INDEX • indicates primary discussion of site or region Abydos, 74 Agriliki, Mt, 182 Acarnania, 39-40 Agronomoi, 79-80, 92 Achaeans, 39, 49 Aigaleos, Mt, 112, 116, 133, 148-150, Acrean cliff, 203 152, 184-185, 188; pseudo-towers on, Acrocup, 174 151'; tower (on peak 453 m), 146, Acropolis, of Aphidna, 141; of Athens, 148-149•, 151, 157, 158, 177, 178, 133-134, 141, 145-146, 149, 178; of 179, 196, 209 Rhamnous, 135 Akte, Athenian peltasts garrisoned at, 90 Adam, J.-P., 131 Alcibiades, 29, 73 Aegina, 38, 214 Alcmaeonids, 191 Aegospotami, 54; battle of, 37 Alexander III (of Macedon), 44, 219, 222 Aegosthena, 121, 122, 123, 156, 163, Alexander of Pherae, 57 166, 170, 187, 218, 221; fortifications Amorgus, battle of, 220 of, 168-169• Amphiarion, 183 Aeneas Tacticus, 7, 44, 197-198, 200, Anderson, J. K., 38 201; on city defense, 83-84; on deter­ Andocides, 62; on Peloponnesian War, 53- rence, 72; on frontier defense, 78; on 54 importance of defense, 69; on intra­ Andrewes, A., 96 border defense, 81-82 Andreyev, V., 21 Aeschines, 48, 62, 95, 97, 215; on evacua­ Androni, Mt, 123, 125 tions, 55-56; on highwaymen, 49; on his Ano Liossia (town), 184 ephebic service, 93; on his military Ano Souli (village), 182 service, 96; on Peloponnesian War, 53 Antigonus Gonatas, 40, 220 Aeschylus, 197 Antigonus Monophthalmus, 220 Agamemnon, 43 Antipater, 220, 222 Agathyrsi, 76 Aphidna (deme), 98, 112, 141, 223; Age classes, in Athenian army, 95-96 circuit on acropolis of, 115, 141, 213, Agesilaus, 37, 39, 40, 42, 45, 48, 49, 212 see also Kotroni; plain of, 115, 140-141, Agesipolis, 40 143; road by, 114-115•, 141, 183-184 Aghia Marina (village near Rhamnous), Aphidna Region, fortifications of, 140- 134-35 145 • Aghia Paraskevi, church of (near Aphrodite, Sanctuary of (in Daphni pass), Varnava), 137; church of (on Mt 151, 188 Zastani), 113-114, 138; fort (on Mt Apollonia, 46 Zastani), 138-139•, 140, 181, 183, Arcadians, 42, 49 196, 210 Archarnai (deme), 184-185 Aghia Triada, Monastery of (in Myrini Archarnai Road, 184-185• valley), 174 Archers, 45, 46; mounted, 92 Aghia Triada M yrini tower, 17 4-1 75 •, Archidamian War, 36, 53-54, 98 178, 217 Archidamus, 36, 38, 192 Aghios Georgios fort (in Koundoura val­ Architecture, military, as dating criterion, ley), 126, 164, 171', 173, 187, 188 130-131 Aghios Vasileos, church of (in Villia Argives, 38, 42 valley), 122, 124, 126 Aristarchus, 192 Agis (King of Sparta), 37, 38 Ariston, 217-218 Agriculture, 13, 14, 80; Athenian, 19-25, Aristophanes, 193, 195 28; Athenian: concentration of land­ Aristotle, 6, 7, 85, 88-90, 96, 97, 116, holdings, 21; Greek, 19, 34, 39; sub­ 191, 201, 225; on agriculture, 19; on sistence, 22-23 city defense, 83-84; on deterrence, 72; 234 INDEX on fortifications, 79; on frontier defence, Brasidas, 37 77-78; on highwaymen, 49; on local Bridge, 182 economy, 17; on rural guardsmen, 80 Buffer zone defense, theory of, 70, 72-75 Aristotle, Pseudo-, 5, 55; on agriculture, Bum, A. R., 114 19 Byzantium, 48, 73, 74 Armenia, 40, 78-79 Arrian, 5, 223 Arrow slits, 156, 160, 165-168 Callisthenes, Law of, 141, 200 Arrowhead, 144 Carthaginians, 48 Artillery, see Catapult Cassander, 116, 220, 224 Aspendus, 48 Catapult, 90-91, 95, 96, 131, 156, 165, Assembly, of Athens, 5, 6, 16, 87, 88, 168, 204, 205; nontorsion, 44; torsion, 96, 99, 202, 205, 210; curial, 87-88, 1, 44, 218 90, 214 Cattle, 39, 53, 195 Atameus, 46 Cavalry, 45, 46, 81, 92, 191, 194, 198, Athenian plain, 20, 112, 115-116, 133, 202, 212 182, 184, 188, 209, 145-149 Chabrias, 38, 39, 94, 211 Athenians, determination to defend Attica, Chaeronea, battle of, 29, 59, 63, 64, 74, 60-63; less willing to fight far from 219 homeland in fourth century, 64; fear in­ Chalcedonians, 48 vasion of Attica, 51, 56-60; recognize Chalcis, 139, 140, 147, 191 Attica vulnerable, 50; reject city-defense Chaldaea, 78-79, 201 strategy in fourth century, 52, 56, 63; Chandler, L., 223-226 unwilling to retreat to city in fourth Chares, 214 century, 55-56 Chases, see Shutters Atlantis, 17 Chassia (village), 116, 117, 145, 185; Attica, fertility of soil, 20; frontiers of, tower near, 150 see Frontiers, Athenian; resources of, Chersonesus, 74 15, 17, 205, 207, 215 Chorisae, city wall, 132 Autarky, 16, 17, 19 Chremonidean War, 130, 220 Cimon, 54 Baggage train, 111 , 204 Circuit on Hill 566, 164° Barley, 20, 23, 25 Circumvallation, 33, 44 Beehive pot, 134, 151, 178 City defense, theory of, 82-85 Beletsi, Mt, 114, 115, 134, 138-145; Clarke's Road, 182-183° fortifications on peak of, 134, 144-145 •, Clausewitz, Karl von, 45, 70 151, 178, 183-184, 196, 209, 221 Cleombrotus, 204, 211, 212 Beletsi-Mavrovouni pass, 115 Cleon, 16 Beloch, K. J., 223-225 Coastal pass ( across Kerata foothills by Beschi, L., 225 Bay of Eleusis), 176; road through, Black Sea, grain exporting region, 36 12s•, 11s, 119 Bletsa ridge (near Villia), 122, 187 Coastal tower (on Bay of Eleusis), 179- Boeotia, 3, 20, 46, 57-59, 73-75, 81, 98, 1800 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 128, 153, 155, Cobbling, Turkish, on roadbeds, 127 191-194, 195, 205, 206, 210, 213, 223, Codrus, 62 225; army of, 121, 204; plains of, 121, Conglomerate stone, as building material, 163; routes from into Attica from, 118- 154-155, 162, 165, 168, 216, 217 121 Conon, 209 Biilte's Road, 119 Corcyra, 38, 197 Border defense, theory of, see Frontier Corinth, 57, 209, 223; Gulf of, 122, 168, defense, theory of 169, 192, 218; Isthmus of, 76, 120, 210 Bosphorus, 27 Corinthian War, 46, 57, 62, 90, 94, 209- Bassage, 134, 137, 139, 174 210 Boudoron, 176, 180°, 193, 194, 198 Cornelius Nepos, 5 Bow, as weapon, 90-91, 205 Coronea, 64 Bowl, 144, 149, 177; Megarian, 166 Crannon, battle of, 220 .
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