I Advertlalag oa ru g a 16.) BfANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE T H REE C B N lE VOL. u y ., NO. 88. GOV. CROSS REELECTED State Democrats Swept Into OflSce NATION DEMOCRATIC ST A TE DEM O CRATS WIN BY BIG MAJORITIES; M OST O F BIG O FFIC ES REED IS DEFEATED Mabney Drfeats Walcott, How Various States For First Tmie Since CirB Kopplemann Wins Over SMALL MARGIN Voted At Election McCook— Hickey I t De- Wtr Peinsyiniin Deserts IN YOUNG HERE feated — Featnre of Elec- Republican Party; Demo- By ASSOCIATED PRESS. Connecticut: Republican Senator Pennsylvania; Republican stro i^ -! Walcott ousted by Democrat Ma- crats Beet 24 U. S. Sena- POLLJMTURE hold cracks; Guffey In wide lead | loney, giving state two Democratic tion Is Unnsnally Large over veteran Republican Senator Senators for first time In history. Reed; Democrat Earle ahead of G. j Ohio: Veteran Republican Leader Vote for Jasper McLevy, tors to Gain Two-Tbirds O. P. Schnader for governor. Fees captiilates to Democrat Dona- Usual Rnniblican Majority Callfornla: Sinclair's "Epic" cam- i hey for Senate Majority; Name 241 to Gov. Wllbar L. Cross 8en.-Blect Francis T. Blaloney Rep. Herman P. Kopplcmann paign crashes; Republican Merriam F,e,y anti-New' Dealer Socialist, Who PoUedMore in Manchester Greatly Re- wins governorship, Senator Robinson ousted by Demo- New Jersey: New Dealer Moore crat Minton. defeats G. O. P. Kean for Senate; Votes in Bridgeport Than House S eati Republican Hoffman leads for gov- Missouri: "Boss" Pendergaat re- dneed; Alcorn Wins Town places Republican Senator Patter- SUSPECT IS HELD ernor. Mkryland: Democrats Radcllffe : Either Cross or Alcorn. By ASSOCIATED FBBSS by714Yok». FIVE JSOCIAUSTS PICKED and Ritchie in van for Senate and ^ Rhode Islud: Republican Her- governor. | Democrat Gerry. Iteturas from yesterday’s Nation- al elaetiona, in which the Democrats IN ROBLES CASE Michigan; Republican Vander- Massachusetts: Democrat Curley, By-ASSOCIATED PRESS berg returned to Senate. supported by James .Roosevelt, son generally triumphed overwhelming- PolUng tbe largest vote In Its FOR STATE LEGISLATURE Ck>nnectlcut, straying farther Delaware; Democrat Adams of the President, takes governorship; away In yesterday's election from ly, showed that Joeeph F. Guffey, history locally the Democratic par- trails Senator Townsend, Republi- Democrats easily return Waish to its normal Republican path, gave Pittsburgh oil man, had been sent ty la tbe State election yesterday Federal Agents Arrest Man can. Senate. Montana; Republicans trail New Vermont: Austin, Republican, President Roosevelt’s New Deal to the Senate by Pennsylvania, and cut Bo deeply into the usual Repub- Three Senators and Two The State Vote George H. Ekirle, former minister to lican majority that this town's G. Dealers for two Senate seats. bolds Senate seat over Democratic what National Committeeman Austria, has bem selected as gov- m Charge of Kidnaping Wyoming: Democratic Senator opponent. Archibald McNeil termed a “n lan- O. P. vote was unable to materially Members of Honse Bect- VOTE FOR GOVERNOR O'Mahoney and Republican Carter Wisconsin: Young Bob LaFoUette did endorsement” by choosing Dem- ernor. aid other normal Republican centers Guffey replaces the veteran David in nip and tuck Senate race. and Brother Phil out-distance rivals ocrats for most of the major officea. in offsetting the big city Democrat- Recapitulation By Counties Child on April 25. for Senate and governorship on Pro- Precedents In this usually con- A. R i^ , s^kesm an for the Con- ic poll. Manchester only gave Hugh ed—Democrats Have 17 New Mexico: Independent Re- aervatives, IBarl succeeds Gifford (bounty Cross Alcorn McLevy publican Senator Cutting behind gressive tickets. servative state toppled before the M. Alcorn a plurality of 714 over (D) New York: Goes Democratic; avalanche of ballots as Demoermte Independent ftepubllcan, who was Governor Wilbur L. Cross when (R) (S) Democrat Chavez for long-term Sed- eliminated in the primaries, in Senate to G. O.P. 15. Hartford . .. 72,771 60,164 4,298 Washington, Nov. 7—(AP) - -The ate; Senator Hatch, Democrat, leads Lehman keeps governorship; Cope- dealt a crushing blow to Republican leaders here expected the figure land Senate seat. dominance with the election of la tbe Natien would approach IJMX). N. Haven .. 83,024 74,467 8,278 Deparment of Justice today an- G. O. P. Dillon for short* term. Throughout the nation, the Demo- N. London .. 17,383 18,565 845 West Virginia; "Baby” Liberal Kansas sticks to dry side but six Rispresentative Francis T. Maloney Fine Organisation nounced that its agents had taken Democrat Holt crushes veteram G. O. other states—West Virginia, Flori- to the Senatorial seat occupied for crate elected 24 Senators, wresting By ASSOCIATED PRESS Windham .. 10,920 10,394 404 nine Senate seats from Republicans, This Democratic swath was cut Fairfield .. 44,857 52,607 23,610 into custody Oscar H. Robson P. Hatfield for Senate. da, Idaho, Nebraska, South Dakota six years by Senator Frederic C. in the face of the ft .est Republican The next Lcgirlature will have ("Buster") upon authoritization of Nebraska; Burke, Democrat, and Wyoming—lean wet on incom- Walcott and by returning Wilbur to give them a two;thlrds Senate organization yet formed in Man- Litchfield .. 14.619 16,494 509 L. Cross to the governorship for a ’ majority for the first time since three Socialist Senators from Middlesex .. 9,214 10,636 354 the U. S. attorney of Phoenix, Arlz., leads Republican Simmons by good plete returns on state prohibition re- chester. Had the local Republican margin. peal. third successive term of two years. pre^vil War days, with four con- workera not been functioning Bridgeport and two Socialist mem- Tolland .. .. 5,586 6,222 218 as the kidnaper of six year old June The forty-year-old Senator-elect, tests still unsetttled. smoothly and expertly the town bers in the Houac from the same Robles. one of tbe most loyal of President Ihey also had named 241 Demo- might have been lost to tbe G. O. city. State Totals 238,374 249,349 38,515 The department said that a Fed- Roosevelt’s adherents, polled the crats to House seats compared with eral complaint is being filed charg- P. , since the Democratic machine With a contest reported over one Cross plurality over Alcorn—8825. largest vote of any nominee except 77 Republicans with many contests too was operating at i high degree House seat in Salisbury—a running ing Robsota with the sending of ex- one to give Connecticut for the first pending. The O. O. P. captured 18 tortion letters through the United of efficiency. mate to the veteran Republican, J. VOTE FOB V. 8. SENATOR POLITICAL EXPERT SCANS time in Its history two Democrats Democratic seats while tbe Demo- This town cast a heavy vote, the Mortimer Bell—the political com' States malls. in the Senate. He received an un- crats took 15 Republican seate. Robson, a 81-year-oM, resident o( total reaching 7,780 and it was.evl- plexion of tbe lower pnwcii, exel: n eespHkhrtten ‘By Denatles official' total of 285,221. votec cem- Lead ta Seaata Fights dent from the results that the «ve of the '^ocTajrsls will be Tucaon, AiU.', was identified by the pored with Walcott’s 247.M9, a Democrats were leading in aU amount of ticket splitting done was Democrats and 179 Republicans, as Maloney Walcott various handwriting experts who RESULTS OF ELECTIONS margin of 17,382. four undecided Senate' fights, two a t a minimum. Hugh M. Alcorn compared with 72 Democrats and (D) (R) declared that the budwriting in tbe Cross’ Plurality races In New Mexico snd in North extortion letters, which called for and EMward F. Hickey, candidate 195 Republicans in 1932. Hartford .............. 73,645 59,483 Governor Ctobb, the first member Dakota and Wyoming. for sheriff, ran ahead of the Repub- The table by counties; New Haven ........ 85,013 73,795 payment of $15,000, was his. ot bis party ever to gain three This was the first time Pennsyl- lican ticket by only 60 votes. It was 1934 1932 New London........ 17,860 18,255 For several years he has been Head of Washmgton A. P. DOZEN IN FIELD gubernatorial .ictories saw hlh 10,- vania bad elected a Democratic expected that both would be far In Dem Rep Dem Rep Windham .............. 11,151 10,144 connected with a dance hall in Tuc- 780 plurality ot two years ego whit- senator since Civil w ar times and s advance of the regular Republican Hartford .. ... 18 29 11 36 Fairfield .............. 47,777 * 53,067 aon. tled a bit by his Republican oppo- Democratic governor in a genera- New Haven ...14 27 13 28 Utchfleld .............. 14,518 16,448 The Robles child was kidnaped by Borean Analyses Figures; tion. vote. On the other hand Governor nent, State Attorney Hugh H. Al- New London . 11 20 12 19 Middlesex - ............ 9,511 10,423an unidentified man about 3 p. m FOR SPEAKERSHIP corn. But compared with thd many The state also sdected 11 Demo- (OonttameJ on Page Twelve) Windham .. ... 13 11 13 11 April 25 while she was going home erstio representatives and nine Re- Tolland ................ 5,746 6,074 close contests for other offices, tha •Fairfield ... • e e 5 30 3 34 from school. Fears That Factions Will plurality of 8,825 given the former uMlcans, with 14 remaining in Later the same afternoon a small ••Litchfield . ... 4 38 8 35 Statc totals ___ 265,221 247,689 dean of the Yale graduate achoel Soubt. Middlesex .. ...11 11 5 17 Mexican boy gave her father a w rit was fairly comfortable. Twenty-one states had elected Maloney’s plurality over Walcott ten demand for the $15,000 in five, Soon Derelop.
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