Dedicated to Preserving Our Built Heritage Spring/Summer 2009 Volume 36, No. 2 Egyptian Embassy Seeks Heritage Demolition in Sandy Hill By Barry Padolsky he Arab Republic of Heritage Ottawa, in its brief T Egypt has submitted to the City of Ottawa objects an application to the City to the re-zoning and has of Ottawa to rezone their stated: Heritage Ottawa has embassy property in no objection to an intensified Ottawa’s Sandy Hill use of the two properties in neighbourhood. The question. It is, however, our belief application, if granted by that this intensification can be Ottawa City Council, would accomplished without demolishing permit the embassy to demolish the 454 Laurier Ave. building, the Embassy’s two converted and by so doing protect the heritage residential buildings and construct a new character of the Laurier Avenue streetscape. chancery (office building) on the site. The re-zoning application is not supported by The two residences are located at 452 and the city’s heritage planner, Stuart Lazear, LACAC 454 Laurier Ave E at the corner of Range Road. and a growing group of Sandy Hill residents, who They consist of a two-storey brick and half timber intend to petition the city to reject the re-zoning residence constructed in 1924, occupied by the application. Residents have argued that the Embassy since 1964, and a single storey stone rezoning would create a precedent that will lead cottage constructed in 1928, purchased by the to the inevitable transformation of the historic Egyptian Embassy in 2007.The Egyptian Embassy residential character of Sandy Hill. There are over obtained permission to use 452 Laurer as a 30 embassies that occupy prominent residences diplomatic office on the understanding that the that could exploit the precedent created by the building would not be demolished. Egyptian re-zoning application. The residences are not part of an heritage It has been noted that in the 1970’s the Polish conservation district but are located within the Embassy withdrew its proposal to replace its y k city’s current heritage study area. They have historic residence at 443 Daly Ave. with a new s l o d been deemed by the city to be of contributory chancery in response to the appeal of Sandy Hill a P y r heritage significance, located across from historic residents. r a B Strathcona Park at the eastern gateway to : o The city’s heritage planner, LACAC, and t o Sandy Hill. h Heritage Ottawa consider that an acceptable P 1 Egyptian Embassy ... Sad News solution would include the construction of a In December we honoured sensitively designed addition to 454 Laurier, Gordon Cullingham for corner landmark residence originally built by his long service to Norman E. Smith president of the Ottawa Free Heritage Ottawa Press and The Journal. This suggestion has been (Heritage Ottawa made to the Egyptian Embassy who have not Newsletter, Winter responded to the proposed compromise. 2009, pp.11 & 12). Action Sandy Hill has not opposed the On March 30 we re-zoning application. gathered again to attend Diplomatic Missions (offices) are currently only his funeral. permitted in Sandy Hill residential zones if they Gordon died peacefully occupy former residences. after a brief illness on Ottawa’s Planning and Environment March 25 attended to by his Committee will hear the Rezoning Application family. I had the opportunity to at City Hall Tuesday May 12, 2009. visit him a few days before his death and to tell Send your comments on this re-zoning and him that the Board had awarded the first heritage demolition proposal to the city’s planner, Gordon Cullingham Research and Publishing Grant. Erin Topping, [email protected], Councillor He was pleased and insisted that we toast the event Georges Bédard, [email protected] and with a good bottle of red wine. It was a happy Sandy Hill resident Christopher Collmorgen, occasion despite the circumstances. [email protected] On behalf of the Heritage Ottawa Board of Directors and members, I offer our sincere Barry Padolsky, B.Arch.,M.Sc.Urban Design OAA, condolences to Gord’s wife, Janet Irwin, and his FRAIC, RCA, CAPHC, is one of Ottawa’s foremost daughters, Maureen and Alison. We shall all architects specializing in the restoration, reconstruction miss our good friend and colleague. and adaptive use of heritage buildings. He is an Honourary Life Member of Heritage Ottawa. David B. Flemming, Past-President Heritage Ottawa is a non-profit Directors: John Arnold, organization dedicated to the preservation Richard Belliveau, of Ottawa’s built heritage. Marc Billard, Susan Buggey Vacant Ken C. Clavette, Ken Elder, President Anwareen Farouk, Veronica Vaillancourt Heritage Ottawa David Jeanes Ian Ferguson, Meryl Oliver, Editor 2 Daly Avenue Vice-President Peter O’Malley, Carolyn Quinn, Paul Stumes Jan Soetermans Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6E2 Willam R. Price Secretary Graphic Designer Tel: 613-230-8841 David Ivison Heritage Ottawa acknowledges Tina & Company Fax: 613-564-4428 Treasurer the financial support of the Printing Email: [email protected] City of Ottawa and the David B. Flemming Web: www.heritageottawa.org Ontario Ministry of Culture Past-President 2 financial support from The Ontario Trillum From the Past President…. Foundation. few days ago I attended a fundraising Many thanks to the volunteers who worked on breakfast at St. Brigid’s Centre for the Arts the survey: Andrew Elliott, Katherine Mittermaier, A & Humanities, formerly St. Brigid’s Roman Céline Heinbecker, Bill Price, John McLeod, Brynne Catholic Church. Besides being an occasion far a Campbell, John Calvert, Anwareen Farouk, Susan good “scoff” and the chance to hear some traditional McLeod-O’Reilly, Karen Junke and Jessica Cameron. Irish music in the lead-up to St. Paddy’s Day, I had The draft by-law Heritage Demolition by Neglect the opportunity to see first-hand some of the fine was supported by LACAC at their meeting on work being done to restore the building under the March 5th and will be considered by Planning and direction of Ottawa architect and Honourary Life Environment Committee on April 14th. Members Member of Heritage Ottawa, Barry Padolsky. will recall that this by-law arose out of a letter I am therefore pleased to announce that all which I sent to the mayor and councillors in members will be able to hear about this work and December 2007 urging the city to develop an see it first-hand at our 2009 Annual General emergency heritage preservation protocol to Meeting which will be held at St. Brigid’s on effectively deal with heritage buildings which Wednesday, May 20 at 7:00 p.m. Our guest speaker are at risk because of the neglect of their owners for the evening will be Barry Padolsky. It is an (see Heritage Ottawa Newsletter, Winter 2008, opportunity for Heritage Ottawa members to see pp. 11-12 and Winter 2009, pp.3-4). and hear about this promising adaptive use project Richard Belliveau, with help from David Jeanes, and to support the activities of the Centre which has put together a program of 13 walking tours has a regular and diverse schedule of events between mid-June and mid-October (see listing on planned for the spring; please see www.saint pages 9-11). Members should receive their copy of brigids.ca. the brochure by May 1st. Please take the opportunity At our March lecture, conservation architect to volunteer to help coordinate one of these tours Susan Ross demonstrated that heritage buildings by contacting the office at 613-230-8841; remember are good candidates for “green” adaptive use ideas tour coordinators tour for “free”. and that this technology is not limited to new, Heritage Ottawa members may also be interested modern buildings. in walking tours organized by Jane’s Walk Ottawa Plan to join us for our final 2008-2009 lecture on on May 2nd & 3rd www.janeswalk.com/participating_ April 15 to learn how the Ontario Municipal Board, cities/ottawa and the Rideau long thought to be the bane of heritage preservationists, Canal Festival July 31st to August may in fact be a tool for heritage preservation. 3rd www.rideaucanalfestival.ca/ On the subject of the OMB, a panel is currently program. meeting in Ottawa to consider the owner’s appeal Finally, don’t forget Doors of the city’s decision to disallow his application to Open Ottawa 2009 on June 6th Flemming and 7th. We are still awaiting demolish 456 Lansdowne Avenue North (for back- David ground see Heritage Ottawa Newsletter, Winter word from Viking-Rideau 2008, p.6 & Spring/Summer 2008, p.9). Loss of this Corporation on whether the Photo: building would set a dangerous precedent for other former City Registry Office on Christina Cameron, century-old buildings in the Rockcliffe Park Nicholas Street will be available Chairperson of Heritage Conservation District. for Heritage Ottawa volunteers UNESCO's World Heritage Committee to staff during Doors Open. I am pleased to report that Heritage Ottawa has 2007-08, delivered the nearly completed its portion of the province-wide Best wishes for an enjoyable spring Bob and Mary Anne Heritage Conservation District Survey which is and summer! I hope to see you at Phillips Memorial lecture on February 20, 2009. being undertaken in partnership with the Heritage some of our walking tours. She spoke about her Resources Centre of the University of Waterloo and experiences in this role the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario with David B. Flemming, Past President and World Heritage Sites. 3 City Restores Pond Wall By William R. Price ast November, Glebe residents, heritage were authored by nearby resident and Heritage professionals and heritage advocates Ottawa member Allison Dingle, Richard Cannings, L applauded the City of Ottawa, for having president of Heritage Ottawa at the time, various implemented a badly needed restoration of the Heritage Ottawa board members and LACAC.
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