T545 HAEMATOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES ON BRACKISH WATER FISH ETROPLUS MACULATUS (BLOCH) ‘17iesis sulimittecf to DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In MARINE BIOLOGY UNDER THE FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES BINDU BHASKARAN A.B DEPARTMENT OF MARINE BIOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF MARINE SCIENCES COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY KOCHI-682016, INDIA ’?,/«—:-;-.~;-_——,——_._*Ix 1. ,1 I’—77‘ \ Jamfl 2a// /I,/C:/;‘§‘i7i7‘/'*1I ‘ Z‘ Qtertifirate This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Haematological and Toxicological studies on brackish water fish Etroplus maculatus (Bloch)” is an authentic record of the research work carried out by Mrs. Bindu Bhaskaran. A.B under my guidance and supervision in the department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology of Cochin University of Science and Technology and no part of these has been presented for the award of any other degree, diploma or associate ship in any university. Dr. K.Y. Mohammed Salih ( Supervising Guide) Professor (Retired) Dept. of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry Cochin University of Science and Technology Kochi-16 March, 201 l DECLARATION I hereby declare that the thesis entitled ”HAEMATOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES ON BRACKISH WATER FISH ETROPLLIS MACLILATLIS (BLOCH)" is a genuine record of research work done by me (Reg. No. 2148) under the guidance and supervision of Prof. (Rtd) Dr. K.Y.Mohammed Salih, Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, in partial fulfillment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under the faculty of Marine Sciences of the Cochin University of Science and Technology and no part thereof has been previously formed the basis of the award of any degree, diploma or associateship in any university. 14-03-2011Kochi-16 BINDU BHASKARAN ’ A.B ACKNOWLEDGEMENT After reaching the mucli-yeariied destination if this research pursuit, I feel great to l00lf back and recollect all those smiling face tlzat have eflectively played in molding t/ie present form of thesis. I could realize the innumerable blessings showed upon me and _felt tlze /1linighty’s presence ti/re a bridge above troubled waters at various crossroads. I e.z.‘press my sincere gratitude to rig! research guide Dr. K. '1”. ll/Iohammed Salih, Professor (Rtd), Department in’ Ivlarine Biology, Iwicrobiology and Biocheinistiyfor his supeirvision and guidance. I than/1' him for the kind Qf freedom I was endowed with, to improve, plan and implement. Special gratitude goes to Dr. /Inney/cutty Joseph, Head, Department of A/Iarine Biology, [Microbiology and Biocheniistiy, for her enthusiastic attitude towards academic matters. I especially tlianlt her jor the prompt helps she always rendered. I am firever obliged to Dr. /1. V. Saramma, Reader, Department Qf Marine biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, for encouragement and support I received from her throughout the tenure (fiiiy doctoral programme. I am especially grate/iil to Dr. lwohammed Haatha and Dr. Rajathy Qf Environmental Studies for guiding me through the subtleties offiict oriented scientific writing. Throughout my thesis—writing period, they provided encouragement, sound advice and lots ofgood ideas. I am than/gful to my teachers Prof} R.Damodharan, Prof N.R.Menon, Dr. Kuttiyamma, Dr. C. K. Radlia/.'ri'slinan, Prof Dr. Babu Philip, Dr. Rosamma Philip and Dr. Bijoy Nandan‘/or their support and encouragement. I am forever obliged to Dr. KC. George, Principal Scientist, CMFRI and Dr. Susan, Haematologistfor the ininiense help ren.dered during the identyication and interpretations ofblood cells and histological sections. Sincere than/is to them on behalf" of devoting their precious time and made inany valuable suggestions which indeed helped in improving my awareness on vertebrate liaeinatology and histology. I am especially gratefiul to Nfr. St%' Thomas and ./Mr. Jabeer fir tlzeir valuable help during data analysis. I am obliged to them for the lessons of statistics. I am than/fill to IW1‘. Suresh Kumar and his stafi for giving me valuable iry‘ormation on tlze technical side of basic haematology. I express my gratitude to N11‘. Antony, Director, EnvironDeszgn and other stafi" for the kind and friendly attitude helped me through various aspects of my work. I thank Librarian Afr. Joseplz, .Mr. Premachandran and Air. It/Ianual school Q/'IVIarine sciences for their help and support. I sincerely thank stauflj department of Nlarine Biologi, Rlicrobiology and Biochemistry for their timely helps.­ I record my sincere thanks to my friends Nikhitha Divakaran, Jayanthi. T. T, S mitha Bhanu, Roja Sebastain , Anupama, Bindhya, Jini, S mitha and other friends in .7\/Iarine Biology and Jvficrobiology labs. I thank .Mrs. Zeena Satin and Iflr. Salim for their timely help whenever I need. I deeply acknowledge tlze elderly care and good company of my senior colleagues Dr. Bindu P.C., Dr. Beatrice Amar, Dr. Arun /I.U, Dr. JoyDas T.V, Dr. Sajan Sebastain, Dr. Vinu Chandran, Dr. Jehosheeba,, Dr. Suchithra, Dr. Sqja Louis, Kesavan Na-mbudiri etc. I thank all my _friends in the marine sciences campus who helped me and spent little time flor me for the completion of my thesis. I simply short of words to convey my gratefulness for the prayers, unrelenting support and inspiration my parents, brother and sister throughout my academic life. I bow my head before the love, care and patience of 7291 parents they have shown in bringing me up. IWy brother /Inil and sister Dhanya, they were ready all the time to help me. My special thanks to my sister—in-law Saritha for her immense help. I thank all my lfanzily members .Maaman, mother in law, Chitta, aunty, Sharanya, Kavya, Surabhi, Prasad, Rqjlt, Remesh and all my cousins for their encouragement and support towards the endeavour. Nothing can be compared to tile love and sacrfice cf my dearest husband Subash wlzo lzas always been a passionate and patient companion to me. I am not sure ifthis tribute could compensate for the big time I had to be away from him but this is built upon his boundless aflection, understanding and constant encouragement. I than}: God for the greatest blessing Qf my life. I must acknowledge niy I.Ilt17th‘.S‘ to my little kids Aardra and Aparna. I really feel sorry fior my little daughters, for the care and wjection denied to them during my busy hours cf my thesis preparation. Untold than/is are precious, leftjor lots if people who shared a little words of kindness and a little words oflove throughout my lifejourney. flt last I thank the Lord Almighty fin‘ the blessings showered upon me with such an opportunity and potential to complete this work. /3"; . BINDU BHASKARAN CONTENTS [7/Iapter lGeneral Introduction ..................................................................... .. l~l7 Z;/lapte/’2Review of Literature ...................................................................... .. l8»44 [7/Iapfer 3N ormal haematological variations in healthy Etroplus macu/arus ................................................................................ .. 45/ 78 Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion L"/lapt£'r4Leucocytes and Related cells of Etroplus maculatus ................. ..79«lO9 Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion [/la/IIE/'5Heavy Metal induced changes in haematological parameters .. llO»137 Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion 5/I5/JfEI’6 Heavy Metal induced changes in enzymatic parameters ........ .. l38~175 Introduction Materials and l\"lCtl'l0ClS Results Discussion Conclusion £'/Iapter 7Histopathological effects of heavy metals ................................. .. l76»205 Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion L‘/Iapfe/' 8 Conclusion ..................................................................................... .. 206/212 References ...................................................................................... .. 213» 299 5'/Iapter GENERAL INTRODUCTION flaw-7 INTRODUCTION 1.1 HAEMATOLOGICALSTUDIES Among the various animal groups, fishes have been identified as being very sensitive to pollutants and have been the most popular test organism because they are presumed to be the best understood organism in the aquatic environment. Many of the clinical tools used to evaluate mammalian health are not developed for use in fishes. As the aquaculture industry expands, there is an increasing need for improved diagnostic methods. There are few tools available to diagnose and monitor diseases on fishes. One such tool is the analysis of blood; it can help detect acute and chronic pathophysiological changes attributable to nutrition, water quality, toxicants and disease. One of the difficulties in assessing the state of health of natural fish population has been the paucity of reliable references of the normal condition. In pursuit to this goal, many fish physiologists have turned to studies of haematology. Haematological data are used routinely in health care of humans and domestic animals. Haematological evaluations are also gradually becoming a routine practice for determining health status in fish (Tavares-Dias et al., 2003; Ranzaini-Paiva et al., 2003; Cazenave et al., 2005). Only a few normal values for small number haematological parameters have been established for some teleosts, but these values range widely due to the lack of standardized collecting and measuring techniques (Blaxhall, 1972). Perhaps
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