . C&EI Evansville-Chicago Chicago Limited . C&NW Duluth to Chicago Chicago Night Express..... B&O Wheeling to Chicago Page Flue Road,Q) on Name o! Train uhith Behteetu Equit ne6t OPaated Chicago Night Express..... NYC Cincinnati to Chicago & St. I-ouis Standard Steam Chicago Night Express....
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