Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (2) : 2020; pp. (727-731) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971–765X Assessment of physico– chemical parameters of water quality of Darna river water, Nasik (M.S.), India Yogita S. Patil, H.A. Thakur and B.N. Zaware R.Y.K. Science College, Nasik, M.S., Inda (Received 11 November, 2019; accepted 3 December, 2019) ABSTRACT The term “Water quality” attributing to the overall make that significantly include physical, chemical constituents. Good water quality in rivers is critical for sustainable development and global health in terms of providing basic services and enabling economic activities. The domestic sewage, industrial waste and agriculture runoff discharged direct and indirect in water bodies of river and lake. This Pollutants deteriorate water quality especially River water. Due to contamination of water bodies the trophic status changes and renders them unsuitable for human use. Hence, regular monitoring of these factors is essential to determine the status of a water body. Studies on the ecological status and pollution levels of Darna River in Nasik district were found to be very scanty. Hence in the present study; pH, temperature, total dissolved solids, turbidity, DO, BOD, nitrates (NO3) and phosphates (PO4-) were analysed to understand their seasonal variations and to know the trophic status of Darna River. Key word : Physico-chemical properties, Water quality, Darna River Introduction Seethapathi (1996). Darna River originates on the northern slopes of Water is the major component of all aquatic ecosys- the Kullong hill fort in the Sahyadris about 13 km tems existed on earth’s surface and life supporting away from Nashik. Dam is constructed across and sustaining role of the water is undoubtedly ac- Darna River near Nandgaon village. The Catchment cepted worldwide. As there is continuous and a area of Darna is wide, sandy and is broken by sev- steady rise in population during last decade, the eral small streams. Many of the chemicals, pesti- pressure on the fresh water bodies was ever increas- cides, detergents, fertilizers etc. alongwith the ther- ing and till date most of these water resources have mal power generation and automobile industries already being exploited to the great extent that re- have been established on or near to the bank of sulted into “water crisis” both in terms of water Godavari as well as many of its tributaries like quantity and quality. It has also been observed that Darna River. Silts and organic matter that are car- the lack of adequate water sanitation and hygiene is ried away with water flow are directly discharged responsible for an estimated 7% of all diseases and and accumulated in the Darna River. deaths globally. Assessment of water quality of the river is an important aspect for the development Materials and Methods activities of the region because it is the sum of the water supply of drinking; domestic; industrial; ag- Study Area ricultural and aquaculture practices Jain and Following are the important features of Darna 728 Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (2) : 2020 given in ‘Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water’ by APHA (1989); (Trivedy and Goel, 1984). Turbidity was measured by Nephelometric Turbidometer. Electric conductivity was measured in the laboratory with the help of an instrument; conductivity meter. Total hardness of water samples was calculated in the laboratory by using EDTA complexometric method by titration (Goetz et al., 1959). TDS were calculated by multiplying the ob- served electrical conductance of the samples, mea- sured by using digital conductivity meter. Determi- nation of carbon dioxide from collected water samples by Moore (1939). Dissolve oxygen was de- termined with the help of Winkler s iodometric modified azide method (APHA, 1989). BOD & COD ware measure by oxidation method. Nitrate ions react with brucine in strong sulphuric acid solution Fig. 1. Map showing location and origin of Darna River to form a yellow colour that measured spectropho- tometrically. Vanado-molybdate method was esti- River, Nashik mation of phosphate in water samples. Origin of River: Kulang hill (south-east of Igatpuri.) Argentometric method was considered for determi- Location: Nasik District of Maharashtra nation of chloride ions. Length of River: 80 KM River coordinates the Latitude: 19° 58' 0 N Results and Discussion River coordinates the Longitude: 73° 57' 0 E. Dam on River: Lake Beale The present limnological studies carried out at Height: 28 m Darna River, Nasik during the period from January Length: 1634 m 2015 to December 2016. The present study includes Reservoir total Capacity: 209,820 km3 analysis wear fourteen parameter of water quality Gross storage Capacity: 226,870.00 km3 parameters, changes in their values, season wise Catchment area (km2): 404 sq. km. fluctuations. Average water temperature ranged (Source: Official website of Nasik district; between the 17 oC to 30.5 oC and recorded as lowest nashik.nic.in) in winter and highest in summer and monsoon Field work (Lashari et al., 2009). The pH values during the present study were observed in the range between The sampling was done at selected six sampling sta- 6.6 between 8.86. pH values which were compara- tions; regular monthly intervals covering all seasons tively higher in winter season. It can be said for the period of 24 months, i.e. two consecutive thatthere is a direct relationship between water tem- years from January 2015 to December, 2016. Such perature and pH according to Mishra et al. (2007). Intervals between sampling were so chosen that sig- Conductivity values were ranged between 110 nificant variations will not be missed. Also, meteo- µmhos/cm to 320 µmhos/cm. The values of con- rological data like temperature, rainfall during the ductivity were recorded as comparatively higher in period of study had been collected from Hydrology the summer season (Ramulu and Benarjee, 2013). unit, Nasik. The ground glass stoppered bottles (250 The average DO was recorded as maximum in cc) were used for the collection of water samples. the summer season and minimum in winter and The physical parameters like of temperature and pH monsoon during the study period due todecrease in were determined in the field, immediately with the the water level, high temperature and rapid rates of help mercury thermometer, digital pH meter etc. decomposition of organic matter (Seeta and Reddy, The methods used for physical and chemical analy- 2018). Monthly values of BOD were recorded and sis were standardized according to the procedure these were found to be ranged from minimum of THAKUR Table 1. Average variation in Physico-chemical parameters of Darna River from January 2015 to December 2015 Sampling Temp Turbidity T.D.S Total Conduct. Dissolved pH Free B.O.D C.O.D. Nitrates Sulphates Chlorides Phosphates O Sites C NTU mg/L Hardness mhs/cm O2mg/L CO2 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ET AL S1 23.25 20.05 137.1 102.4 194.45 6.65 7.90 5.13 3.40 13.33 1.13 8.23 16.6 0.43 S2 22.59 18.92 143.1 116 188.59 6.43 8.01 5.55 3.94 14.50 1.55 8.61 20.4 0.38 S3 23.34 19.12 125.2 118.6 201.25 6.50 8.00 5.40 4.29 15.58 1.86 8.55 23.5 1.33 S4 22.91 19.44 134.5 129.8 232.92 6.83 8.01 5.57 4.76 17.17 1.83 8.49 22.9 0.95 S5 23.91 19.06 132.9 141.8 212.59 7.04 8.09 5.08 5.18 19.50 2.34 8.17 39.2 1.26 S6 23.75 20.49 116.8 157.8 202.17 7.15 8.05 4.98 5.72 21.17 3.37 7.95 46.4 0.87 Table 2. Monthly variation in Physico-chemical parameters of Darna River from January 2016 to December 2016 Sampling Temp Turbidity T.D.S Total Conduct. Dissolved pH Free B.O.D C.O.D. Nitrates Sulphates Chlorides Phosphates O Sites C NTU Mg/L Hardness mhs/cm O2 CO2 Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L Mg/L S1 22.25 17.35 137.5 94 180.34 7.20 7.62 5.3 2.24 13.83 1.39 8.34 11.7 0.88 S2 22.16 17.51 122.0 106.6 228 7.52 7.55 5.54 2.76 15.50 1.78 8.41 19.4 0.88 S3 21.58 17.75 137.8 129.5 222.15 7.66 7.78 5.64 3.43 17.67 2.72 8.62 21.6 0.89 S4 22.25 18.05 130.9 159.4 175.34 7.64 7.74 5.39 3.94 18.75 1.01 8.67 28.7 0.57 S5 22.58 17.54 138.4 185.0 185.09 7.80 7.78 5.50 4.45 20.33 2.74 8.61 35.5 1.01 S6 22.5 17.44 133.25 220.5 220.5 7.81 7.84 5.52 5.37 21.33 3.18 9.16 45.5 0.87 mg/L. FreeCO of theriverDarna,which suggests thatthe chemical parametersshow stablecondition season wisefluctuations. Thephysico- so astogetstatusofwater qualitywithits River, Nasikinvolveswaterqualityanalysis The presentlimnologicalstudiesatDarna Conclusion present studies(Bharadwaj ues duringsummermonthsthe mg/L to15.89mg/L.Thelowsulphateval- ues wererecordedbetweentherangesof1.5 the winter.Verma higher valuesofChlorideswererecordedin mg/L to143.2mg/L.Thecomparatively were foundtobeintherangebetween4.2 Sonawane (2011).Thevaluesofchlorides mg/L inthemonthofMay.Pawarand of 0.12mg/LinthemonthJanuaryto11.30 were recordedintherangefromminimum Khulbe andDurgapal(1993).Nitratesvalues rapid depositionofanorganicmatter soon thanwinterandsummerduetothe (1999).
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