ACADEMIE ROUMAINE INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES evue des etudes sud-est europeennes Journal of South-East European , Studies DanubeBalkans Mer Noire Tome XXXVII (nOS 14) - XXXVIII (nOS 1-i), 1999-2000 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE www.dacoromanica.ro DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION PAUL HENRI STAHL COMITE CONSULTATIF SKIL AKGON (Ankara),MATILDA CARAGIU MARIOTEANU, NADIA DANOVA (Sofia), DENNIS DELETANT (Londres), PASCHALIS M. KITROMILIDES (Athens), ZOE DUMITRESCU BU$ULENGA, ANNELIE UTE GABANY (Munich), ZORAN KONSTANTINOVIt (Innsbruck-Belgrade), M.N. KUZMIN (Moscou), PAUL MICHELSON (Huntington), EMIL NIEDERHAUSER (Budapest), ST. POLLO (Tirana), M.D. PEYFUSS (Vienne), NICOLAE $ERBAN TANA$OCA, RUMEANA STANCEVA (Sofia), POMPILIU TEODOR, BIANCA VALOTA-CAVALLOTTI (Milan), ALEXANDRU ZUB. COMITE DE REDACTION PETRE ALEXANDRESCU, VIRGIL CANDEA, SABINA ISPAS, ZAMFIRA- EUGENIA MIHAIL, GHEORGHE MIHAILA, $ERBAN PAPACOSTEA, ANDREI PIPPIDI, MARIUS SALA, LIDIA SIMION (secretaire de redaction). Redacteur editorial: ANCA MILU-VAIDESEGAN Toute commande sera adressee a: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Ca lea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, P.O.Box 5-42, Bucumti, Romania, Fax (401) 410 39 83; Tel (410) 410 32 00; (410) 90 08; RODIPET SA, Plata Presei Libere nr.1, sectorul1, -P.O.Box 33-57, Bucuresti, Romania, Fax (401) 222 64 07, Tel. (401) 618 51 03; (401) 222 41 26; ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000 SRL, P.O.Box 77-19, Bucuresti 3, Romania, Fax (401) 324 06 38; Tel. (401) 653 79 85. La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues etc.) envoyes pour comptes rendus seront adresses a la: REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES, P.O.Box 22.159, 71109, Bucuresti, ou Ca lea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, Bucure0. Les auteurs sont pries de presenter leurs articles en double exemplaire, espaces a double interligne. Le contenu des articles sera introduit sur disquette dans un langage connu, de preference Word 6.0. Caracteres: 11/13 points pour le texte, 12/14 pour le titre de Particle et 9/11 pour les annexes. Les notes seront placees en bas de page. ©, 2002 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE Ca lea 13 Septembrie nr.13, tel. 410 32 00 Bucuresti, Romania www.dacoromanica.ro REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES DanubeBalkansMer Noire TOMES XXXVII (ds 1 -) XXXVIII (nOS 1 -i), 1999-2000 SOMMAIRE / CONTENTS Histoire byzantine ALEXANDRU MADGE,fLRU, The RestoratiOn of the Byzantine Rule on the Danube 5 FRIEDBERT FICKER. Die Eroberung Konstantinopels in der Zeitgendssischen Bildenden Kunst.. 25 Histoire ottomane VIOREL PANAITE, Power Relationships in the Ottoman Empire. Sultans and the Tribute Paying Princes of Wallachia and Moldavia (16th-18th Centuries) 47 CRISTINA FENE$AN, Le Statut de dependance de la Principaute de Transylvanie envers la Porte en 1541.................................................................................................................... 79 ONUR YILDIRIM, Transformation of the Craft Guilds in Istanbul During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (1650-1826) 91 Societes Sud-Est Europeennes au XIXC siecle ANDREI PIPPIDI, Traductions et Conspirations. Sur ('agitation revolutionnaire dans les Principautes Roumaines vers 1800 111 CATHERINE ARONI-TSICHLI, La Grece de 1848: modemite et resistance traditionnelles.... 123 RENNOS EHALIOTIS, Abreast of the Times: a Project for the Reorganization of British Consular Service in Turkey-in-Europe (1861) . 131 ALEXANDRE KOSTOV. Banques et hanquiers en Roumanie en 1876 (d'apres une enquete du «Credit Lyonnais0 . 137 Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XXXVII (n"1-2)XXXVIII (n"1-2), p. 1-312, Bucarest, 1999-2000 www.dacoromanica.ro 2 Relations Sud-Est Europeennes. Convergences et divergences AURORA-ELENA ILIES. La guerre du sel entre la Valachie et la Moldavie (XVIPXIXe siecles) 145 ORHAN KOLOOLU, Les journdes de solidaritd de courte durde dans les Balkans en juillet- aout 1908 151 PAVLOS TZERMIAS, Zentraleuropa, Osteuropa und die historische Stellung des Balkans- Ein Problem politischer und geistigerGeographic 157 Dynamique sociale et culturelle GALINA P. KLEPIKOVA, On the Problem of Convergence in the South-East European Languages: the Lexical Level 175 LAMFIRA MIHAIL, Changements de la signification des traditions populaires sud-est europeennes 185 S1ELU SERBAN. $TEFAN DORONDEL, The Oral History of an Interethnic and Interconfessional Village. The Migrations Legends . 191 ARETIS DEMOSTHENOUS-PASHALIDOU. Social-Legal Status of the Muslim Woman in North Greece 207 Elites. Classes politiques dans le Sud-Est Europeen ANTON STERBLING, Intellektuelle und Eliten in Rumanien und Sudosteuropa. Eliten, Modernisierung, nationale Mythen 221 RUDOLF DINU, The Diplomatic Elite in the Modern Europe. Notes Regarding the History of the Italian Legation in Bucharest (1879-1914) . 239 Discussions ANDREI PIPPIDI, A Plea for the Study of South-Eastern Europe .. 265 LEVENTE NAGY, Dammbruch in der Balkanologie? .. 271 Chronique ANDREI PIPPIDI, Les relations greco-roumaines sous un nouvel dclairage 283 ANDREI PIPPIDI, Un colloque vdnitien sur Nicolae lorga .. 284 ANDREI PIPPIDI, Totalitarisme et autoritarisme. Un colloque a Varsovie 285 Comptes rendus V.N. VINOGRADOV (ed.)Aleksandr I, Napoleon i Balkany,in "Balkanskie issledovanija", Vypusk 18,(Stella Ghervas);MARIA TODOROVA,Imagining the Balkans (Olga Alladenova);HANS DIETER DOPMANN (Hrsg),Religion und Gesellschaft in Sudosteuropa,in"SudosteuropaJahrbuch".Bd.28(PetreGuran):ARETIS P. DEMOSTENOUS-PAST IALIDOU. HAvail rou yapou aro poucrouApavuto &Kato tee www.dacoromanica.ro 3 &AFT ava9opa era IrpoAinpara rov peacrov ycylov (Cristina Fenesan); ANTONINA KUZMANOVA, RUMJANA STAWEVA, VASILKA ALEKSOVA, Rumcinija na edna reka razstojanie (Catalina Vatclyescu, Constantin Jordan); MIRCEA ELIADE, Europa, Asia, America...Corespondenla, A-H (ed. Mircea Handoca) (Andrei Pippidi); GRIGORE NANDR1$, 8 ani din viaia Romaniei, 1940-1948. Pagini de jurnal (ed. I Opripn)(AndreiPippidi); DARIUSZKOLODZIEJCZYK,Ottoman-Polish Diplomatic Relations (15th-18th Centuries) (Viorel Panaite); ZAMFIRA MIHAIL, Etimologia in perspective etnolingvistica (CatalinaVatasescu); CONSTANTIN IORDAN, Romcinia;irelaiiile internagonale din Sud-Estul european: Probleme ale path. securitatiificooperarii (1919-1924) (loan Scurtu). 287 www.dacoromanica.ro THE RESTORATION OF THE BYZANTINE RULE ON THE DANUBE ALEXANDRU MADGEARU The Byzantine army marched in 971 through the eastern Bulgaria towards Dristra against the Russian knyaz Svyatoslav who occupied a large part of this state. Called by Nikephor Phokas in 966 as an ally, Svyatoslav transformed his campaigns of 967-968 and 969 into a conquest of Bulgaria and into an anti- Byzantine war. The general Bardas Skleros at Arkadiopolis stopped his offensive towards Constantinople. During the spring of 971, the new emperor John Tzimiskes began a great offensive. He conquered Pres lav, Pliska and next he besieged Dristra (the city where Svyatoslav took refuge)'. The Russians withdraw the city and the Byzantine army extended its domination over the territory of the former Roman provinces Moesia Secunda and Scythia. The military and administrative structure of the conquered region could be known by mean of the seals discovered at Preslav and in other places and also from the data transmitted by the so-called Tata:Icon Scorialensis (published by N. Oiko- nomides). In this list of dignities written down sometime between 971 and 975 are mentioned a strategos of Dristra and a strategos of aprovince liamed MEaonotaltia; Aimee); (Western Mesopotamia)2. The latter is different from the well-known eastern Mesopotamia and it was located by N. Oikonomides and by other historians in the Danubian area3. In this respect, there is no doubt. Another dignity mentioned in Takiikon Scorialensis is that of katepano of Mesopotamia (listed between the duke of Chaldea and the katepano of Italy). N. Oikonomides supposed that the katepano of Mesopotamia has the first place among the western commanders in the list that begins with the two katepanoi and follows with the dukes of Thessalonic, Adrianople and so on. The whole group of the western commanders follows the oriental one. Therefore, Oikonomides 1 A detailed study on these events: A.D. Stokes,The Balkan Campaigns of Svyatoslav lgorevich,"The Slavonic and East European Review", London,40, 1962, 95,pp. 466-496. 2 N. Oikonomides,Les lives de preseance byzantines des IX' etX'siecles,Paris. 1972. p. 268/269. Mem, Recherches sur l'histoire du Bets-Danube aux X -XP siecles: la Alesopotamte de l'Occident,RESEE, 3, 1965, 1-2, pp. 57-79. See also the studies of P. Diaconu, V. Tapkova- Zaimova, 1. Bokilov - quoted in the next footnotes. Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XXXVII (n"I-2)XXXVIII (e1-2), pp. 5-23, Bucarest, 1999 2000 www.dacoromanica.ro 6 Alexandru Madgearu 2 believes that Western Mesopotamia was ruled by a katepano, who had a strategos under his orders. This strategos is mentioned just after the strategos of Dristra. This fact could suggest that both were subordinated to the katepano of Western Mesopotamia4. We do not agree the location of this katepanikion in the western part of the Empire. Why its name does not specify the western position, like the strategos of Western Mesopotamia ? The location in Orient of the katepano of Mesopotamia is more probable because he is mentioned together with the eastern dukes of Chaldea and Antioch5. Therefore, the situation recorded in Taktikon Scorialensis does not support the theory of the existence of a katepano in Western Mesopotamia. This theme existed indeed near the Danube, but its head was a strategos. Based on the
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