Social Monitoring Report Semiannual Report (January–June 2018) April 2019 NEP: SASEC Road Improvement Project Prepared by Department of Roads, Project Directorate (ADB), for Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport and the Asian Development Bank. This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. J anuary – J une, 2018 SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport DEPARTMENT OF ROADS Project Directorate (ADB) Bishalnagar, K athmandu, Nepal CONSULTANCY SERV ICES FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERV ISION OF SASEC ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT (SRIP) (ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP) SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT NO. 2 (SOCIAL MONITORING) SASEC Roads Improvement Project Package 1: EWH- NarayanghatButwal Road, Section I (64.425 Km) Package 2: EWH- NarayanghatButwal Road, Section II (48.535 Km) Package 3:Bhairahawa —Lumbini- Taulihawa Road, (41.130 Km) (J anuary - J une) 2018 Submitted by M/S Korea Engineering Consultants Ltd. Corp- MEH Consultant (P) Ltd., Kyong Dong Engineering Co. Ltd. J V In association with MUL T I – Disciplinary Consultants (P) L td.& Seoul, Korea.SOIL Test (P) L td. ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP, SASEC Road Improvement Projec t J anuary – J une, 2018 SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS As of 30 J une, 2018 Currency unit – Nepalese R upee (NRs) NRs 1.00 = $ 0.0096 US $1.00 = NRs 108.078 ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP, SASEC Road Improvement Projec t SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 J anuary – J une, 2018 NOTE S (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Nepal and its agencies ends on 16 J uly. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY 2017/18 ends on 16 J uly 2018. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This S ocial R esettlement R eport is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP, SASEC Road Improvement Projec t ii SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 J anuary – J une, 2018 ACR ONY MS ADB Asian Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency S yndrome APs Affected Persons BLT Bhairahawa- Lumbini - Taulihawa BPL Below Poverty Line CBO Community Based Organization CBS Central Bureau of S tatistics CIPR P Combined Indigenous Peoples and R esettlement Plan CoC Conditions of Contract CS C Construction S upervision Consultants CDC Compensation Determination Committee CDO Chief District Officer COI Corridor of Impact DAO District Administration Office DCC District Coordination Committee DDR Due-Diligence R eport DLS O District Land S urvey Office DLR O District Land R evenue Office DP Displaced Persons DOR Department of R oads CS C Construction and S upervision Consultant EA Executing Agency E P E ntitled Persons EWH East West Highway FGD Focus Group Discussion GE S I Gender E quality and S ocial Inclusion GE S U Geo-environment and S ocial Unit GR C Grievance R edress Committee GON Government of Nepal HDI Human Development Index HIV Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus HPI Human Poverty Index HHs Households IA Implementing Agency INGO International Non-Government Organization IP Indigenous People IR Involuntary R esettlement LCG Local Consultative Group MOF Ministry of Finance MOPIT Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport NGO Non-governmental Organization PLI Poverty Line Income PDP(s) Project Affected Family (Families) / Project Affected Peoples PD Project Director / Project Directorate PID ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP, SASEC Road Improvement Projec t iii SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 J anuary – J une, 2018 PM/PIU Project Implementation Unit/ Project Manager R M Rural Municipality ROW Right of Way R P R esettlement Plan R &R R esettlement and R ehabilitation R S R esettlement S pecialist S AS E C S outh Asia S ub-R egional E conomic Cooperation S R IP S outh Asia S ub-R egional E conomic Cooperation R oad Improvement Project S LC S ubproject Level Committee for grievance redress S PAF S everely Project Affected Family SPS Safeguard Policy Statement (ADB2009) S q.m S quare meters VDC Village Development Committee according to Local Level Administrative Order 2073 (2016) of Nepal, all VDCs have been converted into Rural Municipality or Municipality ZOI Zone of Influence ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP, SASEC Road Improvement Projec t iv SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 J anuary – J une, 2018 GLOS S AR Y Acquisition: Acquisition of land and other assets for the purpose of development projects in accordance to prevailing Land Acquisition Act 1977 (2034 BS ). Affected Person (AP): Any person including Vulnerable encroachers/squatters, households, business affected by the project through the acquisition of land or other assets or disruption in business irrespective of legal or ownership title. This includes any person whose rights, standard of living, subsistence and income –generating capacity are adversely affected because of the disruption in the acquisition of assets or business, whether full / partial, or permanent / temporary. Compensation: The payment in cash or kind for private property acquired by the government for the project, based on replacement value. Entitled Person (EP): Any person physically or economically displaced as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas. Corridor of Impact (CoI): Minimum width of land required for the construction of roads and provision of shoulder, width plus safety zone on either side of the road, generally within the RoW, except where construction requirements and topography necessitate the acquisition of wider area. Cut-off Date: The date of census survey to count the DPs and their affected business and assets. The changes made by the people after the Cut-of-Date is not counted as DPs until and unless census survey have made mistake in counting or caused by changes in design. E xcluded Groups refer to women, Dalit, Indigenous ethnic groups, Madhesi, Muslim, persons with disabilities, elderly people and people living in remote areas. who have been structurally excluded over a long-time due to economic, caste, ethnic, gender, disability, and geographic reasons and include sexual and gender minorities (i.e. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI). Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Being transgender does not imply any specific sexual orientation. Therefore, transgender people may identify as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. Gender: Gender refers to the socially constructed roles and identities of men and women as well as the relationship between them. The definition of gender has now been expanded to include transgender or third gender categories, that is those individuals who do not identify with some (or all) of the aspects of gender that are assigned to their biological sex of being a woman or a man. Gender identity is one's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth. ADB Loan No.: 3478-NEP, SASEC Road Improvement Projec t v SEMI-ANNUAL (SOCIAL MONITORING) REPORT 2 J anuary – J une, 2018 Gender E quality refers that all human beings are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by strict gender roles. The different behavior, aspirations, and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favored equally. Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) refers to a concept that addresses unequal power relations between women and men and between different social groups. It focuses on the need for action to re-balance these power relations and ensures equal rights, opportunities and respect for all individuals regardless of their social identity. GE S I Mainstreaming refers to the process whereby barriers and issues of women and poor and excluded people are identified and addressed in all functional areas of infrastructure development system: policies, institutional systems, work environment and culture, program and budget formulation, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation, and research. GESI Sensitive: Being GE S I sensitive means that the different needs of women and men (and people of third gender), unequal power relations and inequalities are addressed to ensure that women, poor and the excluded have access to sector resources and opportunities Indigenous People: Nepal indigenous/nationalities/tribal Act 2001defines Ethnic/ Indigenous Peoples as; “people having their own mother tongue, distinct traditional values, and cultural identities, including social structure and written/non-written history are indigenous and nationalities population.” The National Foundation of Indigenous Nationalities (NFIN) has declared 59 groups as ethnic nationalities. Local Consultative Groups (LCG): Municipalities / village level committees established to assist the affected population, legally constituted committees for land acquisition and project authorities, monitoring of implementation issues and community reactionsand grievance resolution.
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