Eucalyptus baxteri - Brown Stringybark Eucalyptus dumosa - Dumosa Mallee FI Eremophila - Emu Bush - red, yellow or mauve * Eucalyptus behriana - Bull Mallee Eucalyptus froggattii - Kamarooka Mallee HI WILDFLOWERS Eucalyptus caesia - Silver Princess - pink Eucalyptus blakelyi - Blakely's Red Gum Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata - Eurabbie TFHI These plants available all year, Eucalyptus crenulata, E. gunnii, E. pulverulenta, Eucalyptus calycogona - Red Mallee Eucalyptus globulus - Southern Blue Gum TFH fresh cut flowers avaliable in season. E. albida and E. - ‘Moon Lagoon’ - silver/blue foliage * Eucalyptus camaldulensis - River Red Gum W Eucalyptus goniocalyx - Long-leaved Box FHI Acacia cultriformis - Cut-leaf Wattle I - yellow Grevillea - 'Evelyn's Coronet' - pink/grey * Eucalyptus dives - Broad Leaf Peppermint W Eucalyptus grandis - Flooded Gum T Acacia merinthophora - yellow Grevillea - 'Sylvia' - pink * Eucalyptus dumosa - Dumosa Mallee Eucalyptus largiflorens - Black Box FHI Actinotus helianthi - Flannel Flower - cream Guichenotia macrantha - Large-flowered Guichenotia - mauve * Eucalyptus froggattii - Kamarooka Mallee R Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. pruinosa - Yellow Gum TFHI Agonis linearifolia - white Hakea multilineata - Grass-leaved Hakea - pink Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata - Eurabbie Eucalyptus macrorhyncha - Red Stringybark THI Agonis parviceps - white Hypocalymma angustifolium - White Myrtle - cream * Eucalyptus goniocalyx - Long Leaved Box Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box TFHI Anigozanthos - Kangaroo Paws - red, orange, pink, Isopogon formosus - Rose Cone Flower - pink * Eucalyptus largiflorens - Black Box Eucalyptus microcarpa - Grey Box TFHI yellow or green * Lasiopetalum behrii - Pink Velvet Bush I - pink * Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. pruinosa - Yellow Gum Eucalyptus obliqua - Messmate TFHI Asterolasia asteriscophora - Lemon Star Bush - yellow * Leptospermum brachyandrum - Weeping Tea Tree - grey foliage * Eucalyptus macrorhyncha - Red Stringy Bark Eucalyptus occidentalis - Swamp Yate FH Banksia baxteri - Bird’s Nest Banksia - yellow * Leptospermum rotundifolium - Lavender Queen - mauve * Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box W Eucalyptus ovata - Swamp Gum FI Banksia integrifolia - Coast Banksia - yellow * Maireana sedifolia - Bluebush - silver foliage * Eucalyptus microcarpa - Grey Box Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora - Snow Gum FHI Banksia occidentalis - Red Swamp Banksia - red/orange * Micromyrtus ciliata - Heath Myrtle I - white * Eucalyptus nortonii - Mealy Bundy Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. vestita - Red Box TFHI Banksia plagiocarpa - ‘Hinchinbrook’ Olearia phlogopappa - Dusty Daisy Bush - white, pink & blue * Eucalyptus obliqua - Messmate W Eucalyptus polybractea - Blue Mallee OI Babingtonia behrii - Broom Baeckea I - white * Ozothamnus diosmifolium - Rice Flower - white & pink * Central & Northern Victoria's Indigenous Nursery & Wildflower Farm Eucalyptus ovata - Swamp Gum W Eucalyptus radiata - Narrow Leaved Peppermint TI Boronia clavata - cream * Phebalium squamulosum - Forest Phebalium - yellow * Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora - Snow Gum Eucalyptus rubida - Candlebark TFHI Boronia heterophylla - Red Boronia - red * (grafted) Phebalium whitei - yellow * Land Rehabilitation & Environmental Consultants Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. vestita - Red Box Eucalyptus saligna - Sydney Blue Gum TH Boronia molloyae - Tall Boronia - pink/red * Philotheca myoporoides - Native Wax - white * Eucalyptus polybractea - Blue Mallee Eucalyptus tricarpa - Red Ironbark TFHI (formerly included with E. sideroxylon) Boronia megastigma - Brown Boronia - brown * (grafted) Philotheca verrucosa - Bendigo Wax I - white * (formerly Eriostemon) Eucalyptus radiata - Narrow Leaved Peppermint W Eucalyptus viminalis - Manna Gum TFI Calytrix tetragona - Common Fringe Myrtle I - pink * Pimelea nivea - Snowy Pimelea - foliage & white flowers * Eucalyptus rubida - Candlebark W Eucalyptus viridis subsp. viridis - Green Mallee OHI Cassinia laevis - Inland Cassinia - white * Ptilotus exaltatus - Lamb-tails - pink Eucalyptus tricarpa - Red Ironbark (formerly included with E. sideroxylon) Hakea tephrosperma - Hooked Needlewood TI Cassinia quinquefaria - cream Ptilotus macrocephalus - Green Pussytails - green A specialist nursery with over 1000 indigenous and selected native species Eucalyptus viminalis - Manna Gum W Melaleuca alternifolia - Tea Tree Oil Plant O Chamelaucium ciliatum - Albany Wax - white, pink * Pycnosorus globosus - Drumsticks I - yellow for all your gardening, landscaping, farming and environmental needs. Eucalyptus viridis - Green Mallee Melaleuca uncinata - Broom Honey Myrtle I (fencing) Chamelaucium hamatum - cream * Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea - pink & white (Annual) Exocarpos cupressiformis - Cherry Ballart * Chamelaucium uncinatum x floriferum - pink * Scholtzia laxiflora - pink * Santalum acuminatum - Sweet Quangdong FIRE RESISTANT PLANTS Chrysocephalum semipapposum - Clustered Everlasting I yellow * Scholtzia oligandra - pink * Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle I Available in tubes, 150mm pots and a limited AQUATIC/WETLAND PLANTS Acacia melanoxylon - Blackwood I Corymbia ficifolia - WA Flowering Gum Stenanthemum scortechinii - Ball Cryptandra - brown/cream * OUR VISION PLANTS Ask for our Wetlands pamphlet Allocasuarina verticillata - Drooping She Oak I Crowea exalata x saligna - pink * & 'Pink Blush' pale pink * Telopea 'Corroboree' - Waratah - red * Historically most of our native vegetation has been range of advanced plants, also hyco cells (order only). Derwentia arenaria - 'Cottage Blue' blue * Thryptomene calycina - Grampians Thryptomene - white * Alisma plantago-aquatica - Water Plantain W Angophora costata - Smooth-barked Apple cleared, leading to a loss of bio-diversity and other Orders for large quantities need to be placed in Azolla pinnata - Ferny Azolla W Atriplex species - Salt Bushes I Dodonaea adenophora - Hop Bush peach * Verticordia plumosa - mauve * Brasenia schreberi - Watershield *W Banksia marginata - Silver Banksia I Dodonaea viscosa - Hop Bush I red fruits Xerochrysum bracteatum - Golden Everlasting - pink, yellow or white * problems such as salinity. By supplying plants December for the planting season. Chara sp. & Nitella sp. - Stonewort *W Carpobrotus modestus - Inland Pigface I indigenous to the local bio-region we hope to Crassula helmsii - Swamp Stonecrop W Casuarina cunninghamiana - River She Oak RELATED SERVICES Site Inspection, Damasonium minus - Starfruit W Corymbia maculata - Spotted Gum prevent further loss of bio-diversity and also help Environmental Management Plans, Seed Collection, Eleocharis acuta - Common Spike Rush *W Dodonaea viscosa - Hop Bush I address the environmental problems of today Eleocharis pusilla - Small Spike Rush *W Direct Seeding, Contract Growing and Planting, and Einadia hastata - Saloop Salt Bush I including water conservation. Eleocharis sphacelata - Tall Spike Rush *W Einadia nutans - Nodding Salt Bush I Revegetation Proposals for Environmental Effect Eriocaulon scariosum - Pale Pipewort *W Kennedia prostrata - Running Postman I BENDIGO CITY CENTRE Statements. Glossostigma elatinoides - Small Mudmat *W Melaleuca lanceolata - Moonah I Gratiola peruviana - Austral Brooklime *W Myoporum insulare - Boobialla * ALSO PLANTS AVAILABLE FOR: Isolepis marginata - Tiny Club Rush *W Myoporum montanum - Waterbush I BIO-REGIONS Lilaeopsis polyantha - Australian Lilaeopsis *W Myoporum parvifolium - Creeping Boobialla I A bio-region is an area of broadly similar indigenous • erosion control - grasses, rushes, sedges etc. Ludwigia peploides - Water Primrose *W Senna artemisioides - Desert Cassia I • farm dams - aquatic plants Myriophyllum crispatum - Water Milfoil *W flora and fauna. It is essentially the biological Myriophyllum verrucosum - Red Water Milfoil SALT TOLERANT PLANTS • salinity - salt tolerant plants Acacia dealbata - Silver Wattle I reflection of physical aspects of the area such as Neopaxia australasica - White Purslane *W climate, soils and the underlying geology. • bird, butterfly, frog attracting Nymphoides crenata - Yellow Fringe Lily *W Acacia ligulata - Small Cooba I Acacia paradoxa - Hedge Wattle I Philotheca verrucosa - Bendigo Wax flower • cut flower growing Ottelia ovalifolia - Swamp Lily *W (formerly Eriostemon) Victorian Riverina Persicaria decipiens - Slender Knotweed *W Acacia pycnantha - Golden Wattle I • Koorie food & medicinal plants Acacia retinodes - Wirilda I Phragmites australis - Common Reed W Flat, dry, deeper and better soils • (ask for our separate handout) Potamogeton ochreatus - Blunt Pondweed *W Acacia salicina - Native Willow I Acacia stenophylla - Eumong I FLORA Goldfields • waste water treatment systems Potamogeton tricarinatus - Floating Pondweed *W HILL Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani - River Club Rush *W Allocasuarina verticillata - Drooping She Oak I PRICES Hilly, locally dry and rocky Atriplex nummularia - Old Man Salt-bush Establishing plants is a long-term investment • native succulents & accent plants Triglochin procera - Water Ribbons W of which initial plant cost is a small part. Central Victorian U plands Triglochin striata - Streaked Arrowgrass W Callitris glaucophylla - Murray Pine I • modern landscaping ideas Carex appressa - Tall Sedge I (Other costs include fencing, labour, rabbit guards Elevated, wet Typha domingensis - Cumbungi W and weed control). Don't let your plants be the weak link • water wise gardening Vallisneria americana - Eel Grass *W Casuarina cunninghamiana
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