The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report 1930 The Rockefeller Foundation 61 Broadway, N. Y. ;!/: ii v \v i M 3520 CONTENTS FOREWORD 1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY II REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION. 23 REPORT OF WORK IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES 145 REPORT OF WORK IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES 185 REPORT OF WORK IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 213 REPORT OF WORK IN THE HUMANITIES 241 REPORT OF THE TREASURER 257 INDEX 339 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Dr. Richard M. Pearcek Jr 4 Dr. Theodore B. Hayne 7 Dr. W. Leland Mitchell 8 Map of West Africa showing region where protection tests were carried out 35 Animal house of the Foundation's yellow fever laboratory, West Africa 35 Removing mosquito larvae from water containers, West Africa 36 Squad employed to collect mosquitoes for laboratory studies, West Africa 36 Searching for mosquito larvae in a roof gutter, Brazil 47 Oiling a dock gutter as a precaution against mosquito breeding, Brazil 47 Antimosquito squad, Pernambuco, Brazil 47 Cages used for breeding and storing mosquitoes, Brazil 48 Tank in which larva-eating fish for stocking water containers are bred, Brazil 48 Catching anopheline mosquitoes in connection with malaria studies, Italy 67 Seeking out anopheline breeding places, Southern Yugoslavia 67 Laying main irrigation conduit, Isola Sacra, Italy 68 Concrete sections for irrigation channels, Isola Sacra 68 Antimalaria drainage, Trincomalee, Ceylon 68 Laying a tile drain in Costa Rica 68 Type of rural latrine being installed in Colombia 77 Sanitary latrine, Java 77 A school lecture on hookworm disease, Mexico 77 Hookworm patients receiving treatment, Java 78 Patients assembled for hookworm treatment, Mexico 78 Cruz Bay, St, John, United States Virgin Islands 85 Tuberculosis dispensary, Kingston, Jamaica 85 Tuberculosis hut, Henderson, Kentucky 86 Tuberculosis hut, Mezokovesd, Hungary 86 Map showing types of health work in which the Foundation is assisting in Europe 88 Hand car used by educational division of the Public Health Service of the Netherlands Fast Indies for transporting equipment...... 91 Mothercraft class, Peiping. 91 A tooth-brush drill in a Mexican school 92 Medical examination of school children, Java 92 Hygiene booth, annual fair, Batavia, Java 97 VIH THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION PAGE Exhibit of fly-traps, annual fair, Batavia 97 Office of the demographic service, State Department of Health, Rumania 98 A pavilion of Sno Sebastiano Hospital, Rio de Janeiro 98 State Institute of Public Health, Oslo 103 Laboratory, State Institute of Public Health, Oslo -. 103 State Institute of Public Health, Prague 104 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research, Berlin-Buch 157 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Cell Physiology, Berlin-Dahlem 157 Faculty of Medicine, University of Lyon 158 Medical School, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 167 Graduating class, Peiping Union Medical College, 1930 168 Institute of Preventive Medicine, Keio Gijuku University, Tokyo.. 168 School for Public Health Nurses, Cluj, Rumania 173 Model of the proposed St. Luke's International Medical Center, Tokyo 173 Graduating class, School of Nursing, Peiping Union Medical College, 1930 174 Class in bed-making, School of Public Health and Bedside Nursing, Cracow 174 Henry Herbert Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol 193 Biology building, Tsing Hua University 193 Professor A. A. Michelson in his laboratory, University of Chicago 194 Chemical laboratory, Chulalongkorn University 194 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 201 Preliminary sketch of oceanographic laboratories, University of Washington 201 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California 202 Hopkins Marine Station, California 202 Institute of Human Relations, Yale 225 Anthropoid Experiment Station of Yale University 226 Excavation of the ancient Athenian market place 249 Library of the University of Cambridge 249 Bodleian Library, Oxford University 250 THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION MEMBERS, COMMITTEES, AND OFFICERS 1930 Members JAMES R. ANGELL JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. TREVOR ARM BIT JULIUS ROSENWALD JOHN W. DAVIS ANSO.N PHELPS STOKES DAVID L. EDSALL FREDERICK STRAUSS RAYMOND B. FOSDICK AUGUSTUS TROWBRIDCE IE ROME D. GREENE GEORGE H. WHIPPLE ERNEST M. HOPKINS WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE CHARLES P. HowL.tnn RAY LYUAK WILBUR VERNON KELLOGG ARTHUR WOODS MAX MASON OWEN D. YOUNG Executive Committee THE PRESIDENT, Cliairman TREVOR ARNBTT CHARLES P. HOWLAND DAVID L. EDSALL VERNON KELLOGG RAYMOND B. FOSDICK FREDERICK STRAUSS JEROME D. GREENE ARTHUR WOODS Finance Committee JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR., Chairman RAYMOND B. FOSDICK FREDERICK STKAUSS International Health Division Scientific Directors RUFUS COLE, M.D., Chairman EUGENE L. BISHOP, M.D. EDWIN 0. JORDAN, Sc.D. WADE H. FROST, M.D. WALLER S. LEATHERS, M.D. WILSON G. SMJLLIE, M.D. FREDERICK F. RUSSELL, M.D., Director of the Division, Secretary Officers Chairman of the Board of Trustees JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. President MAX MASON V'ice-President in Necv York Office THOMAS B. APPLEGET yice-President in Europe SELSKAR M. GUNN Diretlor for the Medical Sciences Vacant by death of RICHARD M. PEARCE, M.D. Director JOT the Natural Sciences HERMAN A. SPOEIIR Director for the Social Sciences EDMUND E. DAY Director, International Health Division FREDERICK F. RUSSELL, M.D. Secretary N'ORJJA S. THOMPSON TVAI surer !x>uia GUERINCAU MYTICS Comptroller GEORGE J. Br.\L Counsel THOMAS M. DKBCVOISE THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION MEMBERS, COMMITTEES, AND OFFICERS 1931 Members JAMES R ANGELL JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. JR. TRtVOR ARMPIT WALTta VV. SrHWART JOHN W. DAVIS ANSON PHFLPS STOKES DAVID L. EDSALL HAROLD H. SWIFT RAYMOND B. FOSDICK AUGUSTUS THOWBRIDOE JEROME D. GREENE GEORGE H. WHIPPLE ERNEST M. HOPKINS WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE CHARLES P. HOWLAND RAY LYMAN WILBUR VERNON K.FLLOGG ARTHUR WOODS MAX. MASON OWEN D. YOUNG Executive Committee THE, PRESIDENT, Chairman TREVOR A RVETT CHARLES P. HOWLAND DAVID L. EDSAI.L VERSON KELLOGG RAYMOND B. FOSDICK AUGUSTUS TROWBRIDGE JEROME D. GREENE ARTHUR WOODS Committee JOHN D. RotKhFELLtR, JR., Chairman RAYMOND B. FOSDICK WALTER W. STEWART International Htalili Sfitnlijic Director i RUFUS COLE, M.D., Chairman JOHN G. FITZGERALD. M.D. EDWIN O. JORDAN, Sc.D. WADE H. FROST, M.D. WALLER S. LEATHERS, M.D LEWIS R. THOMPSON, M.D, FREDERICK F. RUSSELL, M.D., Director of the Division, Secretary Officers Chairman oj the Board of Trustees JOHN D. RocKEftLLER, JR. President MAX MASON fice-Preiidettt in New York Office THOMAS B. APPLEGET yice-Ptt<idet\t in Europe Slil.SKAP M Director for the Medical Sciences ALAN GRLGC, M.D. Director for the Nt-tttrat Sciences HLFMAN A. SPOEHR* Director jar the Social Sciences EDKIUMJ E, D/vy Director. International Health Division FHLDLHICX F. HUSSELL, M.D. Secretary NORM A S. THOMPSON Louis GUCRINEAU MYERS Comptroller GEORGK J. BE.\L THOMAS M. DLBEVOISE * Resigned August 31,1931. To the Members of the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, Gentlemen: I have the honor to transmit herewith an account of the work of the Rockefeller Founda- tion for the period January 1, 1930, to December 31, 1930, including the reports of the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Foundation, the Director of the International Health Division, and the Directors for the Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Human- ities, Respectfully yours, MAX MASON President RICHARD MILLS PEARCE, JR. Dr. Richard Mills Pearce, Jr., for ten years director of the Foundation's work in the medical sciences, died in New York February 16. 1930 of heart disease. Dr. Pearce, who was one of the leading pathologlsts of the country, was born in Montreal, Canada. March 3, 1874. He re- ceived his degree in medicine from the Harvard Medical School in 1897. After serving as resident pathologist at the Boston City Hospital from 1897 to 1899, he was for one year instructor in pathology at the Harvard Medical School, pathologist for St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Boston, and the Boston Floating Hospital, and assistant pathologist at Carney Hospital and the Children's Hospital, Boston, For the next three years he was connected with the University of Pennsylvania, first as demonstrator of pathology and later as assistant professor. During this period he also studied at the University of Leip/ig, Germany. From 1903 to 1908 Dr. Pearce was director of the Bender Laboratory in Albany, professor of pathology and bacteriology at the Albany Medical School, and director of the Bureau of Pathology and Bacteriology of the New York State Department of Health. He also served as pathologist to the Albany Hospital, the Child's Hospital, St. Peter's Hospital, and the Albany City Free Dispensary, and on the advisory council of the New York State Medical Library. In 1908 he came to New York and was for two years professor of pathology at the New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. He then returned to the University of Penn- sylvania, where he served as professor of pathology and research medicine until 1920. He was adviser in medical education to the Rockefeller Foundation from 1916 until 1920, when he joined its staff as director for the medical sciences. Dr. Pearce was a major in the United States Army Medical Corps during the World War and, in 1917, a member of the medical advisory board of the War Council of the Advisory Research Com- mission. In 1918 lie was chairman of the medical division of the National Research Council. 0 His special research work was on the pathology and bacteriology of diphtheria and scarlet fever, diseases of the pancreas, nephroly- sins, cytolytic immune serum, liver necrosis, and experimental arteriosclerosis. He was the author of Studies from the Bender Laboratory (5 volumes), chapters in Osier's Modern Medicine and Keen's Surgery, The Spleen and Anemia, and Medical Research and Education. Dr. Pearcc's service to the Rockefeller Foundation was one of great distinction. For a decade he brought to bear upon its program fine abilities, rich experience, and broad vision. His in- fluence will be carried on in its work for years to come. Photograph Excised Here DR.
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