January 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk February 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk March 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk April 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk This month: June 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk July 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk WINTER GARDEN DELIGHT VINTAGE DAFFODILS IDEAS FOR STAKING PERENNIALS GUIDE TO USING PEAT-FREE COMPOST The December 2011 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 August 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk Garden VIBURNUMS FOR WINTER ANNUALS WITHA POTTED PASSION FOR APPE AL HOUSE PLANTS How to grow moth orchidsCHELSEA CHAMPIONS PRODUCTIVE CONTAINERS ASTRANTIAS FOR SUMMER STYLE FLOWERING CHERRIES OLD ANDPOPPIES NEW ON THE MARCHquinces: SWEET DIVERSITY IN HONEYSUCKLEScelebrating a forgotten fruit VARIEGATED EVERGREENS Index 2011: Volume 136, Parts 1–12 INDULGE IN GINGERS CURIOUS CUCUMBER RELATIVES Aug11 Cover_August 2011_The Garden_ 1 14/07/2011 11:28 Fruiting shrubs to attract birds Index 2011 January 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk February 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk March 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk April 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk May 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk June 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk This month: WINTER GARDEN DELIGHT VIBURNUMS FOR WINTER VINTAGE DAFFODILS PRODUCTIVE CONTAINERS BORDER BRILLIANCE POPPIES ON THE MARCH GUIDE TO USING PEAT-FREE COMPOST ANNUALS WITH POTTED APPEAL IDEAS FOR STAKING PERENNIALS FLOWERING CHERRIES OLD AND NEW DISPELLING WISTERIA MYTHS SWEET DIVERSITY IN HONEYSUCKLES January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 1 pp1–68 2 pp69–142 3 pp143–214 4 pp215–286 5 pp287–364 6 pp365–432 Numbers in bold before Frutti Series) 6: 407, caterpillar 8: 529 vineale 5: 349 the page number(s) 407 readers’ response allotments: AWARD OF GARDEN MERIT denote the part number Achimenes: 10: 17 keeping them (month). Pagination for by Simon Garbutt 11: Afghanistan: conserving productive, by Cleve (AGM) PLANT PROFILES parts 1 to 8 (January to 66–69 its wild flowers 2: 75 West 4: 266–267 Allium hollandicum 90 August) is consecutive cultivation 11: 69 Agapanthus: readers’ response 7: ‘Purple Sensation’ 5: Helleborus x nigercors (pp1–580). From part 9 ‘Ambroise Verschaffelt’ ‘Moonlight Star’ 8: 550 445 364, 364 1: 68, 68 (September 2011) 11: 67, 68, 68–69 ‘Snow Shadows’ 9: 62 legislation to protect 7: apple ‘Discovery’ 10: Hibiscus syriacus onwards each part is ‘Ami Van Houtte’ 11: 67 agaric, fly (Amanita 437 98, 98 ‘Oiseau Bleu’ 8: 580, paginated separately. ‘Buttermere’ 11: 68–69 muscaria) 10: 24, 24 Alnus: Aster turbinellus 580 ‘Cascade Fashionable Agastache: cordata catkins 1: 59, 59 misapplied 10: 98, 98 Iris: Numbers in italics Pink’ 11: 67, 69 ‘Blackadder’ 6: 407 firma 1: 26 Betula utilis ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ denote a picture or ‘Claret’ 11: 67, 69 ‘Summer Sky’ 9: 62 alpines at Wisley 4: var. jacquemontii 2: 142, 142 illustration. ‘Crackerjack’ 11: 67 agm (see Award of 244–247 ‘Grayswood Ghost’ 12: unguicularis 12: 90, ‘Double Pink Rose’ 11: Garden Merit; agm Amaryllis: 90, 90 90 Where a plant has a 67, 68 Plants panel) belladonna 9: 45, 46, Camellia japonica Kirengeshoma palmata Selling Name (also known erecta 11: 66 Agralan trays 2: 126, 126 47, 48 ‘Bob’s Tinsie’ 3: 214, 8: 580, 580 as a trade designation) it ‘Erlkönig’ 11: 67, 68 Agrostemma: ‘New Zealand Red’ 214 Lavandula angustifolia is typeset in a different ‘Glory’ 11: 67, 69 githago 8: 553 9: 47 Ceratostigma ‘Imperial Gem’ 7: 504, font to distinguish it ‘Hilda Michelssen’ 11: ‘Milas’ 8: 550 Amazon online plant list plumbaginoides 9: 504 from the cultivar name 67 ‘Ocean Pearl’ 8: 553 11: 8 106, 106 lettuce ‘Salad Bowl’ 4: (shown in ‘Single ‘Jay Dee Large White’ Ailanthus altissima 5: Amelanchier as a food Chimonanthus praecox 286, 286 Quotes’), which by law 11: 67, 69 291, 291 source for birds 12: 56 ‘Grandiflorus’ 1: 68, 68 Magnolia stellata must be shown on plant ‘Lady in Black’ 11: 69 Alchemilla micans 4: Amherst, Lady 3: 168 Cistus x purpureus 5: ‘Water Lily’ 3: 214, 214 labelling. longiflora 11: 68 221, 221 amphibians in the 364, 364 Melianthus major 7: var. alba 11: 68 Alexander, Paul, et al, on: garden 4: 271 Clematis x cartmanii 504, 504 ‘Major’ 11: 68 peat replacements 1: Anderson, George 9: 83 hort. ‘Avalanche’ 2: Nandina domestica 11: ‘Peach Glow’ 11: 67, 69 51–56, 52 Anemanthele 142, 142 106, 106 ‘Purple King’ 11: 69 readers’ response 5: lessoniana 11: 74 Cosmos bipinnatus parsley ‘Bravour’ 6: ‘Serge Saliba’ 11: 69 299 Anemone: Sonata Series 7: 504, 432, 432 ‘Serge’s Fantasy’ 11: 69 Alexander, Rosemary: naturalising 3: 204 504 potato ‘British Queen’ ‘Show-off’ 11: 67, 69 award of Veitch apennina 3: 204 Dahlia ‘Hillcrest Royal’ 4: 286, 286 ‘Stan’s Delight’ 11: 68 Memorial Medal 8: 512 blanda 3: 204 9: 106, 106 Pulmonaria rubra 3: A ‘Vivid’ 11: 68 Alexander-Sinclair, flaccida 3: 190 Eucryphia 214, 214 ‘Weinrot Elfe’ 11: 68 James 9: 83 x lipsiensis 3: 190 x nymansensis raspberry ‘Autumn Abutilon: ‘Yellow Beauty’ 11: 67, algae in ponds, reducing ‘Pallida’ 3: 204 ‘Nymansay’ 8: 580, Bliss’ 9: 106, 106 ‘Millie Houghton’ 3: 69 6: 419 nemorosa 3: 204 580 Rhododendron 153, 153 Acis autumnalis 9: 45, alien pests and diseases by Rod Leeds 3: Euonymus alatus ‘Praecox’ 2: 142, 142 ‘Red Trumpet’ 8: 513 46, 47, 47 3: 193 188–191, 190 ‘Compactus’ 10: 98, 98 Rosa ‘Charles de Mills’ ‘Yellow Trumpet’ 9: 62 Aconitum alien plants: the contri- letter on 6: 373 Euphorbia griffithii 6: 432, 432 Acaena novae-zelandiae hemsleyanum ‘Red bution of gardens, by planting ‘Dixter’ 5: 364, 364 Solanum crispum 5: 291, 291 Wine’ 8: 563 David Pearman 12: 19 combinations 3: Fatsia japonica 11: 106, ‘Glasnevin’ 6: 432, 432 Acer: Actinidia kolomikta 2: Allen, James 3: 188 190–191, 191 106 Sorbus vilmorinii 11: griseum 1: 24, 25, 25 112 allium leaf miner ‘Allenii’ 3: 188, 189 Galanthus ‘S. Arnott’ 1: 106, 106 rufinerve ‘Winter Gold’ Aechmea fasciata 12: 52 (Phytomyza ‘Blue Eyes’ 3: 188, 189 68, 68 tomato ‘Sungold’ 4: 1: 24, 25 Aeonium: gymnostoma) 3: 147, ‘Bowles’s Purple’ 3: Hedera colchica 286, 286 ‘White Tigress’ 1: 25 balsamiferum 8: 560– 147 189, 190 ‘Sulphur Heart’ 12: 90, Achillea: 561, 562 Allium: ‘Bracteata’ 3: 189, 190 ‘Apricot Delight’ (Tutti ‘Zwa r t ko p’ 9: 57 invasive 5: 349 ‘Kentish Pink’ 3: 189, Frutti Series) 6: 407, aeration 1: 60 hollandicum ‘Purple 190 407 Aesculus: Sensation’ 5: 364, 364 ‘Leeds’ Variety’ 3: 188 ‘Virescens’ 3: 188, ‘Pleniflora’ 3: 190, 191 ‘Feuerland’ 8: 554 bleeding canker 8: paradoxum 5: 349, 349 ‘Lychette’ 3: 188, 189 189, 190 ‘Wild Swan’ 7: 437, 437 ‘Hella Glashoff’ 7: 477 528–529 schoenoprasum 5: 325, ‘Robinsoniana’ 3: ‘Westwell Pink’ 3: Anemonopsis millefolium horse chestnut leaf- 325 188, 189 189, 190 macrophylla 8: 562 ‘Pomegranate’ (Tutti miner moth subhirsutum 5: 349 ‘Royal Blue’ 3: 189, ‘Wilks’ Giant’ 3: 188 Angelica archangelica: Frutti Series) 6: 407, (Cameraria ohridella) triquetrum 5: 349 190 ‘Wilks’ White’ 3: 189 5: 322–323, 323 407 4: 222, 222; 8: 528–529, ursinum 5: 323, 349, ‘Stammheim’ 3: 189, ranunculoides 3: 190, as a seed plant for ‘Pink Grapefruit’ (Tutti 529 349; 7: 461 190 204 birds 9: 31, 31 2 The Garden | Index 2011 annuals – van der Beek The The The The July 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk August 2011 I £4.25 I www.rhs.org.uk GardenSeptember 2011 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenOctober 2011 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenNovember 2011 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenDecember 2011 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 A PASSION FOR SELECTING tear up EXOTIC LAST OF HOUSE PLANTS COURGETTES the tarmac AUSTRALASIAN Suffolk front garden THE ROSES SHOW SPECTACLE EVERGREENS Peter Beales on reliable enjoy Winter AT TATTON PARK with lavish late- How to grow summer planting late-blooming plants floWering PAINTED LADY clematis moth orchids BUTTERFLY PRACTICAL quinces: GUIDE TO cooking celebrating a MAINTAINING apples forgotten fruit YOUR HEDGE Choice selections for your garden Honey VARIEGATED Practical fungus: EVERGREENS guide to the latest mulching advice Squash saved for winter Bulbs A garden and corms dressed Fruiting shrubs CHELSEA CHAMPIONS INDULGE IN GINGERS ASTRANTIAS FOR SUMMER STYLE CURIOUS CUCUMBER RELATIVES for autumn for autumn to attract birds Aug11 Cover_August 2011_The Garden_ 1 14/07/2011 11:28 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 7 pp433–504 8 pp505–580 9 pp1–106 10 pp1–98 11 pp1–106 12 pp1–90 annuals: ‘Howgate Wonder’ 11: Aslet, Ken: letter on 6: 373 autumn: Memorial Medal 8: 512 trial at Wisley 4: 260 hardy: agm plants 9: 54 76, 78, 79 Associate of Honour, bulbs: on Viburnum 2: ‘Allegria’ 4: 261, 261 cultivating, by Julie ‘Lady’s Finger of RHS 8: 512, 9: 79 by John Grimshaw 104–107 ‘Annabel’ 4: 261, 261 Hollobone 9: 54–55 Lancaster’ 11: 78 Aster: 9: 43–48 Bailey, Nick, on: Antonia ‘Boston’ 4: 261, 261 how to use them, by ‘Lane’s Prince Albert’ novi-belgii ‘Blue for containers 9: 48 Dudley-Smith and ‘Delinel’ 4: 260, 261, Graham Rice 9: 11: 79 Lagoon’ 10: 61 colours, reasons for 11: Frances Szekely’s 261 52–54 ‘Lord Derby’ 11: 78, 79 turbinellus misapplied 15 garden in Brixton 8: ‘Golddukat’ 4: 260, when to sow 9: 55 ‘Mo n a rch’ 11: 78 10: 98, 98 container interest, by 518–521 261, 261 in containers, by Julie ‘Peasgood’s Nonsuch’ Astrantia: Jo Whittingham 10: Baker, Terry: his National ‘Green Arrow’ 4: 261 Hollobone 2: 96–101 11: 78, 79 by David Jewell 7: 58–61 Plant Collection of ‘Jersey’ 4: 260, 261 in pots and modules 3: ‘Reverend W.
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