EAGE Basin Research (2013) 25, 638–658, doi: 10.1111/bre.12025 Late Quaternary stratigraphy, sedimentology and geochemistry of an underfilled lake basin in the Puna plateau (northwest Argentina) Michael M. McGlue,* Andrew S. Cohen,† Geoffrey S. Ellis* and Andrew L. Kowler† *Central Energy Resources Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA †Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA ABSTRACT Depositional models of ancient lakes in thin-skinned retroarc foreland basins rarely benefit from appropriate Quaternary analogues. To address this, we present new stratigraphic, sedimentological and geochemical analyses of four radiocarbon-dated sediment cores from the Pozuelos Basin (PB; northwest Argentina) that capture the evolution of this low-accommodation Puna basin over the past ca. 43 cal kyr. Strata from the PB are interpreted as accumulations of a highly variable, underfilled lake system represented by lake-plain/littoral, profundal, palustrine, saline lake and playa facies associations. The vertical stacking of facies is asymmetric, with transgressive and thin organic-rich highstand deposits underlying thicker, organic-poor regressive deposits. The major controls on depositional architecture and basin palaeogeography are tectonics and climate. Accommodation space was derived from piggyback basin-forming flexural subsidence and Miocene-Quaternary nor- mal faulting associated with incorporation of the basin into the Andean hinterland. Sediment and water supply was modulated by variability in the South American summer monsoon, and perennial lake deposits correlate in time with several well-known late Pleistocene wet periods on the Alti- plano/Puna plateau. Our results shed new light on lake expansion–contraction dynamics in the PB in particular and provide a deeper understanding of Puna basin lakes in general. INTRODUCTION that cause loading, flexure, and sediment-starved depres- sions to develop (e.g. Carroll et al., 2006). Modern lakes occur in a wide variety of tectonic settings, The formation of lakes in thin-skinned forelands, how- and sediments recovered from such basins prove valuable ever, is more complicated. In these orogens, topographic in geological and palaeoenvironmental research. Unlike closure in the proximal foredeep is hindered by erosion of lakes formed by glacial or fluvial processes, tectonic lakes the thrust belt, as high rates of sediment accumulation typically persist on the landscape for 104 years, often ( 10À1 mm yearÀ1; Sinha & Friend, 1994) balance or producing thick depositional sequences that can archive overwhelm available accommodation space. Accordingly, climatic, biological, and surficial processes with high reso- lakes are scarce in these settings and usually exist only lution (Olsen, 1990; Colman et al., 1995; Gierlowski- when the watershed geology is carbonate-rich, thereby Kordesch & Park, 2004; McGlue et al., 2008). Despite favouring rivers with low ratios of bedload to dissolved many decades of study, major gaps exist in our under- load (e.g. Drummond et al., 1996; Zaleha, 2006). In con- standing of several types of modern tectonic lakes, partic- trast, lake formation is more likely in the hinterland ularly those associated with retroarc foreland basin regions of a thin-skinned foreland system, as these higher systems (DeCelles & Guiles, 1996). Lake formation is rel- and drier environments may lack the ability to transport atively well understood in thick-skinned forelands, and significant sediment loads. Climate is critical to topo- data concerning ancient lakes exist in great abundance for graphic closure and lake type in these intracontinental set- these basins (e.g. Eocene Green River Formation of wes- tings, due to its effect on sediment and water supply, tern North America; Eugster & Hardie, 1975; Smith which helps to govern interactions between lake level and et al., 2003). In this setting, lakes may form as erosion- the basin sill (Carroll & Bohacs, 1999). This is especially resistant basement blocks rising along steep reverse faults true along mountain fronts such as the Andes, where ris- ing air masses lose much moisture at low elevations. Indeed, lakes and wetlands are conspicuous compo- nents of high-altitude basins in the thin-skinned central Correspondence: Michael M. McGlue, Central Energy Resources Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey, P.O. Box Andes, providing vital habitat for a wide range of endemic 25046, M.S. 977, Denver, CO 80225, USA. E-mail: mmcglue@ species and a key resource base for local human popula- usgs.gov tions (Caziani et al., 2001; Nunez~ et al., 2002). Yet, from © 2013 The Authors 638 Basin Research © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists Puna basin lacustrine deposystems the perspective of basin analysis, many of these modern BACKGROUND deposystems are understudied. This knowledge deficit 2 limits the full use of lacustrine deposits in explorations of The PB is an NNE-oriented, elongate (ca. 2750 km ) pig- ° ° ancient tectonic and climatic change in retroarc foreland gyback basin at ca. 22 S, 66 W. West-verging thrust settings. sheets carrying siliciclastic and volcanic Ordovician rocks To address this gap, we studied four sediment cores bound the flat-floored basin (Fig. 1a). Relief between the from Laguna de los Pozuelos (LP) (Gangui, 1998). This basin floor (ca. 3663 m a.s.l.) and flanking ranges exceeds < playa-lake occupies the centre of the Pozuelos Basin (PB), 450 m, but the basin spill point is 40 m above the mod- a piggyback basin in the Puna plateau of northwest Argen- ern playa-lake (Fig. 1b). Seismic stratigraphic analysis tina (Fig. 1). Radiocarbon-dated cores from LP provide and regional correlations suggest that PB formation and an excellent opportunity to characterize the stratigraphy, synorogenic sedimentation began in the Oligocene, with sedimentology, and geochemistry of an underexplored maximum subsidence occurring near the eastern-margin class of thin-skinned retroarc foreland basin lakes. Fur- thrust faults (Gangui, 1998). The basin is tectonically thermore, sediments from LP provide the chance to assess complex and the most recent deformation is associated climate change in the Puna and its northern equivalent, with normal faulting and volcanism (Cladouhos et al., the Altiplano. Notably, palaeoclimate proxy records are 1994). Neogene ignimbrites are widespread along the spatially complex and sometimes conflicting from the high basin’s eastern flank, whereas small exposures of Creta- Andean plateau (Betancourt et al., 2000; Bobst et al., ceous nonmarine sediments crop out near the southern 2001; Latorre et al., 2002; Godfrey et al., 2003; Fritz end of the basin. Miocene nonmarine carbonates, evapor- et al., 2004; Chepstow-Lusty et al., 2005; Maldonado ites, and tuff (i.e. Cara Cara Formation; Cladouhos et al., 1994) cropout along the eastern basin margin (Fig. 1a). et al., 2005; Placzek et al., 2006; Nester et al.,2007; À1 Quade et al., 2008; Blard et al., 2011). Prior actualistic Total precipitation in the PB is ca. 320 mm year and analyses of LP sediments (McGlue et al.,2012a)were monthly mean air temperatures range between 3 and ° used to guide interpretations of these cores, and we pres- 13 C (Legates & Willmott, 1990a, b). Rainfall, derived ent herein new insights into the facies architecture almost entirely from eastern sources, is strongly seasonal, with about 70% of the yearly total occurring during the and palaeogeography of the PB from ca. 43 cal ka BP to present. austral summer. Climate in the region is governed by the (a) (b) (c) Fig. 1. (a) Simplified geological map and cross-section of the Pozuelos Basin (PB). Cross-section location is marked by a dashed line. Extensional lineaments (dotted lines) are from Caffe et al. (2002). LP, Laguna de los Pozuelos. SR, Sierra de Rinconada. SC, Sierra de Cochinoca. SQ, Sierra de Quichagua. T, Tertiary. M, Miocene. O, Ordovician. K, Cretaceous. Q, Quaternary. GP, Group. (b) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model of the PB illustrating the elongate basin shape and its spill-point, located ca. 35 m above the basin floor. (c) Approximate location of the sediment cores discussed in the text, referenced to a recent shoreline of LP. Inset map shows the position of the basin in South America. © 2013 The Authors Basin Research © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers and International Association of Sedimentologists 639 M.M. McGlue et al. South American summer monsoon (SASM; Zhou & Lau, vation, and provenance. Total organic carbon (TOC), total 13 â 1998). As with most of the Puna plateau, the El Nino-~ nitrogen and d COM were measured on a Costech Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon and North (Costech Analytical Technologies Inc., Valencia, CA, Atlantic sea surface temperatures modulate patterns of USA)elemental analyser coupled to a continuous-flow gas- precipitation over the PB (Garreaud et al., 2009). Rain- ratio mass spectrometer (Finnigan Delta PlusXLâ; fall, topography, and soil moisture gradients control vege- Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). To tation in the basin, which is a mixture of C3 and C4 remove carbonate minerals that could influence isotope grasses, shrubs, succulents, and macrophytes (Bonaven- values, samples were pretreated at room temperature for tura et al., 1995; McGlue et al., 2012a). several hours using 1M HCl, then washed four times in de Laguna de los Pozuelos is
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